weekly truth

Open Your Bible

Romans 12:12

Today, as a body of women, let’s meditate on and memorize God’s word. Not for our own glory or honor, but for the joy of our Father and the growth of His Truth in our hearts.

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
Romans 12:12

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20 thoughts on "weekly truth"

  1. Carolynmimi says:

    And so here we are in our praying…Praising, confessing, forgiving and being forgiven. As the scripture today says (paraphrase) we are cheerfully expectant, patient and expectant during rough times, and praying all the time expectantly. Oh, SRT sisters what a week in the word and in conversation with each other. As one flawed, fragile, and forgiven woman to others in similar conditions, I love traveling with you all. Can hardly wait for more. Blessings!

  2. Ellen MR says:

    Talk about the Lord at work!! Today at my church he was speaking about change in your life- that ALL things are possible IF YOU TRULY BELIEVE!! He will shine thru you and it will be for His glory! But you have to want it, don’t be passive and if you pray in His name you will make those changes…on the way home I was praying about guarding my tongue when I speak, especially to/around my kids….fast forward an hour later, the doorbell rings and a young guy with bible in hand asks to pray for/with me for the Holy Spirit and quotes scripture about the tongue and to speak in tongues …. Ladies, he just left and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry I’m just stunned!!! What just happened?!!
    Wow….I don’t believe in coincidences…and I’m
    literally sitting with my mouth open!! W.O.W.

  3. Joanna says:

    I went through something just this morning. As it was happening, I prayed over and over, God let him be okay..let him be okay. As I was praying, Things calmed down and he seems to be okay. Our God is an awesome God who is full of love and grace. I am thankful for prayer and answered prayer.

  4. LaurenC_ says:

    Praising God on this beeeeeeauuuuutiful day for the growth of His truth in my heart! May His promises stand tall and firm in all our hearts, minds, and souls; blossoming like the flowers of spring in the gorgeous sunshine outside my window.

  5. Hello srt.
    Thank you….
    Today i Will be still and know that my God, our God is God and that Christs message in all its richness must love in our hearts. Teach and instruct one another with wisdom. Sing psalms,hymns, and sacred songs to God with thanksgiving in your heart……
    Lord, thank you for my srt sisters and the way we instruct, teach, guide, help and love each other with your wisdom. Lord, i pray we sing psalms, hymns and sacred songs to you our God with thanksgiving in our heart for all you have done and all you continue to do in our lives.
    May the Lord turn his face to shine on you Today wherever you are, whatever you do. X x x

  6. adelineoh says:

    Great reminder. Be constant in prayer. Thanks!

  7. Ellen MR says:

    Good morning Candacejo! ;)

  8. Ellen MR says:

    Today I can have hope and be patient by praying! Especially on a certain matter so many of you were kind enough to help me with! I go to church with a lighter heart and a hope, all because we serve a mighty God who brings us all together in love, peace and harmony! This is what it’s all about Ladies-
    Praying peace and love to all of you today! :)

    1. LaurenC_ says:
