Peace Through Fulfillment

Open Your Bible

Exodus 20:1-17, Matthew 5:17-48, Romans 8:1-4

The Pharisees were an infamous religious sect in the Gospels. They thought they were righteous, understanding how to do everything correctly, yet they somehow missed the way to truly walk according to God’s wisdom. It seems many were pious and self-righteous instead of humble and gracious. 

If I’m being honest, I can often relate to the Pharisees. The Pharisees knew the law—all 613 of its commands. They memorized it and monitored everyone else’s behavior with it. When Jesus came, He told the Pharisees that He would fulfill this law they claimed to love. However, this promise from our Lord and Savior was not a comfort to them but rather a threat. 

I relate to the Pharisees because I like the illusion of control. It makes me feel good when the floors are swept and the clutter is cleared away. It makes me feel even better when my children behave, my husband is gracious, and my friends are considerate. Unfortunately, this false sense of calm is fleeting because circumstances always change. 

In Matthew 5:20, Jesus says, “For I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven.” Those listening in the crowd would have been perplexed, knowing the Pharisees appeared to be the most righteous people. However, many Pharisees were known to value the letter of the law over a covenant relationship with God. 

Jesus summed up all 613 laws into two commands: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands” (Matthew 22:37–40). Jesus did not come to help us complete a checklist to gain access to Him. Instead, Jesus came in the form of a lowly babe and gentle Savior to fulfill the Law and help us do two simple things: love God and love others. 

Is it really that simple? Love God and love others? Yes, friend, it is. Before Jesus came, people relied on the law and prophets to tell them the what and how of dealing with sin when in relationship with God. Jesus’s arrival brought a new covenant based on grace and faith alone because He alone fulfilled the law completely. Sometimes we don’t know what to do with the simplicity of grace. It seems easier to find peace in the illusory facade of control, but Jesus wants our hearts. When we surrender to His ways, we discover the joy of walking with Him exceeds the false control we thought we had. This is how we experience true peace—by trusting the Prince of Peace Himself. 

(126) Comments

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126 thoughts on "Peace Through Fulfillment"

  1. Lindsey Bradley says:

    Jesus, fulfill my heart!

  2. Sabrina Henson says:


  3. Karen Breaux says:

    Love God and love others ✝️❤

  4. Laura Pacos says:

    The illusion of control over grace. Such a good reminder that Jesus fulfills everything that I can’t! ❤️

  5. Madison Hebert says:


  6. Lora Loconti says:


  7. Monica Croonquist says:

    So good. So simple. Yet so hard for my mind to fathom… The truth is I have fallen for the illusion of control instead of deeply in love with God. What a beautiful gift we have been given in Jesus ❤️

  8. Lolly Regan says:

    I am struggling so hard today. I might be practicing self righteousness rather than peace… I don’t know. My husband… he is consumed by so many things… easily… things I deem unimportant. Football, instagram, tv, collecting, spending. It has become such a struggle for me that he chooses to spend time doing these things for hours instead of spending time with me and his new baby boy or spending even better! Spending time reading his Bible, praying, and learning more of HIM…. I know if he tried to dedicate half the time he spent on all that fluff to the Lord, he would be a different person. He is a good man. He is a good husband. I think he could be so much more… he could be a servant of Christ, a spiritual leader, someone who loved God and his neighbor well. But he is sleep walking. He is settling for entertainment and numbing, he is settling for momentary flighty pleasures rather than eternal joy. I want to hold him by the shoulders and tell him he is missing so much, but I feel guilty. Like .. is it my place, is he going to think I’m saying he is not enough? Am I being judgmental? Am I any better? Is there a plank in my eye? I don’t know. Pray for me women. Pray for my husband. Lord help him. Lord take him and mold him. Claim him, consume him. Love him better than I can. Amen…

    1. Richelle Parks says:

      Lolly I am praying for you and your husband and your sweet baby boy.

