Preach the Word

Open Your Bible

2 Timothy 3:14-17, 2 Timothy 4:1-4, Isaiah 40:6-8, John 17:17-26, James 1:19-25

In his second letter to Timothy, Paul tells his beloved friend to, “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season” (2Timothy 4:2). If you’re anything like me, you may cringe at the thought of “preaching” anything. I’m the girl who always had a mild panic attack in college every time I had to present a three-minute speech on cats (or my personal favorite: give our own eulogy). Not only did my words decide to suddenly disband in every direction the moment I opened my mouth, but I didn’t know how to feign the authoritative, charismatic poise and confidence I thought was required for all speech makers. 

Reading today’s passage, I thought it was worth looking up. It looks like Paul’s use of “preach the word” means to instruct others in the truth of the gospel. Well, that’s pretty straightforward, right? Yet there are still many of us who don’t feel gifted in the art of preaching or evangelism. 

I pondered the passage again and began to realize Timothy had the unique calling as a pastor to preach God’s Word. However, we’re all called to engage in the art of evangelism. We’re all called to share the truth—the good news—of Jesus Christ, in love, with those God allows our lives to intersect with. This doesn’t just mean a big church auditorium or the streets of Times Square. I think of my own life and the places where God has asked me to do this recently—at a local coffee shop, over the phone with a friend, with the woman behind me at church whose house just caught on fire. 

What I especially love about today’s reading is Paul’s call to endurance. He tells Timothy, “continue in what you have learned and firmly believed” in response to the truth of God’s Word (2Timothy 3:14). Continue in. Endure. Keep walking faithfully. Scripture has power because it reveals the heart of the living God—and our response to the truth will undoubtedly lead to action. At least, that’s what I long for in my own life! This reading encourages me because Paul’s words to Timothy are the same call you and I have today. We may not be pastors or have the gift of public speaking. At times, endurance can feel like drudgery as our minds and bodies wrestle against it. But we’re told that Jesus endured until the end, and He took great joy in doing so. 

Sisters, let’s be vigilant about where God may want to use us today to share His truth. Scripture is what anchors and nourishes us. “The grass withers, the flowers fade,” says Isaiah, “but the word of our God remains forever” (Isaiah 40:8). 

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41 thoughts on "Preach the Word"

  1. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    If any of you are on Facebook and want to be friends and follow along that way I will post my link below.

  2. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Praying for your requests sisters. I love this community of believers. You are each such a blessing to me. ❤️

  3. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Molly- beautiful. May the Lord continue to bless you.

  4. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Michelle Patire–I honestly never listen to podcasts but felt lead to listen to yours. What an inspirational story you have! I have some family members that are teetering on the edge of New Age but consider themselves Christians. I pray every day that God would open their eyes like he opened yours! May God continue to bless you!

  5. Cindy Hanna says:

    I was touched by Jesus’s prayer in John 17:24. He prays for us to be with him where he is. He wants us to see his glory! I want to see his glory too. Upfront and personal. I loved your thoughts @MOLLY.❤️

  6. Cristina says:

    B. Thompson, thank you for the timely reminder that even in “old age” I will produce fruit. that is why God has put on my heart to read the Bible everyday and the SRT group has helped me so much! Thank you sisters!

  7. Stephanie G says:

    Yes, Bailey, let us be vigilant about where God may want to use us today to share His truth. May God open my eyes and ears to those situations and give me the courage to speak.

  8. Molly R says:

    In my 20s I had lost my way after growing up in the church, but found my way back and spent several years doing short and long term missions. I grew so much in my faith and thought, “a-ha, now I know what I am called to do.” It was in the outback of Australia that I felt God lay on my heart to go home, get married, and become a mom! WHAT?! No more adventures for you God?? As I began this motherhood journey I was sure I would “go back” to missions some day. It took a long time and a lot of grace and patience from God to show me my motherhood WAS the mission. I had to lay down hopes of going out and reaching others, being the hands and feet of God. I have 4 small disciples, and the enormity of having their eyes and ears always seeing and hearing how I conduct myself at all times. We homeschool, so when I say “at all times,” I mean it! The sheer amount of accountability they bring to my life is stifling sometimes when I just want to react in my humanity (and oh do I ever), but then they also get to see repentance and redemption in the cyclical way it is given so freely to those who believe. Even this morning, at the lovely hour of 5:30am being woken up by my 2 1/2 year old and gathering snacks and finding him a show so I can sit and read the Word and being interrupted every 30 seconds required taking my thoughts captive and remembering to respond in grace and mercy to him. But to God be all the glory: for the first time in almost 11 years of motherhood, I have been faithfully getting up and reading SRT (since Ash Wednesday) no matter if I have beautifully quiet solitude, or the whole gang constantly asking questions and bickering amongst themselves (my current background noise). You all have been such a balm as I practice this habit of getting in the Word daily – and my little copy cats are witnessing it! The mission of Motherhood is so much harder and so much more rewarding and refining than I ever imagined. I am humbled by the calling He placed on my life, and thankful for sweet friends like you to learn from and fellowship with, even if it’s just digitally. Have a great day!