Rebuilding Resumed

Open Your Bible

Ezra 4:24, Ezra 5:1-17, Haggai 1:12-15, Haggai 2:1-9, Ephesians 2:19-21

If you do any creative practice, from cooking meals to writing songs, you can count on running into obstacles along the way. Sometimes it’s the disappointment that sets in when your work doesn’t match up with your vision. Sometimes it’s outside obstacles, like shifting priorities or procrastination, or plain old critical voices from the inside and outside.

Now imagine for a moment you’re literally creating a place to help your community worship God. Oh, and you’re remaking something that was destroyed long ago. And some folks in your community are devastated with grief because it doesn’t live up to their memories. What kind of courage would it take to keep going?

That’s where we pick up in today’s reading. The returned exiles laid the foundation for their new temple, but years later, the work has come to a standstill. But then, with encouragement and help from the prophets, they’re back to work. In the book of Haggai, it’s said that “The LORD roused the spirit” of Zerubabbel, Joshua, and the remnant of people back into action. (Haggai 1:14). To the discouraged people who felt like this temple was a shadow of its former self, Haggai offers acknowledgment and encouragement from God:

“Who is left among you who saw this house in its former glory? How does it look to you now? Doesn’t it seem to you like nothing by comparison? Even so, be strong….Work! For I am with you.” 
—Haggai 2:3–4

With this renewed courage, the exiles could reclaim their hope and keep going. When the local governor and his colleagues came asking what they were up to, they had the confidence to give an honest account of their journey and a clear picture of their identity: “We are the servants of the God of the heavens and earth, and we are rebuilding…” (Ezra 5:11). 

This new temple was a modest one. They were committed to making a fitting new house of worship, and they built it on the hope that someday it could be more glorious than before. But even this could not last. Centuries later, yet another empire would rise and destroy their work. Once again, the people would be scattered and mourning.

But God can never be exiled nor contained in a structure made by human hands. God’s plan all along was to create a glorious new home through His people, “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone” (Ephesians 2:20). Whether our creations are beautiful or disappointing, God can always make them into something more.

Haggai was right: “The final glory of this house will be greater than the first…” (Haggai 2:9). Even now, God is still building with us, making all things new.

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50 thoughts on "Rebuilding Resumed"

  1. Dawn Cansler says:

    Thank you Lord for the reminder of being in work for your glory and honor

  2. Leslie Casstevens says:

    Praise to our Father that he remains faithful to us even when we become discouraged with the situations with this world.

  3. Cymbria Dumas says:


  4. Melissa Mcronney says:


  5. Jennifer Lumley says:

    Such a great study this has been so far and so many reminder of God and his redemptive love shown all through His Word.

  6. Audrey Gray says:

    Amen Jenna.

  7. Claire B says:


  8. Jenna Wall says:

    WE are Gods temple. Being rebuilt everyday with Jesus as the cornerstone. Sometimes I feel like I’m at a standstill but how reassuring to be reminded that God is always working on us.

  9. Victoria E says:

    Thank you Kimberly Z!

  10. Victoria E says:

    Rachel Lynn, praying for you and your journey that God will provide

  11. Kimberly Z says:

    @VICTORIA E – praying for you ❤️

  12. Changed Life says:

    Dear sisters in Christ…the pastor at our church, found out about two months ago, that he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He has surgery scheduled when the doctors realized the cancer has spread. After one session of intense chemo he became very ill. The latest update is that he will no longer pursue chemo and has been told he has two to five months to live. His family and our church family are devastated. Would you please pray for us? I am so blessed by this community. Thank you.

  13. Kimberly Z says:

    @RACHEL LYNN – praying for you during this transition period! I envy you and your strength to change careers. I know I would flourish if I did the same but the unknown is scary! God will not let you fail rest assured he is with you.

  14. Kimberly Z says:

    @MERCY – praying for you and your work environment struggles. Rest assured you are not alone in that struggle of work place hiccups. I feel that too in my work.

