Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
—John 1:29
Every January, I follow the turn of a new calendar year by rereading the Gospel of John. It has become a familiar and needed liturgy for me, and every time I arrive at these words in the first chapter, I pause—usually with a lump in my throat. Perhaps it is the seemingly clean slate of a new year that reminds me of the perfect sacrifice Christ became on my behalf and how I’m still desperately in need of it. Or maybe it’s the relief of knowing my record of sin is truly and completely taken away.
Those things are certainly true. Yet I think they catch me because I can picture this scene so vividly. John the Baptist had been peppered with questions about his ministry and his role in relationship to the coming Messiah, but he knew his life was always going to be like a flashing neon sign pointing to the one who was coming to rescue humanity forever. And I can almost feel the dust kicking up from the road as he looks up to see Jesus walking toward him.
Finally. He’s here. The one who is fully what we need. The one God’s people had been waiting for.
I can’t help but find some similarities to this time and space we call Advent. Longing and looking and waiting only to look up and see what we have been waiting for, finally here. But the baby in the manger would grow to be a man who had a long, hard road ahead of Him, one that culminated in His becoming our full, final, and completely sufficient sacrifice on the cross. That’s what makes it perfect—He is the only one who is enough. His is the blood that would finally do what the blood of bulls and goats never could. He is the sacrifice that ended the need for spotless lambs year after year. His is the offering for sin that finally covered all of our brokenness.
Holidays don’t do away with our needs, hurts, desires, and regrets. Sometimes all the festivity and shiny bows just make all of it flood to the surface. But Jesus does meet us right there in the midst of it all. As if He were walking up to John, He comes straight to us. Whether we were actually looking for Him or looking to anything else that might be good enough, He comes to us. His life for ours. His sacrifice for our freedom. His blood is our sufficient covering and cleansing. As we move closer and closer to the culmination and celebration of Christmas Day, may you sit a little longer today in anticipation, looking and longing for the only one who is enough.
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64 thoughts on "Perfect Sacrifice, Come"
Jesus is enough for me. ❤️ as I ponder on this lesson I am compelled to think if Jesus hadn’t come I wouldn’t even have access to a sacrificial offering to cover my sins nor the sins of my family. Thank you Jesus
Sitting in anticipation and not anxiety is a mental shift I need to make
Jesus is enough. Oh how sweet the sound of his name!!
I love this reminder what God fulfills all of our needs and He is the only one we need. I’m going to keep meditating on this truth♥️
“He is the only one who is enough.
His is the blood that would finally do what the blood of bulls and goats never could”
His Blood covers us all… All of our mess, all of the good, the bad and the ugly. He knew us wayyyy back when, and still shed his Blood…… for us..
What a Sacrifice
What a Savior!
Loved this today ♥️
Thank you Jesus, that when You walk into our presence, You come bearing the Ultimate gift; the Fruit of the Spirit!
I am grateful for the last 2 days in this study. I am blessed by God’s Word and I am hopeful for what is to come. I am amazed at the Old Testament and how much Jesus was in there and talked about even though “Jesus” I’d not actually said. I have been doing my daily reading of the Bible 1st time ever this year and it really does tie everything together with this study on Advent. Loving how much God loves us thru Jesus ❤️
Dear Teresa, lean into our Savior, take His hand when needed, let yourself be carried. May he fill you with the peace you need each day and as others have said, live in the present. So many of you are experiencing difficult times and you are all in my prayers and for those who the holidays are especially difficult. Thank you God for the gift of your Son! Hope everyone finds some joy in their weekend.
DONNA WOLCOTT – thank you so much for your prayers, and the recommendation to live in the present. I had to pray and remind myself of that in the middle of the night when I was trying to picture the future. God reminded me that each day has enough trouble all on its own – I don’t need to borrow from tomorrow.
I’m so thankful that I am righteous and clean in Jesus. Let that be enough!
TERESA I i’m keeping you in prayer. It’s been almost 5 years since I was diagnosed with bone cancer (osteosarcoma). God has been so faithful through everything. I am happy to say at this point I am cancer free despite The statistics. Only God.
We certainly don’t know what is in store, but we know we serve an awesome God who will be there with us through it all and we have a Hope that many don’t have. I am praying for you and your family, and all the medical personnel who will meet you. May God be glorified.
I love you sweet Sisters. I am so blessed to have such a community of believers. Have a wonderful weekend. 
