There’s a scene near the end of C.S. Lewis’s book, The Last Battle, the final story in The Chronicles of Narnia, where a bear lies dying. Gravely wounded, the great beast—who has stood on the side of what is Good and True—lies upon the ground. His dying words wrench the heart: “I—I don’t understand.”
I first fell in love with this noble bear as a young girl. He seeks to do what is right amidst confusing and confounding times, even when he doesn’t fully comprehend all the forces at play. I continue to love him still, for I often feel a kinship with him amidst the swirling events of our current age.
It is a noisy world out there, filled with distractions and misinformation. Advertisers pushing their latest products that—finally this time!—will totally change our lives. Legislators promise utopia if only we will give them our vote. The end of the world is at hand, if not because of war then due to a warming planet, if not because of nuclear proliferation then due to whichever political party scares you the most.
The apostle Paul wrote to a group of Christians not so different from you and me. They, too, lived in a noisy world filled with distractions and misinformation. There were wars and rumors of wars, politicians out for their own gain, and all manner of fear that the world might end. Then, like now, bad actors preyed on common people.
“But I fear that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your minds may be seduced from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ,” wrote Paul (2Corinthians 11:3).
Paul reminded them to keep their vision steady. This admonition is echoed by the author of Hebrews, who reminded readers to “run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:1–2).
Will we always succeed in this well-intentioned (and very important!) quest? I wish the answer was yes, but the truth is that we will all struggle with it from time to time. Life is long and messy. The world is a noisy, distracting, confusing place.
Yet here, too, is hope. For even the apostle Paul, learned and well-traveled as he was, knew that his faith couldn’t rest in his own abilities, intellect, or strength. Paul wrote, “If boasting is necessary, I will boast about my weaknesses.” (2Corinthians 11:30)
We are called to worship the Lord with all our heart and soul and mind and strength (Mark 12:30). Yet we also know that we are finite creatures who eventually come to the end of our own wisdom and understanding. We grow weary. We lose heart. And it is here, in these low moments, that we may most keenly and acutely feel our need for God.
And God will meet us there.
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104 thoughts on "Paul’s Sufferings for Christ"
I pray that I would keep my mind and thoughts fixed on you Jesus, not being distracted by the world and all that it promises.
Meet me here, merciful God.
And God will meet us here ❤️
Much love and hugs to all the SHES! I hope you had a day to rest in God’s peace comfort and grace. I am so loving this study on Paul and the story again and again about God’s faithfulness and provision especially in times of heart break. Was blown away listening to this week’s Podcast. I learned so much!!
Continue fighting the good fight! These are the times when we glorify God especially in our weaknesses. I love that we serve the Upside-down Kingdom! I love that none of it makes any sense to this world that is dying without Christ. Meaning that Jesus really flipped the script about what being a Christian is and Paul for boasting loudly and not caring who he offended. He did all for God. How these books of Corinthians has blessed me more than I expected. But God…
Love all of you Ladies!!❤️
Yes, Love this, good to “see” you Missy!
The world is full of chaos and it helps to know that is was back then. That this is inline with what the Bible tells us. But we need to stay diligent and strong. Praying for discernment. God will meet us there when we ask Him to.
Thank you for praying for Debbie. She had good numbers. Her doctor didn’t know what to make of it. But we do! She wanted to have me thank you was well.
What a kindness of the Lord for her
PTL! ❤
Good morning SWEETIES, BEAUTIFUL SHE’s!!! Feeling “off” this morning, BUT still got into the WORD. On my fitbit it read my oxygen levels were low and the best thing to do is get some fresh air, so OFF I go on a walk OUTSIDE while the air is still cool and fresh and BEFORE another heatwave. Before I head out I want to comment I agree SO much that it is a noisy world out there. That’s why my “quiet-time” is so important to me as I want to “hear” GOD’s voice rather than mine or the world. Please pray as I feel a little “off” this morning. Also tomorrow I officially go back to work for meetings,LOTS of meetings, training, CPR, setting up our TK area and getting to know the teacher I’ll be working with. Talked to her briefly yesterday. She’s young and my hope and prayer is that we can sync well together and that I will be a GREAT support for her.
❤ may your oxygen level show a substantial increase after your outdoor time!
Good morning Shes I am asking for prayer for relief of sciatic pain. I’m scheduled to fly tomorrow to California (4 hours) for a cousin’s memorial service. I am on program to read scripture. I’m praying for pain relief to endure the flight there and back and for God to give me what I need to speak.
Praying for you!
Thank you!
❤ praying for pain relief, safe travel, and peace for your heart as you do your part.
