
Open Your Bible

Genesis 24:1-67, Genesis 25:19-26, Psalm 37:23-24

Three years ago, we told our kids we were moving to a new city. Through tears, we told them we were choosing to follow where we believed God was leading us. My husband said he believed God would be kind to each one of us in this move because He “is good, and his faithful love endures forever; his faithfulness, through all generations” (Psalm 100:5, emphasis mine).

Granted, God’s goodness didn’t always look the way we expected it to, but over these past three years, our family has experientially learned over and over again that God is indeed good and that He doesn’t stop being faithful to His people. And we see that same faithful God in Rebekah’s story.

Rebekah is going about the daily work the Lord has set before her when she’s asked to leave everything familiar behind and follow God into the unknown. Not only is she asked to move to a new land, but she’s also asked to marry a man she’s never seen. And she goes willingly!

When Abraham’s servant tells Rebekah’s family this remarkable story of God’s leading, Rebekah’s father and brother declare, “This is from the Lord; we have no choice in the matter. Rebekah is here in front of you. Take her and go, and let her be a wife for your master’s son, just as the Lord has spoken” (Genesis 24:50–51).

It’s clear to Rebekah’s family and to Abraham’s servant that “a person’s steps are established by the Lord” (Psalm 37:23). They see that the Lord has appointed Rebekah for Isaac.

While we see the faithfulness of both Rebekah and her family in how they follow God, this is also the story of a much deeper faithfulness—God’s faithfulness to His people. Rebekah’s story, my story, and all the stories of God’s children are ultimately stories of God’s unending commitment to His people. Even in the deeply painful places, God is faithful. His faithfulness is found all over this story and throughout our own lives as well. And as we see with Abraham’s servant, when we share the stories of God’s faithfulness, they lead us to worship.

You don’t have to read much further to find that Rebekah is sinful just like us. But the good news of the gospel is that God’s faithfulness isn’t contingent upon our own. “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). The Bible is the story of God’s faithfulness to an unfaithful people He never stops pursuing.

However huge and daunting the unfamiliar—or even the familiar—seems today, we can trust God because He is faithful, as He was in the past and will be forever. “His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is [His] faithfulness!” (Lamentations 3:22–23).

Kimberly Girard is a well-loved child of God, wife of an extraordinary man, mother of three amazing kids, and writer living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. You can find her at Loud Singing and on Twitter.

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28 thoughts on "Rebekah"

  1. Tina says:

    I love the name Rebekah!

    My daughter whose name was Julee, called herself Rebekah when she was out with friends and got chatted up or asked out… she said it was precautionary… lol.

    My grandson is in a bad place right now.. he has said he can see no way out if this mess, this whole he’s in… I feel sad for him..
    He is not a believer or should I say he has not made a commitment to the Lord, but because he has spent a lot of his young life with me, He without a doubt knows there is a God.. he has seen miracles when he has prayed as a youngster, He has felt Him/the spirit when he has been prayed for.. he has seen God’s faithfulness at work.. but in this season of rut i think praying is not his first stop…

    But God…

    Thank God for His faithfulness… Thank God in His goodness… Thank God in His never-ending love for us.. Thank God that He sees, He knows.. He is there, as close as the skin on our bones..

    Though my beautiful hearted grandson s life is in a mess right now, and we are struggling in our own thoughts and minds what that looks like, I know, I KNOW, and praise God,for His presence in my/our life, He will not let my grandson go. He is faithful in His promises..
    Jeremiah 15:11 The Lord says ‘ surely I will deliver you for a good purpose; surely I will make your enemies plead with you in times of disaster and distress..’
    Psalm 23:4 says “..Even though I walk through the deepest darkest valley, I will fear no I’ll, for you are with me..
    Jeremiah 29:10-11 says ‘This is what the Lord says… I will come to you and fulfil my promise to bring you back.. for I know the plans I have for you..declares the Lord.. plans to give you hope and a future..’

    He who has promised will see it to completion… and faithfully too.

    Holding fast to your promises and your forever true faithfulness Lord God.. standing in the bridge for this wonderful and amazing child of the King who is a tad lost.. but YOU Lord God know and see him. Hold him close and give him the wisdom to make the right choices every minute of every day.. bless you Lord. Thank you for your faithfulness that is life saving life giving.. Thank you Lord GOD, thank you..

    I’ve waffles.. sorry..

    Happy Tuesday y’all.. xxx

  2. Brandi says:

    Angie – praying that prayer today! Thank you! Linda praying for successful procedure today, quick healing and great comfort for you guys!

  3. Churchmouse says:

    Thoughts from this morning’s reading :

    Don’t go back when God has called you forward. There was no wife for Abraham’s son to come from the Canaanites – an early reminder not to be unequally yoked. Remember from whence you came but keep your eyes forward focused, on God’s purpose and plan.

    And when God calls, the only appropriate response is obedience (“We have no choice in the matter”). Trust and obey.

    And when God calls, it’s a call to action, not to sit and ponder and plot out the next move from a human perspective. Go. Follow Him. We can go with confidence because He is already there – and right beside us along the way.


    Adding my prayers to the others for you, Linda and your husband: for peace and a successful surgery and quick recovery. May His powerful presence overtake the operating, recovery and waiting rooms.


    How sweet of Jesus to let me know that at least two others from the Burgh gather here! Counting me – that makes three! Hugs!

  4. Karen says:

    Lord God, I lift up Linda and her husband this morning. I pray that you will guide the surgeon’s, nurses, and other staff throughout his surgery and that Linda’s husband and Linda would feel a sense of calm knowing that you are in control. I praise you for being with us in all that we go through and loving us through every experience. Amen.

  5. Angie says:

    Faithful God, comfort, give peace and provide in every way for Linda J and her husband before, during, and after his surgery today. Thank you that you are exactly and all that we need. May we trust you.

    Work in my heart and mind to have wisdom to hear and understand your call and courage to obey immediately. Delayed obedience is disobedience. Help me to trust you faithful God and love you always in obedience whether that is to wait or to go.

  6. Linda J says:

    My husband faces surgery this morning. A simple procedure that previously wasn’t so simple. He is understandably afraid and I am reassuring. Today’s message is perfectly timed for both of us. God is faithful. God is in control. God will redeem. We are safe in His hands and our home is secure whether here or heaven. Great is your faithfulness ….

    1. AnneLyn P says:

      Praying for your husband, Linda – and you. God is indeed faithful.

  7. Kristen says:

    Just read a devotional that compliments this teaching too! Here is a link:
    @First5App @Proverbs31org Trust is a funny thing. There have been times I have been too quick to trust — too quick to think a new friend will become a forever kind of friend.

  8. Kristen says:

    Kimberly, thank you for sharing these truths! He is so faithful. I grew up a worrier. God has been showing me that I’ve worried and the situation/situations didn’t even happen! You are right. No matter what, we can trust He that is faithful. Also, your quote saying the good news of the Gospel is that His faithfulness isn’t contingent upon our own. “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. What an Amazing, Awesome God we serve! Let His Faithfulness lead us to worship today like Abraham’s servant! (I’m from Pittsburgh too!)