Part 1: The End Is Our Beginning

Open Your Bible

Daniel 7:9-14, James 5:7-8, 2 Peter 3:13, Titus 2:11-15, Hebrews 6:19, Hebrews 10:23

After reading today’s passages, use the guiding content below to help you reflect, respond, and engage with one another.

Because we know how the story turns out, we follow the biblical mandate to live in light of what’s to come. Today’s introductory reading and the following days help us understand how to live with the end in mind, recognizing our place in God’s work of making all things new.

As we begin this new reading plan, take some time to reflect on some of the areas of life that make you long for eternity. How does the hope of eternity shape your everyday life?

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535 thoughts on "Part 1: The End Is Our Beginning"

  1. Kristen Etzler says:

    My dad suffered a major heart attack 6 weeks ago. He is to have a risky procedure done within the next week to see if things can turn around. I get married in 2 months and never dreamed that I would have to face the thought of my dad not being there to walk me down the aisle. The devil feeds me those thoughts often and that is where hope comes in. The hope of eternity reminds me that even if the worst possible outcome occurs, my dad will be with Jesus and his body will be made new, free of pain and no more suffering. The hope of eternity brings me peace that this life will always have hard moments, and there’s a God who sees and knows me in them. Thank you God for being our anchor.

  2. Anne Brunache says:

    The hope of eternity reminds me every day that nothing here is everlasting, but God and the relationship we have with Him. I am reminded that although my physical body is broken, that one day it will be restored in eternity.

  3. Lauren Alleva says:

    I feel that eternity has been brought ever so near with the loss of both my parents. As I navigate through this season I can trust that God will not leave me or forsake me and that I have a bright future ahead.

  4. Alison Burris says:

    The hope of eternity shapes my life by reminding me that everything happens for a reason and there is a loving God watching over us. It also helps me slow down and remind myself that I shouldn’t stress things as much as I do.

  5. Maddie Brown says:

    The love that god has given me
    Through his word and through the things he has given us here on earth make me long for eternity. Every sunset every sunrise every bird that flys or every ocean I visit I know god is with me. The hope of eternity makes me open my eyes to the world around me and all of his creations and not set my
    Mind on the earthly materials but look for the things god has given us on this earth.

  6. Andrea Tinsley says:

    I think the hope of eternity should cause me to focus on more things that matter and not earthly material things. I want to focus more on reaching others and discipling my family instead of trying to fit it with those around me and keeping up with the latest things. The hope of eternity helps me realize that He is still working on me and making me more in his image every day!

  7. Charles Anderson says:

    To know god’s love for us and our future helps me to live a life of purpose while on earth

  8. bianca ruiz says:

    I know that living eternally with God will be so beautiful and peaceful something out of this world my love for God is sooo big I want to be with him in his kingdom

  9. Rachel Huff says:

    We have an eternal hope in Jesus. And what a beautiful promise that is!

  10. Amanda Arthur says:

    To know what I’m living for helps me to put into perspective what my every day should look like.

  11. Anna McKay says:

    The hope of eternity fills my heart with joy knowing that a pure way of living will one day bring me eternal peace and I will be reunited with my loved ones. It motivates me to walk with Christ rather than choose the worldly way.

    1. Isaly Acevedo says:

      I love this- how happy will our loved ones be to see we were obedient. Why am I crying right now??! lol probably because I know my grandfather, who told stories of the Lord with tears in his eyes, will be so joyous to see me and greet me at the gates of heaven and I him!!

      1. Anna McKay says:

        My heart!! Ugh. I know my grandmothers will be waiting with a smile on their face proud of me for following their lead.

  12. Isaly Acevedo says:

    To long for eternity feels as if not living in the present. Instead I choose to live life creating earth on heaven, serving others with love and compassion , and so rather than having an expectation of what is to come for me during eternity with the Lord, I focus on how I can serve the Lord in the present living sharing His love now. Yes I long for the piece that comes with eternity however I also live for and love the purpose he has given me in this life.

  13. Ginny Krawczynski says:

    Sometimes it fills my heart with joy to know I will see loved ones again when I join them in my heavenly home!

  14. jillian nicholson says:

    This reminds me of the song Heaven on Earth; one of the lines is “oh how I long for heaven on a place called earth” and that is so true I long for eternity with Jesus that I wish we could have that here but this place is temporary and we’re just passing through. I long for the peace and awe and wonder that heaven is. That motivates me to want to share that with others so they can one day experience that for eternity as well.

  15. Erika D. says:

    The hope of eternity shapes my life because it motivates me to live more spiritually than humanly. The delights of eternity can be had here in some ways if we only keep keeping on and stay true to our God-given desires.

  16. Dori Brown says:


  17. Lexi West says:

    I can look forward to the goodness and everlasting joy God offers

  18. Denise Joseph says:

    God is faithful and his promises are sure and I look forward to seeing him and being with him for all eternity

  19. B A says:

    The hope of eternity reminds me that the things of this world is temporary and that I am more to God than what I know. It reminds me that God is patient and graceful with my growth and I should be the same with myself. Also, knowing that God is the same forever reassures me that I will be forever loved by Him.

    1. Erika D. says:


  20. Hil Zupancic says:

    Yessss !!

  21. Morgan Lefaye says:


  22. Lindsey Cullison says:

    I think at this stage of my life…when I think of the hope of eternity I think that there’s still time. Still time to grow. Still time to heal. Still time to love God more. And knowing that I have eternity with Him reminds me to keep taking steps forward.

  23. Emily Duszak says:

    When I think of eternity/the return of Jesus I tend to think of the negativity. The fear of death, the fear of what the world is coming to. This was a good reminder that my hope should be in Jesus when it comes to this big picture idea, not just for my current struggles. The positives at come to mind would be the end of suffering, and worshipping at his fit. This concept is allowing me to address my attachment to earthly things and challenging me to really put my love for Jesus and desire to be with him first.

    1. Audrianna Peebles says:

      Emily, I can definitely relate with this. I tend to and have since being a little girl thought about the negativity that came with Eternity and the return of Jesus. Eventually, I overcame my fear of death, I still have my moments. The older I become I fear for what the world is coming to, for sure. This was definitely a huge reminder for me, especially in the current situation I am facing now. I’ve been attaching myself to worldly things for so long, now that I’ve been turning to him for everything… things have been so much better lately.

  24. Clare Novak says:

    The hope of eternity allows me to focus on trying to build a relationship with him and slowly but surely spread his word while bettering myself

  25. Amber Galindo says:

    The hope of eternity shapes my everyday in the sense that I know there with God there will be no pain or panic disorders. No feelings of loss or sadness. Only love. That motivates me to be at my best that I can be that day. To give grace and to love and spread God’s love.

  26. Samantha B says:

    When I think of eternity, I think of how I can love God more, how to create more space in this worldly life for God & live his words through my actions. Knowing that through this Gods love for me will guide me through this worldly life and into eternity.

  27. Elizabeth Bollen says:

    I’ll be 64 years old this year and I’m realizing I have many less days left than those I have lived. I want to live every one of these precious days with my focus always on Jesus.

  28. Madison Geffers says:

    Eternity with Jesus and a longing for heaven have entered my soul – I have not been living for Jesus but just going thru the motions these past months – refocusing and leaning into what is promised.

  29. Gina Travis says:


  30. Jennifer Donis says:


  31. Natalie Hasemann says:


  32. Yesenia Salinas says:

    I used to be scared of the end until I realized that endings are actually beautiful!

  33. Karen Collins says:


  34. Adrianne Demmon says:

    The verse Hebrews 10:23 is powerful after feeling tired from sickness and pressures, reminding me to hold fast to the HOPE of Christ and remember that His character is trustworthy and He is faithful even if I lose faith He can keep me.

  35. Moniqua Sexton says:

    Knowing that I will have lived in my purpose that God had for me, makes me look forward to eternity.

  36. Linda Fenwick says:

    I long for the next life when my body will be whole and I will be able to dance and run and so much more. I will be able to do it all in worship of the Father. I will worship Him without ceasing.

  37. Beverly Estep says:

    “We have this hope…” What a beautiful promise!

  38. Britt Aguayo says:


  39. Hallie Frances Piehler says:

    Eternity is peace. Knowing that in the end, everything is going to not only going to be okay, but be so much greater than ever imagined. So much better than could be earned by doing ever worldly duties. I try my hardest to be my best self everyday and allow people to see Christ through me and my actions. Eternity is knowing no matter what, I am saved and I am going home.

    1. Lainey Quinn says:


  40. Amanda deLeon says:


  41. Amanda deLeon says:

    This was beautiful. I’m truly touched

  42. Antoinette Patterson-Bailey says:

    Thinking about eternity keeps me focused on my purpose while on Earth! Just imagining to be in the presence of God and Jesus, is a worthwhile goal to want to achieve!

  43. Jennifer Dufault says:

    What makes me long for eternity is to have peace always around me. My sin is gone. My thoughts that drag me down are gone forever. I don’t need to fight them anymore. I can’t wait to see Jesus!

  44. Ashley Ward says:

    Im terrified about what comes next. But desire nothing more than to enter God’s presence when i do leave here

  45. Taelin Hansen says:

    Knowing God has a place for me without any pain and sorrow, it is worth waiting for. I may not want to leave the family I have here, but I have more waiting in heaven for my great return to my forever home.

  46. . Bekah . says:

    It gives me hope that there is a much deeper meaning to all we see here and now. But it also scares me not knowing what it exactly means. There are people I don’t want to part with (my son) and that honestly terrifies me at the same time gives me peace.

  47. Leslie Neal says:

    When I think of eternity, I think about my place and spot in Heaven. That’s an end goal that we should all have that guaranteed spot in heaven. Just like when we’re at work doing the best that we can trying our hardest to maintain a positive workspace, we all strive to get that earthly raise or appreciation. We should have that same motivation when it comes to wanting to be before the father. The end is our beginning and it’s what we make it.

  48. eLIZabeth Greggs says:

    Knowing that God has prepared a place for me after this life makes it worth waiting. I have Faith that my labor, suffering, trails, tears, and pain are not to be compared to what God has in store for me and others. Eternal life gives me something to hope for. It makes this journey called life not feel as if it’s all in vain.

  49. Black Rose says:

    Lord in the season I am in eternity sounds easier and better…I love my family, my 5children but I am in a hard season , life in this world feels harder lately. Please give me peace, trust, joy, and contentment while I wait for you.

    1. Mila Machuca says:

      Amen, just today in the morning I was meditating and talking about my own problems to the Lord and he answer me to have hope on him, that He will change your life so you can enjoy n have a blessed life here,everything will pass, I pray for your family n children, god blessed you sister!

  50. Ellasyn Gray says:

    When I think of eternity I think of my family. My friends, loved ones, passed ones, blood relatives, and God. We were created to live the life he made for us with everything happening for a reason. He brought us into this world to show his creations. My family is apart of his creation which he surrounds me with day by day and shows that there is hope.

  51. Kara Mireles says:

    I worry for my family in this world of hurt I long for the day that I never have to worry about the evil because we will be with god with all the good.

  52. Leslie Killinger says:

    One of the things that makes me long most for eternity is feeling such a longing for the presence of God. Seeing also so much need in this world and wanting to see that suffering end.
    The hope of eternity I cling to daily and it is the only reason I know it’s going to be okay, because Jesus died so I could live and know Him know. God had been so faithful to me, saving me from a devastating situation of alcohol and drugs that left a trail of so much brokenness.

  53. Jessica Rossi says:


  54. Emma Boksan says:

    in this world it’s very difficult to devote yourself to God and give up your worldly desires and idols. this is something i struggle with a lot in college, but it is slowly becoming easier as i realize how living for Jesus is a more fulfilling life and leads to everlasting life. Lord i am your willing servant use me where you need in this world. amen ❤️

  55. Emily Campbell says:

    Knowing that God has giving me eternal life and forgave me sins

  56. hannah mailani says:

    knowing that god has a plan for me is my hope and im getting closer with him so i wont lie snd say it keeps me going everyday but soon it will but i do know he has a plan for me because i see it within myself

  57. Ashley Chalmers says:


  58. Kameka Hoskins says:

    Living with the end in mind makes me truly try to live a life that’s pleasing to God. The thought of the end sometimes make me a bit fearful but I know who and who’s I am so that puts my heart at ease a little bit. I go about each day acknowledging God in everything and trying to be a good servant to all that I encounter.

  59. April Yennior says:

    I long to be with Jesus forever, however I fear death, to the point of it hinders me. I’ve been slowly learning to let go and let God and in the times I do that I feel so much peace and relief. I just have to remember the promises of god, lean into him and let his will be done.

    1. stefanie grayson says:

      April, I too fear death and have panic attacks when I think about physically not being here on earth anymore as well as the thought of that if I don’t pass His judgement?! But we must remember that He holds us in the palm of His hand and as for death, it is inevitable…we need to focus on what is to come and like you said lean into Him and His promises for us.

  60. Blessing Zhiri says:


  61. Megan Lindenfelser says:

    I am letting God use me as his light daily. I am at peace with trusting in God and his plans for my life. This life is only temporary. Use the tools God has given us and try to do your absolute best.

  62. rylee king says:

    amen to everyone, sending love and prayers to you all ❤️✝️

  63. ava berrend says:

    it reminds me to make the best of each day and share my love with everyone, just as Jesus Christ does.

  64. Ivrony Galloway says:

    It just makes me want to do better everyday, I try my best but I have hope and know that God has a plan for my life.

  65. Tammie Haney says:

    I’m simply homesick for heaven. I am like most people I suppose, I get little glimpses of what heaven will be like…. I get little glimpses of what I should be doing here on earth and I often feel that I fail at both. God has a perfect plan and perfect timing for my life.

  66. Courtney Thomas says:

    I am constantly reminded of His will for my life and knowing that I will get to spend eternity in heaven with Him helps me to keep Him at the center of my life.

  67. Elizabeth Marsh says:

    I’m constantly reminding myself of the bigger picture, heaven. This has helped to motivate me to keep Christ at the center of my life.

  68. Sara Hoyt says:

    Fear of death has shaped my relationship with my children positively and negatively. Keeping the end in mind is beneficial for my daily motivation of how I handle all moments with others.

    1. Emily Duszak says:

      Amen! This is hard as a mama.

  69. Haley VanDeVanter says:


  70. holley Bickford says:

    Be patient. Amen.

  71. Hallie Waters says:


  72. Rosalina Fischer says:

    I struggle with fear of death. Because no matter how much I try to follow the Lord, I always have that voice in my head telling me I am not good enough and he won’t accept me.

    1. Black Rose says:

      I too struggle with this. None of us are good enough, that is why He sent His Son. Loving ourselves n forgiving ourselves can be hard but if we stay here we will miss true freedom in Christ.

  73. Mariah Batchman says:

    Although I want to spend eternity with God, the idea is hard to grasp. To serve God despite all my faults to my past life. I have to remind myself daily “i am worthy”

  74. Jordyn Albrecht says:

    Thinking of eternity is scary and exciting for me at the same time. Death is a fear of mine; however, it is countered by the fact that it means I can start living in the physical presence of my Lord Jesus.

  75. Natalie Craig says:

    I long for eternity because I want to experience the pure love of God. I can taste it now on earth, and cant wait to feel it without all of the evil this world holds.

  76. alessandra Van Ingen says:


  77. Louise Rogers says:

    I struggle to think of eternity and even wanting it for myself – but then I think about the future for my children- and their children- and that’s when I understand what I should be praying for.

  78. Kettlie Dozier says:

    The thoughts of my future is what my biggest fear. So being able to live in the hands of my creation & knowingly know he had the power to help me not worry about such things and to leave them at his grace is worth every minute or second on earth .

  79. Kylah Wilhelm says:

    It helps me be accountable of how to live.

  80. Mollie O’Dell says:

    He who promised is faithful.

  81. Madison Divis says:

    Lord, remind me to live with the end in mind. Keep my sights above and on the good things. Your love is unwavering. Help me to lead with love. Forgive me of my sins lord, and replenish my soul. Amen

  82. summer carothers says:


  83. Ashley Lane says:

    This gives hope in a hopeless world

  84. Tiana MarieBullock says:

    This is so right for the season I’m in! God is so good!

  85. Mariah Agnes Matakena says:


  86. Grecia Alarcon says:

    I need to remind myself daily to live with the end in mind. I need to remind myself daily that my mind and thoughts are not the end all be all but that God is the end all be all. HE is the truth, HE is more powerful than anything my sad little mind can come up with. I have to remind myself that to feel God’s gifts; peace, love, faith and joy, i must not quench the spirit but instead feed it.

  87. isabella rossi says:

    thinking about the end can make me anxious because i feel as if i will not get to see all of my lukewarm friends in heaven. i want to help them be saved without seeming pushy

  88. Samantha Johnson says:


  89. Tasha-Ann Chambers says:

    When I think about the end, my heart bleeds because so many people are not ready for His return. But in all things we should work out our salvation with fair and trembling for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:12

  90. Aaliyah Taylor says:

    Having the end in mind gives me a bit less anxiety. Knowing that there will be a time where my pain and suffering will be replaced with joy gives me present day joy. I don’t have a lot of fear or apprehension about “losing” what I have so I get to truly enjoy the experiences of each interaction and “temporary possession” for what it is. Plus, knowing what “paradise” is waiting for us makes me less scared and anxious of the end. The end is beautiful.

  91. Corina James Scribner says:

    It’s hard to live with the end in mind. It’s reassuring but also frustrating. I don’t want to be so future minded that what I do presently doesn’t matter. How do we live in the now with meaning and purpose? How do we not become nihilistic in the present or apathetic to the everyday suffering because there is a future hope. We need to remember that hope is now. That future is now.

  92. Melissa Mejia says:

    Lord guide me to where I need to go, forgive me for my sins and forgive me for hurting you, I give you all the honor and glory, amen.

