Remaining in God

Open Your Bible

1 John 2:15-27, Isaiah 61:1-4, James 4:4-7

Over coffee and croissants overseas, I listened to my new European friends talk about the United States. Together, we laughed over the stereotypes of Americans, but quietly, my little heart protested. After all, the people I love most and hold dearest are among those Americans. I’m one of those Americans. The thread that tied me to my family and friends at home is strong, and despite our national foibles, the States are my home.

When I read this passage in 1 John, I immediately shrink back and mildly peep: But I love this world! It’s where all my favorites live! I’m crazy for the mess of small-town fall festivals, the sight of new dresses from fancy stores, and the secret glee that comes from winning at a game of cards. I love the world, and I miss going out and connecting with other people in it. What could John possibly mean when he says, “Do not love the world or the things in the world”? (1John 2:15).

The world, intrinsically speaking, is made to be good. God Himself declared it “very good indeed” (Genesis 1:31). So John isn’t questioning the beauty of a sunset, but rather the things of this world that pull our affections away from God. “For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride in one’s possessions—is not from the Father, but is from the world” (1John 2:16). Those three categories belong to the world, according to the inclinations of our hearts.

The lust of the flesh: Do we indulge our bodies with food, drink, touch, and comfort? Are we seeking luxury over knowing Christ?

The lust of the eyes: Do our minds crave worldly extravagance and grandeur? Do our ears strain for applause and accolades?

The pride in one’s possessions: Do our eyes rove for treasure, possessions, and delights? Do we covet the trinkets of the world?

My answer to all these questions is, “Yes, a thousand times, Yes!” Gimme those tacos, massage my feet, get me a robot butler, and bring down the house with your applause. We’re all enticed by the comforts of this world. But John is teaching us that all these delights belong to the world, and the world is passing away (v.17). We shouldn’t tie ourselves to a ship that’s sinking.

Instead, we should tie ourselves to our anchor, Jesus Christ, who is pulling us heavenward. We should “remain in Him,” and keep His ways (1John 2:27). We should reserve our deepest affections for God, rather than throw them away on ice cream cones and iPhones. Before social distancing, the world seemed so readily available. Easter Sunday would come, and it was easy to distract ourselves with singing over a new dress, rather than genuinely praising the risen Christ.

But the love of the Lord is infinite and lasts forever. The Spirit’s peace never fails us. And while this world and its trappings are passing away, our hope in Christ’s promises is secure. He is our rock, quieting our hearts in the midst of whatever chaos the world throws at us. He is our real treasure, and our very great reward.

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92 thoughts on "Remaining in God"

  1. Jean Hevel says:

    God knows what we need even before we ask. He supplies all of those needs through Christ.
    As I mature in my relationship with the Trinity, I don’t want more and more! I’m blessed with whatever I have and how I can bless others. In prayer, the Holy Spirit said to me, ” See a need and fill it.”
    That’s FUN!

  2. Sarah Paiga says:

    He is our rock, He is our treasure!

  3. Michele Tully says:

    Thank you for being so real in this writing. Yes, I too, desire the things of this world and I also know that I shouldn’t. That alone starts to tell me that my focus is wrong. Help me to refocus on you Jesus.

  4. Heidi V says:

    It’s so interesting doing this study now and reflecting on the beginning of the pandemic when it was originally done. We had no idea this would last so long and that 18 months later we would still be in it. Thanks be to God that the Bible is the living, breathing “book” that it is and that it meets us where we are every day and in every season.

  5. Tracy Scott says:

    Instead tie ourselves to Jesus & he will pull us heavenward!

  6. Miriam says:

    I think it’s important to note that when the Bible is talking about ‘loving the world being enmity with God’ and ‘don’t love the world’, that it is talking about deeper issues than just food or clothes or applause. Yes, our desires should not be in those things but in God and the things of God. And yes, I completely agree that those things will not satisfy and will pass away. But I also think it’s important to note that the “world” is the system of the world so it may not necessarily be speaking of God’s creation of the earth but the actual sinful system of this world and all that it has to offer. So we, as Christians, can’t say we follow Christ but then agree with the world especially with moral issues or things that obviously go against the Bible just because it’s the popular opinion. We must abide in God, abide in His truth and His word and be careful that we are not allowing ourselves to become comfortable with the way that the world thinks or acts or offers. We can’t follow God and hold hands with the world. I appreciate this devotional but do think it could have touched on deeper spiritual issues. Especially in this day and age, when there are so many stating they are Christians but are completely going against what God says and stands for and instead are agreeing with the world on many different issues. We must stand with God and the things of God and stop trying to please both God and the world…it’s simply not possible.

