Peace in His Eternal Reign

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 9:1-7, 2 Samuel 7:8-16, Isaiah 11:1-6, Luke 1:32-33, Matthew 22:41-46, Acts 2:29-36

I don’t really keep up with the royal family. I don’t like watching period dramas or princess-themed Christmas movies. And to top it all off, politics stress me out. There, I said it. 

Needless to say, kingship is truly a foreign concept to me. Though it isn’t part of my vernacular, and certainly not my daily life, it was for the people whose stories we find in Scripture. From the poetry of the prophets to the narratives of the New Testament, the theme of kingships runs throughout the pages of Scripture. 

God’s people longed for a king, and the Lord did give them one. Several, in fact. For generations, Israel had what they thought they wanted. Yet their longing was never satisfied. Bad kings led to personal, and sometimes national, destruction. Good kings, though flawed humans too, provided them relief, success, and direction—for a moment. No matter how impactful their reign, they all ended up just like David—“both dead and buried” (Acts 2:29), to put it bluntly. And still, after each successful king who died and unfaithful kings who failed, the same generationally transcendent longing for an earthly ruler came. Their desire for a king, though misunderstood and misplaced, wasn’t entirely wrong. We were all created to live under a King.

Matthew 22 recounts the countless efforts of the Sadducees and Pharisees to disprove Jesus as Messiah by questioning Him about the law. Their efforts failed, time and time again. Then Jesus asked them a question instead. “What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?” (Matthew 22:42). Jesus knew his audience. What they ultimately wanted in their Messiah was a king, so their natural answer was “David’s.” 

As Jesus, the prophesied and long-awaited King, stood before those who had spent their lifetime waiting and watching for Him, they failed to recognize Him. Surely this man couldn’t be both the son of David and the Lord of David—that would make Him their Messiah. And this guy wasn’t the king they had expected. 

Though many kings in the line of David lived lives and reigned in such a way as to point to Jesus’s coming, none of them possessed His identity that set Him apart. Jesus is our resurrected King who will “reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will have no end” (Luke 1:33).

Many of us probably haven’t spent our days looking and longing for a king—at least not in the ways we’re used to thinking about them. But aren’t we all, at the most pure and basic level, longing for someone to reign over our life who knows what’s best and knows no end? That’s the King we were made for. Let’s find peace in His reign today. 

(161) Comments

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161 thoughts on "Peace in His Eternal Reign"

  1. Portia Strange says:


  2. Laura Pacos says:

    Finding peace in his kingship ❤️

  3. Cassandra Salmon says:


  4. Ashley Banks says:


  5. Karen Breaux says:


  6. Tamya Hurry says:

    Amen ❤️

  7. Sarah Brunzell says:

    I love that he is both ruler of the universe and wonderful counselor! A king who is so miraculously humble he guides us personally ❤️

  8. Madison Hebert says:

    Love this

  9. Christy C says:

    “This is my Fathers world. Oh let me never forget that though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet!”

    Thinking of this hymn today. ❤️

  10. Shawna Boleratz says:

    The King of Kings!

  11. Lora Loconti says:


  12. Kay Christian says:

    Our God reigns forever!

  13. Rhonda J. says:

    A song came to mind this morning as I saw the title again which is worth listening to on this day!

    “He Shall Reign Forevermore” by Chris Tomlin.

    Glad to hear an update Michelle P!

  14. Melissa Richards says:


  15. Aubree McElreath says:

    Praying that I truly do find peace in His reign!

  16. Charity Harris says:


  17. Emily Haskew says:


  18. Lanie H says:

    I’m coming back here tonight because I had an epiphany! I went out for the first time after dark in several weeks, and I was shocked by how dark it was. I was like it’s only 5:30 how is it THIS DARK. and then I thought, I bet we are close to the winter solstice, the longest darkest night of the year. And then I thought of our passage today: The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; a light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness. And I looked it up and the winter solstice is December 21st this year. We have Christmas just 4 days after the darkest night. And I know people say Jesus wasn’t actually born on December 25th, but what if he was born the day after the winter solstice, and it was literally a great light after the darkest night.

    1. Tina says:

      Lanie, that IS an epiphany!!! And a beautiful one at that!❤
      Love and hugs to you and yours. Iris gets her own greeting.. Mwah.Mwah.Mwah.❤

    2. Wendy B says:

      Love these thoughts. I grew up in the country so know the darkest, dark.

