
Open Your Bible

Joshua 2:1-24, Joshua 6:22-25, Matthew 1:1-6, Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 11:31

I had this sneaking feeling that I was going to lock myself out of the office one day. Every once in a while, it would cross my mind that I should hide a key somewhere, just in case, but then I’d brush that thought aside. Well, what do you know, today was the day! Of course, my coworkers were gone for the day, and the second the door latched behind me I knew I’d forgotten my key. They say hindsight is 20/20, but it doesn’t do you much good when you’re trapped on the wrong side of the door, pulling up Google on your phone to find a locksmith.

Sometimes we feel that nagging urge to act, and we just stuff it down. Getting locked out of an office is a minor inconvenience, but what about when the urge to act comes from the Lord? What about when that holy nudge requires you to step out in faith?

Rahab is a woman who saw what was coming and chose to act in obedience. She didn’t obey because she was an especially godly person. Far from it, in fact. The book of Joshua tells us that Rahab was a prostitute. But despite her moral failings, Rahab recognized the power of God. When Joshua’s two spies were in need of a hiding place, Rahab sensed they were men of the one true God. Though she barely knew this God, Rahab put her faith in Him and betrayed her own king (Hebrews 11:31).

How did a woman living so far from God take such an enormous leap of faith? A single act of courage, that’s how. That’s all it took to completely change the future for Rahab and her family. Although she had only heard of the power and goodness of God, she recognized what He was doing and stepped out in faith. This foresight saved the lives of Rahab and her family, and she went on to become part of the lineage of Jesus Himself (Matthew 1:1–6).

Just as God worked through Rahab, He delights in using women from every walk of life to tell His grand story of redemption. It doesn’t matter what you have or haven’t done in the past. You don’t need to be a “perfect Christian” for God to call you to action. You don’t need to be a perfect Christian to listen to that still, small voice and “see it coming,” whatever it may be. God does not wait for us to get it together in order to weave us into His plan of redemption. “Instead, God has chosen what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen what is weak in the world to shame the strong” (1 Corinthians 1:27).

If you are hearing a voice that says you can’t be used by God, that you’re too much of this or too little of that, let me tell you that voice is not from the Lord. Maybe God’s given you a dream, but you’re not taking the next step because of these critical voices. Would you join me in throwing off that spirit of condemnation? Our courage comes not because we believe we are strong, but because we know that God can do anything. If He calls us He will also equip us for His work. Let’s be women who see what God is doing, and follow Him in faith.

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26 thoughts on "Rahab"

  1. Brianna Albright Fink says:

    As I read this I thought of a something maybe someone has insight. Is it possible for someone to accept the calling that God has made on your life, but not accept His equipping? So they essentially try to work their calling through their own strength.

  2. Tasha Colley says:

    Oh, how I needed this today. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant with our first child for almost a year. Lately, I have been playing the self-doubt game: I haven’t done something right, I’m too old, I missed something, I shouldn’t have had that drink, I worked out too hard, I didn’t work out enough, etc. Shame on me for making ME the biggest part of that equation. Shame on me for not remembering that my God is far bigger than my weaknesses. Through this journey, God has proven his faithfulness time and time again. I will pray (what I call) “small” prayers. Prayers for a conversation with my husband, prayers that certain aspects of this process will be easier. And God has proven to be faithful every time! May I remember His faithfulness in even the “small” things, and KNOW that He’s got this “big” thing, despite my inadequacies. I don’t need to be perfect for Him to perform His perfect work at His perfect time. May I remember that today.

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:

      Thank you so much for sharing Tasha! I can’t imagine how hard that waiting must be. I pray the Lord comforts you during this time and grants you the desires of your heart. I also pray that you continue to see him move as you trust in him.

  3. Katie Morrison says:

    Amen! That’s it! I’m starting a Bible study and almost backed out but this confirms it. Thank Jesus I don’t have to have it all together. In my weakness He is made strong. And that humility is where I need to be. Maybe that’s why He chose broken people to lead us to Jesus.

  4. Lizzieb85 says:


    I think the video she is talking about is on SRT’s instagram account.