TRICIA C – I am so happy to hear that you are cancer free. That’s a miracle with that type of cancer. God is just so amazing. He still works miracles. Thank you for your prayers and for sharing your story. I was just thinking today about how God could change the predicted path for me. I’m praying that He does.
@Theresa Donley
Praying for you ❤️
I can’t begin to express my gratitude to each of you who are praying for me, and for the heartwarming and encouraging words you left for me. It is my prayer that I can truly hang on to the knowledge that I am a Child of God, and I am never alone, even in the darkness of fear and the unknown. I know your prayers are being heard and answered because I really haven’t panicked. I haven’t cried. I haven’t stayed in bed all day with the covers over my head. That is God. No way would I be so calm without all of your prayers and God’s amazing Presence.
I am praying for each of your requests as well. I love to see the way God answers our prayers.
Teresa, a great book is “Dementia from the Inside” by Jennifer Bute. She’s an English Doctor who supported her Dad with it, supported patients with it and now lives with it. She sees it as a blessing to write about it using her medical knowledge and His joy to support others, whilst living with it. Will keep praying for His peace, that surpasses all understanding, to surround you x
LAURIE H – thank you for the book recommendation. I will be looking for it. And thank you so much for your prayers. They are holding me up through learning this.
And then Jesus arrives yes amen! Thank you God for your goodness
Jesus is definitely enough
@Rhonda J- you and Traci G met?? That is so cool! I remember when I first joined SRT in 2020, reading all the posts about Tanner. You are so loved @Traci G ❤️ thankful for this community and its commitment to prayer. Thank you @She Reads Truth staff and writers!!! This place is special to us who weekly commune together :)
@Teresa Donley – God be so near to you. I read your post from yesterday. I am so sorry this is happening, but I am simultaneously thankful you are so aware of God in this. May He continue to hold you so close. You are strong and He will carry you, day by day. My prayer is that you focus on one day at a time. Don’t look too far ahead, though it is a temptation, I am sure… let Jesus be your light – He will not let you down. I believe this. He will walk with you every day, always. I am thankful you know Him. ❤️
@Teri Specht- Amen to your post. We are helpless and hopeless without the Lord as our light.❤️
@Gramsiesue – continuing to remember you and Steve. I pray God continue to keep you and guide you both as you constantly look to Him. He sees you and hears you and loves you!! ❤️
@Mercy- glad your eye is improving – May the Lord heal you completely and give you eyes to see Him, always. ❤️
@Lynne from Alabama- prayers always for you and Jack. May your holiday season shine brightly the light of Jesus in the darkness around you. He is ever present in all your times of need. ❤️
Love you, Shes. God bless you all, who post and don’t post. So many of you in my heart. I have been quiet this week. I feel I am trying to navigate how to really love God and devote myself to my family as He is calling me to. It definitely requires sacrifice and has been messing with my emotions and mind. Grateful for all of you. ✝️
Thank you Jesus. It scares me to think of a world without you in it. May your light shine through me this advent season.
@Traci–I do feel like we were right there beside you through the journey…obviously not in a physical way, but a palpable way that God gives us through prayer together! It really is unreal! We love you Sister!! I remember after Tanner passed I just had to find him to put a face to him, and I am so lucky to be able to see his handsome face and the memories you post of him!! So special! And to see your pretty face! Continued prayers through Christmas, and in the slow seasons as well when you might miss him more.
Do you guys know Traci G and I got to meet in person!! It was amazing to actually meet a (stranger- SHE Sister!)
Oh that is SO good Sharon! I never thought of that parallel. And being clean, repentance, before communion! I love this groups wisdom and insights!! PS- We finished “free of me” study! We LOVED it, we even got t-shirts that say :Free of Me” as a reminder to remember…it is NOT about us, it’s all about HIM!! Glad you helped me to settle on that study! I am thinking of “Put Your Warrior Boots On” by Lisa Whittle. Have you read/done that study? Also, we have a January break, but one of our ladies wrote a book called “Unstuck” (Amy Joob), so we are going to read that 30 day devotional. (Can you believe I am still loving “leading” a small group! The group of ladies makes it easy!!) Thank you all for praying for courage for me—Glory goes to God for giving me that courage!
Amen! Thank you Lord! ❤️
TERESA DONLEY – You will be held in my prayers. I’m sorry you are going through this.
As Rhonda said, I’m so thankful for SRT. These daily studies over the years have changed my life. Helped me through one of the hardest times in my life. I can’t express enough the gratitude for all of your prayers through that time.