  19. Michelle P says:

    Thank you ladies for praying for me yesterday about my coworker. I ended up sharing everything with my parents earlier and they encouraged me to talk to my boss again about the situation, because today wasn’t any better.
    So I did message my boss a bit ago and we talked on the phone. I got quite emotional and told him that it’s been very hard on me, lately. He apologized and said very kind things about my character and work ethic… the couple that owns are great people who truly do care and see how hard me and the other staff work to make it a positive and healthy environment.
    I hope that the conversation he has with my coworker goes well… I don’t work til Tuesday, so thankful for some time away to regroup and refocus with the Lord. ❤️ thank you so much for the extra covering through this.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Oh, Michelle, it encourages me that you spoke with your parents. I’m sure that means a lot to them! I will be praying for their conversation to go well with your co-worker and that a resolution is in sight! Love and hugs! ❤

      1. Michelle P says:

        Thank you so much, cee gee. You are so sweet, truly. God bless you and your kindness ❤️

    2. Tina says:

      Lifting your heart is knowing some peace, having spoken to both your parents and the owners of your place of work.. I will be praying for the man causing the troubles to ‘see’ the error of his ways and actually understand the pain he has caused.. We serve a Mighty God.. He is able..
      BUT GOD..❤

      1. Michelle P says:

        Amen my sister, thank you dear Tina ❤️❤️

  20. Cheryl Blow says:

    Wow, I’m just now reading everyone’s comments! TINA, loved your story! All the songs shared! My 5 year old grandson has a favorite hymn, “Victory in Jesus.” We were in Branson at Silver Dollar City. They have a hymn sing in an old church. He requested that song. Ever since then, I keep thing of the lyrics! It goes so well with advent and just a reminder of what King Jesus brings.

    Verse 1
    I heard an old, old story how a Savior came from glory,
    How He gave His life on Calvary to save a wretch like me;
    I heard about His groaning, of His precious blood’s atoning,
    Then I repented of my sins and won the victory

    O victory in Jesus, my Savior, forever!
    He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood;
    He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him.
    He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood

    Verse 2
    I heard about His healing, of His cleansing pow’r revealing
    How he made the lame to walk again and caused the blind to see;
    And then I cried, “Dear Jesus, come and heal my broken spirit,”
    And some sweet day I’ll sing up there the song of victory.

    O victory in Jesus, my Savior, forever!
    He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood;
    He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him.
    He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood

    Verse 3
    I heard about a mansion he has built for me in glory,
    And I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea;
    About the angels singing and the old redemption story,
    And some sweet day I’ll sing up there the song of victory.

    O victory in Jesus, my Savior, forever!
    He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood;
    He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him.
    He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood

    Praying for all! Praying whatever healing you need, that you cry out to him and He will give you victory!

    1. Missy Csonka says:

      I love this hymn. One of the very 1st Christian songs I learned after I got saved in 1992! I praise God for this hymn and many others. Thank you so much dear sister Cheryl for posting this. Such a sweet and blessed memory of God’s love to me thru those believers at church. Jesus is my everything ❤️

    2. Kristy says:

      Love love love this hymn! Reading the words really hit me.

    3. Doerun Stokes says:

      This was one of my granny’s favorite hymns…such sweet memories of singing it with her as a little girl in church in southern Alabama. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face tonight!

  21. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m so thankful that I have Christ who is eternal and his reign will never end. I pray that I would rely on him for my peace and choose to allow him to reign in my life.

  22. Margaret W. says:

    While I agree that we were created to live under a king, the problem we have is that we also all want to BE king/queen, to have control over our lives and the lives of those around us. This is especially a problem in a democracy because few leaders can handle power and authority well enough to submit to God’s power and to be a servant-leader like Jesus was. Few humans can handle power well to use it for the good of those they rule/serve. This story has been repeated throughout human history in every form of government.

    1. Lori says:

      So true!

