put off the old + put on the new

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 4:17-32

[Together as a She Reads Truth community, we are reading through Ephesians. Sign up for the reading plan here!]

Text: Ephesians 4:17-32

Futility is defined as having no useful result or purpose.

Paul says that we must no longer walk like those who don’t know God, in a futile way. This tells us two things – we DO have the ability to slip into those old patterns and we DO have the ability, in Jesus, to walk in a new way. Full of purpose. Full of fruit.

He urges us to put off our old selves and put on the new, to walk by the Spirit of our minds as we were “created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” (verse 24 ESV)

Today let’s just take some time to take stock of our hearts. When you read through the list of the characteristics of those old selves, are there any you see present in your life and heart today? Praise God that His Son Jesus died on the cross for those useless actions and ask Him by the power of the Holy Spirit within you to take them off.

Likewise, take a second to praise Him (rather than boast in ourselves) for the qualities of the new man you might find in your life right now. If we are in Christ, the old has gone and the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17) and He is worthy of our praise for what He’s done in our hearts and lives.

(26) Comments

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26 thoughts on "put off the old + put on the new"

  1. Today is a great reminder to put off the old self and embrace the new self in Christ. It is amazing to see how different things are in my life. I know that I belong to Christ, and it is awesome to see how I have grown since then. Praise God for making us new in Jesus!!

  2. Perry says:

    These verses are just what I needed to read this morning. It is difficult to be kind and act loving towards someone who does not act loving towards you. It’s difficult not to get angry and hold on to it especially when you feel that someone has wronged you. But God has called us out of our dark places & into the light. He has called us to love and to be kind and to forgive. As such, he has already given us the tools that we need to so these things. He already knows that in the flesh we won’t be able to do them but in the Spirit all things are possible. Today’s verses challenge me to forgive the seemingly unforgivable & to love those who persecute me.

  3. Michelle says:

    Through God and only God I have been freed from worry, bottled up anger and self pity!

  4. Hibb says:

    Lord thank you for your word on today and forgive me for I have fallen short.

  5. Kinna Walker says:

    In this very short passage alone, I find 10 things we need to do daily to build ourselves in the Lord. Granted there are a ton more but these are an amazing reminder to the things that, with going unchecked, will lead us back to the path of sin in a hurry.

    1) "Put off falsehood…"
    2) "Speak truthfully to his neighbor…"
    3) " 'In your anger do not sin.'… "
    4) "Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry…"
    5) "Do not give the devil a foothold…"
    6) "He must do work…that he may have something to share with those in need."
    7) "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful…"
    8) "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God…"
    9) "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice."
    10) Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other…"

    All found in vv. 25-32.

  6. Nicki says:

    All the comments spoke to me today1 what an encouragement it is to me to knkow we can't put on the new selves by anything we can do. so no point in even trying. Ask god to do it and rely on Him. this is encouraging because then i don't have to feel I am the one falling short because I can't accomplish it.

  7. WendyP says:

    Verse 29 speaks to me today, because I always need to make sure I am building others up with my words…instead of tearing them down. This is especially true for me when it comes to my kiddos. Instead of being critical of what they are doing wrong (like shoes untied, food on face, messy room), I need to give them loving instruction. I'm sure my husband would appreciate that from me, too. How often do we think about what another brother or sister in Christ needs to hear to build them up? And, this doesn't mean we should sugar-coat anything or tell them what they want to hear…But, what would really be helpful and encouraging for them?

  8. BettyMcB says:

    Beth Moore did a simulcast on insecurity in connection with her book. She used this passage from Eph. 4:20 – 5:2 to make an acrostics about A Secure Woman who is:
    Saved from herself.
    Entitled to truth.
    Clothed with intention.
    Upended by grace.
    Rebounded by love.
    Exceptional by life.