
Open Your Bible

Genesis 30:1-24, Genesis 35:16-20, Psalm 98:1-3, Hebrews 4:16

Laban really gave his daughters a raw deal. When he tricked Jacob into marrying Leah, he sentenced both of his girls to one truly heartbreaking marriage. Instead of enjoying sweet accord between husband and wife, both women are crowded into a bitter, vengeful squeeze of marital misery. One wife is just the right number of wives, but one man, two sisters, and their maidservants to boot is a cramped relationship for sure. Indeed, the normal strains of marriage are quite enough without having to engage in a fertility contest with your own sister. A fertility contest that Rachel was losing—the stats were 10 to 0 against Rachel before Joseph was finally born.

Once a month, my husband goes out for an evening with his friends to discuss literature. But by the time he gets home at 10pm I’ve had quite enough of sharing him with others. Marriage is a tight circle of two. Rachel and Leah were both denied the sweet intimacy that can only exist when two people are alone in a marriage. They likely both felt forgotten by both their husband and by God. And forgotten is a feeling that we can all identify with. People will absolutely forget us. Terrible marriages, absent parents, distracted friends, and even children can pass over us as they forge ahead in life.

But there is One who does not forget. God remembers His people. God remembered Rachel (Genesis 20:22). And in Scripture, when it says that God “remembers” someone, it means that He is going to intervene and help. When God remembers, He takes action (Genesis 9:15, 19:29, 30:22; Exodus 2:24, 32:13; Psalms 25:6–7, 74:2). Even though Rachel seems to only be asking Jacob for help, God remembers Rachel. He remembers, He listens, and He opens her womb (Genesis 30:1,22).

In the weirdest and most uncomfortable situations—in the deepest, saddest days—God remembers and listens. It goes without saying that His action may not be what we are asking for or what we think the situation requires, but in His sovereignty, He listens and remembers His people.

Rachel died in childbirth when Benjamin was born. She fought with Leah for her entire married life, and she never got to enjoy watching her own sons grow up. She didn’t get to grow old with the man she loved. It was Leah’s son, Judah, who was in the line of Christ. Rachel’s life probably did not turn out at all like she had hoped. But she was remembered by God.

Life isn’t about us and what we are doing. It is easy to forget that just because things have not gone as we hoped, that does not mean that we are forgotten or abandoned. Indeed, God builds His kingdom even amidst our dashed expectations.

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39 thoughts on "Rachel"

  1. Bridget Vaschak says:

    I totally get that cultural context is crucial to understanding the dynamic between Jacob, Leah, Rachel and their maidservants. BUT, I can’t help but wonder at Jacob going from woman to woman, just doing his duty. Almost passively it seems. Like how on earth?!!But the story isn’t about Jacob. It is about God and how he brings about His purposes.

  2. Bridget Vaschak says:

    I totally get that cultural context is critical to understanding the Jacob, Leah, Rachel and maidservant dynamic, BUT I can’t help but think about Jacob going from woman to woman, just doing his duty. Almost, it seems, passively. But this story is not really about Jacob or his wives/maidservants. It is ultimstely

  3. Sue T. says:

    Love She Reads Truth!
    This study on the Men & Women of the Bible is very thought provoking. Thinking of it from the human perspective can be troubling, but then thinking of these lives in the overarching story of Redemption is really powerful. None of them saw how their lives were woven into the culmination of sins being paid for on the cross, but now it is clearly seen. God orchestrated everything so perfectly, and He can be trusted!
    I know it is a minor error to point out, but this morning’s devotional states that Laban tricked Isaac when Laban actually tricked Jacob. Not sure if it was noted or not.
    Thanks for a wonderful website & reading plans!

  4. Rachel says:

    I listened to this podcast sermon yesterday on Rachel + Leah. So good if you want to dig a little deeper into their story and relationship.

  5. Laurel says:

    Thank you for the reminder: It’s not about me. I am but a (very) small cog in a wheel so vast I am unable to see the rim. I need the reminder to trust God—His plan, not my glory, comfort, happiness, etc. I may not be famous or well-know or sought after or an “expert” on any subject, but He is using my life for a purpose. I need to trust that He is using my life to further His kingdom.

    1. Damia Chambers says:


  6. Bailey Braden says:

    Thank you, Lord, for never leaving me and always being faithful. Amen ♡

  7. Maura says:

    What true joy that God sees us when all the world can feel that we are invisible, or overlooked. I can’t imagine how Rachel or Leah felt to have been put into the position their earthly father put them in. I am so blessed by my own sisters, thankful for both. Praying salvation for one and strength for the other as she continues to pour out her love on her kids. God’s glory I pray I get to see in both situations of these prayers soon. May His name be praised in all our battles.

    1. Melissa Graves says:


  8. Allison says:

    Oh my! For anyone who thinks the Bible is boring, they need only read this story! It is all kinds of messed up! And reads like some sort of soap. I am thankful to be able to look beyond the mess and see God’s faithfulness! And that in His faithfulness He looks beyond my mess and He sees me, and is always there!

    1. Melissa Graves says:

      Allison, those are almost word for word my thoughts and observations! I come away from today’s reading thankful that the same God who used these messed up people is also able to use me for His purposes and glory. And not just that, but love me besides. I stand in amazement at such grace and mercy!