Philip & the Ethiopian Official

Open Your Bible

Acts 8:5-8, Acts 8:26-40, Isaiah 56:1-8, 1 Peter 2:9-10

As one of the seven deacons chosen to care for the poor, Philip had a good reputation in the community and was full of wisdom and the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:3, 5). Philip followed the movement of the Holy Spirit with obedience and devotion to what God was doing through him. When the Spirit redirected his plans by leading him to a specific ministry opportunity, he followed with enthusiasm and was God’s vessel for showing the “immeasurable riches of his grace through his kindness to us in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:7).

These two stories from today’s reading contrast God’s pursuit of many and of one, both in surprisingly bold yet gentle ways. Through Philip, God reaches down into the territory of Samaria, and purposefully chooses to make the lame, paralyzed, and demon-possessed a people for His own possession (Acts 8:5–8; 1Peter 2:9). But remember that at that time, “Jews [would] not associate with Samaritans” (John 4:9). This is the shocking grace and kindness of God’s upside-down kingdom on display.

Later, Philip came across an Ethiopian official, who was also a eunuch, heading home in his chariot after worshiping in Jerusalem. He sat with a copy of the book of Isaiah open, reading the prophet’s words aloud. God orchestrated a divine meeting and chose to use Philip as His hands and feet, delivering the gospel message to the Ethiopian man. His position in life meant he was not welcome to worship with Jews (Deuteronomy 23:1), yet he was still determined to know God (Acts 8:31). Philip, led by the Holy Spirit, “proceeded to tell him the good news about Jesus, beginning with [the] Scripture” he’d been reading (v.35), which said:

He was led like a sheep to the slaughter,
and as a lamb is silent before its shearer,
so he does not open his mouth.
In his humiliation justice was denied him.
Who will describe his generation?
For his life is taken from the earth (Acts 8:32–33).

After hearing Philip’s explanation of the passage and understanding that the good news of Jesus was for him, too, everything changed for this man, leading him to excitedly ask to be baptized at the first sight of water (Acts 8:36). Reconciliation through Jesus Christ meant that he would never again have to be separated from God (Isaiah 56:4–5). He was welcomed into the family of God. Like the Ethiopian official, these shocking promises of grace and kindness in God’s upside-down kingdom should bring us great joy and peace.

In both of these accounts, Philip was led by the Holy Spirit to faithfully testify to the power of God through Jesus Christ, which has come to claim all people for His glory. And while Philip is an example of a faithful servant of God fulfilling the Great Commission, ultimately, the story of Philip is not really about Philip at all; his story points to an otherworldly mercy that claims us as God’s own, calling us out of darkness and into His eternal light (1 Peter 2:9–10).

Brooke Kocher is a wife and mother of three. She is a Southern girl at heart and a recent transplant to the Pacific Northwest.

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27 thoughts on "Philip & the Ethiopian Official"

  1. Ada McCloud says:

    I wish Christians would look at humanity as belonging to the Kingdom

  2. Alicia McCann says:

    Help me to hear your calling and prompting Lord when there is something you want me to do or say to someone for your glory

  3. Krystyn Carey says:

    Otherworldly mercy!

  4. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that Philip listened to the calling of the Holy Spirit in his life. Life has been so busy lately, that I don’t always hear what God is leading me to do. I need to make the most of the quiet moments and listen to God.

    1. Megan Broughton says:


  5. Janice M says:

    Sisters, I am confused between Deuteronomy 23:1 and Isaiah 56:4-5. These verses say total opposite things and yet are both in the Old Testament. Can someone help clear this up for me. Thanks.