  23. Hannah Collier says:

    I definitely long for the direction and wisdom of a

  24. Kira H. says:

    This morning was one of those sneakily overwhelming ones. Our morning was thrown off by a trip to the doctor for a flu shot booster, which involved tears before I even had my daughter laid down on the table (she’s 16 months old). From there, it was the rush to get back to the car in the cold, to drop her off with my parents, and then to get to work for the final day of the busy semester. All together, there wasn’t anything overtly “bad” about this morning – but it was sneakily overwhelming to me, and I found myself feeling that rush of anxiety as I tried to settle in at work. I couldn’t do it – not on my own. But GOD! I needed this reminder of His peace this morning, and I am so grateful to all of my sisters in Christ who have already commented here this morning – slowing down, taking the time to read the scripture and all of your comments helped my heart to focus in on what is important this morning – the peace that we have eternally with Jesus! Amen! I don’t always comment, but I just wanted you all to know how grateful I am for each and every one of you – though I do not know you in person, I am grateful to know you all in Christ and this community here. Prayers for continued peace and recognition of our Lord Jesus Christ, today and every day beyond this Advent season!

    1. Tina says:

      BUT GOD.., Kira, BUT GOD..
      Lovely to see you here today..❤

    2. Mercy says:

      Praying that your daughter will get better soon. Life can get suddenly so hectic for us moms. I can relate.

  25. Kristy says:

    The heading alone in Isaiah got me right off the get. Birth of the Prince of Peace. I stayed in Is. 9.1-7 for a bit. Because of this birth of our prince of peace it means we go from gloom and darkness to JOY and light. From distressed to rejoicing. From a rod on our shoulders to the government on HIS shoulders. The zeal of the Lord of armies will accomplish this. Zeal= God’s intense passion, devotion, and protective commitment towards His people; a burning desire to fulfill his purposes and defend those he loves; His active love and unwavering loyalty towards His followers. The Lord of Armies= God’s ultimate power and control over ALL armies both earthly and spiritual; supreme commander of all heavenly forces, signifying his ultimate power and ability to fight for his people! v. 6 For a child will be born FOR US, a son will be given TO US. I just have to take this all in this morning. Jesus the greatest gift there ever was. Why do so many people resist this? Why do I not walk around daily with the knowledge that I am so deeply loved in this way by the ZEAL of The LORD OF ARMIES?? Open our eyes and hearts Lord. Every heart longs for this and yet IN YOU and your son we have this. I continued reading in Is. 11 to verse 9. For the land will be as full of the knowledge of the Lord as the sea is filled with water. I cannot wait until this day! I pray for this on earth as it is in heaven! Thank you Father for sending Jesus for us and giving your son to us. May we walk in the knowledge of this miracle every single day. Knowing that you fight for us, that you have an intense passion and devotion and protective devotion towards us. That you have a burning desire to defend us with an active love and unwavering loyalty… and may we in turn have that same passion for eachother, giving this great gift to those around us by your strength and your presence IN US, Emmanuel!

    1. Mercy says:

      Amen and amen! We should all be like Jesus when He says, “the zeal for Your house consumes me” but instead the zeal of many can grow cold. Easier to compromise then stay on the narrow path. We still need to cultivate intimacy with God in the secret place. Joining you in prayers that the first love will return to the church, to the cold and the lukewarm, that a fresh fire be poured out, and that we will be about God’s business.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        So good ladies!

    2. Tina says:

      Love this.. Thank you.❤

  26. Kris says:

    I didn’t follow royalty, either, until Queen Elizabeth died. Then I was glued to the TV, watching everything, the entire funeral procession, all of it. And the Spirit spoke to me – we are all royalty, and God looks down at us as members of His royal family, and all the pomp and circumstance is done for us, too! The royal robes, the honor, the fancy carriages…. all of it belongs to us, too, as members of His Royal Family. God loves us SO MUCH, and has made us an heir of ALL OF IT. Jesus is our King, and we are His children. It’s so beautiful when you settle in your heart how much He loves you, and what your value is to Him.

  27. Rena Gainey says:

    Loving this exploration of what Jesus brings through peace…that desire for peace is so universal. May He come down and shower that peace over all these prayer requests today…

  28. Lisa Sanders says:

    Thanks for sharing your story Tina, my favorite part is that he knew her personally enough to call her Lizzy!
    And we have a Father who we know personally, so thankful!
    Asking for prayers for a daughter and son in law. He was laid off his job a few months ago and hasn’t found another yet. A tough thing to go through especially this time
    of year. Praying he finds one very soon and God brings them closer to Him through this journey. I would love for him to get one with a Christian boss/ run company, over him.