Thank you!
Praying for your trip and reading to go smoothly with minimal pain. Sorry for your loss.
Thank you!
Praying Linda!
You sisters have already shared the quotes I wad planning to share ❤ so I will just share this from Wiersbe. It touched my heart so to think on this reminder
11:2 -The picture here is that of a loving father who has a daughter engaged to be married. He feels it is his privilege and duty to keep her pure, so that he can present her to her husband with joy and not with sorrow. Paul saw the local church as a bride, engaged to be married to Jesus Christ (see Eph. 5:22ff.).
Praying for you sisters!
LYNNE FROM ALABAMA – keeping you and Jack close in heart and thought as I pray for peace and comfort! ❤
Yes, the world is very noisy. I’ve spent the past month in a very noisy world. I have had company for 3 weeks, it was our town festival, my boss is on vacation so I’m running the show at work…there’s so much noise I can barely hear, there’s so much noise I barely even know I’m not paying attention to God. So I simply cry out to God and ask for His quiet focus to fill me. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a great time being with my kids and grandkids, doing “summer vacation” things… but it amazes me how far my focus can wander when there’s so much going on around me. Its times like this I am so thankful for God’s grace, God’s never wandering attention. He is always keeping an eye on me, He is always there, He is always continuing with His plan. But now I want to bring back my focus to Him.
Something this study has really taught me over the last several weeks and something I have wrote on my study book“weekly response” every week is my surprise that the people of Corinth were facing the same struggles we face today. They are not that far off from us sweet She’s. What a comfort to know that God sent His son for us and them! That God will deliver us from this place we call home to an eternal home. Praying today that the noise and chaos of the world be muted for the beauty, goodness and truth of our one true savior! Happy Wednesday She’s. Lifting you all up in prayer today. He is good and faithful!
I was pondering that same revelation! ❤ Thanks for voicing it so well!
Good morning, She Reads Truth community. May God bless you and be near to you all, today. Praying you continue to find Him in weakness, just as Paul and the author reminded us today. I think of Psalm 139, that says wherever we go, Jesus is there with us – whether that is the highest heaven or depths of the earth. There’s no where He isn’t and He knows what it is like to be human. ❤️
Yes Jesus, I agree in prayer with these women for discernment for this generation. There is so much false teaching. Lord God, you know I myself fell for these teachings with itching ears and a heart that didn’t know how to trust You. I wanted to be on top. But I am grateful like Paul, You removed the scales and gave me eyes to see You alone are salvation, Jesus. Let no one here be deceived by a false gospel. Lord forgive us for unbelief. Heal our hurts that give way to believing lies. Help us to trust You, even when You intentionally keep us in a place of need. Let us see it is for our good, and Your glory.. that no suffering is ever wasted. You suffered for our sake. You know what it is like to feel how we feel. Yet you did not turn from the cross but endured it for the joy set before You, Jesus. Thank you for running our race before us. Please help my fellow Shes in their suffering to keep going and pushing toward the crown… to know their life and journey will be met by You Jesus. You see it all and You never leave us or forsake us.
Thank you Jesus. ❤️
@Mercy – praying God’s healing and patience to you with your eye situation.
@Lynne- Praying and believing God is with you and Jack. I pray you continue to be yourself with the Lord and know He understands how you feel better than anyone… ❤️
(Praying peace to all caregivers here in Jesus name!!!)
@Sharon JG – praying for Jeff to continue in the Lord’s strength as he moves forward, looking to victory in his current “weakness ” ❤️
Thank you, Michelle! ❤
Oh Michelle, thank you for that heartfelt prayer for all the She’s. I could sit and have coffee with you for hours and just share stories. Be blessed today as you shine His light on all that you encounter.
Thank you Michelle for a very well spoken prayer for all us She’s!
And also thank you for your prayers for Jeff — much appreciated! ❤️
Thank you! xoxo
This is a beautiful devotion that speaks to me in a time of feeling weak, and tired if the constant struggle. It encourages me to stand firm in my faith.
“For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
Romans 8:24-25NIV
I press on, though it is hard, I am called to keep going, in the sorrow and troubles, in the confusion and chaos, in the struggles and testing! It wears on us, we become poor in spirit, but thankfully we have THE Spirit! And Jesus’ words, and a Heavenly Father that has left the instruction book in our hands. He gave us dear Paul, that is full of words to pierce our mind to fight the good fight—to keep the faith among the crazy. To be happy even when we are persecuted, to be satisfied with what we are given, and to be strong when called to step out in faith. To be an example to others that do not know God, for in the weakness is when we can really shine bright, when it makes no worldly sense.
