prayers of intercession

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 1, John 17, Romans 12:12

Text: Nehemiah 1, John 17, Romans 12:12

I’ve discovered something that continues to surprise me: the power of a gaze. In the line at the supermarket, at lunch with a friend, passing a street corner – my level of interaction is determined by where I cast my gaze. If I dare to look you in the eye, an invisible line is breached. I step out of my world and enter yours. Venturing out of myself, though uncomfortable, makes life richer, helps me see the whole of it.

So it is with prayer. The word “intercede” means to intervene on another’s behalf, and in prayer it simply means this: going to the Father in the name of another. To intercede means seeing another’s need and carrying it to the King of Kings.

In Nehemiah 1, we see a man broken for his Brothers and Sisters. Upon hearing news that a city and people he loves are in danger, Nehemiah weeps. “As soon as I heard these words,” he writes, “I sat down and wept and mourned for days.” (v. 4) Nehemiah fasts and prays and pleads to God on behalf of the people of Jerusalem. As I read of his reaction, I can’t help but ask, When was the last time I allowed intercession to interrupt my life, laid my agenda aside to enter into another’s struggle? The answer is humbling at best.

When Nehemiah carries Jerusalem’s woes to the Lord, it looks like this: he affirms God’s glory and steadfast love, he petitions for God to hear his prayer, he acknowledges his own sin and the sin of the people, and he reminds God of His promises. Yes, Nehemiah speaks back to God the covenant that God Himself made. Essentially, he calls God out. He says, “You said you would do this for Israel and you did it. Now, O faithful Lord, continue to do what you said you would do.” (v.8-11, my very loose paraphrase)

In John 17, we see that Christ Himself likewise intercedes for His followers. He prays not for their comfort, happiness or prosperity, but for something grander. He prays for unity. He prays that they will abide in the Father. He prays for their sanctification in the truth and that they will one day be with Him in Glory. Amen, right?

Sisters, let’s soak in these examples of intercessory prayer today. Let’s cling hard to God and His promises, for ourselves and for each other. Let’s dare to look one another in the eye, step out of ourselves and pray in the fullness of the Kingdom.

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28 thoughts on "prayers of intercession"

  1. LaurenC_ says:

    I am so thankful for your kind intercession for my friend Megan. I am so sorry to say that she has been diagnosed with cancer in her chest wall. She has met with a doctor today & will have a biopsy on Monday morning. At that time decisions will be made about how to proceed with her treatment. This is unbelievable yet I know this happens to people every day, perhaps many of my sisters here in the SRT community. This is heartbreaking yet I agree with you Unforgiven & Tina: God has the final say and all the answers. His plans are not to harm us but to give us hope and a future. Today's verse on our You Version app says from Ecclesiastes 11:5 – "Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother's womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things." Megan's diagnosis is not for us to understand right now but I pray that God will enable me and strengthen me to serve as His vessel of love and care for my friend. Ladies, our lives are so so precious.

  2. Cynthia says:

    Interceding for both Sara and Megan. Please keep us posted. I pray that everyone be blessed and encouraged!

  3. Sin had left a crimson stain He washed it white ss snow. ….Jesus died our souls to save…. Jesus gave it all…
    Thank you Jesus for being the greatest intercessor there ever Will be. AMEN.

    Be blessed ladies in whatever you do today. X x

  4. Ibukun says:

    Praying for Megan and Sara today.

  5. LaurenC, from my lips to Gods ears. Will definitely be holding up Megan to the God who has all the answers, plans not to harm us, but hope all and a future.
    Yes we will definitely call on you Lord and we Will come ti you in pray for our sister Megan, and Lord your promise is that you Will hear us(jer 29:11-13). Because we seek you with all our hearts…
    I Will Thank you Lord in advance of what you Lord promise us that you Will nite leave us nor forsake us…. Amen.

  6. forgiven:) (formerly know as unforgiven says:

    Amen Sister Lauren will definately intercede with you. God has the final say.and we know sickness and disease is not of Him.

  7. LaurenC_ says:

    Hi everyone, please intercede with me on behalf of my co-worker. She has been having back pain for some time focused on a small hard mass and a large area of swelling near it. She had an MRI yesterday. She called me a little while ago to tell me that the MRI report says she has a "highly aggressive malignant mass." She was given the report from the imaging center but she has not spoken with her doctor. The doctor has NOT called her yet about the results and so all she and her parents know are these very frightening words, along with many more medical details in the report which they do not yet understand. Her name is Megan and she is only 31. She has no symptoms except the very localized pain in her back. Megan is a good friend of mine. Please pray with me that she will just hold on until she speaks with the doctor in person and knows exactly what is going on. Let's all lift Megan up to God's strong arms and gentle hands to receive both His strength and His peace, that her mind will not run away with her to dark places of worry, that she will just hold on. Thank you so much.

    1. Diana says:

      I prayed for Meagan and as The Lord reminds me I will continue to lift her and her family to Him.

  8. Ellen MR says:

    ” When was the last time I allowed intercession to interrupt my life, laid my agenda aside to enter into another’s struggle?”
    I love this devo today! In a society that’s all about me, me, me, this is a timely reminder to think of others and what they may be struggling with. It’s an opportunity to help, in the most simple way! Pray! :)
    We are so blessed Sisters, that we have this community to turn to and to ask for prayers! In times of darkness when I’ve asked, I have FELT prayers lift me up that came from all of you. Such an amazing feeling! I like what Raechel said: “Venturing out of myself, though uncomfortable, makes life richer, helps me see the whole of it.” What a great message. Look around you. See the need of another and carry it to the King of Kings!
    Tiffany said it above- “I may not know all the scriptures to pray with, however I know God earnestly will do the rest as He sees my heart.”
    That’s what I count on! I haven’t got much Scripture memorized yet, but I know He knows my heart.
    Ibukun , lovely post! It says it all! ;)
    Rocknitat55, thanks for your prayer!
    AmyKelly, I’ve always understood fasting to be used for clarity! (?) Now I have a question! What do you do to start a fast? Special prayers? How long do you fast? What fluids can you have?
    P.S. Candacejo just had a wonderful piece about “ME” on her blog! Read it if you can Ladies! ;)
    Have a beautiful day Sisters!