    1. Tina says:

      Praying Lisa, for your daughter and son in law and that God will provide. ❤

  29. Maria J says:

    King of my heart.
    King of my heart,
    Jesus, you’ll always be.
    King of my heart.
    King of my heart,
    Jesus, you’ll always be.
    This chorus from a children’s praise tape from long ago rings in my ears when I think about Jesus as King.
    I often think about kingship and my place in God’s kingdom. I want to be a shield maiden for the Lord, like Eowyn, in Lord of the Rings. To me, this means to stand strong against the plans of the enemy, lifting up my shield of faith and the sword of the spirit, the word of God, bowing down in reverence to the one and only King, listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, being obedient to the Saviour of my soul and praising His name forever.

    1. Tami says:

      I love the idea of being a shield maiden. Beautiful!

    2. Truth Seeker says:

      May we all be shield maidens to our Lord Jesus Christ !

    3. Tina says:

      Maria, Tami, Truth Seeker… Amen❤

  30. Brandi Young says:

    He is KING! The Pharisees didn’t want Him. The Saducees didn’t want Him and Jews were a mixed bag because He had gentiles and tax collectors and zealots around Him. But He didn’t just come for His earthly lineage and bloodline. He came for the whole earth. Those He knows will choose Him too!

    1. Missy Csonka says:


    2. Tina says:


  31. Kimberly Reed says:


  32. Rhonda J. says:

    Could you all lift me up in prayer not to get sick, I feel a little blah today- And I fly out tomorrow evening for a short wkd with my family! Thank you, thank you!!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Oh, no, Rhonda! Praying right now for symptoms to leave quickly, not❤ intensify! Hugs!!!

    2. Traci Gendron says:

      On it Rhonda!

    3. Mari V says:

      Just came down to my first 10 minute break and logged onto SRT. Glad I did sweet Rhonda. Praying for you to be well.

    4. Mercy says:

      Praying dear Rhonda for good health and a wonderful trip.

    5. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying for you Rhonda!

    6. Tina says:

      I may be late to the table, but I’m prayer your ‘little blah’ is nothing more than a little blah, Rhonda ❤

  33. Cee Gee says:

    TINA, sweet sister, I am so glad you stopped chasing your tail long enough to share your encounter and thoughts this morning! As our sisters said, I hope mercy was extended to you at work! ❤
    After listening to Worthy of It All- CeCe Winans- I saw another’newbto me’ song from Chris Tomlin’s Christmas album: ‘Adore’. Last line says,
    “Let all that is within us ADORE”.
    Amen, may He open the eyes of our hearts (thanks, TAMI, for that song reminder!) to a desire to adore Him.
    Now I am off to listen to All Hail King Jesus. Thanks, Rhonda!
    Peace, love, and prayers! ❤

    1. Cee Gee says:

      AIMEE D-R! (song reminder) ❤

    2. Tina says:

      CEE GEE, I was! God is so good!
      Blessings dear heart.❤

  34. Maria B says:

    She’s— if you can put one of my colleagues, Danielle, in prayer. I just found out this morning that yesterday she has breast cancer. She is an amazing person with an incredibly kind heart. She has two teenage daughters, who in addition to now being scared for their mom, they are also scared for themselves (understandably). So please wrap this family in your prayers. Thank you.

    1. Wendy B says:


    2. Cee Gee says:

      Prayers for Danielle and her daughters and for you as you minister to them! ❤

    3. Christy says:

      Praying for Danielle and her family ❤️

    4. Mercy says:

      Praying for Danielle, that healing and restoration be her portion, and cancer will shrink and be gone by the power of His Living Spirit in her.

    5. Tina says:

      Praying Maria, praying…❤

  35. Gwineth52 says:

    “But aren’t we all, at the most pure and basic level, longing for someone to reign over our life who knows what’s best and knows no end?”
    Good Morning Shes
    Me, for one, will have to sit with these lines from the day’s devotion.
    I believe the subtext is discernment. Being able to distinguish the One who saves from the ones who pretend & deceive. Who am I listening to. Who am I following?
    I want to give myself over to the truly righteous, the only Son of God. To place my faith & trust in the perfect ruler, who is not of this world. Who has given me a mind to reason, then to submit.
    That to me is the true test of kingship. I pray for that kind of knowledge & understanding.