It is hard when we see people we love wrapped up in false faith. I don’t know what to do except keep praying that it will be revealed. And to see our children stuck in the world and believing they are more loving and open then “Christians” because they accepted people’s own truth. It breaks my heart for my grandchildren that don’t seem to have a chance with the world they are entering…yet every generation of Christians have been in the same situation.
Lord, keep your Shes strong, help us to stay in the word, and with each other and other believers. We have YOU, that will ALWAYS be in control, even when it is not visible. That is the faith, but it must be the correct faith. Lord, help us to be the big C church, faithfully waiting as the bride, for our groom to come. Be with our SHES that asked for prayers, we raise them up to you and surround them as sisters and friends and believers that we know the ONE that meets their every need. We love you Lord, and we need thee! Every hour, Lord we need you. Thank you, in Jesus’ name, Amen
A beautiful prayer to end your comment that is oh-so-true. Amen. ❤️
Thank you for a beautiful prayer for us all! ❤️
Happy Wednesday ladies praying you all today!
“Life is long and messy. The world is a noisy, distracting, confusing place…We grow weary. We lose heart. And it is here, in these low moments, that we may most keenly and acutely feel our need for God.
And God will meet us there.”
Yes and amen! No matter how broken and messy the world seems – which can be very distracting and confusing – God will meet us there! God is there — always.
In that we can put our faith and trust, in that we hope. We will not falter IF we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. He is in control, and His will, will be done!
Julie G. – prayers for your husband as he faces this uncertain time, and as he has the CAT scan on Friday.
Tina – Hope you are feeling better today!❤️
Continued prayers for each of you who have made requests. ❤️
Have a blessed Wednesday sisters!
It is a noisy world out there…right? I would add the word chaotic. Both of these words fill me with fear and anxiety. Noise and chaos. As a teacher, I think that is my worst nightmare. But that is exactly the world we are living in right now. And evidently the Corinthians were living in it too. So basically, the world IS noisy and chaotic, no matter when you look at history. Why? Because of humans – we mess it up! We are out for ourselves, fighting with each other, pushing and clawing our way to the top. When I think of this noise and chaos my anxious heart runs to Jesus. I picture Him as quiet and calm. Strong and authoritative against evil, but not chaotic. Not noisy.
In his letter it is so clear how much Paul loved the Corinthian church, and how grieved he was by the wolves that were trying to cloud their minds with untruth. I feel you, Paul. Sometimes I get so down about the constant lies that are fed to our children, to non-Christians and the Church (in the name of the Church!). I seriously can’t handle it sometimes. Although obviously I don’t welcome persecution, in a way it shows us that we are on the right side with Christ. The passages in John really spoke to my heart this morning: “If the world hates you, understand that it hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own. However, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of it, the world hates you. Remember the word I spoke to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.
That last line reminds me of something I hear a lot from a podcaster I listen to. “You cannot out-love God.” We often feel like we are more loving than God because God’s Word can be harsh towards things that Satan has convinced the World are not bad but “loving.”
So many things to think about and pray about on my walk this morning. Lifting up my sisters here as I talk to God this morning.
Amen. ❤️
Side note… I listen to her podcasts too (winky emoji).
Love her! I have turned so many of my friends and relatives into “gals.” Even my brother is a “bro.” LOL It was actually someone on here who recommended her, so it might have even been you!
What is the name of the podcast?
Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey
As a teacher, I 100% agree! Thanks for sharing and your insight. Praying for all teachers and staff as another school year starts. “May we shine like stars lighting up the sky” (classrooms/schools/communities) Phil 2:15
Good Morning Shes
“ We grow weary. We lose heart. And it is here, in these low moments, that we may most keenly and acutely feel our need for God.”
I am reminded of a passage during compline, a tradition in my church of nightly prayer, where we say “ in the changes & chances of this life, we hold on to what is changeless, our Lord Jesus Christ”.
Amen & Amen
But can we have a moment for the best line in this whole chapter “(I am out of my mind to talk like this ) ” lol. I just love Paul. And certainly our current world circumstances have us all here, where we feel like we are the crazy ones ! I am praying for every prayer request mentioned and also for discernment for big C church. I pray that we will not be deceived by “Satan masquerading as an angel of light” nor “his servants masquerading as servants of righteousness”.
Sisters, if I may ask for a prayer of healing for my pup— two nights ago he started limping, and I was hoping it would go away, but it has not. And yesterday afternoon I went to pick him up, and he cried in pain. Not sure what’s going on but he has a vet appointment today. Thanks in advance!