  15. Jennifer Anapol says:

    @Rachel Lynn, praying that God would provide for you and give you his peace in this journey. ❤️

  16. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that we are now God’s temple. We are being rebuilt just as the second temple was being rebuilt. I pray that I would partner with God is this rebuilding of who I should be. Sometimes I don’t feel God’s spirit working in me, but I know that he is. On this side of eternity I will never be perfect, but I can make progress towards becoming more like Jesus . I pray that I would become the woman you have called me to be.

  17. Rachel Lynn says:

    Hello lovely ladies!
    I am in a career change journey away from classroom teaching. Burnout is real and horrible. I habe decided to move to supply work with the hope of.eventually working as a museum educator. It is terrifying as we have a mortgage and I feel called to this path, but I have had great doubts as to what I walked away from was His plan and I’m going to fail outside of this. I felt called through prayer to make this decision, but I would appreciate prayer for the journey

  18. Mercy says:

    Fri-Yay :)
    Can I just say I am so thankful for all of you, and SRT for enriching my faith walk, for filling me with hope and encouragement every day.

    “The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former. And sin this place I will give peace” (Haggai 2:9). Here I was, yesterday, having a sulking moment when things went wrong, questioning if I was capable to do the roles God entrusted me with, thinking my glory (the reflection of God’s glory through me) has gone. And today I saw this. Here I am, the broken temple, half finished, but the Lord declares, the latter glory will be greater. Tears. Thank you for having mercy on me Lord. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices: my flesh also shall rest in hope (Psalm 16:9).


    @MICHELLE PATIRE: what a lovely place to read your devo. Prayers for your open mic session later and future music recording opportunities. So very proud of you.
    @KRIS: for encouragement and strength in your “temple” rebuilding process. I love to join you. Purging subconscious judgments and plain wrong thinking… that’s a REALLY good one.
    @BLISS: “When we find that our motivation to grow in His image has dwindled as a result of searching the archives for our sin, we must instead search the Scriptures for God’s salvation”- gold nugget! Thank you.
    @ANNELYN P: for deliverance from depression or any self harm acts of your DIL. So sorry. Prayers for your son and 2 teens, grace for the whole family to be healed/whole. Spirit of a sound mind to be imparted, and every single evil yoke of bondage be broken in Jesus’ Name. God to preserve all precious lives for His holy purpose.
    @LINDA IN NC: grace for good weather condition for moving and for your husband’s mind/calmness, muscle help for you.
    @SEARCHING: thank you for sharing. I have the same experience of those approaching me, after mundane small talk (amen), to spread gossip and to engage me in gossip to divide, cause resentment, comparison, etc. Slithery! We truly must guard our hearts with all diligence.
    @KRISTINE LOUGHMAN: inspectors with their clipboards and worried expressions (LOL). You’re so good. Your students are so blessed to have you!!
    @BLESSED BETH: joining you in prayers, that the Spirit of suicide will NOT take any life of anyone- may the blood of the Lord Jesus cover all who are in our town, city, nation to guard and preserve all. We lift up prayers that all lives are preserved by His power and mercy, that none shall perish but come to the Kingdom of Light. We come into agreement and pray against any tragedies of suicide. We pray for peace, and relief in Jesus’ Mighty Name.

    Ladies, I am asking for your prayers for my work. There have been little issues that happened, almost every day, and besides, I sensed some rivalry and competition among my teammates that caused me to lose sleep. Would you please pray for me that my work environment, human aspect and technology aspect of things to work smoothly, so I will have peace and better focus? Instead of troubleshooting all the time. Thank you so much in advance for your prayers. Thinking of you VICTORIA E who is in the same boat (didn’t see your post but joining others in prayers for your work issues to get resolved).

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  19. Michelle Patire says:

    Happy Friday, Shes!
    Today, I did my study in a coffee shop since it is my Sabbath. A nice change of pace to have fresh espresso ;) (one day, Lord willing, I will have a small espresso machine in my own home when the Lord calls me elsewhere…)

    I think it is good to read the entirety of Haggai 1 & 2 to get a fuller picture of what the Lord’s heart was in rebuilding the temple. It was really helpful for me, at least. The Lord wasn’t prospering them because they weren’t honoring Him by working on the temple and having it as a place of sacrifice.