  9. Kathryn Wright says:


  10. Ashley Banks says:


  11. Wanda Woehlert says:


  12. Charity Harris says:


  13. Nicole Powell says:

    This just reminds me of how much I want to be more like God and keep expecting God to do the impossible

  14. Sophie M says:

    Evening, She’s! I wanted to get on here earlier today and complete my reading.. but my daughter has the stomach bug and has been sick all day long. If you all can please be praying for her. She has a congenital heart defect and low immune system so when she gets sick she often get hospitalized.

    1. Amy W says:

      Praying for your daughter.

      1. Sabrina Henson says:


  15. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m feeling convicted today by this reading. I feel like I have been worshipping other things over God. I want to love God ana others better. ❤️

  16. Kris says:

    I don’t know what brings you fulfillment, but I love to accomplish things, get things done. I’m making some Christmas gifts this year, and I am loving the evenings when I get one of them completely done. I go to bed that night feeling so good about accomplishing something. I also love looking at my “creation” and feeling very proud of the work I did. I know this is what Jesus feels when we created each one of us. He looks with pride at each individual, each unique person – and He is so glad for what He accomplished and what He created, and He has so much fulfillment in seeing us walk thru our unique journeys. His greatest accomplishment, which brings so much fulfillment, is that He made a way for each one of us to be adopted into His kingdom as His children. The fulfillment of that is the greatest thing we could ever hope for.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      That’s beautiful, Kris! ❤

  17. Kristie Sump says:

    I also can relate to finding it “easier” (not really) to try to obey laws. It is clear right and wrong. But what I have learned is that God is calling us to be in communication with Him and to be listening to His Spirit on all matters. Even the gray areas. This takes effort and time to spend with Him seeking and listening. God is so good and He wants us to know His will for us. That is a big part of our relationship with Him is seeking that out. I am so thankful that our salvation and peace with God is not about the law but about our relationship with God. This just makes me want to know Him more.

    1. Aubree McElreath says:

      I totally agree! I find myself to focused on the rules and not enough on seeking Gods will for my life.

      1. Kristie Sump says:


  18. Karen Valente says:

    There were some important things I needed to hear today in this reading. Coincidence, hmmmm…

  19. Lanie H says:

    I loved the she reads truth podcast this week particularly the part about going the second mile. The chosen has a great episode on that verse that has stuck with me, y’all should check it out! Also on the podcast they were talking about Christmas traditions and as we start our little family Christmas this year I was wondering if anyone has any special traditions they love?

    1. Mercy says:

      I bake cookies with the kids and we also make Xmas villages with craft papers and cardboards.

    2. Wendy B says:

      Daily Advent readings were alway a priority for us – there are such great resources and options available. Along with that we did a giving, serving, or sharing component with each day leading to Christmas (eg homemade ornament for grandparents, cookies or treats for neighbors, caroling with friends, food bank donation, toy donation for a kids toy drive, coins for Salvation Army, a doggy toy to an animal shelter if you’re an animal loving family, Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes etc). Baking cookies, decorating a gingerbread house. We had a felt nativity wall hanging and each day the kids took turns putting another character on the picture – andof course got the traditional chocolate treat too. :)
      I also made or bought an ornament for my kids each year that was relevant to their likes, interests, hobbies,milestone accomplishments etc. They love(d) getting to hang that new ornament on the tree. My kids are both adults now, 1 married and she has her box of ornaments with her to put on her own tree and it’s just so special to her. What is so extra sweet is that my SIL’s Mom did the same for him growing up and so they both have these ornament treasures from their childhood.
      It takes some effort and prep but so meaningful. With a tiny babe you have a bit of time to gather your thoughts on ideas and come up with resonates with your family. It is so special and meaningful to establish traditions, Lanie. Have fun and be blessed.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Yes, I too gave my son an ornament every Christmas eve (and Christmas jammies-gotta look good for candid pictures on Christmas morning!), that he looked forward to seeing what it would be!
        We also had a Christmas puzzle we got out the day after Thanksgiving every year! The same, 1000 piece puzzle every year! It has a piece chewed on by the dog, and a piece missing, but that’s part of the memories, and we all had “our” parts we worked.