Oh! Poor baby! I’ll pray. These little fur babies are more than pets. They’re family.
Praying ! Poor baby!
Will do. ❤️ I know you’ll keep us posted.
If they could only talk!
The words “I speak as a fool” we so stark to me in this Scripture, so I checked my study Bible and I love the explanation— The church at Corinth had been infiltrated by insidious false teachers. They placed value on spiritual knowledge and experiences (1 Cor. 8:1) that were only accessible to gifted teachers. To counter the accusations of his opponents, Paul took great pains to present his apostolic credentials. But he was doing more than defending himself; he was trying to warn the Corinthians of the dangers the false teachings posed. To defend himself, Paul was forced to “boast” in his ministry. But his boast was unusual, his boast was unusual, for it was in his weaknesses and suffering.
Many centuries later, the cast of characters has changed, but the story remains the same. The church continues to be infiltrated by those who advocate unbiblical ideas (and many for profit). Many of these present-day “false teachers” appear to be very sincere. They speak with great passion and eloquence. Their ideas seem to make perfect sense. But be cautious that every message must be weighed against the Word of God.
Perfectly stated. False teachers look and sound good, but unless they are preaching the truth of God’s Word, their words are rubbish.
Thank you for explaining this Maria! I pay your dog is doing better and that the vet can help him.
Thank you for this. It helps me see clearly.
“Yet we also know that we are finite creatures who eventually come to the end of our own wisdom and understanding. We grow weary. We lose heart. And it is here, in these low moments, that we may most keenly and acutely feel our need for God.
And God will meet us there.“
It has been a long season of storms and trials in my family and I feel that weariness. I so easily fall into doing it myself. I pray and read scripture, but how often do I intentionally invite God in and allow His strength to be my supply. Today’s devotional was a timely reminder as I woke up weary and need God to get me through today! Thank Courtney for the reminder!
Lifting you to Jesus, now, Danielle… caregiving, at it’s best is not easy… and there are so many time when it is difficult to see the light of day, for sure… so thankful that your trust is in Jesus… He alone is the “Way, The Truth, and The Light” !! Holding up your arms!! ♥️
Somehow, Carol M became … Carol Jlll ??
Stupid auto correct!
Your feelings are real & raw, Dear Danielle.
Yet you are reminded to rest in Him.
“He is ready, willing, able to carry you through.
No matter what the world may do”…words from an old hymn I believe…
Danielle, right there with you sister! It’s been a very long season!! I’m tired. I’m weary. I’m overwhelmed. Seeking Him and His strength, wisdom,peace,mercy and grace! Praying with you!
Thank You, Danielle, for that important reminder. I, too, jump in and do before prayerfully considering the situation or waiting (on God) for instructions.
Father keep our eyes fixed on you. Speak to our hearts. Guide our paths, make them straight. Hear and answer our prayers as Your children you delight in. In Jesus name, Amen
Focus on the Lord and His words of truth, test what we see and hear against that truth to weed out the lies.
Have faith in God in all things, in all ways. Paul’s recap of what he endured … may my faith carry me through anything I face.
Side note on a pet peeve – devo mentions “bad actors” and I say, call it like it is … liars, thieves, criminals, whatever is truth.
MERCY – praying for continued healing of your eyes
TRACI GENDRON – praying for Debbie and results of scans
JULIE GANUCHEAU – praying for your husband as treatment and stage of cancer is sorted out, and for wisdom and guidance for you both
TINA ❤️ praying you are feeling much better today and able to love on those grands
CAROL M – praying for ‘Don & Pat’, that he would accept visitors and that relief for her would be worked out
LYNNE FROM AL – praying, sister ❤️
MICHELLE P – praying ❤️
ADRIENNE, AMY, CEE GEE – love that chorus, Grace, grace …
Searching, so glad to ‘see you’ hope all is well and life is being kind to you!❤️
I have managed, praise God, to be with the grands..I feel better just being in their presence. Just to hear..”Nana, Nana.. I thought Mum was the best word ever until I heard these sweet voices call out Nana.. tears of joy roll as I write and watch them happy in play, giggling.. one blessed Nana!
Grands=Good Medicine+ Giggles!!
TINA, thankful for that answered prayer!!! I am taking my grands for coffee and ice cream – our end of summer routine. It used to be just ice cream, but now the 14 year old wants specialty coffee, so ice cream and coffee it will be! ❤
❤️ glad to see you, Searching :) thank you
I must agree with you on the “bad actors” comment; liars, thieves, and deceivers are usually the best actors of all. And they are in our churches and on our ballots on Election Day. I pray we will all both worship and vote with wisdom.