  7. Brenda Prince says:

    A wonderful reminder as to what is truly important.

  8. Chelsea Clifton says:

    Wow. It’s crazy how easily I get distracted with things of the world. And how I can so easily get caught up and forget who we are called to remain in. I loved the explains they used and what it means to have lust or the flesh lust of the eyes and pride in ones possession. I 100% fall into all of those. Thankful for a God who sends gentle reminders of the bigger picture.

  9. melonee says:

    Lord help me to see this world as the sinking ship that I DO NOT want to be chained to. Help me to have a “God perspective” every day.

  10. Alyssa Myers says:

    So interesting how the luxuries and distractions of this world have indeed passed away under covid…and look who is still here for us! He is our solid rock and is the same yesterday, today and forever!!!

  11. Dana Whiteley says:

    Exactly what I needed to read today.

  12. Jeanne K says:

    Thank you Lord for making it easier to stop loving the things of the world! Living in this time of the pandemic many of our idols have been toppled. Many of the things we allowed to distract us are at least temporarily gone. And God, I praise you for that! I mourn the loss of lives and don’t mean to minimize the hardships many are going through, however I see hearts turning to you. I see parents playing outdoors with their children. I see, really see, and appreciate the beauty of your world as never before. I’m sorrowful it has taken such drastic measures to bring me to a point of loving You more than all the stuff with which you have blessed me.

  13. Tara Beatty says:

    Rebuild, renew and restore that which is broken in me, Lord. Amen. Is. 61:4

  14. Patricia B says:

    I have learned that my deepest affections should be saved for God. Boy did I see a difference in my life! Thank God that He leads us in our lives!

  15. Amanda Mayberry says:

    Praying for time to ask the Lord to examine my heart and what my current habits, time, resources reveal what my treasure is. Great questions to ask ourselves frequently.

  16. Alisha Attella-Sevier says:

    4Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins,
    They will raise up the former devastations;
    And they will repair the ruined cities,
    The desolations of many generations.

    I love this so much—in this quiet time, maybe we are repairing our own personal ruined cities?

    1. Lily Alvarez says:

      Wow Alisha it is a beautiful insight. Jesus restores us. The gospel is truly good news

  17. Elizabeth Edwards says:

    Our enforced time-out really does give us time to look inward; so many of us have been living our lives going non-stop that this time is an interlude to look forward. How do I want to live the future years of my life? I wonder how many will think twice about returning to chaos… I know that I want to use my life in a more meaningful way than I have in the past; I think John would think it a good thing that we have the time to think a bit about our lives and what our futures should look like (not that this pandemic is a good thing by any measure; but we all know that God causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him, and who are called according to His purpose–He can make good from anything that happens).

  18. Ashley HasbrouckYork says:

    Let us save our deepest affections for God.

  19. Staci Scroggin says:

    I have definitely given the world my affections from possessions to wanting praise. These passages are so true that Jesus is our ultimate prize and deserves our deepest affection and devotion. Jesus, help me to not focus on the world but to fix my eyes on you today.

  20. Stacey Cothren says:

    It’s funny how you notice the things of this world so much now. I long to go to a dark movie theater or sit in a restaurant. I’m even grumbling against the weather because it’s not allowing me to pursue my outdoor interests. When I can’t get outside I have to go inward. When i can’t escape my life I have to face it. When I face it I can choose to recognize my idols and pray or I can choose to harden myself and succumb to boredom through more self-numbing with tv, media, etc. I love that this time and this study have prompted me to really look at my priorities and examine my heart.

  21. Jeanette Yocum says:

    I love that Johns letters are so poetic and flow so beautifully.

  22. Shannon Colonna says:

    I too use to think these passages were about disliking earth and loving God and “heaven”. It made me avoid reading them because I do love the green tree lined roads of Washington and the warm sun drenched beaches of California. I never want them to pass away. So thankful I have learned that these passages are not about loosing what is “Good” (as God says of creation in Genius) but of about following the first born of the new creation of humans.
    God created humans for earth and from earth. It’s in our DNA to be attached to it. LOL
    I can now read these passages with the right focus and let them keep my focus right.

  23. Elena Marine says:

    Thank you for this study!! I always think of John as “Lovey” because he seems to understand love so very profoundly. I think this boils down to remaining, dwelling, abiding in His love!

  24. Martina Ahlbrandt says:

    I’m loving this study so far. I really struggled with the length and heaviness of the Jeremiah study but this one is very well curated.

    1. Elizabeth Holcomb says:

      I totally agree. My boyfriend and I both bought the Jeremiah study and we got halfway through it and just couldn’t finish it. Way too long and heavy for the times we were in. Happy with this study for sure.

  25. Jenny Kee says:

    I’ve been struggling with this very thing for the last few years. I get tossed back and forth and have to reel myself in. Once again, pulled in. Thank you, God for, again, reminding me of Your love for me.

  26. Jasmine Clark says:

    I needed this!!

  27. Courtney says:

    “We shouldn’t tie ourselves to a ship that’s sinking. Instead, we should tie ourselves to our anchor, Jesus Christ, who is pulling us heavenward. We should “remain in Him,” and keep His ways (1John 2:27).”
    This!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  28. Michelle Graham says:

    Enjoying this series so much, so far! Thank you!!

  29. Molly Lowitzer says:

    I’ve definitely been blessed by this time at home to focus on being in the word without so many distractions that come with day to day life.

    1. Sarah Diaz says:

      I agree ❤️

  30. Camille English Davis says:

    Such a great post, Rebecca! Thanks for being real and pointing our hearts to Him. He gives greater grace…

  31. Cherrelle Sanders says:

    Such a great reminder ♥️

  32. Stephanie Miller says:

    This is speaking right to me!

  33. Megan Miller says:


  34. Megan Saller says:

    Such a great reminder. I can easily get swept up in loving the world and the things in this world. This time has been a gift to rest and abide in God and His love for us. And even when I do start to love things of this world, God gives more grace.

  35. Caroline says:

    So blessed by this honest reflection.

  36. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Such an amazing reminder about what is truly important, especially during this time. I know that God has been my peace and my joy during these crazy times. I pray that once things go back to normal, I can remember what is truly important.

    1. Jae Marie says:

      Same here!

  37. Jenny Lucas says:

    This was an amazing reminder about what truly matters during all of this social distancing. I definitely have been so happy to see how many people are posting about watching virtual Church, everyone seems to be falling towards Christ. Such an amazing reminder to read and help me put my priorities in check.

  38. AnneMarie Lovering says:

    Thank you for the wonderful reminder. I’m finding that I am having a hard time letting go of the some of the good things of this world during social distancing. I miss worshiping with my church family, going on dinner dates with my husband, and hugging my parents, but it has revealed to me that I so often love these things more than I love Jesus. This is a chance to realign my heart’s desires to put Him first.

  39. Jenna says:

    Lord, fix our eyes on Jesus, the only one who perfectly does the will of the Father and who remains forever. Stamp eternity on our hearts and minds. Give us eyes to see your new creation dawning.

    1. Traci Gendron says:


  40. PamC says:

    Rebecca, thank you. This touched my heart deeply.

  41. Lynn Painter says:

    He is our rock!! The peace in whatever chaos surrounds us.. so very true and tangible in the place we call home. I love you Jesus!!! Thank you for remaining in me, for rebuilding me, restoring me and renewing me

  42. Courtney says:

    Thank you and may God continue to bless you, Dorothy, and all HCPs, first responders, grocery store workers, mail carriers, trash collectors, childcare and eldercare workers, etc. on the frontlines of this pandemic. You are true treasures and blessings to us all.

  43. Erricka Hager says:

    Amen. This was a great reminder to hold steadfast to the truth that God’s love for us has been consistent from the beginning.

  44. Renna Peer says:

    It is comforting to hear others admit their ‘love’ of the world. I find myself having to step back and remember it will all be destroyed in the end. I love my Savior, my Father, my Holy Spirit! That is forever! Thank you!