Today’s reading also reminds me of how lucky we are- we don’t need to make a sacrifice to speak with God; because of Jesus He lives in us! What a blessing to speak with God so freely! THERESA DONLEY- praying for you during this time, that God holds you so close His light shines brighter through this diagnosis and journey. God is good even in the hard times and if the only good you can see today is this group of women rallying behind you singing, weeping, praising and cheering then focus on that ! We are here for you, praying for a miracle and of course that You are still anchored to Him !!!
As I read in Leviticus 16:3-5, it seems such a parallel to us coming before God. Aaron couldn’t go into the holy of hollies whenever he pleased, he had to put on sacred garments but not before first bathing himself. We too must come before God clean — washed in the blood of the Lamb. Once we are “washed” we are then allowed into His presence…only possible because ‘He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God.” Thank you, thank you Jesus!
@Teresa Donley – I am so, so sorry for your diagnosis. I can’t imagine hearing the news. As we have prayed with you and for you we will continue, you are not alone in this. Try not to dwell on it, take one day at a time – God will give you the grace for each day…and as we are being reminded here each day that the Lord is coming again, we can pray – come Lord Jesus come. ❤️
Have a great Friday my sweet SRT sisters!
Thank you Searching for your prayers of comfort. Andy’s children have adjusted to his loss pretty well. His wife is in a serious relationship. God has been so faithful this past year. I may never understand the why’s, but I do trust that my Father is good and only does good. Looking forward to the day when we meet again, but even more, to see my Savior!
Sweet SRT sisters—There are so many needs in our community and I am praying for each of them. I wish there was enough time in my busy caregiver day to mention each one by name. I know how special it makes me feel to see my name mentioned. Unfortunately there isn’t that much time! Please know that this group honestly prays for each of your requests and lifts your name to the Lord even when it isn’t listed here.
TERESA DONLEY—I am so sorry that your diagnosis was not what you (or any of us) had prayed for! We have to trust that God has a plan in all of this. You are not alone! We are all lifting you up, dear sister! ❤️
TINA, KIMMEE ALEXANDER, CARA P, TRACI GENDRON, LINDA GILBOW, MARYA KAT and all others who have lost a child either recently or years ago—May God give you peace and fill that hole that has been left in your heart! ❤️
Have a blessed day! ❤️
TERESA DONLEY – Praying for you as you begin processing your diagnosis. I was diagnosed almost 5 years ago with Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease at the age of 45. There was a young nurse who was working with my doctor that day. After my appointment was over and I was in shock in the waiting room waiting to check out, that nurse came and found me, hugged me, and said to me as we cried together, “You are not your diagnosis”. She had also recently been diagnosed with MS. It was such a great reminder to me to bring me back to my true identity in Christ. Our identity is not our diagnosis, our broken marriage, our prodigal child, our addiction, our depression….if we are believers, we are holy, acceptable, forgiven, cherished, loved, known, chosen children of the King. Each day seek to hold fast to His truth not our feelings.
What a testimony— Thank you for sharing!
If Jesus is enough then I don’t have to strive to be enough, but get to rest that His perfect work is finished. If I have peace with God, then really, what is there to worry about? He’s got it, and I belong to Him. Praise to the perfect One who set me free!
HE is enough! Happy Friday sweet She’s! Thank, so thankful for this morning devo. Lots going through my head this morning, some hurts and thoughts. Nothing major, but I need to keep-my-mouth shut. My heart is so grateful for my Jesus, my God who doesn’t see me the way I sometimes see myself. I look SO forward meeting with all of you during this season with coffee and the Christmas tree. I LOVE it! Its my FAVORITE time of my day!
Holidays can be hard because they often make the brokenness of this world so much more evident – brokenness of relationships, health, finances, etc. What a beautiful picture to see Jesus walking towards us like He did with John. Wow, love this.
THERESA DONLEY praying for you. What a hard diagnosis to process. May God give you supernatural peace and comfort during this season of processing and decision-making.
Good Morning She’s!
I love that the devotion today weaves in Leviticus and all that the law entails to sacrifice for atonement. We seem to take so lightly the grace of God, and His mercy today. Oh He forgives you! He loves you. Yes. But God, He is Almighty and deserves, commands our obedience and sanctification. Once we are called by God, committing our lives to Him, we want to grow that relationship, we want to live differently…we GET it. Like Tina said, we realize how powerful the sacrifice of Jesus..the living Lamb, spotless lamb that was foretold. Unless we read the old testament (study, learn) the new testament isn’t as profound. I am so glad I have been in the word daily for years now, and the SRT studies have made a tremendous difference in shaping them where we can understand and grow!!