  20. Mercy says:

    Matthew 5 is a very difficult passage today for me. It raises many potential controversies for me. Love is a simple concept, but very hard to walk out in actions, in words, in attitude, when being “slapped” on one cheek, fighting resentment and hurt. To make it even more difficult, as if the injury is not yet enough, the Bible goes on to say, if anyone sues you (take legal actions against you), let them have whatever more they want as well. The normal human reaction is to defend themselves, even to hire lawyers to defend on their behalf. By illustration in real life, ironically and coincidentally, a certain ministry scandal involves many similar things, right now. I read this today, and this verse shows up in their context, and really breaks my heart: if they sue you for your coat/possession, let them take extra. Wow. It is not easy friends. Another thing I struggle with is “Do not resist the one who is evil, if anyone slaps you…” (Matthew 5:39). What if it’s not us who is being slapped, but our children, do we then resist? Does God leave His children vulnerable to abuse from this statement by saying we should not resist the one who is evil? My heart really aches. I think of Joyce Meyers (the little young Joyce, and the little children who are s-xually abused), they don’t resist the one who did them evil, they simply could not. I remember Joyce shared in her books, when she was still at home, suffering greatly, as a child she used to pray many things including that God would take her dad’s life (yes to that extent, no child has to feel like that, or go through such emotion and hurt to pray like that). In such cases, love is not simple to walk out, is it? For those who have walked the journey of abuse, pain, being wrongly sued for your possessions, and suffer bodily injury (slap to the cheek), God only knows how, that only by His grace, peace is a miracle that the trauma did not overtake us. Christ followers are called to such impossible standards. But praise be to Jesus who is the ONLY one that can fulfil all these things, that my hope is laid on His atonement for our falling short. I didn’t really want to post this today. I was back and forth asking God. And He told me to share my struggle with the scriptures and be transparent, be honest. For God’s words are true and pure, despite the sinful things we see in the church, in ministries, despite man’s twisting of His words to justify their sin. God is no man that He should lie. I believe that God is good, and that He hates evil more than anyone (read Old testament and we see how God opened the earth to swallow 3000 men and their families in one day who did evil in His sight). He reminds me of this, to bring closure to my mind, that His wrath is being stored up in these days, and His long suffering is really enduring, that He is not slow in actions to fulfil His justice or judgment, but He is rich in mercy (more than we can ever imagine), He is waiting and waiting and waiting for the wicked to repent, not wishing anyone to perish. What a good God we serve. I hope His words encourage you today. Be blessed dear sisters.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Bless you for sharing your heart in this, sweet Mercy. Love you!

      1. Mercy says:


    2. Searching says:

      Thank you, dear Mercy. I know it was difficult to write. ❤️

    3. GramsieSue says:

      Hugs to you. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Brenda P says:

    I felt convicted and connected by the reading today

  22. Cee Gee says:

    You are out to dinner just waiting for the waiter to bring the check. When he does, you turn it over to see what you owe, dreading the cost.
    PAID IN FULL is stamped on the bill. JESUS PAID IT ALL! Thank you, Jesus!
    That’s the scenario that popped into my head as I read this morning. Thanks for the liberty to share.
    Hallelujah, our debt is paid- because Jesus came and gave His life.
    I found this worshipful song by Chris Tomlin this morning.

    A Christmas Morning
    Alleluia, alleluia

    Christ, the Savior of the world
    He has come!
    Alleluia, alleluia
    Alleluia, alleluia
    Christ, the Savior of the world
    He has come!
    Alleluia, alleluia

    The heavens roar, the angels sing
    All glory to our God and King!
    O night divine forever more
    The heavens roar, the angels sing
    All glory to our God and King!
    O night divine forever more
    Alleluia, alleluia
    Christ, the Savior of the world
    He has come!
    Alleluia, alleluia
    To the highest name of all

    You’re the Highest name of all

    Music video by Chris Tomlin performing A Christmas Alleluia. (C) 2015 sixstepsrecords/Sparrow Records

    1. Christy says:

      Thanks for sharing that analogy, Cee Gee; it made me smile. ❤️

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤ That blesses my heart, Christy!

