
Open Your Bible

Philemon 1:4-22, Leviticus 19:11-18, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Galatians 6:1-2, Galatians 6:10, Colossians 3:9-15

We’re over halfway through This Is the New Testament, our thematic overview of the New Testament. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll finish our look at the Pauline Epistles and begin the General Epistles. 

What Is Philemon? Paul wrote this short letter to Philemon, a leader of the house church in Colossae, during his first imprisonment in Rome. In it, Paul asks his friend to forgive Onesimus, who was enslaved to Philemon and came to faith after running away and meeting Paul. Paul also asks Philemon to restore Onesimus to his household, demonstrating Christian love by treating him as a brother in Christ.

How Philemon Fits Into the Story: Philemon is Paul’s shortest letter, yet it is considered one of his most heartfelt. It also captures the true heart of the gospel. When we come to God in repentance and faith, He gives us a new status in the family of God. He welcomes us as if we were Jesus, who assumed full responsibility for the debt of our sin. 

Reflection Questions: 
1. What do Paul’s words in today’s reading teach you about forgiveness and reconciliation among believers?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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74 thoughts on "Philemon"

  1. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Praying for you SRT teachers, whether in a school or home schooling. Blessings, strength and peace.

  2. Heather Hahn says:

    In ALL things and ALL ways, forgive and love each other as Christ loves & forgives us. Let go of anger, jealousy, resentment, bitterness, pride, and any other hardness of heart that you may have towards another person. Do this so that you may be more aligned with the holiness of Christ.

  3. ERB says:

    MAURA, dear friend.. I didn’t get your message yesterday until after I had already posted… I do hope that you are feeling better and more rested!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you!!! Please take the time and rest you need!! It’s so important!! As my doctors always say to me “sleep is when the body does its best healing” so REST my dear friend… because it is when we are resting (especially in His arms) that God is able to do His best restoring!! If you want to read what I wrote about Isaiah 65 it is in yesterday’s comments… I will wait to hear from you before moving forward. Much love to you!! Xoxo

  4. Linda Gilbow says:

    God forgave us because of Jesus. We forgive others on the same basis. He forgives completely. So are we to forgive completely. God forgives with a heart that desires to restore. We are to forgive in that same attitude. Forgiveness is an act of the will, despite our emotions. God deals with our emotions as we choose to forgive. I have learned to say the words “Lord, I forgive -name- for -transgression- because You have forgiven me.” Each time I remember what happened, or feel the hurt and anger rising, I say “Lord, I have forgiven that.” It is amazing how He takes away my hurt and anger in a short amount of time. I begin to see the person with His eyes and can pray for them and in some cases, serve that person in love. FORGIVENESS IS FREEING.

  5. ERB says:

    NADS, it is always SO wonderful to hear from you!! You are a treasure and I appreciate your insights and your faithful prayers and encouragements!! SO glad you were encouraged by the scripture in Isaiah 65:24 yesterday!! It really stood out and encouraged me!!! What an AMAZING God we serve!!!

    Hope you are doing well my friend!! Many Blessings be upon you!! Xoxo

  6. Heidi says:

    When I was a sinner- Christ died. When I was dead in my sin- Christ forgave. When I had no concept of love- He first loved me.
    These examples are blaring in my head this morning.
    There is ZERO. action on my part when it comes to getting God’s love and forgiveness. Zero. He claimed it on the cross- “forgive them. They don’t even know what they are doing”. This wasn’t an annoyed “oh for heavens sake, just forgive them already.. geesh, they’re idiots”. ;) It was a heartfelt, passionate, pleading from my savior to His Father- one that He answered and did. For me. For no reason on my part.
    The moment I attach any action of my own to the reason for my forgiveness- even in small part- I take the power of God away from Him and claim it as mine. Now I HAVE suddenly played a role in my own forgiveness. THAT in itself is a whole topic… It’s by grace I’m saved. Again- if I attach ANY action or thought or work, no matter how tiny it may be, then it is no longer grace. If it’s no longer grace, the Bible is no longer true bc I’ve now found a portion to be false.
    MY POWER in forgiveness is using His power to extend it to others. Anyone. Everyone. No matter the offense. It does not ever “ok” their wrong. It doesn’t immediately heal my hurt. It puts the power of God over the wrong that’s been committed and allows His hand to hold it and use it for the good of His people and his great love for me. It lets Him have the responsibility of dealing with the offender and the offense, and me the freedom to find healing and not allow that offense to be a part of me. What I learn, how I grow, the experience of healing- ALL OF THAT gets to be a testimony of God’s unbelievable grace and love and power to so many others who are hurting with no hope. It becomes a real, human example to other hurting humans that there is more to experience in pain than just pain, hurt, devastation. “We don’t grieve as those with no hope” (1 Thes 4:13) – it never says we don’t grieve as believers. It says we can do it with hope. And without accepting His undeserved grace, without forgiving others who have done wrong, all we represent to an already hurting world is that there is no hope. That even those of us who claim to have grace sufficient for today, really don’t.
    We forgive because He forgave us. And the minute we forget that is the minute we allow ourselves to no longer see the enormous depth and consequences of our own sin.
    Fact is- My sin killed an innocent Man. If I can’t forgive someone else, I allow that death to be in vain. Forgiveness is not easy. But for the sake of the cross and the sake of His Kingdom, it is so so necessary.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Amen Heidi