Teresa- oh how my heart dropped when I read your post. I can’t imagine what getting that diagnosis would be like, But God, I do know that He will give you the ability to accept what is true and right from Him, that He sees you and is right there with you, and from that unfathomable peace and joy will come. We love you sister and will pray on this with you daily.
Gayle- praying against your cancer, to be healed!
GrammsieSue- hope you are holding up, prayers for you.
Lynn- prayers always for you!
Prayers for all, love that we have new “regulars!” It takes me forever to remember names!
LYNN SAYLOR – Accordjng to this translation, the person or group seeking atonement slaughtered the sacrificial animal(s).
4:32-35 (New Living Translation) “If the people bring a sheep as their sin offering, it must be a female with no defects. 33 They must lay a hand on the head of the sin offering and slaughter it at the place where burnt offerings are slaughtered. 34 Then the priest will dip his finger in the blood of the sin offering and put it on the horns of the altar for burnt offerings. He will pour out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar. 35 Then he must remove all the sheep’s fat, just as he does with the fat of a sheep presented as a peace offering. He will burn the fat on the altar on top of the special gifts presented to the Lord. Through this process, the priest will purify the people from their sin, making them right with the Lord, and they will be forgiven.”
Thanks, LINDSEY JACOBI for these encouraging words!
“His is the blood that would finally do what the blood of bulls and goats never could. He is the sacrifice that ended the need for spotless lambs year after year. His is the offering for sin that finally covered all of our brokenness.
Holidays don’t do away with our needs, hurts, desires, and regrets. Sometimes all the festivity and shiny bows just make all of it flood to the surface. But Jesus does meet us right there in the midst of it all. As if He were walking up to John, He comes straight to us.”
MERCY, KELLY NEO, SEARCHING, and other Shes, thank you for the prayers! ❤
TERESA DONLEY- God bless you, dear sister! As SEARCHJNG said, not the way you (or we) were hoping and praying for, but by finding out early, it opens the door to more options for treatment. Continued prayers for peace and wisdom in all the decisions for you, your family, and the care team. Love and a big hug! ❤
MERCY – Praying in agreement with you about healing for your eye! So glad you got some relief with that lens! ❤
Christ is all I need to get through. I’ve always said that my BIG C is so much greater than this little c. If God wants me healed, he will give me my 2nd miracle, which I believe he already has. God give us all things. Glory to his name. He is all I need!
Ms Hostetler, how are you doing? I pray that your nausea meds are working!
Technical question. In Leviticus 4:33, who kills the lamb? The priest or the person offering the sacrifice?
It is a far different things to bring the lamb to a priest to kill it rather than having to take its life yourself to pay for your sin.
If it is the person killing the lamb, it makes me think of The death of the Lamb of God differently. Did Jesus die for my sins or did my sins kill Him? OUCH!!
Christ is enough for me!
Oh, TERESA DONLEY, I know you must feel scared, but now you know and can treat accordingly. I am sorry for your diagnosis, sweet sister. Prayers lifted up for you and for all the other sweet She’s as I read.
It really caught my attention today, that the world celebrates the coming of this baby (and, sadly, some people don’t even understand that Christmas is all about Him), yet there is so much more… This almost feels like we are in the season of Lent, without the overwhelming sadness that accompanies it.
I always wonder what the significance is of the linen garments and undergarments. Do you know? Guess I’ll do some researching later.
TGIF, sweet She’s! (The preschool Christmas program is tonight, so TGIF comes for me tomorrow… TGIS… Grace Day!)
TERESA DONLEY- praying for you ❤️ May you feel the Lords comfort, peace, and healing
Amen, TINA.
The OT – always a struggle for me to read about the ongoing sacrifices and disobedience, however, I have to remind myself of God’s ongoing mercy, grace, forgiveness and love that shines through the OT. Thank you DEANNA RASCH for reminding of how time consuming the sacrificial process was – perhaps it gave them time to think about their sin that created the need for sacrifice?
Thank You, LINDSEY JACOBI, for today’s well written devo.