  5. Bailey Braden says:

    Help me to be more faithful, Lord, trusting you always. Amen ♡

  6. Searching says:

    Janet C mentioned watching the video – what video? Didn’t realize there were videos – Where to access? Thanks!

  7. Ashley Thomas says:

    Rahab is more proof of how God uses ALL of us. She was a prostitute who is in the lineage of Jesus himself! It’s truly inspiring. Our personal faith means so much to God. He is ready to use us, we need only ask.

  8. Churchmouse says:

    Morning musing:

    How did Rahab hear of Israel’s God? Did she hear conversations of His powerful intervention on their behalf? Did she observe a different demeanor and determination and faithfulness in the followers of Yahweh? I wonder what is the back story that prompted her to act so profoundly? Whatever the reason, I’m reminded of the importance to speak to others of our God’s power and His involvement in my life. I’m reminded to ‘walk the talk’ so that others might be curious enough to consider Him. May I give God credit in my words and actions whenever I have opportunity. Who knows who will then act on what they come to hear, see, know and believe?

  9. Kristina Moore says:

    Any one else with anxiety resonate with the Hebrews 11:1 verse?? Man, that hit me hard in the best way.

  10. Rachel Anne says:

    In reading the Matthew passage today, it stood out to me that Rahab became Ruth’s mother-in-law. I always think of that special bond between Naomi and Ruth, but now I am picturing a special bond between Rahab and Ruth too–both outsiders that were specifically chosen and woven into the family of God.

    1. Taylor Davis says:

      I like to think that Rahab’s godly rearing of Boaz helped him become the type of man that would redeem Ruth as well. Such a powerful story!

    2. Jamie Chapman says:

      I hadn’t put that together before. So much faith to pass down!

  11. Monica Davis says:

    Prostitute walking in faith #mindblown

  12. Angela Greenwood says:

    I loved the reading this morning. Knowing that just one step of faith can change everything is amazing. Our God is so good and I am so thankful to have the chance to know Him. Happy Friday and blessings for the weekend.

  13. Janet C says:

    I have absolutely loved this series and I tuned in to the video yesterday for the first time to check that out. I love seeing how God calls each of us uniquely as he has gifted us. I love the fact that he uses people from all aspects of life-Moses a murderer and afraid of is own capabilities to lead, Aaron, flawed leader who still becomes the first high priest! Bezalel, gifted craftsman-I took note that he wasn’t a prophet or a priest a teacher but GOd used his creativeness to design the beautiful tent of meeting, Joshua a great warrior, Rahab a prostitute. I mean, really, looking at this list I’m encouraged that he can use me even in my doubt and uncertainty. Thank you SRT for this study.

    1. Cynthia Foster says:


  14. Angie says:

    We love you Lord God. May You alone be what others see in our lives, hear about, want, and come to know you as Lord and Savior. Draw them to You, and thank you that when we were lost and prostituted to sin you saved us, and made us new.

    1. Cynthia Foster says:


  15. Colleen DeVeau says:

    Thank You, Father, for not being done with me yet
    There’s so much that needs to change in me
    Forgive me for where I fall short
    I want to be worthy of Your name
    Worthy of Your call
    You have much for me to do
    May I do it all for You
    You are worthy of all glory and honor and praise
    May I remember this all of my days
    You are faithful
    Equipping me for every good work
    Help me to please You
    To honor You
    You are so worthy
    May I be worthy of Your name

    1. Ruth Lund says:


    2. Melissa Graves says:

      Thank You, Jesus, that You alone can make us worthy. By Your amazing grace and mercy we stand spotless and blameless before a holy God, clothed in the righteousness of our Savior. By grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. (Eph. 2:8,9) Apart from You, we can do nothing to change our sorry condition. In You, we are new creatures with right standing before our Creator. (2 Cor 5:17) Thank You Jesus!!!

  16. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Talk about courage. Wow. Rahab sure had some, didn’t she? And because of her courage she is in the lineage of Jesus. Woo!
    Lord, give me courage and strength to overcome my weaknesses and doubts. Only through you is this possible.
    Peace to you ladies on this Friday. I’m keeping you in prayer, just as you are me. Blessings…