    1. Lynda Brewton says:

      Being a eunuch meant they had been emasculated (having their male organs removed) which was a heathen practice. Their life was dedicated to serving in a kings court, and or serving a heathen idol.
      Jews were instructed in the Mosaic Covenant (The Law), not to allow those who had gone that far in service to what was not God to be excluded from the sanctuary because the sanctuary was God’s holy place. In the New Covenant, because of Jesus death, shedding his blood, and rising again, a eunuch could turn from his old heathen life to faith in Jesus and be made a new creation. I like the Isaiah passage that describes the eunuch choosing what pleases Him and holding fast to His covenant, the new one in Jesus. What hope there is for all who come to Jesus, made new, laying aside the old life for a life of delighting in Him and His welcoming us into His family, no matter who or what we have “served” in the past. Hope this helped.
      I’m new here, but have been reading posts for awhile now. You all are so precious!

  6. Taylor says:

    I am so in need of this otherworldly mercy and how blessed we are “to live to reach all people with Nothing But Jesus” (that is my church’s mission statement). I am challenged by today’s passage to look at my immediate sphere and look for who might be ready to receive the gift of salvation? Who might need this otherworldly mercy and be welcomed into God’s Kingdom? May I have ears to hear, eyes to see, and hands and feet to go and do what the Lord calls me to do. In my season of learning to surrender, trust, and obey, I pray that my own plans for my day, week, and life be pushed aside to focus myself on His plans. In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus <3

  7. AnnaFaith Adair says:

    no one is an outcast in the Kingdom! hallelujah!

  8. Nadine Hall says:

    I feel a bit like Philip. My husband and our family are following the Spirit’s leading to interview at a church several states away. We will leave in the morning, quietly confident we are following the Lord while totally unsure what the outcome will be. I would appreciate the community’s prayers as we continue seeking the Lord’s will and following the Spirit’s leading and direction for our family and future ministry life.

    1. Karen Ballinger says:


  9. Diana Fleenor says:

    Today I”m struggling with increased symptoms which include pressure in my head, all over body pain and energy drain. When this happens, the sense of isolation heightens and I can relate to the concept of being in “a desert place.” Also, the term “outcast” strikes a familiar chord. Being in the desert place for over 13 years can make one cry out to the Lord, “How long?” as David penned in both Psalm 6 & 13.

    Like David, I have tasted the goodness of the Lord and and like the Ethiopian, his great mercy of salvation through eyes opened to the good news of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Yet, today, I can very much relate to David’s words in Psalm 6: “Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing; heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is greatly troubled. But you, O Lord — how long?”

    How grateful I am to know that I can bring my troubles to the Lord with tears, groaning, and questions and I do so with a humble heart. I believe that he is sovereign over it all and all he does is good and just and right. May his steadfast love strengthen my own heart, as I pray for each of you in this as well.

  10. Lindsay C. says:

    I believe the Spirit still guides, directs, and appoints us for certain people, times, and/or places. The question I ask myself is, Am I close enough to hear? And if I hear, will I obey?

  11. Ashley White says:

    Amen ❤️

  12. Cynthia Ramain says:

    I absolutely love this story. It is a good reminder that even though we miss congregating in our houses of worship during these crazy times, all we truly need is the word of God and the gospel with the willingness to share it, even when it puts us out of our comfort zone. May we all continue to share his word with whomever and wherever we can! Praying for all my SRT sisters today and am thanking God for knowing His truth❤️

  13. Heidi Hoffman says:

    I echo your sentiments too! How did I miss this?

  14. Dorothy says:

    After reading the scripture, I realized that I either never read or really paid attention to the last few verses of the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Official. I am now aware of the official getting baptized and Philip being carried away by the Spirit of the Lord right in front of the Ethiopian official. I can’t imagine what that would be like to see someone take away by the Spirit of the Lord right in front of me. It would be awe inspiring.

  15. Angie says:

    Ashley P. and Liz, as fellow teachers you are in my prayers. This year will be different in our classrooms. But, the “things” we are going to have to do without are just things…you are what makes that classroom the place where children feel loved, wanted, and secure. Instead of the normal 8-10 weeks of getting through the summer the children have had months of being at home. Even in the best of homes the stress level has increased for families simply due to the unknown and ever changing circumstances. You have the light of Jesus, it will shine out of you. Looking in their eyes, listening to their hearts, giving them elbow hugs (maybe)…it is Jesus in you that makes the difference. Will it be harder – no doubt. Does God have this? NO DOUBT! He put you in those children’s lives for a purpose. We will lift each other up. We will figure out ways to show the love and kindness of Jesus, one little step at a time.