Amen, sister! Paul didn’t mince words (phew, he used a lot of ’em! Lol) and we shouldn’t either. Fierce opposition calls for a strong faith and stance based on TRUTH. Joining in prayer for these you mentioned. ❤❤
Today’s message came at a perfect time as I am trying hard to quiet the noise around me and the chaos in the world and lean into Jesus. Thankful for God’s timing and this reminder!
Particularly difficult to do in election season I feel like. I need that quiet too.
Me too Karen!
Would you please pray for wisdom for us and the Lord’s contunued provision for our family?
Praying, SHANNON P, for wisdom and provision of all needs, for encouragement, for direction, for comfort & strength over the anxiety and fear. ❤️
Shannon, lifting you and your family in prayer, for wisdom and for work, for discernment and for continued faith and hope.
Shannon P, praying with you and the other She’s! Financial stress is hard on a person. Praying for direction and peace !
Thank you Jesus that you see Shannon P and her family. Your Word is a lamp to our feet and light to our path. Let Your Word give them the wisdom and knowledge they need to continue onwards and help them to be wise with the provision you give them in this time. I thank you that you take care of sparrows, flowers, animals… how much more do you take care of us? God bless you Shannon. ❤️
Ladies can you pray for my family? My husband has been out of work for two months and we feel like we really haven’t been hearing from the Lord about how to proceed. We have no savings and I find myself sick with dread where before I was able to trust in God. As we reach the end of our financial resources I am afraid. We have been through a lot
Shannon, I am praying for you and your family this morning. As I read your comment this morning, the Lord reminded me of Philippians 4:19 where Paul writes the promise “And my God will supply all your needs, according to his riches in Christ Jesus.” I believe this promise is for you too this morning. God is faithful and he is able to do impossible math, extending resources far beyond where they should extend. He will provide for your family too! Sometimes it can seem like He waits until the last minute in our human view, but the truth is He is always right on time. I’m praying that you feel his presence and peace today as well.
Yes, this is a great Scripture, Theresa. God has given this to me as well when I was struggling to know how I’d pay for things. So good! ❤️
Shannon, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re struggling like this right now. My husband and I went through a similar situation years back. I understand the overwhelming stress. I’ll be praying.
Oh dear Shannon, praying for you and your family! I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to worry — the same God that is with you in the “good times” and “times of plenty” is still and always be with you. He is El Roi – the God who sees. Nothing happens in our life that isn’t for God’s glory. Lay all of your worries and fears at the foot of the cross – God’s got this. ❤️
Shannon, prayers for this difficult time and that a job comes up.
❤️ Indeed, I will.
Shannon, I have never been in your place, but my husband was laid off once for several weeks. With a young family and mortgage, we didn’t have much to fall back on either. When word of our situation got out in our church, they rallied around us. Praying God will strengthen your faith as you wait for whatever provision He has planned for you. We KNOW He has a plan for He cares for you. Sending hugs! ❤
Praying for you Shannon. For peace and provision! God has come to my rescue many times! Sometimes it was a monetary gift in the mail, once it was seeing a church member on my way to work. My gas tank was on E and I had no money. I waved for her to stop and explained my situation. She filled my tank! Only God!
Praying for you Shannon. Your words you expressed of being sick with dread, resonated with me. Maybe not always in the area of finances, but definitely being so overwhelmed by my worldly circumstances that felt really too much to bear, leaving me feeling so anxious and sick with dread. Praying that you and your husband can trust and keep your faith even when it is beyond your own understanding. God will supply all your needs and he is with you and your family.
Praying Shannon ❤️
May the shed His peace to your heart as you press into Him
Praying for a breakthrough in this Shannon. Hold on to God’s promises. When I am really anxious and scared I read the Psalms for hope and strength.
“And God will meet us there.”
Can I get an AMEN? Thank You, Lord, for meeting us where we are!
JULIE GANUCHEAU – agreeing with the other Shes in prayer for your husband.
MERCY – thankful you had relief from your eye pain yesterday.
TINA – praying you are well today and are enjoying time with the grands.
LYNN FROM AL – praying for an extra measure of peace for you today.
SARAH D (and all of you who are teachers) – praying for you as you prepare for the coming school year.
AMEN! That statement “And God will meet us there” – powerful reminder to read those words.
Yes, ma’am, you can!!! I read that last paragraph (and specifically that line) a couple of times. Amen!
Continued prayers for your work situation. ❤
Father, please help us keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith in the glory to come. And when the world distracts us with the noise and confusion, hold us close until we can refocus our attention!
Amen! ❤