Rehoboam Abandons God’s Law

Open Your Bible

2 Chronicles 10:1-19, 2 Chronicles 11:1-23, 2 Chronicles 12:1-16, Proverbs 10:17

We love a good rags-to-riches story, don’t we? Maybe it’s the American dream ingrained in our social imagination. Or perhaps it’s just natural for us to aspire to greater influence. Power isn’t an inherent evil, after all. But when power isn’t continually surrendered to the One with ultimate power, what results is something like the reign of Rehoboam. 

Rehoboam, son of Solomon, could hardly say he had ever experienced a life of “rags” before his “riches.” His father was one of the wealthiest and most influential kings in history! But Rehoboam did experience a shift in his access to power when he became king over all of Israel, then king over the southern kingdom of Judah. But, unfortunately, “When Rehoboam had established his sovereignty and royal power, he abandoned the law of the LORD—he and all Israel with him” (2Chronicles 12:1).

When Solomon took the throne, he was granted wisdom because he humbly sought and asked God for it. But when Rehoboam took the throne, he immediately fell short of his father’s legendary governing wisdom—leading to the split of the kingdom of Israel. Though he did manage to fortify cities in Judah, Rehoboam lost sight of the foremost factor in faithful leadership: consistent worship of the One, true God. 

The Chronicler describes Rehoboam’s departure from the law of God as unfaithfulness to the Lord. He and the people of Judah had betrayed their covenant relationship with God, who had been faithful to them for centuries. So in order to remind His people that His leadership is far better than the ways of the world, God allowed King Shishak of Egypt to battle and oppress Judah, leading to the loss of cities and much of the royal and temple treasures. 

In the face of such great turmoil, “the leaders of Israel and the king humbled themselves and said, ‘The LORD is righteous’” (v.6). Mercifully, God’s discipline didn’t equal their destruction. And, praise the Lord, it doesn’t equal ours. 

No matter who you are, there is someone who looks up to you or depends on you. That is power. But we so easily forget that our access to power, sphere of influence, and lives are meant to be surrendered to God day by day. Our tongues speak ill of others, our eyes linger on pornographic images or words, and our feet rush into decisions without sincere prayer. We find ourselves wondering, “How in the world did I let myself do that? And, how in the world will God accept me back?” 

Rehoboam reminds us that repentance is the doorway to deliverance. We can confess to God how we’ve turned away from His Word. We can experience His cleansing kindness. We can remember how Jesus, the greater Son of David, laid down His power for our sake. 

We can trust that, even now, He rules in righteousness, helping us wisely wield power by yielding it to Him first.

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42 thoughts on "Rehoboam Abandons God’s Law"

  1. Molly R says:

    Rehoboam…not someone you would naturally assume as a role model, but, as one commentary I read put it, his life offered a pattern for the returning exiles: faltering in faith is a natural bent of all of us, BUT, it is in the humble repentance that we find true deliverance, even when we don’t experience physical deliverance.

    He also offers a pattern OF me, too. Daily do I falter in my faith, turn from wise counsel (even the Holy Spirit), experience the consequences, and ultimately realize that being yoked to Him and His presence is true freedom, and yoking myself to anything less than that is being a slave to sin.

    Thankful for time this morning to linger in the WORD and glean wisdom from it. Other days this week have been a rush to get into our homeschool day and I have missed the gleaning that time allows.
    God, your mercy and grace are overwhelming, even when you just give a little. It is always more than I deserve, and I pray that you would help me walk in humility and a seeking heart after You!

  2. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Thank you @Kelly(NEO) and others who continue to pray for Jack and I. I don’t think I have updated recently. Jack has three enlarged lymph nodes which his oncologist feels are a recurrence of his lymphoma. He will have a PET scan on March 24th to verify this and see if it is anywhere else. The lymphoma along with his dementia diagnosis and his illeostomy make for a lot of caregiving. He has a sitter with him while I am at work but I am there all nights and weekends. I miss so much being at church in person but that just isn’t feasible right now. Please continue to pray God’s mercy and peace for Jack and strength (physical, mental, and emotional) for me as I take care of him while still working a full-time position.

    I love you all and pray for your requests every day.

  3. Mari V says:

    ……helping us wisely wield power by yielding to HIM first. The perfect words for me this morning. Last night, and the last couple of nights I have been going to bed earlier. Two days ago I even went to bed as early as 8 AM which is very unusual for me. I need and needed rest. Today is my court date to renew the restraining order. I was already in bed by 9 PM when my son walks in and asked if you could pray for me. That’s all I can say right now.

  4. Traci Gendron says:

    No matter who you are, there is someone who looks up to you or depends on you. That is power. But we so easily forget that our access to power, sphere of influence, and lives are meant to be surrendered to God day by day. Our tongues speak ill of others, our eyes linger on pornographic images or words, and our feet rush into decisions without sincere prayer. We find ourselves wondering, “How in the world did I let myself do that? And, how in the world will God accept me back?” *Isn’t this all too true?! I’m not really thinking about how my behavior influences others. About the decisions I make.

    Rehoboam lost sight of the foremost factor in faithful leadership – consistent worship of the One, true God. *Do I faithfully and consistently worship God? We are so blessed that we can confess at any given time. That He will forgive us and let us start new every single day.

  5. Allison Bentley says:

    4 ‘This is what the Lord says: Do not go up to fight against your fellow Israelites. Go home, every one of you, for this is my doing.’ ” So they obeyed the words of the Lord and turned back from marching against Jeroboam. – 2 Chronicles 11:4 AMEN!!! They listened and were able to go home! How many times a day does the Holy Spirit speak to me and I do not listen nor do I receive the blessing should I had just listened. I donno this verse just made be proud for these men!!!

  6. Dorothy says:

    Lord God help me to be more Christ like than Rehobaom like when it comes to worshiping You. You are the One and Only True God. Thank You for sending Your Son to die for my sins. Thank You for the in dwelling Holy Spirit, Who is here to keep me on the straight and narrow. In Christ name, Amen.

  7. Michelle Patire says:

    I feel a lot better today. @Mercy your prayer two days ago was on point. I spoke to my believer friend Nora on the phone and shared how I was feeling and all that happened. The Lord is so good. As she spoke, I could feel the Lord breathing life and encouragement to me. I felt reassured of my path and felt the Lord saying “I see you. Thank you for being obedient. It matters to Me.”
    It blessed me so much. She is one of the most empathetic women of God I know. I’m so thankful for God blessing me through her and giving me the strength to pursue the rest of this journey here in the Poconos. Thanks again for the prayers for strength and wisdom. Surely heard :)

    May God bless all you Shes today with peace, grace, hope, and most of all, love. Let our works be done in love so that seeds may be sown and fruit bore. May God lead us day by day by day. Thinking of you all and your prayers requests, too- @Ash H, Ally H, Sarah D, Rhonda J, to mention a few & everyone else.. <3

    Praise God @Gramsiesue the scan was clear!!!!

  8. Erica Chiarelli says:

    I pray as if teach my children, that I yield all power to Him and trust Him to help me lead them in godliness & how He wants me to. To shepherd them with love & grace. I don’t want to be a taskmaster!