practicing praise

Open Your Bible

Psalm 8; 1 Chronicles 16:7-36; Psalm 100

Text:  Psalm 8; 1 Chronicles 16:7-36; Psalm 100

For just about anything worth doing, repetition is needed to form a habit. Your first training run ever for a 10K is going to feel clumsy and painful. You’ll find muscles you never knew you had and you may even hobble your way around for a few days afterward. But through time, through practice, and through preparation, lacing up your running shoes will eventually happen without conscious thought and you’ll sail through a few miles like you’ve been doing it all your life.

The same holds true for prayers of praise and thanksgiving. They aren’t second nature—we have to be prompted, like children, to say “thank you” until it’s something that comes naturally. So when we’re writing our thank you notes on God’s heart, it’s not all that different from those thank you notes we wrote as children.

First, we address the giver. God is the giver. Forget yourself and turn your focus on Him.

Second, we acknowledge the gift. To identify God’s many gifts is a skill. Start by asking yourself, “How do I see His hand in my life?” It isn’t necessarily thanking Him for the promotion or finding the perfect house in your search, though certainly we can give Him the glory in those times. But it’s also recognizing His presence in the difficult times. It’s seeing how even those things we saw as setbacks were all part of His perfect plan for our lives. And by acknowledging His investment in your life, the blessings and the trials, we are telling Him that we’re not taking Him for granted. We’re acknowledging that we see all things, every chapter of the story He’s written, as an opportunity for praise.

Next, we give sincere thanks.  It can be poetic or conversational.  It can be flowery or simple.  You can whisper or you can shout.  Just practice saying “thank you.”

Finally, we make our affection known. We close, just like we would in that thank you note. “I love you.” “Sincerely.” “I’m faithfully yours.”

Practice giving praise to Him today. Address Him, identify His gifts through your own story of redemption, give sincere thanks, and make your great love for Him know.

And then do it again tomorrow. And the next day. And the next. Until you are sailing through these prayers of praise like you’ve been doing it all your life.

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56 thoughts on "practicing praise"

  1. Lindsay says:

    Great reminder! Definitely needed this today.

  2. jesusgirl71 says:

    CandaceJo, love that song! Never heard it!

    1. Candacejo says:

      It's from their newest album Revealing Jesus, it is beautiful, isn't it!

  3. Carolynmimi says:

    Hi, I tried to post today and am waiting on approval of site administrators. I hope I didn't say anything wrong or offensive. I re-read it and must conclude that this is one of those divine interruptions, I wrote about…Praise, Jesus! He is in control, not me. This may also be a form of waiting on God!

  4. Ellen MR says:

    Lauren, I understand. I used to get anxious as a relatively new believer when I’d hear this! For
    myself, I need total quiet to really concentrate on where the devo/scriptures take me… sometimes I have light bulb moments where it all makes sense, sometimes my mind just: wanders. I almost always get a sense of how or what he wants me to do with it… I used to expect BIG revelations or who knows what- lol!
    Now I just wait for a nudge in my thinking or just be glad for Him. Its whatever you feel!
    I hope that helps a tiny bit!! :) Praying for clarity for both of us! Have a great day Sister!

    1. Lauren says:

      Thank you, Ellen. I'm so encouraged reading yours and Claire's views on waiting on God. I think I over-analyze also. It's like when I'm seeking God's guidance for a big decision, I start questioning thoughts that come into to my head "is that God or is it me?", "Is this what God wants, or am I subconsciously pushing my agenda?". Like I said before, i know this will be practice, but I deeply want to better communicate with our Lord. I want so badly to hear his whisper- I look for loud responses/signs, when I need to be still and wait for his breath of a whisper.

      Thank you for your prayers, also. I'll pray for us as well!

      1. LaurenC_ says:

        Glad to know it's not just me!

  5. Carolynmimi says:

    In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. (Psalm 5:3 NIV)

    Routine is necessary in my life, keeps the dogs and people fed, exercised and cleaned up, but it also frames my day with time for prayer, scripture, reading SRT, and some of the other blogs I have discovered through SRT.  Without a schedule I 'd get lost in one thing at the expense of something or someone else, including time with God. JuneBug, you blessed my socks off with your post here this morning, because, Girlfriend, I have been in your shoes and am so thankful for Jesus, who helps me re-focus.

    Routine while needed should not be the Ruler of my daily life, only God should be.  Since starting with SRT, I have had to readjust my "carved in stone" early morning (Central Time USA) to include some midday time, evening time and even late night time.  Why? Because I don't want to sleep until I have caught up with all of you, read your insights about the lesson and lifted you up in prayer.  Routines are good but not inflexible or subject to complete overhauls at time.

    OK, I hear you, How does this fit with practicing praise until it becomes natural?  God doesn't need a clock or a calendar, but He knows I do.  He lets me have both, but often bursts into my day, yelling, "Surprise! Company coming!" Or whispering, "that person you just thought of needs prayer right now, so, Pray!" Or revealing himself in someone or something so that praise cannot be postponed till later.  I wish I handled those unexpected divine interruptions well every time, but I don't…when I don't, He doesn't slap me up the side of my head and say "get your head out of that refrigerator and pay attention." Nor does He stop giving me chances to participate with Him in this world, joining Him in expressing His Love.  And yet, I miss the blessing intended, because my schedule ruled.

    Lauren asked about waiting for God and that really caught me because I have wondered about that too. One thing I have learned is to start my time with God with a few moments of silence, eyes closed and to allow the distractions to calm within me. And then to begin with praise, sometimes even croaking out a song. Then I lay out my petitions, pausing now and then.  I will turn to a passage of scripture, sometimes one of Paul's prayers for believers and pray those words putting in the names that come to mind.  Then as I said I try to leave Pause Time, divine interruption time open to whatever God brings that day.  I am sure many of you have better handles on "waiting for God" and I know I welcome hearing them.

    Praise God, your words may be my divine interruption for today.  Have a blessed one!

  6. Ellen MR says:

    Beautiful posts today! Love the texts for the devo…So moved, I have a full heart because all He does! He’s given me so much, He’s saved me- regardless of myself. He and the works of His hands are majestic and awesome, given in love and beauty! How small am I, yet He includes me in His glorious creation! Humbly, gratefully I thank you for all, and dedicate myself for your glory- AMEN!!

  7. jesusgirl71 says:

    Claire, I’m the same way. I am going to try your idea of waiting first. It is so hard for me to be still, but I need to try. So glad to know I’m not alone.

    1. claire says:

      Will pray for you as it can be hard to stop in our busy word. Sometimes I find worship music helps me to focus other time silence is definitely needed. X

  8. MolindaH says:

    JuneBug, thank you for what you said in your post. I, too, recently moved and am having a hard time with the transition. Your post put words to what I couldn’t put into words and the knowledge of the greatness and wonderment of our God. Truly a blessing and am grateful that The Lord lead me to this group. Thank you Lord!!!

    1. JuneBug says:

      Thanks for reminding me that I'm not alone MolindaH. What a blessing to know that when I struggle, there is someone else who is struggling in the same way…near or far. And even better to know that we have a Father who carries us through. I'm also grateful that the Lord lead you to our group! Looking forward to getting to know you better!