    Purposes of the temple:
    1. To commune with God
    2. A place of formal meeting with God
    3. A place of sacrifice and remembrance of sin & God’s salvation
    4. A gathering place for the people of God
    5. A Holy space (set apart) for God
    6. A place for the glory if God to dwell (for God to be glorified among the people)
    7. A place of worship

    Just some of my own thoughts.

    Also, the true prophets (Haggai) encourage people in the work of the Lord. Key word: ENCOURAGE
    Prophecy should build up the body of Christ.

    @Searching <3
    @Sharon JG- love your book for prayers, so thoughtful- so much intercession here. I absolutely love this community!! :)
    @Linda in NC- God be near to you and show you His faithfulness in this move!! I know He will help you and be near to you, in all of it. Blessings to you!
    @Victoria E- so glad the Lord spoke to you yesterday through the devotional. May you continue to hold His word close when you feel opposition arise at work. May He strength your hands and bring you more confidence to replace fear. I encourage you to continue in prayer when you feel anxiety come. He is still present and desires you to have peace where fear tries to take hold of you. God bless you!
    @Theresa- AMEN. Good word, today! :)

    Love you, Shes <3 I am doing another open mic later and still in prayer about God's will concerning recording music. I haven't written a song from the Lord since early this year, but believing God will lead me day by day.

  20. Traci Gendron says:

    Haggai 2:6-9! I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations so that the treasures of all the nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory! The silver and gold belong to me. The final glory of this house will be greater than the first says the Lord of Armies. AMEN AMEN!

    BLESSED BETH – Oh how sad. I pray for her family to be comforted through this tragic time.

  21. Kris says:

    I’m in the process of rebuilding “God’s temple”, as in my own body. And I have had some grieving over the fact that it isn’t looking like it used to. Ha. But I have to be honest and say I’ve not taken care of this temple, I’ve not exercised as I should, I haven’t eaten the way I should….so there’s been some “falling apart” and deterioration of form and strength and health. So, If I look at my body the same as the old temple, I can relate to these scriptures. I need a “do-over”, a rebuilding, it will take hard labor, sacrifices, determination, discipline, priority. But not only do I want to look at the physical body, but what about my spirit? Have I taken on excess attitudes or judgements or just plain wrong thinking? Have I allowed myself to become better or resentful, fearful or critical, or negative? I want to do a “do-over” of my mind and spirit, too. I want the “temple of God” to be a place where He wants to dwell, a place that reflects His character.

  22. Rhonda J. says:

    Happy Fri-Yay!

    I am so glad that He is with us through the ups and downs, the tear-downs and the building, the strength that he is instilling in us! We are a Friday project waiting for our Sunday unveiling! How hard is it for us in the wait and the pressures knocking us down? We must come to Him daily for our bread in prayer, in worship, in surrender. He must be our go-to FIRST. Make it a habit that will become your peace and joy. I love the song by We The Kingdom “Miracle Power.” Here are some of the lyrics!

    This is for the lost and lonely
    For the broken and afraid
    This is for those who are hurting
    Hoping help is one the way

    In these battles of addiction
    When fear is chasing after me
    Whatever trouble I am facing
    I will lift my hands and sing

    I believe in miracle power
    In a wonder working God
    I am filled with the Holy Spirit
    Working wonders in my heart

    I belong to a loving Father
    I’m a friend of Christ His Son
    When it feels like I won’t make it
    I call on Jesus

    Sometimes it so hard being human
    So much struggle so much pain
    When I start singing hallelujah
    I say goodbye to every chain

    Look it up and sing along…

  23. Cindy Hanna says:

    Lord, rouse our Spirits to accomplish your will!
    God is faithful to his promises.
    God is faithful to make us stand in all circumstances when we turn to Him.
    God is faithful to forgive.
    God is faithful to guide and direct our lives.
    God is faithful to empower us in our service and ministries to fulfill His purposes through us.
    I came across these notes in my bible. They come from a study on Gods faithfulness from the book “The Purpose Driven Life”. I thought they echoed the teachings we have been discovering in Ezra. Have a sweet and blessed weekend She’s!

  24. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Good morning sweet SRT sisters! I first want to thank those of you who mentioned reading the devotional before reading the scripture. What a great idea and very helpful!

    LAURA—praying for your family as you are in this spiritual battle.

    CAMILA VASQUEZ—praying for your healing from this health crisis.

    COLLEEN DEVEAU—happy belated birthday! ❤️

    INDIANA ELAINE—praying for your new church that you are planting. I know how it feels to see your home church close. A couple of years ago the church I grew up in (was there 41 years) sold it’s building to another congregation. They had dwindled down to a few elderly members. Fortunately God had raised up another church from that one about 20 years ago in another location and it is thriving! That’s where I go. God definitely has a plan and a vision!

    MARI V—praying for Gretchen. So glad things are going well with your new position!

    ANNELYN P—praying for your DIL and her family.

    LINDA IN NC—praying for a smooth move tomorrow with no rain and a calm spirit for your dear hubby!

    BLESSED BETH—praying for family of this young girl, the conductor, and the community.

    VICTORIA E—praying for peace over your anxiety at work and wisdom

    KELLYANA—praying for strength to rebuild things in your life.

    Have a blessed weekend! ❤️

  25. Cee Gee says:

    Hard to believe we are halfway through this study! Comments have been amazing!

    Haggai 2:4-5
    “Be strong, Zerubbabel. Be strong, Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all you people still left in the land. And now get to work, for I am with you, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. 5 My Spirit remains among you, just as I promised when you came out of Egypt. So do not be afraid.’” – This would be a great passage for putting my name in place of the ones listed- great encouragement for us today! He is with us; He keeps His promises! He will complete the work He started in us!
    And I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in his grace until his task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns. (Living Bible) I love this verse in CSB, NLT, ESV, but love the mention of growing in grace in this version!


    Praying for each of you!
    LINDA IN NC – Right there with you in the weather. Praying for a good day all around today and tomorrow!

  26. Terri Baldwin says:

    “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works;my soul knows it very well. “ Psalm139:14 ESV

  27. Cheryl Blow says:

    Praying for her

  28. Cheryl Blow says:

    I love that all of scripture points to God’s redemptive plan. He redeems and rebuilds! I’m so thankful that I am a part of that.

  29. Donna Wolcott says:

    My prayer each day that I may continue to build on the foundation of faith the Lord has given me. Thanking Him daily for the gift of faith, where would I be without it. Lifting requests as I read along and giving thanks for each of you.

  30. Terri Baldwin says:

    When we cannot do what we would we must do what we can in the service of God, and be sorry we can do no better.

  31. Mari V says:

    Thank goodness HE is making all things new, as sometimes, I need a “do over”. Grateful for HIS Grace and Compassion. Even when I don’t deserve it, He gives it to me anyway. Happy Friday, sweet She’s! My favorite day of the week! Thank you for praying for me regarding testing with the kindergartners. I’m almost done. They’ll be more testing later on in the school year as well. I get better at my job every day and I’m grateful for all your prayers. I am so happy in my new position! I love how God orchestrated the whole thing. Definitely a story to tell and most of you here know it. On Fridays, in my new position, I get off early. And even when I have meetings like today, I still get off early. I get to pick up my daughter from school like most days, and we go out for coffee afterwards. God is so good!

  32. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    We – the people of God – the living temples of God, are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets – with Christ as the chief cornerstone. (Ephesians 2:19-20)… I did a little digging on the significance of the cornerstone. This is what I found:
    “Since ancient times, builders have used cornerstones in their construction projects. A cornerstone was the principal stone, usually placed at the corner of an edifice, to guide the workers in their course. The cornerstone was usually one of the largest, the most solid, and the most carefully constructed of any in the edifice. The Bible describes Jesus as the cornerstone that His church would be built upon. He is foundational. Once the cornerstone was set, it became the basis for determining every measurement in the remaining construction; everything was aligned to it. As the cornerstone of the building of the church, Jesus is our standard of measure and alignment.” (
    Such a beautiful picture of Christ as the cornerstone with everything else built upon it. If we do not have Christ as the cornerstone of our lives – nothing will be stable, we have nothing to align ourselves to. Our foundation will not be sure. If the corner stone is “off kilter” so are our lives. Jesus is the firm foundation – all other ground is sinking sand! Praise God – Jesus is my Cornerstone!