    1. Katie Littlepage says:

      I agree! So many times in the church I have heard that we are supposed to deny the world so thinking of all the things I loved about it made me feel incredibly guilty. Thank you SRT for being real and at the same time pointing us to Jesus.

  45. Avis DeniseGraves says:


  46. DOROTHY says:

    “He is our rock, quieting our hearts in the midst of whatever chaos the world throws at us.” This sentence hit home and is what I needed to read and hear right now. I wrote it down and will be rereading it over the next few days, weeks and months as I struggle through packing up my niece belongings, cleaning out my old car (which was totaled), searching for a new car and a new place to live. And then there’s the pandemic and concern as a nurse, and being over 60. But I have learned to put everything in God and Christ’s hands. I try not to worry, key word try, and turn it all over to God.
    Father life here on earth is stressful but I know You have a plan for me and for my SRT sisters, help us not worry about what is to come. Help to “Let go and let God” take care of it. Amen

  47. NanaK says:

    “HE is our real treasure, our very great reward. “. Thank you Rebecca for the reminder. Lord, please forgive me when I loose sight of this truth. I pray that my focus will be on YOU and not the world or the things in it, today, tomorrow and until YOU return. Amen.

  48. Diana Fleenor says:

    Warnings and promises are evident throughout today’s readings. It is good and necessary for us to not only heed the warnings against worldliness and being deceived by the antichrist, but also to be discerning about those “went out from us, but they were not of us.” Each time I read of those who used to believe in the orthodox gospel and now embrace “another gospel,” my heart grieves. Yet, I have hope as I read of those who have been rescued from the deception of many kinds (e.g. New Age, New Thought, cults, etc.). It is a joy to hear these testimonies and mine is one of them! I love how Rebecca addresses our temptations toward worldliness as a very real battle. My prayers are for all of us to be humble before to Lord and run to him in our struggle, knowing the devil must flee from us because Christ is victorious. Some days I feel the fierceness in this battle and begin to doubt, so I am grateful for this prayers of others as well. Blessings to each of you today!

  49. Kristina says:

    I need this reminder. Quarantine time has been hard. God is forcing me to give up control of the worldly things that I cling to so tightly. Money and my career- I got laid off…..this picture of a magical lavish wedding- had to postpone our wedding…. fitness and my need to be in control of what my body looks like- takes away the gym and the routines I was putting before god…
    God is showing me I don’t need any of those things to make me happy. All those things come and go. He is the constant. He is my center. I feel like he is showing me how to start over and realign my priorities.

    1. Camden M. Pigg says:

      I am so sorry about postponing your wedding. I was laid off too. :( it is a hard time. God is teaching me he is our only stability and security. I can’t put my security in my career.

  50. Amy Quam says:

    I love the Message translation of 1 John 15-17 – really cuts right down to it:

    15-17Don’t love the world’s ways. Don’t love the world’s goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world — wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important — has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out — but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.

  51. Doris says:

    Setting my affections on things above and not things on this earth, Colossians 3:1,2
    How can I do this. I’m risen with Christ. Thanking God for resurrection!
    Have a blessed day ladies!

  52. Debra Rathjen says:

    It was a great reminder that God is still with us even in this strange time. I am thankful that my hope is in Him not in my earthly things!

  53. Gabi Brasher says:

    What an incredible message!!! I have never heard it this way- with raw honesty, YES I am drawn to and love the people and things of this world. When I get caught up thinking this way, a powerful message from my colleges ministry comes to mind, “Direct your gaze beyond the sun”. It makes me remember to not put my hopes and affections into the things of this world but rather into my creator.

    Love SRT!!!

  54. GramsieSue says:

    It’s quite interesting how this time of quarantine has shown so many of us what is important in our lives. And it is certainly not the things. I have been surrounded by the things and still felt lonely, sad, and discouraged. Although the technology has allowed me to stay connected to the people I love. And they are most definitely very important to me.
    But God has truly been my constant. Without Him I would have floundered and given in to the dark depression that threatened to overwhelm me more than once. He has been my Rock, my Anchor, my Stronghold. He has never left my side. And His Word has been the encouragement and support throughout this time.
    I have absolutely determined that He is the Most Important in my life.
    Thankful for this family of sisters as well because many of your comments have been what God used to help me.
    Blessings to all of you. ❤️

  55. K D says:

    Less of the world and more of you God. Please.