    1. GramsieSue says:

      Yes!! Exactly!

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, that is it! It can all be murky with so many “popular” pastors, but yet preaching differently and opposite. We need discernment and to set our eyes on Him- In Christ Alone. We can’t get a relationship (and discernment) from a once a week church attendance or the preachers word, or in the church itself. WE have to KNOW HIM!!

    3. Tina says:

      Amen, GWINETH52.❤

  36. Mari V says:

    I was going to “sleep-in” just a tad longer as Wednesday nights are a bit longer for me because of youth group. Last night we went caroling! I admit I was dreading it because temperatures were going to be low and “the cold” and “I” don’t get along. We ended up having a BLAST! I feel like a proud mama watching and listening to our youth sing with a JOY in their hearts to the KING OF KINGS! Happy Thursday sweeties.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Oh how wonderful, I would have loved that too, despite me and the cold, same relationship!! I miss those days of youth group and going to the shut in and caroling! Although doing it at the nursing home last week was a JOY!! Our first or second year down here in WARM florida, we did a bike parade around the neighborhood, with decorated bikes and singing Christmas songs!!

      1. Mari V says:

        Oh my goodness that sounds like so much fun Rhonda!!! In the warm weather!!!!

    2. Tina says:

      Wonderful, Mari! It’s amazing how things and feeling change when the KING OF KINGS is involved !
      Hugs to you, my dear.❤

  37. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s!

    After the reading I had to go instantly to the song “All Hail King Jesus!” All hail the Lord of heaven and earth! by Bethel!It is such a powerful song, and singing it in a church where us mere people are bowing, or hands raised high, or crying–it is an “experience!”

    We give so much “power” and “worship” to such the wrong people in our society- celebrities, sports stars, trending influencers….I long for the day where we all know what is important, WHO is important, that we should put our love and hope in, our value in! We are so caught up in things that “shall pass away!” It is all futile. I want to be KINGDOM minded, where one day all will be made right, and I’m storing up my treasures!! I can’t wait to see the people I made connections with here (on the earth) that truly matter, and to see them looking back from Heaven! I want to spend my life being led by Jesus to SEE what truly matters NOW, not wait until I’m dying, and wish I had of know what would truly be important!!

    That can be a reality..I experience it all the time now, that I am aligning WITH HIM!! He shows me the needs, the poor, the homeless, the broken, the widow, the down-trotted…..and he shows me through his window the ones that don’t know him, but living high! They are broken and lost too—they just don’t know it!!

    Sometimes the ones you help won’t need it or accept it. People will hurt us, and lash back at us, and even mock us. But our Lord and King was mocked and laughed at, and spit upon. So we don’t do it for accolades or applause, or advancement, we do it for the love of our Savior, that what he did for us is our motivator. Not rules or laws, but joy!

    The Lord is writing my story, I yield it to Him, not easy, not planned, just the daily manna we have to have to be nourished and fed, and his living water. It is a treasure, from the King of Eternity!

    May He BLESS each of you today and REIGN in our life in a real, and personal way!

    1. Kristy says:

      I love every bit of this Rhonda. God has really been pressing all of this on my heart. Kristy, don’t just read my word, DO my word! Practically, everyday.

      All Hail King Jesus, what a gift that song is. And I agree, to sing it in church with other believers is such an experience. I feel it is a glimpse of eternity everytime.

    2. Mercy says:

      I love this Rhonda. Powerful reminder! May He reign in every area of our lives.

    3. Tami says:

      Beautiful. I keep thinking during the past 2 studies, Jesus is LOVE in ACTION.

    4. Tina says:

      Beautiful, my dear Rhonda.. And so on point! Thank you.❤

  38. Maria B says:

    “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness— on them light has shined.”

    Isaiah 9:2 is one of my most favorite verses in Scripture. Not because it’s familiar, but because it speaks to the hope that light brings in the middle of darkness. In the uncertainty and chaos that we live in the world today, it reminds me that no matter how deep the darkness feels, God’s light has the power to break through and bring clarity and peace. I also love how this verse brings me a sense of stillness— similar to that quietness when you’re standing outside and snow is falling. Have you ever experienced that? And that stillness reassures me that I am not alone. When the world feels heavy, God’s light is there to guide us and give us hope.

