
Open Your Bible

Luke 5:1-11, Matthew 4:18-22, Matthew 14:22-32, Matthew 16:13-20, Luke 22:54-62, John 21:15-19

Do it scared. This is a popular phrase today, one that shows up in books, podcasts, and hashtags. When I read the story of Peter fighting his way through the wind and waves, I’m reminded of this phrase and how it characterizes Peter’s faith-inspired action. But was “doing it scared” enough to sustain him on the water?

In this story, the disciple second-guesses his decision to join Jesus after observing the strength of the winds (Matthew 14:30). What was I thinking? That’s what I imagine him asking himself. No doubt, those winds felt stronger out on the surface of the water than back in the security of the boat. Wild and tempestuous, the winds circle the disciple, and his own fragility overtakes him. “Lord, save me!” he cries, feet plunging below the surface of the sea (v.30).

Notice how it isn’t the lack of steady ground that Peter fears most. After all, he’s the one who asks Jesus to invite him onto the water, after seeing Jesus model the physics-defying act. Only after venturing out onto the water does Peter’s confidence begin to waver, as he notices just how powerful the wind’s ability to topple him actually is. Although Peter trusts the Lord enough to risk walking on water, that same trust doesn’t sustain him once the obstacles around him begin gaining power.

But it took a lot of faith for Peter to step out of the boat, right? When Jesus says, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” (v.31), we might think to ourselves, Goodness, that’s a lot more faith than I would have had. Can’t we give this guy a break? But Jesus’s words don’t appear to be accusatory. They are an expression of His care. After rescuing Peter by reaching out His hand, Jesus continues to invite the disciple into a life of deeper connection and trust as they journey together.

I’ll be the first to confess that I am forever taking my eyes off Jesus when I find myself in the midst of daunting situations. It’s easier to focus on the situation itself until it robs me of the very gifts meant to sustain me. You probably have your own courageous story of a time when you followed God, trust and confidence levels high, only to be met with fear and doubt further down the road.

Christ not only strengthens us to follow Him, but His strength can also keep us steadfast in the face of peril. We do have permission to cry out when we need help, though. Sometimes He intercedes immediately and calls the surrounding elements into submission—like the salty wind and cold and choppy waves. But sometimes He allows the environment to persist without plucking us from it because it has the ability to form us into His likeness.

No matter what is going on in your life, Christ knows when and how to save you. His rescue is not delayed. Like Peter, when we cry out, He will answer. Carry God’s strength with you today as you “do it scared,” and trust that He is enough to sustain you against the fury of a thousand winds.

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56 thoughts on "Peter"

  1. Makenzie Benish says:

    I’m trying to answer gods calling in my life and it’s something that’s not easy for me and I think I’ve been putting it off for years now. However, reading this today felt like god was telling me that he’s HERE, ready to meet me each moment and provide what I need to do what he’s asking me. I pray that I will rely on gods strength today as I “do it scared” and trust that He is enough to sustain me against anything!

  2. Deborah Newnum says:

    Gotta love Peter! ♥️

  3. Nadine Hall says:

    I love Peter. He’s quite the hot mess, but then aren’t we all. My favorite Peter quote wasn’t included in the reading. John 6:66-69 “From that moment many of his disciples turned back and no longer accompanied him. So Jesus said to the Twelve, “You don’t want to go away too, do you?” Simon Peter answered, “Lord, to whom will we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”” I just love that exchange. Those words are so honest and true, and something I just want plastered on my wall: “You have the words of eternal life.” It’s why I follow him; it’s why I’ve left the world behind and pursued life in ministry; it’s why I “keep opening [my] Bible” every day. I need those words of life, and Scripture is where I find them.

    1. Kathy Mullis says:

      I love Peter too, and that is also my favorite Peter quote. It gives me hope and encouragement.

  4. Lindsay C. says:

    Do it scared. I needed to read that. We are calling our realtor today to prepare for our house to go on the market next month. Something we have felt led to do for over a year but couldn’t make ourselves do it without alternate living arrangements or some kind of plan for the future. We still have neither of those things yet here we go, stepping out in faith. Doing it scared. Trusting in Him.

  5. Heather Haines says:

    Amen! ❤❤❤

  6. Buffy Rennie says:

    Peter was given the ability to fish. God used his interest and ability to become a fisher of men. Peter had the boldness to step out into the water. God use that boldness to speak truth to so many thousands of people.
    Peter also had the boldness deny Christ. God use Peters humanness of denying Christ for those of us who need the example to see the truth and who we are and how much we truly need Him.
    We are created in His image, with our own unique abilities, interest and values. Our own DNA created by Him, for his use within the kingdom. Let the example of Peter be the fire that drives us forward, using our selves for His kingdom.

  7. Lydia MacBride says:

    After reading this time, I am reminded of Matthew 17:20 “He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Our faith is from God. He grows it. He can take a little and turn it into a lot. Trust him and take courage. He’s got this.

  8. Mari V says:

    Many years ago at a Bible study this is how I heard it “do it afraid“. It’s been very helpful during hard times and the unknown. Especially these past three years. I know one thing for sure God is yet to let me down. As I mentioned last week my son and I were in a car accident. Totaled the car. Not our fault. Received some unpleasant news from the insurance company. But I will trust my God. Received some unpleasant news from the courthouse. But I will trust my God. With Jesus by my side I will not sink. Prayers are appreciated. I need this court thing resolved and a new car. My God is faithful I trust him.