a peculiar people

Open Your Bible

Titus 2:6-10

Text: Titus 2:6-10

“…so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.”
Titus 2:10b

This passage makes me feel so grouchy. The NKJV puts it like this: “Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded, in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works…” (v. 6-7).

Be “sober-minded”? Really? Set a “pattern of good works”? Oh man.

I don’t know about you, but those phrases take all the helium out of my balloons. They take all the confetti out of my horns, all the toots out of my noisemakers. I like the idea of other people being sensible and sober-minded, but not necessarily me. I prefer to think that I’m creatively-minded and joyfully inclined.

I feel great about the first part of this passage, about how the young men should be sober-minded. I totally agree with that. Those hooligans! The young men should get it together! And stop wearing such tight pants. And stop growing frivolous facial hair.

But Paul isn’t just talking to the young men. He addresses all of us. He tells us to set a pattern of good works, and “in everything… adorn the doctrine of God our Savior” (v. 10). He means I should decorate the gospel with my life! Do you think of yourself as an adornment to the gospel, as something that makes the gospel beautiful to the world?

Whoa. I think my pastor is an adornment to the gospel, but I feel like a goiter on the side of the gospel. Like, the gospel is this beautiful picture of redemption and truth, and I’m there hanging on to the side of it with a crooked grin and weird hairs sticking out. I’m there, I’m lovin’ it, but I’m not necessarily making the gospel MORE beautiful. You know?

Paul is reminding us to apply the gospel to every part of life. Christ has called us to make His gospel even more beautiful to the world by being reverent, discreet and, yes, sober-minded.

The gospel makes us a peculiar people. If we call ourselves Christians we are followers of Christ, and that means we are serious about spiritual things. We are different from the world. We are called to live in a peculiar way.

And peculiar can be beautiful and free.

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105 thoughts on "a peculiar people"

  1. Beth Starkey says:

    Wow!!! Needed this. In so many different ways! Adornment of the doctrine of God our Savior. Father please teach me!

  2. Alexandria Thornton says:

    I didn’t really like the part about slavery. Made me uncomfortable. Thoughts?

    1. Niki says:

      Slavery tends to make people uncomfortable. I don’t know that anyone ever “likes” a passage about slaves. But it’s important to live like the gospel to the least of these. To bring up the least to join us in our love for Christ.

      But it’s also important to work to end modern day slavery. Very important. Very uncomfortable to talk about.

    2. Kim says:

      Slavery in the bible was different than the kind of slavery we think of today. But still, not a comfortable thing to think about. Whenever I read Paul’s instructions to slaves I try to think of how it might apply to me as being someone’s employee.

  3. Shannon says:

    I laughed out loud at the “tight pants & frivolous facial hair” – I totally agree!
    I also love that Peculiar can be Beautiful!!!

  4. ladycamperson says:

    Truly enjoyed this, this morning! Thank you, SRT, for the encouragement to decorate the gospel with my life and to make it beautiful to others.

    1. Thanks for joining us, sister! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  5. Kate says:

    I actually wasn’t so impressed with today’s interpretation. I don’t see how “looking the part” has anything to do with this passage. I thought the context stressed on attitude and not becoming easily angered, instead, the hostess talked about being clean shaven and modestly dressed. It is so important for us to become sober-minded, especially when in the heat of a disagreement or power struggle. That is where our Christ-like attitude should shine through and look different from the world.

    1. Nicole McFarland says:

      Hi Kate,
      I’m just a fellow reader but I saw your post and I understand what you’re saying. I have a real life example that might tie the two interpretations together. I have young children and I’m a believer in spankings as a primary form of discipline. (We’re in the “trying threes,” Lord help me.) I have a lot of Christian and non-Christian friends that don’t believe in spanking. As a Christian I’m called to discipline my child out of love, not anger. This verse talks about integrity and self-control. That is the Biblical way to discipline. If I do it wrong and discipline my child out of anger, with no self-control or patience, my actions will certainly make the gospel less attractive (I would be the goiter) to any of my non-Christian friends that might see that interaction. By not becoming easily angered and being sober-minded, that is how we make the gospel more attractive to those looking in from the outside. I hope that makes sense to anyone that might read this. Isn’t it cool how we can discuss the studies with other women around the world?? Blessings!

    2. Kylee says:

      Agreed- it’s more in word & deed for me than in dress & appearance! How we conduct ourselves on the regular in ordinary circumstances is everything to how we are perceived as Christians in the world! Let my hubby grow his beard while he witnesses to a friend, so be it ❤️

  6. Bethg says:

    An adornment not a goiter! Good simple picture reminder

  7. Montana Moxie says:

    Totally fun post today! What a creative writer. :) This SRT study is the last thing I do before heading out the door for work. I feel equipped for today & ready to display the beauty of the gospel! Thank you.

  8. thesisnannahbeth says:

    So I'm a little behind, and frantically trying to catch up on here, but I really needed this today! I have never really noticed the last part of verse 10, and I am so excited to have something to ponder today!!! XX