prayers of petition in scripture

Open Your Bible

Psalm 56, Matthew 26:36-46, Luke 18:1-8

Text: Psalm 56, Matthew 26:36-46, Luke 18:1-8

You have kept count of my tossings, put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?
Psalm 56:8, ESV

I’ll be honest. There is something about petitioning the Creator of the universe for my specific needs and desires that feels strange, formal and, well, kind of awkward. Perhaps this can be traced back to the “formulas” for prayer I learned as a girl, but more likely it is just a product of my ever-stubborn pride. Whatever the root, this tension is not God’s intent.

The God of the Gospel, the One who knows you fully and loves you still? Intimacy, not formality, is what He desires of us. And this intimacy extends even to our asking.

If there was ever a picture of intimate prayer, it is found in the gut-wrenching psalms of David. In Psalm 56, we find David seized by the Philistines, in danger for his very life. His prayer alternates between cries for help and affirmation of his ultimate trust in God. But then he asks, “For their crime will they escape?” (v. 7, ESV) The breathless desperation is almost audible. I hear honesty, familiarity. Not formality or formula.

In Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane we are shown the balance of a heart’s deepest longing, with surrender to the complete sovereignty of God. It is the ultimate collision of remarkable boldness and astounding trust, trust in the One who holds it all in His loving, omnipotent hands. He is the One in whose name we pray, whose perfect sacrifice grants us access to the very throne of God.

Then comes the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18:1-8, and again our minds go reeling. Is this how prayer works, the squeaky wheel gets the grease? Are God’s answers to prayer subject to His emotional whim? And yet, we know better. We know Christ speaks of us as beloved children whose Father delights in giving them all they need. (Matthew 7:11) We know the God who hears our prayers is the same who cares for the birds of the air. “Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26, NIV) So when we read of the widow who asks relentlessly and unapologetically for mercy – when we dare to imagine asking like children ourselves – we begin to understand that this bold asking is our privilege.

The pleas of an honest heart following hard after God are music to His ears.

Sisters, let us bring a chorus of trust and adoration and bold asking to His throne today.

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32 thoughts on "prayers of petition in scripture"

  1. Perry Washington says:

    Through you Christ I petition help to restore my son to his job and passion coaching and mentoring. I also petition that my daughter find a mate that she can love and he can love her and union together in God’s laws and serve him together. These Lord God I petition through Jesus Christ to You.

  2. Christina says:

    This particular plan is so awesome that I have chosen to go through it for the third time. I lead a prayer group on Thursday mornings at our church and this has helped me so very much in leading that group. Our numbs are not high – yet – but with prayer God will increase that as well as the prayers he has answered. My thing is remembering that God is huge and not measurable by man! When I take hold of that I know that through Christ I can do anything!

  3. Gail says:

    What a God we serve, the creator of everything, and we call Him “Abba,” “Daddy”! It is wonderful and very comforting to know that we can talk with Him boldly… pretense ,in all honesty , without retribution. or fear of anything….. At any time, in any way, in all our trials and emotional states! YES, He loves us!. He loves us . Thank you so much SRT and sisters all for the love and support you have shown to so many of us, showing us the way to experience a closer relationship with our loving Abba. Blessings.

  4. Sorry ladies….Nice should read Nicole ….

  5. Good evening my sisters…
    That a blessing it is to come home from work and spend some time with you….
    Joanna . In answer to all your Should i’s…… Yes you should.! Our God wants us to ask, he wants to share our lives with us. He wants to bless us,……abundantly. He wants a relationship with us.
    Please , believe you are precious to Him.
    You are a mom, would you ever want to hear your child say the words you have written in respect to you….. How upset would you be…..
    Prayer is definitely not defeat….. Its the victory. Its the relationship you have with God.

    Amy , sending you a BIG big HUG…… God knows. Trust him. Believe, and know that He sees your heart…… He Will turn your sadness into a joyful have taken away my sorrow and surrounded me with joy..
    Trust in him…

    Emma Boo, I sing for you……

    Nice, can i tell you something…… YOU ARE SOMEBODY…YOU ARE THE DAUGHTER OF THE KING….A PRINCESS. That’s pretty special..don.t you think? X

    To the rest of you my sisters i pray The Lord our God hears your cries, your desires, your wishes, your dreams large or small, and he blesses you abundantly with love joy peace happiness and answered prayers. Amen. X x

    1. LaurenC_ says:


  6. I have been really soaking up this devotional on prayer. Who doesn't need a refresher? Yesterdays commentary on prayers of petition using Luke 11:9-10 really inspired me. I posted an image and a post on my blog, concerning why we need to keep knocking and the blessings we receive. The gifts of the Holy Spirit-comfort, strength, help,etc. Today I continued with prayer using Romans 12:12-Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. More about persistence in our prayer lives. It is so exciting to think about all of us reading God's Word together for His glory!

  7. forgiven:) (formerly know as unforgiven says:

    Hi sisters:-) I’m learning to have a better prayer life. What I’m learning about prayer is that God hears His word. When we cry out to God and tell Him what He has promised us I believe this moves God. Like for example when we feel alone we cry out and tell God how lonely we are but then we say Gods word to Him. Lord you said you will never leave me nor forsake me etc.another example is David.He really cried out to God in all his situations but yet david always testified of Gods greatness.I’m learning HOW To do this. Just being more open. I used to write my prayers in a book but at times I didn’t think God will here them but I see david and how he wrote a lot of his prayers to encourages me to keep going when I feel discouraged lonely and defeated. That God hears my cries and he wipes my tears away. Thank you SRT for your devotionals they come at a great time. And thank you my sisters in Christ your posts encourages me:-) have a blessed day