    Dorothy, your son and daughter-in-law are in my prayers as well. I understand praying through the anxiety. I have noticed when I am in the car with my husband since my accident and he is accelerating my spirit tenses until I close my eyes and remember, Who is in control. I’ve wondered if you’ve been able to get a car yet?

    Doris – I too ache for the message to be fully about Jesus again. That is where Life begins, is, and always will be.

    Be blessed SRT ladies!

    1. Ashley P. says:

      Thank you for your encouragement, Angie! You’re right, God does have this.

  16. Angie says:

    Philip was in Samaria, teaching them about Jesus, with great success. It was a great revival! People were healed of everything from unclean spirits to the ability to walk, and most importantly they were being taught about the Messiah. Then Philip was called out of the “joyful city” to a deserted area. He explained the scripture and talked with one man about Jesus. The Ethiopian’s soul was saved and baptized into the kingdom of God. Then the Spirit of God took Philip away to the city of Azotus where he continued the gospel message all the way to Caesarea.

    “When a person of mighty faith encounters someone whose heart is open to the possibility of God’s presence, amazing things happen. All it takes is patience, trust, love—and listening to the call of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:29).” I took this from HRT’s Alex Florez’s essay today.

    It wasn’t about “who” or “where” for Philip. WHERE ever he was with WHOMever he was with, he shared the gospel of Jesus Christ. He shared Truth. Revival crowds, individuals, or while traveling through a place, his heart was full of Jesus and his mouth poured it out.

    May our hearts be so full of Jesus that our mouth pours out His message. May it not, not, not be about us, but Jesus! May our lives be the microphone of faith to amplify the message of Jesus Christ today, tomorrow, always. Let it be so Lord Jesus. Amen.

    1. Jen Brewer says:


  17. Amanda Howard says:

    I can relate to the Ethiopian not grasping the passage he was reading! It does encourage me to keep doing what I need to do!

  18. Indiana Christina says:

    Oh, how relevant these passsages are right now to the times we live in. I love how God loves and pursues all of His people, including the despised, mixed-race Samaritans; the poor; the broken; and the eunuch who couldn’t bear children in an age when child-bearing was a huge part of defining people’s worth.

    I love how God’s vision in Isaiah 56:6-8 is reflected in Philip’s reaching out to an Ethiopian eunuch, who likely became Africa’s first missionary. I love that God’s dream of reconciliation and salvation through Christ wasn’t just for one nation, but for all nations and peoples. May we enter into and continue the missionary work started by Philip, get out of our comfort zones, and spread the good news to our neighbors of different ethnicities and backgrounds. For God intended our churches to be houses of prayer for all people groups now in the present and heaven will be filled with all people when we worship Him in eternity. And He will be magnified and glorified for it and it will be glorious and beautiful.

  19. Doris says:

    Romans 1:16
    For I am not ashamed of the the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first and to the Greek.

    May the world we live in today hear this Gospel. The basic truth that it contains. Philip preached only Jesus. If only the church would do that in the times we are in.

    Do you think we as the church today have the same impact as the early church had?
    We would if “the Gospel” was preached.

    That’s what stood out to me in the reading today, they preached Jesus. How I long for the focus to be Jesus again. Jesus said to search the scriptures for they testify of Me.

  20. MARTHA HIX says:


  21. Blessed Beth says:

    Today I will bask in the privilege of our salvation that I so often just take for granted, wow how blessed and honored we are.

  22. Churchmouse says:

    Samaria. The desert road. Azotus. Philip shared the Gospel wherever he found himself. 2 Timothy 4:2. May I do the same.