  56. Rebekah Mayer says:

    Today’s devotional reminded me that when I’m delighted with something—my cozy apartment, chocolate cake just because, a favorite record—that I focus my delight in GOD who provided these things for me, who delights in my joy. I am so, so loved: I need to remember Where is all coming from. ❤️

  57. Natalie Coon says:

    Exactly the message I needed to hear this morning. Praying that we all cling to God a little more, and loosen our grip on worldly desires. Happy Wednesday, shes!

  58. Merideth Karner says:

    It’s so hard to have control over our human lusts. I know I may not want applause but I appreciate when someone tells me I did a good job at work or they tell me they like me as a person because of something they see in me. It’s not wrong, but it’s so hard to realize that my identity doesn’t come from what the world thinks. My identity comes from Christ. Again, too as someone who loves books…I am a book shopaholic! I love having stories to read, yet I have never read my Bible completely. I can’t take my worldly posessions with me. So this really helps as a good reminder of focusing on Christ and giving him back the control. It’s so hard, but its something we as Christian’s need to do daily.

    1. Kathleen Smith says:

      Hello, fellow book lover! I have always loved reading and being immersed in a story. I recommend reading the Bible chronologically. You can get a special copy that has the books all in order, or find a plan online for free. It really helped me understand the story of mankind’s salvation and God’s plan for His people. Hope this helps get into His Word! God’s story is the best one!

    2. Sara Horn says:

      I know exactly what you mean when you say you love to read books but yet have never read the whole Bible – I was that way too. Try reading a chronological Bible. That helped me to read the Bible and read it all!

  59. Mattie White says:

    I have always been a materialistic girl. I love things. I love getting new things. I love making myself feel pretty and I know it’s one of my greatest sort comings. I needed this reminder and I could probably use it everyday honestly. I feel deep in my soul that I know Jesus comes before all these things, it’s not that I love my closet more than Christ. I do love my closet though. I have to keep these things in check and talk to God about this often. I am thankful for his help and his grace with this. As I spend more and more time with him, I notice my eyes are more fixed on him and my faith is strengthened everyday. Pray for me sisters. I’m still learning and he’s still teaching me and showing me what we need to work on.

  60. CeeGee says:

    Thanks for sharing that Angie! Good stuff!

  61. Angela Greenwood says:

    So thankful today for God’s peace. Peace, grace, and mercy during so much uncertainty. Sheltering at home has really opened my eyes and heart to things I’ve overlooked and and ignored for far too long. I’m so thankful today and humbled by His word this morning.

  62. Janice Schatzinger says:

    I seriously feel I have been working through the 5 stages of grief through this period of isolation. I limit media coverage because there are so much contradicting information. That angers me and the cycle continues. BUT GOD! He is my comfort and strength, never changing always my ROCK of truth. Daily Confession to HIM of my anger and thoughts that are of my flesh. I do not want this to end and I forget the lessons HE has taught me…

  63. Darilyn BrowningHamilton says:

    I needed this! Beautiful message.

  64. Ashley Platé says:

    This strange time of quarantine has turned out to be a blessing in disguise because, for me at least, it has helped trim away the idols of this world that had for too long captured my heart. Instead, I am able to see what truly matters – my relationships, my mission field (I am a teacher) – and it has made me so much more thankful for what I have, rather than lusting for more and better things. This time of quiet helped me let go of the world and return to the One treasure that truly has value: Jesus Christ.

    1. Samantha Rogers says:


    2. Dyan Yoder says:

      Amen. ❤️

    3. Jennifer Martin says:


  65. Sarah Menckowski says:

    We shouldn’t tie ourselves to a sinking ship. Instead, we should tie ourselves to our anchor, Jesus Christ! Loved this and such a good way to put it! ❤️

  66. Angie says:

    In He Reads Truth today, Nick Batzig, talks about how the 3 things John specifies are from the world; lust of flesh, eyes, and pride. These are the same 3 temptations Eve dealt with in the garden, and the same 3 that were thrown at Jesus in the wilderness.
    The overall umbrellas of flesh, eyes, and pride can look very different in how it reigns down on each of us (yes, I spelled reign like I meant it). Instead of allowing any of those “umbrellas” to block my vision of the Father, (who just happens to control the clouds, rain, and even the sunshine…) I pray, my Lord, to be covered in your armor; worn like rain gear. covering me head to toe. I may feel the pressure of the pounding as the rains come, but I remain safely ensconced in the armor of my Lord. Yielding my shield against the winds, using the sword of your Word to slice away debris, and maybe occasionally…splashing my rain boots of peace around in the puddles and mud, praising my God (hopefully not occasionally, regularly). For He is my refuge, my fortress, my God, and He reigns!
    On this April morning ladies they are predicting possible snow in my area…perhaps my analogy to God’s armor would have been better “suited” to my snow gear. I sure love the Lord and am so thankful for Him.

    1. Margaret Lindsey says:

      Thank you for sharing – love the imagery!

    2. Traci Gendron says:

      Thank you Angie. This was so beautifully said. I’m in Colorado and the snow is beautiful today. Lends a quiet hush to this crazy world.

  67. Churchmouse says:

    I wonder how often, over my many years, I have said “It doesn’t get any better than this!“ That phrase was always tethered to a moment in time I wanted to freeze – walking down the aisle to marry the man God had chosen for me, the birth of both of our daughters, the look on both of our sons-in-law’s eyes when they saw our daughters walking down the aisle towards them, the births of our granddaughters–those are the monumental ones. But there have been other moments of wonder coupled with gratitude for what God has given me in this life. Smaller moments. Sweet tender moments. Moments of sudden surprise. Yet every time I have uttered that phrase “It doesn’t get any better than this!” I know I am wrong. Heaven waits and it will be better than anything I have experienced and so much more than anything I can imagine. Even in this time of quarantine there are moments of deep joy and yet there is far better ahead. What hope we believers have! This world, as wonderful as it can be, is but a glimpse of the glory that awaits. Truly and finally, nothing will be better than that.

    1. Rea Queen says:


    2. Jennifer Martin says:


    3. Melissa Graves says:

      Amen and amen.

    4. Jane K says:


    5. Dana Clements says:


  68. Blessed Beth says:

    OH Tina I so agree with you, I have settled into my simple world, writing more encouraging letters, talking to more of my church family. My husband and I have been working in the yard together, something we have never done before. I talk to my children almost daily, our grandsons FaceTime us.
    I miss the human touch of my family, but my relationship with God is constant. I listen and talk with Him day and night and I am at peace.
    Thank you God for bringing me so close to you during this period.

  69. Tina says:

    Amen, Rebecca Faires. Amen.

    I have never been keen on these modern technology things, it took me 5 years from when phones became the thing, to me me getting one…i realised I maybe needed one, when my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, and I had no way of communicating with my family..

    I am Thanking God, right now, for mobile phones etc, because they are a lifeline in this season.. I can still see and speak my family, at good social distancing,lol, and know they are well.. I can have meetings from the cosy of my sofa, without having to sit on those hard boardroom chairs. One of my faves is church on line.. how good is that!!!


    My thing is, in this season we find ourselves, ITS ALL ABOUT ESSENTIALS. You can not go to the store and mooch around or browse. Lockdown has meant that unless your life depended on it, you cant get it..(I know the internet is still available, but I think even that is at a low percentage).
    In a world where everything was on tap, order by 12pm, recieve by 5pm, same day, suddenly, the availability is almost none existent..
    We are having to think beyond what ‘I’ need/want, and think about the neighbour, whom we’ve never met, but have lived next door to for 6 years!
    We are following instructions, and living a ‘new’ way, in a new normal, yes for now, but I pray, my prayer is, that when this is over, that this new normal stays, that hearts are moved enough to believe in the next man, that hope will have risen in most, if not all who are able, to keep ‘love one another’ alive, and moving forward, towards the One who uttered those words..
    The ‘trinkets’of this world right now, have no power, or claim, or buyers, they have been muted.. and actually what remains in this season is HOPE.., because we are no longer looking to self, but out for others and to God, the Provider.., the Healer, the Comforter, the One that remains, when all else is failing, the One from whom all blessing flow..


    Probably rambled on, forgive me.

    Happy Wednesday my dears.. He is the same yesterday, today, and will be tomorrow.. He remains, let’s abide in Him.. with much love x❤

    1. Claudia Johnson says:

      Well said, Tina ❤️

    2. Jennifer Martin says:
