Paul Preaches at the Areopagus

Open Your Bible

Acts 17:1-34, Zechariah 12:10, Romans 3:21-26

When I was in middle and high school, I was a part of a competitive cheerleading squad. On competition days, I remember the sinking feeling in my body as our entire team stood, waiting for our turn to go onto the mat. We had one chance to get everything right. My body pulsed with a combination of adrenaline, excitement, and stage fright. They would call our team’s name, and then there was no turning back.

I’ve never really had that feeling ever again. My life as a writer is fairly isolated. I work from home, where there is no one to cheer when I get something right, or gasp when I fall on my face. Thank goodness, I’ve never been asked to give a TED talk. I can only imagine the sinking feeling one must experience before walking out on that dark stage, all alone.

Though Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit, I imagine he must have been full of nerves as well, that day in Athens, when a crowd ushered him to the top of Mars Hill to address the entire gathered city, unprepared. 

As I read his words, I know I have much to learn from Paul and much to love about Jesus. Paul doesn’t come in disparaging Athenian culture—it is clear that as he’s moved through their town, his spirit was troubled, because he was paying attention. He read their poetry, paid attention to the engravings on their idols, and used those very things to gently point out the holes in their belief system. In Athens, there were shrines toward various gods, but Paul points them to the one true God, the God who made the world and everything in it.  

Notice, Paul doesn’t go on to say, “oh, we’re all good! You believe you’re God’s offspring, and I believe I’m God’s offspring, so in general we all believe the same thing.” No. He tells them that God commands us to repent, because He is going to judge the world, and Jesus will sit as the head justice of that coming trial.

Paul focuses on their similarities, and then he boldly proclaims the truth of God’s judgment as well as the grace-filled resurrection of Christ. His words are kind, but they aren’t weak. His words are direct, but they’re not harsh. He wins as many people as he offends. We ought to expect the same in our lives.

I’m struck as I read in Acts 17 just how completely Paul, a former persecutor of the Church, has become the persecuted. Crowds are chasing him out of city after city. He is ridiculed, called names. And yet, none of this deters his work. The Holy Spirit fills Paul, not only with the right words to say, but also with the fortitude to endure the reaction to those words.

As we speak the gospel in a fallen world, we will be rejected, ridiculed, and called names. But the Lord is with us through it all. “In Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28).

(57) Comments

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57 thoughts on "Paul Preaches at the Areopagus"

  1. Emily Morris says:

    ❤️ “in Him we live and move and have our being.” Such a sweet reminder

  2. Portia Strange says:

    By the power of the Spirit, Paul NEVER alters or modifies the Gospel message in order to appease people. Despite their culture, ethnicity, religious beliefs, and/or socioeconomic status, he believed that they needed the truth of the Gospel that never changes!

  3. Miri am says:

    Work has been bust so I am waaaay behind with SRT!! But today’s scripture and devo have given me a new strength. I am such a people pleaser and in this season I am learning I cannot do what I think is wise in the Lord’s eyes and please people too. I got so much encouragement from “Paul wins as many people as he offends and we ought to expect the same”. Lord remind me that I cannot determine Your will by trying to judge how many people come alongside. I can only determine your will through communing with you in prayer and through your word. Give me strength to do what you set in front of me today.

  4. Beverly Watley says:

    I agree Helen. Helen is my mom’s name and I’m so thankful to God that I still have my mom, still able to do for herself, but my sister waits on her like she is a queen which she is. My mom will be 96 next month on the 12th of November. She’s living in Georgia with my other siblings. I’m in Minnesota, so I’m blessed that I can talk to my mom daily. Thanks Helen. ❤️

  5. Beverly Watley says:

    ❤️ Amen

  6. Lissa says:

    Grace Day is up on He Reads Truth.

  7. Mari V says:

    @Ruth Long, we have all wondered the same thing. A lot of us emailed SRT but we do not have an answer. If I’m correct she stopped sometime during the Lent season. We all miss her so much and I pray for her all the time.

  8. Jenna says:

    NADS, I love that you suggested reading Psalm 121 today. Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t fall back asleep for a while. The verse from Psalm 121 about how He who watches over you will not slumber popped into my head. Psalm 121 is a favorite of mine so I will be reading it with you today!

  9. Mari V says:

    My friend G texted me this morning as well asking if I had seen today’s Devo. It’s not up on the website either. Praying I’m sure it’s a technical issue and hopefully it’ll be up sometime today.

  10. CeeGee says:

    Praying for the team at SRT as they work through the problem! We appreciate you all so much!

  11. CeeGee says:

    For those working on the memory verse, look at
    ACTS 2:40. Last Saturday highlighted v. 39. Have a blessed and safe weekend all! Melanie, praying the surgery works out.

  12. Ruth Long says:

    Hi! Do you know where churchmouse went?

  13. Nads says:

    *noticing (not notify)

  14. Nads says:

    CAROL RIMMER, I’m notify the same :)
    I keep refreshing my screen but, nothing!
    I will read Psalm 121 for now… perhaps someone else will too and we’ll have done so together ❤️
    Have a blessed day.

    Thinking of you, MELANIE

  15. Carol Rimmer says:

    No daily reading/grace day entry today?

  16. RKN says:

    Such Truth. Thank you for sharing.

  17. Poppy Waskett says:

    The verse that stood out to me is that God does not need anything we supply to him. Sometimes I can get too self focused and think that my good works are needed. God loves me to partner with Him but it is God who brings about the miracles, I am a vessel, and everything in me is all because of Him. I am encouraged that God does not only dwell in the light parts of me, but in every part, everything that I live and breathe and have my being in.

  18. Sky Hilton says:

    This section of Acts gives us a very important lesson on how we need to have an open mind, heart, and soul to the teachings of God and Jesus.

    Even before Paul goes to Areopagus, some of the people there call Paul a “Babbler”

    American culture has conditioned all of us to roll our eyes in annoyance when we hear someone preaching about Jesus.. but, now as followers of God himself, we have to get over that spirit of disrespect within us.. and give God the respect He DESERVES.

    Most of the people of Areopagus let Paul speak and just dismissed Him.. while others treated it as a joke. Yet there were some that believed and stood by Him. Paul continued to carry on, never stopping once on his mission to preach Christ to every place he saw.. I pray, for all of us to not only have the bravery to openly profess our faith, and openly profess Jesus, but I pray that we would have the perseverance like Paul had, and not let negative encounters stop us from preaching Jesus altogether.

    I also love this section of Romans. It reminds us of how lost, incomplete, and empty we are without Christ.. it also forces us to come to grips with being humble… something that is so sacred and beautiful. However, it also reminds us of how God sent Jesus, down to save all of us… we are so unworthy of this… but yet we have Him.. and have been saved.. this is why we worship God. He is simply so good.. our lives are simply dull without Him!

    God bless you all!

  19. Lexi Strickland says:

    I am still so amazed by chapter 17 vs6. The girls touched on this on the podcast. It’s amazing that Paul and Silas “turned the world upside down”….THAT is the same power of the Holy Spirit that’s in us!! I limit myself internally so often thinking God can’t possibly reach people or work powerfully through me. Why not??? Thank you Lord for working through the weak to show that YOU are strong.

  20. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I want to meet people where they are and find a common ground with them, like Paul did. I love how he didn’t judge them for having all of these god’s. I want to witness to the people around me like Paul.

  21. Dorothy says:

    Welcome Helen. Praying for all who asked for prays, especially Melanie that surgery and recovery go well. Traci G., that’s great news about your son and asking for a Bible, may he continue to seek the Lord in his own way.
    Have a great weekend and let us spread the Great News this weekend and always. Be blessed sisters.

  22. Rhonda J says:

    Welcome, Helen! You will love this community! It is so helped me as I read the study plans to understand and put in perspective and apply to my daily life! And the SHE”S will become your friends! I learn so much daily from the comments, filled not only with wisdom applied to the study, but sharing their fears, questions, praise, and prayer request! I have been here daily for years now!

  23. Melanie says:

    Thank you still waiting I have been pushed back Please keep the prayers coming

  24. Donna Wolcott says:

    Welcome Helen, these sisters and SRT are source of peace for me and may you find that also. Their comments have helped me grow in my faith. God bless!

  25. Helen Somasundram says:

    Hi ladies. I joined an online weight-loss community to shift a bit of weight I gained when pregnant with 3rd child (who is now 5! ) which really helped me stay motivated. I thought I’d like to find the same for devotionals so here I am. The verse that strikes me today is v27 “God is not far from each one of us.” So I pray we can speak truth boldly and relevantly like Paul, so that people will hear us again, join us and believe.

  26. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Paul sets forth a seemingly simple pattern to follow: speak kind words and not weak; speak direct words but not harsh – while boldly proclaiming the truth of God’s judgement and grace. In doing so, some you will win and others you will offend.

    I know I have failed so many times in my own life because my words are either weak or harsh and because I’m afraid of offending and losing.

    My desire is to follow Paul’s pattern while completely leaning on the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit and His leading. By God’s grace I will implement these truths, putting them into action in my daily walk with Him.

  27. Traci Gendron says:

    So much good here! The fact that Paul kept on with his mission. Would I have that perseverance? I’m guessing no. I pray for God to keep my eyes on His mission. To spread his Word. I’m not good with my words, but God let my way of life show my beliefs. Help strengthen my words to talk about You. To have the vision to recognize where people are at in their lives. To connect with them.

    Prayers for all requests! Tanner asked my to buy him a Bible! Praise God and all you ladies for continuing to pray for him.

  28. Victoria E says:

    Foster Mama, and all who are continuing to pray thank you! Our big ultrasound is on Monday. Melanie I am praying for your surgery. Taylor I am praying for your patients. Such great comments again today, Rae- Ann thank you for sharing the book and the CS Lewis quote. I used to go to Tim Keller’s church during med school. Such a gifted teacher. Foster mama I will be praying for your meeting today as well!

  29. Susie H says:

    Have you noticed how often in this passage we are told that women (often of high reputation) believed? I find this significant for two reasons: first because God no doubt used their high position to send the gospel into places Paul could never reach. Second, because this is an example of Jesus’ upside down kingdom where WOMEN are important in God’s sight. He esteems people who , culturally, have no worth. What an amazing God!

  30. Aimee D-R says:

    Father God fill me with the ability and Holy Spirit to do your work and speak Your Word. In Jesus name, Amen

  31. Foster Mama says:

    Lord JESUS, give me boldness with wisdom to be / show You to the world. Let me not always assume that there’s “somebody better to do it” and, perhaps if I’m beside them, I can just nod & smile lest I mess things up…Let me always trust Your power and goodness.

  32. Foster Mama says:

    SARAHJOY — This totally pierced my heart “God desires ALL PEOPLE to know Him. Will I make connections for people or float along and hope someone else will do it?”

    TAYLOR – I know that feeling; I’m praying for both patients and you

    MELANIE – I’m doubling up the prayers!! I understand about worrying family members and….yes, we’ve got you!!


    KIRSTEN – thanks for sharing that

    KELLY – I DO have a meeting this a.m.!! Thank you for seeing between the lines of my brief prayer request :*

    RAE-ANN – I totally needed to copy / send out that quote… thanks!!

    MICHELLE PATIRE – AMEN and Amen!!!

    Have a Blessed, safe weekend my Sisters. All Saints Day is upon us ❤️

  33. Mari V says:

    There have been times when people (non-believers) don’t understand why I do what I do or say what I say.
    I don’t push it down their throat or try to defend myself. I take a deep breath, and let Jesus (Holy Spirit) do the work. I am nothing without Christ.

  34. Mari V says:

    There have been times when people (non-believers) don’t understand why I do what I do or say what I say. I don’t push it down their throat or try to defend myself. I take a deep breath, and let Jesus (Holy Spirit) do the work.

  35. Michelle Patire says:

    When I read this, I see the world today. The people in Athens are similar to many people today. Seeking the latest trend in “knowledge” – – people seeking spiritual truth but drawing from a counterfeit well. They think they have arrived at truth, but it is twisted. It makes me angry. I guess, because I have lived this reality, confusing evil for good. The devil comes disguised as an angel of light.

    My prayer today as I read is to be as observant and bold as Paul. I want to show people I see them, and lead them to truth. I don’t feel especially gifted in debate evangelism, but I know God has given me gifts that point to Him. I pray that my presence in the lives around me would give God opportunities to speak. Lord, have your way in us, in Jesus’s name.

  36. SEARCHING says:

    AB, MELANIE, MARI V, MAURA, TAYLOR and other needs mentioned – praying for each of you as I read through each day’s requests.

    TINA and CHURCHMOUSE – you are missed

  37. Kathy A says:

    Praying for all of your requests, especially @Melanie praying for the surgeon, successful surgery and an easy recovery. I loved reading many of your thoughts on Acts 17:26, and 28, we have been placed here for such a time as this. Direct our steps Lord, help us speak boldly, building on where each person is in their faith journey and let us love them to life. Amen

  38. Heidi V says:

    Thanks for sharing that quote Rae-Ann!! What a wonderful reminder to attend to gratitude each day-

  39. Elizabeth McGee says:

    Father, even though my work has been stressful and tiring lately, I know you placed me here for a reason. I praise you and thank you for my job, for my coworkers and my clients, and ask for the Truth of your word to shine through my words and actions.

  40. Elizabeth McGee says:

    @Rae-Ann L I love that quote! Will be thinking about that today too

  41. Danielle says:

    As soon as I saw we were doing Acts, I was excited for this passage of scripture. It is my favorite passage in the New Testament and shapes how I interact and work with people. As was noted by Claire and so many of you Paul meets people where they are at in life and thoughts. In doing this he can build on what they know and believe. We can’t expect people to be where we are, so we need to meet them where they are and try to understand them. The image that comes to mind is what someone told long ago when working with children, bend down and get on their eye level.

    May God bless on you sisters. Taylor praying for patient and Melanie praying for your surgery.

  42. Marilyn Jones says:

    Paul just kept going. People was protecting him. This is what makes our God great. He (God) puts people where they need to be at the right time. I want to work for a boss like this.

  43. Nancy Singleton says:

    Praying for excellent results, good pain control, & uncomplicated recovery for you Melanie.

  44. Miriam says:

    Kristen, thank you so much for sharing!! I absolutely love those verse in Acts 17 and the clarity it gives us on the opportunities each one of us have to find God. I’ve heard people try to say God is not a God of love because how could He send someone from an isolated tribe, who has never heard the gospel to hell? My pastor preached on this a while ago saying but even in those places where they don’t have the bible or churches, etc., they have creation, their conscience and God’s Holy Spirit to bear witness about the gospel. And if someone is searching after Him, He will send someone to them to share the gospel. And when we seek God and feel our way toward Him, He can be found. Absolutely love that!! He is not far from ANY of us and will allow people to find Him as they search for Him. He’s so merciful and so loving!
    Also, love the realization that God, in His sovereignty, has placed us each where we are and in the right time of history to accomplish His will. I’ve heard people say comments like: I was meant to live in colonial times because I love that dress and culture. But God knew exactly when we needed to be born and placed each of us at the right time in history. Crazy to think about how many people have lived/are living and how He cares for each of us individually to allot times and boundaries for our dwelling. Blows my mind! May we live our lives to the fullest potential for His glory and service!!

  45. Taylor says:

    @AB lifting you up in prayer I pray the Lord wraps you in comfort and love

    Also I’m glad I went back and read yesterday’s comments just now. I had one patient almost fall yesterday and I basically had to drag her to the closest chair, and one patient did fall during my session and scraped up his knees, hit his head and scraped above his eyebrow, and hurt his shoulder :( I did ALOT of complaining yesterday and saying “woe is me” but now I’m being challenged to look at this situation and find ways to praise God. I can praise God that He allowed me to keep one patient safe, and maybe praise God that my second patients’ injuries were not worse. I also learned a lot through both situations about how to ensure my patients stay safe even in those moments where things can go wrong so quickly. I’m going to call my second patient to check in on him today but if you could please pray his injuries are minor I would greatly appreciate it <3

  46. Taylor says:

    @Melanie praying for your surgery that goes well and you have relief from your pain!!
    @Foster Mama thank you so much for your prayers and I am praying for you in your situation as well!
    @Kristen I loved your comment about how God has placed us in this exact time for a reason! I pray I can use my season well to share Christ’s love with those I interact with

  47. SarahJoy says:

    Saying a prayer for you and your family, Melanie.

  48. SarahJoy says:

    Paul went into the places where people already met regardless of what they believed. He used the basis of their understanding as a jumping off point – from explaining the prophecies in the OT or pointing out that he KNEW the “unknown god.”

    Can I have eyes to see the way God’s truth exists in all spaces and then ALSO have the boldness to point it out? God desires ALL PEOPLE to know Him. Will I make connections for people or float along and hope someone else will do it?

  49. Jessica Fehland says:

    Prayers for you, Melanie! ❤️❤️❤️

  50. Rae-Ann L says:

    I am reading the book “Prayer” by Timothy Keller and he quotes CS Lewis… “a lack of praise of God is a lack of reality, and praising Him helps us enter the real world and enjoy Him more fully.” I know this applies more to our reading from yesterday but I read this Sunday and keep going back to it. May we see clearly our reality through God’s eyes and praise Him continually!

  51. WANDA RAINS says:


  52. Melanie says:

    My sweet sisters after meeting with the surgeon yesterday I am having surgery today for my 2 hernias. I haven’t had surgery in decades. Please pray for peace, no complications, for no issues with the Anastasia, no complications or infection and a easy recovery. I didn’t sleep much as it all happened so fast. Praying my pain will be coming to an end soon and this is the issue for the pain. I haven’t told 3 out of my 4 kids as they would worry. Thank you for covering me and my family in prayer today. I will try to post later or tomorrow. He is faithful to do more than we can ask, think or imagine

  53. Kelly says:

    FOSTER MAMA – praying for your meeting today. Peace no matter the outcome.

    Paul discerned what his audience understood about God and lead them to a fuller understanding. Many in the U.S. today have no biblical understanding either. May the Holy Spirit show us points of connection to tell them more about our great God.

    As a side, I love that Luke mentioned the women who believed.

    AB – so sorry for the loss of your babies. Praying God’s comforting peace will engulf you and your husband.

  54. Kristen says:

    There are verses in Acts that I heard a missionary speak about years ago. These words are amazing! “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.”
    ‭‭Acts‬ ‭17:26-27‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    The missionary said that God appointed each person to live at the exact time and place where they had the best opportunity to seek Him and be saved! (I may be paraphrasing his exact words, but this truth has a major effect on him.What an encouragement as he went out to spread the love and Word of God on the mission field!) How merciful and astonishing is our God? Every single person is at the right place at the right time to seek Him. The Scripture also says that He is not far from any of us and in Him we live move and have our being! What a needed reminder for me and maybe some of you. God is near, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us. God knows and He is is always at work. We can seek Him and find Him. Praying for all to have a new encounter with God and be filled with awe, joy, encouragement, hope, and freedom. Amen!

  55. Foster Mama says:

    CHANGED LIFE – I was so happy to see you comment again this week…I’ve looked for your name and have been praying. God bless you.

    Gooood morning, TINA ❤️

  56. Foster Mama says:

    Please pray wisdom, discernment, favour and peace over me…Thanks!!

  57. Foster Mama says:

    AB, I pray you will continue to join us as a SRT sister to receive (and give) love and support! I am honoured to be praying for you. God bless you, BROOKE P and KERRY ROWLEY.

    KATHY, I praying for you, your student, and all those around him.

    ARINA, I can relate to your post a few days and thank you for it. Let us continue to pray for one another.

    MELANIE, I am so sad that your pain has persisted this long…I’m praying

    ERB, will definitely need to check out the song!! Is your dog continuing to improve?!

    TRACI GENDRON – praying for you and Tanner and all those who love you both.

    TAYLOR, praying for you and the specific details you’ve highlighted the past couple prayer requests.

    VICTORIA E, I’m still knitting :) and praying.

    MARI V – yaaay! We pray for continued healing and, for now, fruits from this time of…un-running ;)

    MICHELLE PATIRE – thanks for your encouragement the other day; praying for you

    MAURA, thank you for your words of wisdom, encouragement for all and prayers. May God uphold you with health, energy and all you need during this period.


    I am a few days late to comment about the sharp disagreement between Paul and Barnabas…I love reading that story because I know the ending…(spoiler alert!) they end up making up BUT, during the time of seperation, I TRULY believe the Word of God spread further than it might have had they stayed together.