    @Blessed Beth – How terrible sad that this young girl felt she had nothing to live for. Praying for her family and for your community. ❤️
    @Linda in NC – My heart goes out to your hubby. Praying for your moving day. Hope all goes well tomorrow and that God will keep the rain away until you are all moved in.
    @Annelynn – Prayers for your DIL that struggles with depression, and for your son & grandsons. May God use these circumstances to draw them back to Him.
    @all my SRT sisters – I’ve recently started a special journal that I write all of your prayer requests in. It is so helpful as I don’t have the best memory! This way I can keep going back to continue praying, but also to mark off answers to prayer.

    (Sorry for such a long post!)

    A blessed Friday to you all!

  33. Bliss says:

    In Ezra 4:15, the officials called for a search of the royal archives with an eye to Jerusalem’s rebellion. Indeed, Jerusalem’s guilt was real and recorded; Artaxerxes demanded a halt to the work.

    In this passage, officials again request a search of the royal archives, only this time they ask whether Cyrus authorized the project or not. This shift of focus produces radically different results: King Darius supports the project rather than hindering it!

    This contrast made me consider our justification in Christ and its impact on our sanctification. We have rebelled against God—no doubt about it—and if we focus on that guilt, we may feel ashamed in God’s presence, which will hamper our spiritual growth. However, it is also true that we have been declared righteous through Christ’s work. Just as Cyrus and Darius had the authority to pardon the people’s rebellion and provide supplies for the project, God, in His mercy, does not hold our sins against us (those who are in Christ) and, in His grace, equips us with everything we need for good works (2 Cor. 9:8). When we find that our motivation to grow in His image has dwindled as a result of searching the archives for our sin, we must instead search the Scriptures for God’s salvation. It is true, friends! And it is even more powerful than our sin.

    Praise God for accomplishing through Jesus the salvation we could never earn in our own right!

  34. Linda J says:

    Praying for you, Linda.

  35. Rachel from Texas says:

    @thersea I love this line you wrote: “If He’s tearing something down, it’s in order to build something better in its place. And since we know he is making all things new, we can take comfort in the fact that he’s making us new too.”
    Wrote it in the margins of my Bible :)

    @linda in nc – praying for an obstacle free day to move tomorrow & if not for ease through the hiccups. You can send the rain our way in Tx! :)

    @annalyn p – praying for rescue of your DIL. Mentally but also spiritually!

  36. Allison M says:

    @Annelyn P, praying for your DIL and the family.

  37. Libby K says:

    Praying for your DIL. I’m so sorry that this happened, but my prayer is the same as yours, that this will turn them back to the Lord.

  38. Libby K says:

    I love the foreshadowing God shared about His Son: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. 7 And I will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with glory, says the LORD of hosts. 8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the LORD of hosts. 9 The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the LORD of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, declares the LORD of hosts.'” What a beautiful picture of Jesus.

  39. Annelyn P says:

    Dear SRT sisters. I have been blessed and encouraged by this incredible community for many years, even though I rarely comment. But I do pray for each request. What a privilege!
    Would you add my family to your prayers? My DIL has struggled with depression over the last few years. It took another deep dip recently that ended in near tragedy this past weekend. Their family turned away from God a few yrs ago so our prayer is that this will turn them back. I am grateful for opportunities to spend time with our son and their 2 young teenagers, helping with day to day things and sometimes praying with them.

  40. Theresa says:

    God is always working and looking for restoration. He’s not interested in breaking things just for the sake of doing it. If He’s tearing something down, it’s in order to build something better in its place. And since we know he is making all things new, we can take comfort in the fact that he’s making us new too. That’s not a promise for everyone but me. It’s for all of us, regardless. What an encouraging word!

  41. Linda in NC says:

    Opposition and discouragement can come in all different shapes and forms. Hard work brings tiredness and with that can come discouragement, frustration, short tempers. This move is very tiring to me and even more confusing to my husband! Poor thing is having trouble even remembering where we are right now…here or there. Tomorrow is the big M day! The weather forecast is calling for scattered thunderstorms in the AM. Your prayers are much appreciated for a calm spirit on my part and God would hold back the storms until after the truck is unloaded at the new place. Our Lord gives grace and strength for each and every day!

  42. Searching says:

    The rebuilders – Diligently following the Lord, asking for His wisdom and seeking & doing His will.

    Sisters, I am so moved this morning in reading through yesterday’s comments – there is a preaching-worthy sermon woven throughout. Thank you!
    CEE GEE – “opposition can become opportunity” and thank you for sharing Guzic comment about the evil one’s use of discouragement. So true. ❤️
    MERCY – Amen! Especially #1. I have encountered this sneakiness many times, even someone chatty in a boring waiting room and then I realize their goal is to spread false beliefs when they get past the mundane chitchat. Slithery …
    TRACI GENDRON – yes, I look around and think how long will the Lord let this craziness/sin/evil go on.
    MICHELLE PATIRE – asking God to bless the work of my hands ❤️ and He’s not finished yet. Reminded me of Tauren Wells’ song, Joy in the Morning
    SYDNEY STORY – God’s plan is not without opposition
    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN – “I’m sorry.” Yes! Stop after that!

    BLESSED BETH – heartbreaking, praying for both families ❤️

    DAWN PRENATT – ❤️ joining with SHARON JERSEY GIRL in welcoming you to the family of God, and also to this wonderful community of sisters.

    VICTORIA E – praise for the improvement, joining you in prayer
    HL – ❤️
    CEE GEE – thank you, situation with friend’s mom started months ago when she was too weak for procedure needed.
    HALEY MORRIS – praying for wisdom and guidance as you look at building, and with a firm foundation
    MARI V – STAR ❤️
    LAURA – praying as you show love in a truthful way ❤️
    CAMILLA VASQUEZ – praying for your health crisis

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – sister, passing on KELLY (NEO)’s prayers for Arian :)
    KELLY (NEO) ❤️

  43. Camila Vasquez says:


  44. Susan says:

    BLESSED BETH praying for all today.

  45. Elaine Morgan says:


  46. Aimee D-R says:

    Father that I continue to work in faith that You are with me and leading according to Your glorious plan. In Jesus name, Amen

  47. Andrea P says:


  48. Kristine Loughman says:

    When the inspectors (I’m imagining their clipboards and worried expressions) came to ask the Jews what they were building, they got an honest answer in the retelling of the fall of the temple. The Jews admitted that “because our fathers had angered the God of heaven, he gave them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar…who destroyed this house”. There were no excuses or whining about being unfairly invaded and deported. The people owned up to their mistake. It’s like I tell my students, the fastest way to fix something is by starting with “I’m sorry” with a big fat period at the end of the sentence. No excuse, no attempt to justify your actions, no laying blame elsewhere. Just “I’m sorry” full stop. And then the restoration can begin! You can start the rebuilding.
    MARI V- prayers for you and your precious K students

  49. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Love how God “stirred” the hearts of the leaders to overcome the opposition. It is a prayer of mine that Christ would stir the hearts of His followers to build His church despite the opposition from the world and Satan.


    HL – glad interview went well

    MARI V – prayers for Gretchen’s recovery and your work with the kindergarteners. How is “L” doing? How is Alyssa settling into the school year?

    KALLYANA – praying the Lord gives you peace and courage with the changes you are facing

    SEARCHING – continued prayers that the Lord will provide for Arian in big and small ways.

    KARRIE – how is your aunt doing?

    HEIDI – continued prayers for Kin

  50. Blessed Beth says:

    Amen, amen we will all be under construction until we return home to heaven.
    Todays readings give us such encouragement to carry on for Him in His strength . Today in our little town they are burying an 18 year old girl who walked in front of a train, who felt she couldn’t go on. My heart has been grieving for this family and the conductor. May everyone who enters the funeral home feel His presence, seek him and rebuild their lives in His foundation.