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Maria – I too love this verse, every time I read it I feel the same, and think, “Amen! Jesus is our light in the darkness!”

      And I love your analogy about the falling snow – I immediately “transported” myself to standing outside in the snow among the trees, with snow quietly falling down. So serene, quiet and peaceful…thank you for sharing!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Maria, you spoke my intended comment perfectly! I feel the same way when I read that verse- one of my favorites, also- and as I read this morning I planned to write in comments a suggestion to close your eyes for a moment after reading that phrase and repeat it to yourself, just soaking it in. Thank you for so artistically expressing my feelings! ❤

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      Amen, SO good!

    4. Traci Gendron says:

      Maria I love when it snows. The world has a quiet hush to it.

    5. Tina says:

      Amen, Maria..
      When the world feels heavy, God’s light is there to guide us and give us hope..Amen.
      Thank you.❤

  39. Brenda Walker says:

    Tina, I love your story! Thank you for sharing it! My favorite part of the story is that he called Queen Elizabeth Lizzy. Before I did my reading this morning, I was asking God to help me know him better. To have a comfortable, close relationship with Him. To know how to talk to him without feeling like I am doing it all wrong and feeling like I am talking to someone way out of my league. I want the kind of comfortable relationship with Him like Tina’s friend who was close enough to Queen Elizabeth to affectionately call her Lizzy.

  40. Jennifer Cummings says:

    So timely (as the Word of God always is). I’m sure I’m not the only one who is looking around at our “kings” (both current and near future) with a big sigh, absolutely longing for The King to come again to make all things new. Happy Advent ❤️

  41. Crystal Pitzer says:


  42. Jennifer Jackson says:

    Thank you for sharing this information Tina. Very cool.

  43. LaRae Taylor says:

    What a great story Teena thank you for sharing and you’re right you never know, but Jesus does, and if he’s the ruler of our hearts and minds, we can trust in that not in ourselves, but in Christ, our savior and mighty King

  44. Laura says:

    Isaiah 11:3,4 He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, he will not execute justice by what he hears with his ears, but he will judge the poor righteously and execute justice for the oppressed of the land.

    I am so saddened by the news lately. Having a justice system that is righteous is what my heart wants. I am so glad that we are ruled by a righteous and fair King in Jesus. This world is so broken. Someday we will live in a place that is not…praise God!!

  45. Searching says:

    Can’t help it …. Tears pretty much every time I read the verse that begins “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given” – given to us by God to save our sinful selves. Worthy of it All is running through my mind this morning, as I think of how unworthy I am.

    HRT is good today, Hallelujah!

    SOPHIE M – praying for healing and that your daughter recovers quickly

    CEE GEE – amen, paid in full! ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Love that song! Side note: many years ago our choir memorized Handel’s Messiah for our singing Christmas tree performance. Such an awesome experience, and, yes, I still remember my alto part all these 30+ years later! ❤

    2. Tina says:

      Oh my dear Searching, sitting alongside you as an unworthy…
      BUT GOD..
      Tears roll as I write.. because I know not of anyone else who would give themselves for my redemption.. BUT GOD..❤

  46. Aimee D-R says:

    All Hail King Jesus, the Savior of Heaven and Earth!!

    1. Therese says:

      Amen ❤️

    2. Tina says:

      Oh Hail King Jesus..❤

  47. Lori says:

    I haven’t really thought about my longing for a king before and this morning I’m thinking about what it will be like when Jesus rules – a king that is perfect, makes every right decision, loves His people. We truly don’t have any comprehension of what this could be like with our ‘rulers’ flawed and sinful just like us. What will it be like to have every single decision be the right one? Perfection is so far outside our current reality that being able to sit and wonder about our eternity gives me so much hope and gratitude to God who gave us the perfect King, priest, friend.

  48. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Good morning dear sisters! I’m sitting here in the quietness of my home while my hubby and son are still asleep. Christmas tree lit, It is so peaceful – such a sweet way to start the day!