    2. Searching says:


  23. Michelle Feneide says:


  24. Kris says:

    I’m just wanting to relax in the truths of today’s devotional. The simplicity of grace and faith. Jesus calling me to Himself, the Bread of Heaven, the Prince of Peace. Oh, that I would just fall into His arms and find my peace in Him alone

    1. AZ Walker says:

      Me too Kris

    2. Wendy B says:

      Right?! Yes. ❤️❤️❤️

  25. Brandi Young says:

    As I read these scriptures today a phrase came to mind. “Simple. Yes. Easy. No.” The way of Jesus is simple but it is not always easy. It’s not easy to forgive sometimes or love someone who is difficult. But I think that this was by design… So we would depend on the ONE Who came and did it… Perfectly! That’s why we have the Holy Ghost! Good stuff today!

  26. Tonya Woodruff says:


  27. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s!

    I’m soaking in the PEACE this morning. It’s easy in the empty nester, retirement years, living in my dream of SWF warmth and sun in DEC years. But even in those earlier years, working with my clients in Dec, they were full of strife and weariness of lists to complete before Christmas. I said do you even like baking the 10th batch of cookies, putting up that 5th Christmas tree, shopping for the 12th “perfect” gift for the same child? It always perplexed me when people did things they didn’t have to do, and kinda ruined the fun of the Christmas season. BUT–that is the American way..go overboard and have the best Hallmark Christmas we can have, right?!
    I am lucky I suppose by the example my parents set forth, yes they had to work hard to give us things, yet, they showed us the beauty of Christmas with the simplicity. My mom was one that would forget to fill our stockings and then laugh about it. She worked full time, midnight shifts and my dad worked pipe fitting and then farming. They were tired, but loved family and God. When we are older and look back- we don’t remember the presents we remember the “feelings” created.
    May we all “strive” to create love for Jesus and each other this season that overflows with a peace.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Rhonda, your parents sound wonderful and just down to earth with their hearts in heaven. Great example for us all! ❤

    2. Barb says:

      You are so right…..we don’t remember the presents. We remember the PRESENCE. I remember the traditions of my childhood and have tried to bring some of them into my own little family. My girls are in college now and they’re excited to come home, to be together and laugh together. It’s not about the gifts.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Yes..We used to love all going home to my parents and playing card games was so much joy and fun! Now our children all come together and look forward to the card games still, albeit, sad that it is not at “grandma’s” anymore. After she passed and my dad remarried and moved, those memories are just that, memories. But still, you make memories in different ways and places! So happy you will get your girls home! (heart!)

    3. Kimberly Reed says:

      Thank you so much for your contribution today. I really needed to read it. My husband and I also are (not so) empty nesters and I do so enjoy my peaceful mornings. Today I have been perplexed as I run down the “list” of what is expected of me as a mom, daughter, wife and grandma. While being all of those things is such a blessing I feel at times I’ve lost myself and then feel guilty of being selfish that way. Anyway I’m reminded of God’s grace and mercy and very thankful for the time I do have to enjoy the season and make more memories.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        That’s sweet. Don’t worry yourself with your “jobs,” it is freeing to just “be” in the season! I gave up gifts, and decorating and all the hoopla, and it is so wonderful and NO GUILT! It’s much better (in my opinion to give yourself) That’s what they remember!

    4. Traci Gendron says:

      My mom made Christmas so special. I too remember the feelings created.

  28. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    This is a stark reminder of how I used to be, not that long ago. I was saved in a church that was very legalistic and lived my first 29 years there. Needless to say, it has taken me a long, long time to have a change of heart and mind. Only possible through the conviction and help of the Holy Spirit.
    It is so freeing when you no longer live trying to “keep all the rules” while making sure everyone else is keeping them too!

    God has been teaching me so much in these past months about His love – it is SO great! And I am to love as He loves, to love the “enemy” and to love my neighbor as myself. God wants me to see people through His lens, not my own. He sees the soul He created and loves, He separates the sin from the sinner thereby being able to love the sinner but hate the sin.

    Oh to be like Jesus!

    Father God please continue to teach me how to love like you and to grow in my love for all people. Help me everyday to love You with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind. In Jesus Name.

    Have a blessed Wednesday dear sisters! Praying for all your requests. ❤️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I have been convicted of that too Sharon, to see people through his lens not my own.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Amen to your prayer, Sharon! ❤

  29. Michelle P says:

    Ladies, a little bit ago I asked for a prayer regarding a male coworker who was basically bullying me. The Lord has definitely been coaching me through it. Though it has been a struggle again the past few days, he has been really mean to me. Yesterday, I was mean back because I was just so fed up with being mistreated. The owners are aware of his attitude, so it’s not that I haven’t (or other staff) haven’t vocalized it. They rely on this staff member a lot because he’s there every day. He’s our main kitchen staff. Anyways, my point is please keep praying for me. Yesterday, after I was angry, I repented for my attitude and turned on worship music and the atmosphere changed.
    I know the enemy hates the work I am doing at the cafe for Him, so I know that is why he is using my coworker to jab at my heart. My coworker is a believer so he knows better. Please pray for his healing and that he will trust God with what he can’t control at work and in his life. I know he is hurting from some personal stuff he is walking through.
    Thank you ❤️

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Oh Michelle, I am so sorry to hear. I had hoped that his change in attitude was a permanent one. I will continue to pray God gives you patience and a love for this soul that is so mean to you. And prayers for him, he can’t be at peace as a believer and treat others so poorly & he’s obviously taking his hurts and frustrations out on you. The best you can do is show him kindness in return for his nastiness. Much prayers. ❤️

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Sorry, prayers Michelle for the situation. I think many have been there with a “hard to get along with” co-worker! But your heart is so sweet, it’s hard to imagine someone being mean to you, so he must be trying to irritate you and others because of his own situation for sure!! The devil loves strife and division!

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Michelke, I almost asked you about him in a post last week, but you were dealing with something else. I will continue to pray for God to move in this situation and in your heart and his. Love you, li’l sis! ❤

    4. Searching says:

      Echoing the others’ shared thoughts, sister. Praying for a long lasting change in his heart, mind & attitude and healing of the cause behind his behavior. And praying for you, taking a deep breath as you strive to represent Christ in this uncomfortable, awkward environment. ❤️

    5. Michelle P says:

      Thank you so much, ladies. I felt the impact of your prayers and God’s hand in my life, today. I am grateful ! ❤️

  30. Adrienne says:

    I finally listened to the SRT podcast last night. Ooof! One of the things that stuck with me was the conversation about following a RECIPE. Hey, that’s me! It really highlighted to me that I can be so much like a Pharisee. I have always been a rule follower.
    Remind me, Lord, that following You is always what I should do. Amen.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I am NOT a recipe follower, I don’t like to measure! lol. Well…I don’t like to bake period!! If I do get a recipe it needs to be a SHORT list of ingredients! My husband and I drive each other nuts in this way!! I am one that guesses when hanging something on the wall too and he goes to the measuring tape! It takes me about 4 times to get it right, and him 1. He makes a grocery list and I by the seat of my pants! (I haven’t said that phrase in a long time!) All said, I am glad God gives us guidelines and boundaries, and ways to love him…otherwise we would be a mess!? But it is the grace of Jesus, that we don’t have to get it just right every time! Food for thought.

  31. Montana Mama says:

    I felt a wave of conviction as she described the Pharisees knowledge of the 613 commands and monitoring everyone’s behaviors around them. We have two small children and I often get wrapped up in the rhythms, routines, and expectations we have of them. I can sometimes put these things above simply showing love to them because of the “illusion of control.” Lord, may I release control of all things to You, the author and perfect of my faith, the One who truly has all things under His control. May I better a better example of loving others and loving You to my children.

    1. Chelsea says:

      This is totally me. Even down to monitoring my husbands words and actions. Ugh…not a good look joining you in prayers as I release this to the Lord.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Yes, I can do that too. I tend to do it because I want him to grow in the Lord, but I have to realize it is God’s job to convict not mine!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Well said, sisters!

    3. Tami says:

      My kids are grown and out of the house and somehow I still have one left! My husband! Feeling convicted by this.

      1. Indiana Elaine says:

        Oh Tami, I had to laugh at your comment. So true here as well. We are empty nesters, but my husband has a way of leaving a trail wherever he goes!!

  32. Maria B says:

    “Sometimes, the simplicity of grace feels almost too much to grasp.” Ooph— those words resonate so much with me. I remember when I was new in my faith, worried with fear that one day God might reconsider my flaws and decide I wasn’t worth it—take His love away because I didn’t measure up. But over time, I’ve learned the beautiful truth: His love has no strings attached. All He asks is for us to love Him and follow Him with our whole hearts. Thank you, Father, for the boundless, unshakable love you have for us.

  33. Cassie Hamilton says:


  34. Julia MacFarland says:

    Father God, thank you for teaching me the true meaning of peace and giving me an example of love. Please forgive me for being a Pharisee at times. Please help me to learn more about your plan for peace and not be a Pharisee seeking control. I love you Lord, in Jesus name, amen!

    I am a newlywed. My husband and I married in July. I am 39 and he is 42. Neither of us had ever been married or have ever had children.

    1. Kiera Bohan says:

      Thank you for your prayer Julia!

    2. Mari V says:

      CONGRATULATIONS on your marriage Julia! God is so good!

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Congratulations on your marriage Julia! ❤️

    4. Rhonda J. says:

      Wonderful Julia, may your marriage be blessed!

    5. Rebecca W says:

      May Jesus richly bless your marriage this Christmas season and each season that follows. Your post can be an encouragement to our younger Shes who are longing for someone to share their lives with, that it may happen later in life, but that may make it even sweeter! Thanks for sharing!

    6. Searching says:

      Congrats, Julia! Praying for a great Christmas for y’all and all the best in the coming years.

  35. Jennifer Jackson says:

    Thank you Jesus, Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

  36. Tanya says:

    We humans can really complicate things. Jesus said, ” My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”Matthew 11:30. I have heard that if we follow the 2 love commands the rest is taken care. If you love God you will not obey him. If you love your neighbor as yourself you won’t covet possessions or murder him

  37. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord I am not worthy to receive your Mercy, Grace and Peace on my own. Than You for the Blood of the Lamb, my Savior Jesus Christ that I can receive it all.

  38. Danielle B says:

    Oh She’s yes I see how the list shows us a false sense of control and getting it right. But God knew we would not be able to do the list so He sent His son for us. I continue to see the message from Him stop striving Danielle, stop trying to earn it. My love is a gift as we saw in Ephesians yesterday.

  39. Sherry says:

    Jesus did not come to help us complete a checklist to gain access to Him. Ouch!!
    I’m the queen of the checklist, especially in December. God, put in my heart the desire to depend on you and not my checklist. To give you control.

    1. Adrienne says:

      I am a checklist person too, Sherry. I have checklists for my checklists… Heeheehee! Like you, I need to let Him have control.

  40. Searching says:

    Verse 2 felt so personal this morning …
    I am the Lord your God, who brought you, Searching, out of a life of unending sin and wrong choices, out of the life of bondage you chose over Me.

