Proclaiming the Word

Open Your Bible

Luke 4:16-21, Luke 24:13-35, 1 Timothy 4:13, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 4:12-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:27, Colossians 4:16, Psalm 119:97-105

Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your  own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.

The Church is shaped, convicted, and encouraged by the teaching and sharing of God’s Word.

As you reflect on Scripture today, take time today to pray for brothers and sisters in Christ who are reading alongside you. Share what you are praying for the Church along with your response to the reading. 

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75 thoughts on "Proclaiming the Word"

  1. Tasha Adams says:

    I pray that every member of this community will take what they are learning in this study and apply it to their church life. I pray this over myself as well.

  2. Adrianne says:

    I’m asking for guidance for my fellow SRT readers. I’m praying for all of us to receive his protection but I’m mainly praying for guidance and understanding during these times.

  3. Sharon Jersey Girl says:

    Praying that the church will take worship seriously and commit to coming together as a body. I see it in my own church and many others as well – where worship comes last, if nothing else is going on, if there are no sports, baby/bridal showers, picnics, etc, I just don’t understand. If we love God, if Jesus died for us – can’t we set aside an hour a week for corporate worship? It just grieves my heart so, I can’t even imagine how God must feel. I love going to church. I love singing praises. I love being with my church family. I love hearing the word preached. I am thankful for those who are present on a regular basis & for those who are faithful prayer warriors! May we all be of one heart and one mind.

  4. Mercy says:

    Have you ever seen a great anointed man or woman of God, who could do miracles, prophesy, cast out demons, heal the sick in front of your eyes? They do exist today. Where is the source of power? It’s the anointing from God. Their job descriptions are here, being anointed for these 6 following reasons (Luke 4:18-19):
    1- Preach the good news to the poor (poor in finance, poor in spirit, poor toward God)
    2- Heal the broken hearted (inner pain, not easily seen)
    3- Preach deliverance (to announce release, pardon, forgiveness) to the captives (people under sin bondage, locked up by sin, sin addicts)
    4- Recovering sights to the blind (those who receive the gospel, go to church yet don’t see or know Christ. The word “recovering”- meaning once see, but then blind again) (2 Peter 1:9 mentions this blind again condition)
    5- Set at liberty those that are bruised, oppressed, crushed by tragedy, calamity
    6- To preach the acceptable year (the favorable season) of the Lord is here. It is no longer season of wrath, and consequential curses, punishments if one fails as in the Old Testament. Grace and Truth comes with the Lord Jesus bringing a new season of better promises even if one fails (Hebrews 8: 6-7). A pastor that our family used to go to, preached heavily on law (legalistic) when I was brand new in faith. A quick example, Matthew 5:24 says “leave your gift there in front of the altar, first go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift,” it was preached based on this verse that if a husband and wife had a fight before going church and then went to church, put in an offering/ tithe envelope, God would be angry at you, because you did not settle the fight, and if you have a fight with a spouse, don’t give tithe in church. I was scared hearing this, I thought it was true that was how God felt about me, and I felt exhausted doing a mental check making sure no bickering before church. And many more wrong teachings focusing on God’s wrath and our performances, instead of the true power through Christ. It took years to unlearn these wrong doctrines and recover from the shame they sowed. These misrepresent God (God is LOVE). Praise God for delivering me from that place, and God showed me that His favourable season is here, for all that are seeking Him. God called me to confront this pastor, which I ran away like Jonah being called to Nineveh. God 3 times brought people to encourage me to obey (I shared this story before). I went and spoke to the pastor and his wife, with my husband tagging along for emotional support; I got kicked out and shamed real bad. They said they’d rather learn on their own and no need for me. That church later got shut down. Scary how that unfolds. This to show God does protect His children. Wrong doctrines are like cancer to the body of Christ.

    I am praying for the body of Christ to be nourished daily by SOUND & TRUE doctrines, and the anointing mentioned in Luke 4:18, especially for those who are in the front line that preach, teach, evangelize, in leadership to shepherd God’s people, may deep awareness and understanding of the job descriptions be granted before anyone takes the job. Many have zeal but no knowledge (of God) have gone out and caused damage, resulting in years of walking in the wilderness, suffering from great thirst. Where is the Living Water at? I also pray for courage and wisdom for those who are called to confront the wrong, to step up to call evil evil, and to do so in love. Proverbs 19:2 says, “Even zeal is not good without knowledge, and the one who acts hastily sins”.

    May we discern who we allow to shepherd us. May we be led to Him. Be blessed dear sisters.

  5. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m praying that the church can truly live out the truth in the Bible. I know we are all human and all make mistakes, but I pray we will be able to be known more for our love than for our judgement.

  6. Jennifer Anapol says:

    As the church, we are called to not only read the word but proclaim it to this inside and outside the church.

  7. Hali Y. says:

    what an insightful devotional we have today! like a lot of you have already mentioned, I am praying for the Church and our unity. things seem so polarizing/divisive lately and it can weigh heavily on my heart. I can start to think that this is just how it’s going to be. that couldn’t be further from the truth! I pray that everyone who has made the great confession of Jesus being Lord of their lives really fights against worldly temptations to quarrel and feed off of controversy. I pray we remember our Lord in all we think, do, and say. have a great day, She’s! xo

  8. Karen Valente says:

    I pray that the Church shall grow in number and I need to be responsible to spread the Good News and to be an example of a good holy life well lived.