  7. ERB says:

    VICTORIA E, sorry that I didn’t respond to you yesterday…it was a really full day for me!! I totally hear you on not understanding the suffering of little babies, it truly is heartbreaking to witness. But something that I have learned, experienced and seen in action is how God COMES IN during those times… we might not be able to see it with our human eyes (not fully at least) but if we look with our spiritual eyes (beyond the suffering that is right before us) we CAN SEE the lovingly merciful & grace-filled hand of God at work, ministering, comforting and taking these souls to a place of indescribable peace where pain/suffering do not exist. It’s almost like they are in different place…like they are experiencing & living IN the new Heavens and new earth that the scriptures describe!! Their bodies may look to be suffering and in pain because physically they are, but there truly is a PEACE that passes ALL understanding…and in those moments God just takes over!! He takes ALL the pain, the grief, the sorrow, the struggle…He takes EVERYTHING on so we can be FREE and unified with Him. And in Him, there is NO darkness and NO pain!!! It is my belief that God didn’t create us (as humans) to experience pain/suffering/sorrow but that He created us as fellowship partners & companions. It was only after the “fall” of humankind that pain/suffering/sorrow were introduced (as a consequence) and came into the picture… God gave us choice, and choices have consequences, which can (& will) effect generations… we do not always understand the consequences, but they are there.. there so that we may come back to God, to come back into FULL and COMPLETE fellowship with Him. I believe that full & complete RESTORATION to God and who He originally created us to be (completely unified with Him, no suffering/sorrow/pain) IS the new Heavens and the new earth!! …sorry for the long response… hopefully God will give you something out of it… I am continuing to pray for you, your husband and your dear little one!! As difficult as it is TRY to stay IN the moment. Don’t project… let your anticipation (& anxiousness) be filled with JOY …even if that means you have to declare it out loud to yourself!! ;) ….you asked how I was doing… I am definitely noticing a positive change!! My absences are getting better (not as many, not as long/severe) and the memory loss is less than it has been.. but I am still experiencing side effects.. super tired, foggy, headaches, extremely nauseous along with intestinal issues. All normal for me when I increase my meds. I am praying (& have faith) that my body will eventually adjust and recalibrate. ALL glory to GOD!!!! Here’s to ALL things new!!! Love you friend!! Xoxo

    1. Victoria E says:

      ERB thank you for this response. It indeed has helped me. That was always a point of confusion for me that I had just chosen to not think about. Thank you so much for praying for me and my family. Your prayers are truly appreciated! And I am so glad your seizures are getting better. I am praying that the side effects lessen and the seizure control continues !

  8. SarahJoy says:

    Watching the choice to move through forgiveness despite the devastating sin against her has been the most jaw dropping thing I have watched this year. Seeing someone grieve the sin done against them AND seeing the grief of the offender. Only God can reconcile people. And then you know that you’ve witnessed a miracle because the world would look in and say it’s impossible and not necessary to forgive. But God…
    And to Him she desires to give glory for the ways He has moved in their lives. Only God can provide the conviction, humility and forgiveness. It’s not always easy to forgive, but God can do more than we can ask or imagine.