    Thank you Lord God for loving me and setting me free, showing me the importance of true, deep down in my heart faith. ❤️

    MERCY – “Don’t grow weary in following God. May God give us strength.” Thank you for this ❤️
    BRANDI YOUNG – praying for your struggles and that Lord will guide you up and out of this tough time
    SAM D – praying for your family, for release of your sibling from any and all addictions
    LANIE H – so sorry for your loss
    BRANDI – praying for your family as you say your goodbyes (for now) to your MIL
    MIA FAITH – praying, sister, as you navigate this holiday season. Praying for the Lord’s comfort as you take care of yourself and join with others or not, whatever is best for you.
    MOLLY S – praying for the right job for your husband, restoration of health insurance and for financial provision.
    TINA ❤️
    MARGARET W -❤️ so glad you’re feeling some better. Continuing to pray. Reminded of the songs, Same God, by Elevation Worship, and Praise You in This Storm by Casting Crowns … especially these lyrics:
    And I’ll praise You in this storm
    And I will lift my hands
    For You are who You are
    No matter where I am
    LAURA – praising the Lord for His work in your family
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL- amen to your post yesterday ❤️
    JULIA C ❤️
    TANYA praying for you in this season
    MARI V – praying for A
    CEE GEE – might as well start working on that playlist ❤️
    SARAH M – praying

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤❤ – great suggestions for MW!
      Adding my amen to your prayers!

    2. Tami says:

      I love that you inserted

      1. Tami says:

        Your name (it cut off bc I finished)

    3. Lanie H says:

      Thank you searching and others who commented yesterday! I should have added, that the Lord has brought so much goodness and kindness through that tragedy, it’s hard to even look at it as a tragedy. After my brothers death I had several experiences with him in dreams letting me know he was in heaven and telling me to go after our other brother. I have talked with my other brother about it and he has had similar dreams, which is crazy! And his daughter looks JUST LIKE my brother who has passed, so it feels like he is still with us in a better way then when he was on earth. I hope this helps with others who have family struggling with addiction.

      1. Searching says:


  41. Laura says:

    Matthew 5:19 Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commands and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.

    We are not only responsible for ourselves, but for others too, especially if we are in a position to teach and instruct others. How much worse will it be for those pastors who are preaching lies about scripture to their flocks? We must be diligent and not just take for granted what others say about the Bible, but we must be in the Word also and listening to the HS for guidance.

    I get angry when I think of the many leaders who are preaching untruth. Those who are leading so many astray. There is so much heresy in the Church today and it makes my heart so sad.

    1. Searching says:

      I hear ya, LAURA. May their eyes be opened to the truth.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Truth, Laura! Amen, Searching! ❤

    3. Lanie H says:

      Laura I was thinking the exact same thing, especially how often “love God and love others” is misused. When I read that phrase today I had a knee jerk reaction. And then God popped this verse in my head 1 Corinthians 13:6.. love rejoices in the truth. Yes love is all things in the verses above it AND it rejoices in the truth. Praying for you this season as you show love in the most complete way !

  42. Laurin Grubb says:

    I want to live in the freedom of Christs fulfillment this holiday season and always!

  43. Kim J. G. says:

    I just noticed that Jesus said if someone has something against you, to go and reconcile with them. He did the same for us. And it convicted me. So if someone has an issue with me ,that I should seek them out to make amends.
    I have a friend that shut me out 2 months ago. I don’t know why. So I’m going to have to pray about this.

    1. Searching says:

      That’s a hard one, KIM. Praying with you.

    2. Carole Cannon says:

      I want to encourage you. 35 years ago someone greatly wronged me. For several years it burdened me. I was convicted to go to her and forgive her for how she hurt me. Granted I had not seen her in years, the week I told the Lord I would do this He put her in my path. It was huge, a weight lifted even though I was not the offender. Follow the Lord !

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Praying with you Kim. Yes, the best thing you can do for you and for them is to go to them and settle it. It’s not easy to do, but oh what a weight is lifted once it’s done! ❤️

  44. Lori Sartor says:

    How much easier it seems to have a list of rules! People and relationships are messy sometimes but reading through Jesus’ words its all about love. I admit that the rules do seem easier than loving people for me at times but then I remember that I get the benefit of that love as well – and wow, do I need that grace!

    1. Cat-tee says:


  45. Crystal Pitzer says:


  46. Sundayschoolteacher says:


  47. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Sometimes we don’t know what to do with the simplicity of grace.”
    So true for me! Thanks be to God for His grace. Lord, continue to pour it over and in me. Help me to give it to others as an outflow.
    Praying for you Shes. Thanks for the great insights you’ve shared.

    1. Danielle B says:

      Yes Kelly May the Lord pour His grace over and in us so it can flow out of us to others. Definitely not something I’ve done well at times.

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    3. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, Kelly! ❤

  48. Sally B. says:

    This statement really stepped on my toes this morning – “Jesus did not come to help us complete a checklist to gain access to Him.” I love a good checklist and can certainly let them rule my day.
    Father, help me lean into You and let go of my plans and schedule remembering that You came to give us freedom from the law and from a performance-based salvation! Thank You for Your mercy and grace that provided fulfillment of the law in Jesus!

    1. Deana Evenden says:

      Nicely said.

    2. Becky Kortman says:

      Thank you for sharing. It hit me similarly. Your words spoke to me.

  49. Teresa Eddy says:

    It sounds so simple, so why is it so hard! Help me, Jesus, to love like you do. Show me ways to express your love to everyone around me today and everyday.

    1. Kira H. says:

      Oof – I feel you, sister! It is hard, no matter what stage of life you are at. One thing that I find helps me is taking the time to pray that the Lord would help me to WANT to love him more, and that through His Spirit I would LOVE Him more. On the days when I take the time to pray like that, I find that He truly does help me to Love Him, and through that to love others, more and more.

      1. Tami says:

        Kira I love that prayer. I often feel the same way. When others stalk about loving the Lord, I often feel like I fall short. I don’t give it enough thought, it feels evasive to me, maybe bc he’s not here in flesh and bones. Definitely something I will pray about and now I have a prayer to do so!

  50. Tina says:

    I am chasing my tail again today, as I felt to read the comments from yesterday.. And respond!
    I shall, indeed return later to comment on this great study..
    Happy Wednesday, beautiful ladies, covered in much love, and prayers for the peace of God to be yours today..❤

    1. Searching says:


    2. Maria B says:

      Sending prayers and love to you too, Tina.

    3. Mari V says:

      Happy Wednesday SWEET TINA!!!

    4. Mercy says:

      I miss you Tina. I pray for your day will go well, and that you have moments to slow down and smell the lovely roses on your path. Much love across the pond (frozen pond for me lol).

  51. Beth Sanders says:

    “Love the Lord your God, with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind; and love your neighbour as yourself” was something I used to recite all the time as a little girl in the small Christian school I went to. However, as I got older and became more pragmatic- legalism became so much comfier. It gave me something to do, to show I was with God. Legalism is something I have always struggled with, and now as a 28 year old I think I am slowly starting to understand that walking with God and being in a right relationship with Jesus really is simple! No wonder I didn’t see change for years, as I was leaning on my own understanding. But thank you God for sending Jesus, Yeshua, Immanuel, to break the chains of legalism- so that outworking our faith in these murky days with everyone’s own brand of truth, could be a breath of fresh air with simple childlike faith- so that we might see the Kingdom of God, and to see the fruit that His Kingdom bears in our own lives ❤️

    1. Tina says:

      Love this.❤

    2. Julie Ganucheau says:

      Love this, Beth.

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, so good Beth! Some religions really beat us down to be “good” Christians, and follow the lists. It is a cycle ingrained and harmful, just like the Pharisees. And even I, did not “get” the relationship part…how do you have a relationship with someone not physically there? I couldn’t make sense of the statement taught. Then when I finally decided to read the Bible for myself daily-, and found SRT—everything changed! What we value, is how we spend our time! OOPH. What I value, I want to absorb, do, spend my time in…! It is not a Sunday, it is not a list, it is not outward appearance!! It is life-changing!! Thank you Jesus!

    4. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Praise God you have experienced freedom from legalism – at 28! It took me much, much longer to let go of it and let God work in my heart, but praise God, He did!