kingdom praying in scripture

Open Your Bible

Matthew 6:25-34

This is a beautiful passage of scripture, right? Often quoted, we can recite it when we’re worried about money, our bodies, our health, our clothes, our status, our EVERYTHING. But sometimes we are so close up to these lives, so zoomed in, it’s hard to even see the bigger picture of what Jesus might have been getting at in His words.

Look at those birds, He said. Can you picture him pointing to a massive flock? You are like one of those. Let me repeat. Your are like ONE of those. Now, imagine we’re in some super cool middle school science video where we can zoom our perspective out and fly above the birds, then above the neighborhood, above the city. How many more flocks of birds do you see? Lots, right? Keep going above the city, over your state and then your nation and continent and the whole globe. How many swarms of birds are there? How many different species? Research will tell us we can barely guestimate how many there are on earth, but we’re looking at roughly 100 billion. And they are ALL sustained and cared for by the Father.

So of course we shouldn’t worry, but do we see the bigger picture? Being a part of God’s Kingdom is nothing like being a part of a flock of birds. He has set the universe, the earth up in a manner that it doesn’t need His constant overseeing, saving, redeeming – but He has made humans entirely different. He has made us different: we need Him daily, rely on Him, need to be in relationship with Him – the whole species of us. And not only that, but He tells us that we – our singular little bird self in the midst of the billions, we have Kingdom weight. We can pray for the other billions, care for them, and seek the good of the whole mass. All at once, we can have an incredibly personal and beautiful relationship with our Father and a Kingdom-minded heart that beats for the spiritual battles being waged before us and above us and on the other side of the world.

So – no, don’t worry about what you’re going to wear or eat or drink. Not just because He already has taken care of that, but because if you’ll just zoom out and let Him show you the bigger picture, you’ll realize the beauty of being Kingdom minded. Seeking first His Kingdom for most of us will mean ceasing to seek for our own and asking Him to lift our eyes to something much bigger, much higher, much closer to His heart.


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46 thoughts on "kingdom praying in scripture"

  1. Margie says:

    Philippians 4:6
    Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

    Father God, how thankful I am that I can come to you anytime, anywhere, anyhow, regarding any situation. I can leave it at the foot of the cross and know for certain that you have it handled. It brings such joy and comfort to my soul.

    Lord, I continue to hold the people of Boston in my thoughts and prayers. Be with them Lord, and may you be glorified.

  2. Thinking about the Matthew 6:25-34 and putting that together with Matthew 6:9-13 (The Lord's Prayer) we can see how we can have a Godly perspective. I think walking through how Christ taught his disciples to pray on a daily basis will bring us that outward perspective, that Kingdom perspective. We see in the Gospels how Christ needed that time alone with the Father but even when the crowds would interrupt that time He would graciously receive them. I know I need time with My Father but I am not always so gracious because my perspective is not that of Christ. Oh how I pray I can gain that perspective and remember that God Has the details covered. Much Grace Ladies

  3. Sue :-) says:

    God’s timing is always perfect, and after yesterdays events in Boston, we all know how perfectly timed this plan is. I am reminded of that song we use to sing when I was younger, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”. Phenomenal, isn’t it? The power of our Lord God Almighty.

    Father God, Today I hold up Boston to you. Wrap your loving arms around those who are hurting and scared. Use this to show how great your love truly is. Allow your Spirit to move through and touch those who are seeking. You are God. Your plan is perfect. Your will be done.

    Father God, I also lift up the people of Detroit to you in prayer. This last weekend, you truly showed me what a great need there is for you in this city. People are losing hope, but you Lord, are the King of Hope. Restore and renew the righteous, and touch those in need. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

  4. Ellen MR says:

    So sad that these people have to lash out at those who least expect it. But once again, their intention to tear people APART has backfired!
    Doing your worst will bring out the best- every time.
    Thank you Lord for your Kingdom, that we are more aware than ever that WE ALL MATTER and to pray for one another, and that your will be done, now and forever!
    In Jesus’ name, AMEN
    Praying for my Sisters near and far, and that He blesses you today!

  5. Joanna says:

    I am such a worry wort. This is such a struggle for me. I don't know if it is the not knowing or the unknown, but it is hard to not to worry about finding that job, how will the bills get paid etc. But through prayer and reading God's word and I am learning to stop worring and rest in knowing God has a plan and so far, he has helped me make it through. I am so thankful for that and so much more. Thank you for the study today. It is a great reminder that worrying in is God's hands, not ours.

  6. Christie says:

    I agree that this passage is quite timely in the wake of recent events. My tendency is to worry. I am encouraged by the thoughts written on these posts to respond to worry with love.

    1. Candacejo says:

      I love that! Respond to worry with love! Beautiful!

  7. JuneBug says:

    Oh yes, how the Father takes care of us! We can be free to look out at the needs of others when we know that our own needs are so carefully met. He's got us covered. I know this all too well. There was a time in my life when I had the best of everything…then a tragedy hit, and it was all gone. I didn't know where I was going to get my next meal from. But the Lord showed His love and faithfulness to me. He took care of me, like He does the birds, and I never went without what I needed. I don't know HOW it happened. It just did. I didn't have all the things I WANTED…but I had everything I needed at the very hour I needed it.

    He's got me. He's got you too. We can rest on His promise, and look to help others that need…something. Just a word of encouragement, a coffee and a listening ear, a set of free hands…I'm learning to give what I CAN. Just showing up can mean the world to someone. It doesn't have to be much to bless another heart.

    We have heard about the events in Boston up here in Canada and I have already read many posts of people praying for the victims of such a senseless act of violence. I am praying for those families, "His Kingdom come, His will be done…" May God turn this tragedy into something good. That His love will resonate the loudest. We are already hearing reports of people running towards the explosion to help out the injured…God bless them all!

    1. LindaG says:

      JuneBug, wow you said it: Just showing up can mean the world to someone. It doesn't have to be much to bless another heart.

    2. Candacejo says:

      Beautiful as always my friend.

  8. Brenda says:

    Love this refreshing perspective on an often-quoted passage! Thanks.