    “But aren’t we all, at the most pure and basic level, longing for someone to reign over our life who knows what’s best and knows no end?” …My answers to this question would be – yes! To have One who knows whats best for me, and providentially works it out in my life for my good – and His glory!

    That One, has come! But how often do I wait and watch, failing to recognize that Jesus is standing right before me – waiting for me to recognize and acknowledge Him?

    Father God forgive me when I fail to see Your hand in my life. When I fail to recognize it is You, and that You are there working all things for my good. Open my eyes Lord, and reign in my heart, that I might know Your peace – today and every day. In Jesus name.

    “Jesus, the prophesied and long-awaited King, stood before those who had spent their lifetime waiting and watching for Him, they failed to recognize Him.”

    Happy Thursday ladies – May God blanket each one of you with His peace today!❤️

    1. Tami says:

      Sharon, your prayers has the words of a song ringing in my head: “Open the eyes of my heart Lord, open the eyes of my hear, I want to see you. I want to see you!” Let me slow down enough to see you today Lord! Forgive me when I don’t stop long enough to recognize your presence!

      1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


      2. Tina says:

        I LOVE that song!.❤

    2. Searching says:

      Yes, SHARON and TAMI, Lord, open our eyes, hearts and minds to You.

      1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    3. Danielle B says:

      Sharon thank you for your comment about how often do you look and wait. It’s so true we can get caught up in what is happening, what needs to be done, and what we think we need that I forget to pause and look for Jesus. He is always there we need to be intentional to look and see.

      1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    4. Tara B says:

      Amen, Sharon! Beautiful and true words.

      1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    5. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, Sharon. Beautiful ponder. ❤

    6. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear SJG
      You put this in the words I couldn’t. Looking out there & evaluating kingships is not the point. Looking inward to acknowledge the one true thing at hand, in His hand, is the path to freedom.
      With prayer, my gratitude.

    7. Tina says:

      Joining you in your prayer SHARON.❤

  49. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Behold our King has come and we eagerly await Him to come again!

  50. Kelly (NEO) says:

    My post disappeared…hmmm

    1. Searching says:

      :( ❤️

    2. Tina says:

      Praying your comment is restored to us ..
      Much love, Kelly.❤

  51. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Peace for eternity. YES!

  52. Sally B. says:

    Like Tina pointed out, the statement – ‘As Jesus, the prophesied and long-awaited King, stood before those who had spent their lifetime waiting and watching for Him, they failed to recognize Him.’ makes us sad and a little critical of those in Jesus day. Yet I have to ask myself how many times does Jesus show up in my day and I don’t recognize Him – too busy, in too much of a hurry or…that’s not what I expected??
    Father, help me to expectantly look for You working in my environment daily, and be ready and willing to greet You with joyful obedience!

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:


    2. Tami says:

      So true!

    3. Danielle B says:

      Yes Sally this is so accurate!

    4. Tara B says:

      This is so true Sally B! The hurry blinds me daily.

    5. Deana Evenden says:

      So true for all of us.

    6. Gwineth52 says:

      You made me think, Sally B…
      As said to children @ Christmastime, “Believe”.
      Not with your eyes, but with your heart.

    7. Arlene says:

      Forgive me Lord for all the times you’ve showed up in my life and I don’t recognize your hand at work

    8. Tina says:

      Father, help me to expectantly look for You working in my environment daily, and be ready and willing to greet You with joyful obedience!
      Yes, Lord God, may it be so, always..❤