TERESA DONLEY – so sorry to hear the diagnosis yet thankful you now have answers. Praying for wisdom and guidance in treatment decisions, as there are ongoing new developments with treatment options. Love you, sister! ❤️
Praying for-
MERCY- continued healing of your eye and healing and Mikayla’s household
LAURA DIANNE – husband’s job
BEBE – job
JENIFER N – thank you for your testimony of God’s provision
KIMMEE AUXIER – such a great way to honor the memory of Elijah, and a blessing to those going through challenging times. Praying for comfort in your loss, also CARA P, SUSAN, LINDA GILBOW, TRACI GENDRON, TINA, MARYA KAT and others who’ve experienced the unimaginable loss of a child.
ADRIENNE – such a turmoil of emotions you must have felt during the situation with Bella and the lost dog. Sounds like you made the best decisions you could at the time in trying to help the lost dog, even having compassion and willingness to do the hard thing and end the lost dog’s suffering had you located him. We’ve stopped and seen others stop many times to do the compassionate thing for a suffering animal that’s been severely injured. ❤️
CEE GEE – ❤️ praying for caregivers for son’s coworker
TERESA DONLEY – Holding you tightly in prayer!
This past summer, our women’s group did a study of the book of Hebrews. One day, we read from beginning to finish all of the steps that the priests had to take in order to sacrifice a Lamb properly for Atonement. Their day began before sunrise, and ended late in the evening just to accomplish this task according to God’s design. And yet, the sacrifice needed repeated every year to atone for the Israelites soon. How grateful I am That Jesus truly is that Better sacrifice for us!
Todays scriptures struck a chord. Brought me to tears. As I deepened my relationship with God, things are making more and more sense. Clarity, understanding. God love me so much, He sent his Son who knew no sin to die and shed blood as a sacrifice for my sinfulness. I pray for my obedience in staying in God’s word so that I may continuously be transformed each day to reflect the Savior that I love above. Thank you for leaving the 99 to save me. Jesus is the reason for the season. He gave more than enough. Amen.
Amen Char!
Thank You for Your Blood poured out for all of us Jesus!
Jesus is enough for all of our sins!
“You were redeemed from your empty way of life inherited from your ancestors.”
Redemption that was paid by Jesus’ blood sacrifice. Such a scandalous exchange! What mercy and grace from the Throne of Heaven.
AIMEE D-R – praying with you for the Lord’s peace.
MERCY – thankful your eye is healing up. Continuing to pray for Mikayla and her family.
TERESA DONLEY – well now you know what isgoing on. Praying you continue to be peaceful and courageous as you move forward.
CEE GEE – praying your son’s coworker finds a way to bring her mom home.
Good morning She’s. Tina- I agree with you that I am more inclined towards the New Testament. Over the last year or so, with the SRT studies on books like Leviticus and Judges and Chronicles, I have a new appreciation for it. Passages like the ones today that describe the details of how Israel used to have to sacrifice animals for forgiveness makes me really look at Jesus’ sacrifice in a new light.
I’m praying through all the requests. Happy Friday She’s.
Reading the Leviticus verses and the instructions given for the atonement of sins, can I say, I am so so very thankful for Jesus.
More than I have ever known, today I GET IT! I understand, 1) the Lamb of God reference, 2)the implications of Jesus’s sacrifice and the true impact it has on my/our life/lives..
Today I LOOK, with new eyes, new revelation, new anticipation and acceptance of the Greatest Gift ever given, and the greatest my heart will ever receive, and see the true implications and meaning of what I clearly did not fully understand before.
I have never liked the old testament, I always had a ‘this isn’t for me’ attitude towards it. Now, I see I need ir as a point of reference, ‘to see how far we have come,’ by the coming of our Light of the world, our Man from Heaven, our Blessing for All People, our Generous Provider, our Perfect Sacrifice. He sacrificed himself as our atonement. He is our Hope. THE HOPE, of the world.
Praising God, from whom all blessings flow, this morning!
Thank you Lord God, with a clear and a heart filled with much understanding and revelation, Lord God, I say THANK YOU. THANK YOU.
Blessed Friday, my dears, as always wrapped in love and prayers for a God blessed weekend. ❤️
Yes Tina! I feel the same way. I GET IT NOW. ❤️
Amen. Thank you Jesus. ❤️
THERESA DONLEY.. I am terrible sorry for your troubles.. i will for sure hold you and yours in prayers as you navigate your way through this season..
..Dear friend, is close, and He will be with you each day, always, as He has promised. You will never do this alone. Hugs wrapped in prayers ❤️