  53. Tina says:

    I live in England! So kings, queens, princes and princesses are are thing! I have to say however, I have never met, seen or encountered the king or the late queen.
    I work for the Church as a caterer, feeding the disadvantaged in our community.. some years ago we had a man come in, who would often sit alone. He ended up helping with the washing up. Then helped on the maintenance team, then holding fort if I was out. He fitted in well. Then one day out of the blue, in conversation, said he’d had a phone call from Lizzy. Lizzy who, I asked. You know, the Queen, He said!
    Exactly, that was my thinking and reaction! I’m sorry, who? Why? What!
    It turns out, he was a good friend to not only the queen of England, but a few other royals across the globe! In fact as I write he is spending a few days with the Sheikh in Dubai.. I kid you not!!!
    I’ll tell you more another time..
    I do not compare him in anyway with Jesus, but I guess I told you this story because you can never judge a book by its cover..
    BUT GOD..
    He sent Jesus as one of us, to walk among us and to show us how to live as God hoped we would and could..
    Not recognising Jesus as the long prayed for Messiah, Saviour, King.. meant we clearly ‘had scales still over our eyes’. That our hearts were not yet prepared or ready to truly see. We had no idea that this carpenters boy, could be the long awaited King, who would make things right. Save the world.. Save us..
    Agreed, I have not had to spend my days longing for a king, but I’ll tell you what, I am so very very thankful for Jesus, my Saviour, my King, who lives and reigns forever in my heart.
    I may not always, I’ll rephrase that, I will not always get my life right, but recognising and having Jesus, as my Saviour,and my King with me, I know it will be well and in that I have total peace..
    Hsppy Thursday my loves.. prayerful you go in peace, whatever your day looks like..
    Hugs.. covered in prayers, requested or otherwise..❤️
    I am so in trouble when I get in to work, but sometimes you need to break the rules a little!:)

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Thanks for sharing an another amazing snapshot of your life. ❤️
      May the Lord redeem the time you spent typing it up for us.
      Continuing to pray for Abbi

      1. Tina says:

        Kelly, the time was indeed redeemed. I have a great day!
        Sorry I should have updated you on Abbi.. She is in a much better place now and enjoy life.. Our morning and evening chats are no longer every day, but as and when.. which is great! She is where we aimed for her to be with a little help from a friend and the Higher power of God.. I actually saw her yesterday, and she was beaming..
        Thank you for your continued prayers for her.. Kelly. Thank you..

    2. Searching says:

      Thank you TINA for taking the time this morning, praying grace was waiting when you got in to work. Joining you in thankfulness! ❤️

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Tina I just love hearing about all your encounters, and you have such a way with telling it all!
      Thank you as always for your encouraging and inspiring words!
      Have a wonderfully blessed day!❤️

      1. Traci Gendron says:

        In agreement Sharon. Tina you have such a way with words. I pray you found grace waiting for you when you walked into work. Love and hugs from the other side of the pond.

    4. Erin Wan says:


    5. Tara B says:

      Thank you for sharing your story. I love this and it is always a blessing when someone shows you humbleness and a servant’s heart…although that is probably a redundant statement. Have a wonderful day across the Atlantic! Blessings from North Carolina ❤️

      1. Tina says:

        Tara, no words spoken in TRUTH are ever redundant.. In the world we live in, this is not a given, that all have a humbleness or a servant heart..
        Blessings, received, and returned doubled to you..❤

    6. Tanya Evans says:

      Great story! I liked how you made it revealant!

    7. Mari V says:

      Good morning (or should I say “good-afternoon” sweet Tina! WOW! that is SO cool!! HOPE your bosses extended “grace.”

      1. Tina says:

        They were, and the day was so blessed, thank you Mari.❤

    8. GramsieSue says:

      Oh my!
      ….but recognizing and having Jesus and my Savior, my King, I know all will be well and in that I have TOTALLY PEACE!
      Perfectly spoken!
      Thank you Tina!
      Hugs to you across the pond ❤️

      1. Tina says:

        Hugs right back, GRAMSIESUE, covered in love and prayers for you and yours❤❤

    9. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ Awesome story!

    10. MARTHA HIX says:


    11. Mercy says:

      You are back Tina yay. You know yesterday I was watching The Voice finalist on tv, and there was a song that goes, what if God was one of us, just a stranger on the bus…trying to make his way home. Touched my heart! And today you mentioned the exact same thing (wow!). He is indeed one of us, sent in the flesh. Life is full of struggles and He is among us in different vessels, gathering the lost, the suffering, the proud and haughty, one at a time to make their way home.

      1. Tina says:

        I love you my sister.. So much, BLESSINGS❤

    12. LindaK says:

      Lord help us to see others as you see them. We are all in need of a Savior. Praying that Grace met you when you arrived at work❤️

      1. Tina says:

        I smiled when I read your comment LindaK. We have two interns at work, one is called FAITH and the other, you guessed it is called GRACE..I am praying for a HOPE, but yes she, GRACE, was in the lobby, in person:) and was extended by my boss!❤

        1. Rhonda J. says:

          Oh wow…love that!!!