  93. Kristina Kamukai says:

    Good fortune is promised to me in God’s heavenly kingdom. I will exalt Him for all of my days

  94. Evangelina Zuniga says:

    The hope of eternity helps me to live with peace joy and faith in all areas of my life ❣️

  95. Nicole Garwe says:

    The knowledge of eternity helps me to understand that my anxieties are temporary, that there are greater things waiting for me

  96. Pam Stayer says:

    For me, living with the end in mind, changes my everyday struggles because it puts them into perspective..them are temporary

    1. Brenda Munoz says:

      Yes! I feel the same. It gives me reassurance that we wont always live in this world. That one day we will experience true joy and happiness.

  97. Kaitlynn Dabney says:

    Having the end in mind I tend not to worry as much. My anxiety about things ceases because I know he is so good and what’s waiting for us after this place is so much better than I could ever hope for or imagine. I can’t wait to enjoy his peace and presence.

  98. Dee Dee Gilmore says:

    Understanding this world that is a mess isn’t the end of the road gives me hope and peace

  99. Kayla Sodders says:

    Knowing God has already won gives me peace . I worry and stress but when I think that the lord already won , it puts my mind at ease .

  100. Jia Cummings says:

    I am reminded of the Way, the Truth, and the Life; I live with the memory of the One whose life gives us the promise of eternity.

  101. Ulata Moors says:

    The hope of God’s promises gives me certainty ❤️.Thank you Father for your Love and Thank you for the Blood!

  102. Heidi Paulec says:

    He Was, He Is;
    He is to Come.
    He is the Lifter
    of my head…
    The One deep-seeding
    my faith, forming
    my hope, &
    flowering His love.

    Praying & pursuing
    a persistent perspective
    grounded in Him by casting
    earthly cares on Him knowing
    & trusting He’s working
    eternal Good, even now.

  103. Angel Ernandez says:

    I believe that knowing what the end game is should help me with not having anxiety as much as I do because none of the things I worry about really and truly matter. Well I shouldn’t say all the things I worry about don’t matter. I do want my friends and family to go to Heaven as I am and I do worry I’m not good enough sometimes because I do just as everybody else does struggle with sin on a daily basis but I believe that God knows my heart and that in itself gives me peace.

    1. Anna Grace Dickey says:

      I can relate to this so much. I am a young mom and struggle with anxiety daily about very small things that in the big picture seem irrelevant but in my every day life are big struggles. Working on building my own self employed business and little one starting daycare, been a stay at home mom for almost 3 years, money, all of the material things that God says dont matter in the end as long as i have faith, hope and perseverance that he will guide me regardless of my shortcomings or struggles. I will be with him in the heavens at the end as will my family and friends.

  104. Amanda Braswell says:


  105. Seetan Eweje says:

    My hope for eternity is my home. Through Faith, bearing the fruit of the spirit and living according to his word with the help of the holy spirit. Believing what Jesus started in my life he will complete.

  106. savannah manning says:


  107. Rebekah Mann says:

    For me, having the end in mind helps me to not focus on my material stuff (when I am focused in Christ… obviously doesn’t work when I am walking in the flesh). But, when I am heaven focused/Christ focused then I don’t have to worry that I don’t live where I want to.

  108. Favour Chisom Ejidike says:

    Having the end in mind makes me realise that my life here on earth counts.
    I’ll be rewarded based on how I’ve lived my life. Did I do well or will I be a cast away.
    It makes me realise that I have to be conscious of every time I spend on earth knowing that I’m saved by the mercy of God.

  109. Isabella Le Roux says:

    The hope of eternity can be quite a daunting thought. Constantly wondering if you will be saved and that you are worthy of being saved. But that’s the enemy seeding dalbo into your is repeated 365 times in the Bible, “do not be afraid”. Put all your hope and or USO into God cause he cares for us and he loves us so much. Psalm 16:11 describes the hope of eternity so beautifully as well. We must be so excited for this hope of eternity and share the joy there of and the peace and joy this promise holds for us!

  110. Judy Visness says:


  111. Elizabeth Harris says:


  112. Kate Naftel says:

    We must wait on the Lord’s timing.

  113. Krystyn Carey says:

    He who promised is faithful.

  114. Ayana Hall says:

    Needed ❤️

  115. Jamie Whitten says:


  116. Mackenzie Gray says:

    Having the end in mind gives me peace in my everyday day life. I know that in the end, Jesus Christ my savior died for all of our sins so that we may have eternal life. What happens to me on this earth is fine because all of it will lead to the Lord.

  117. Kara Lerssen says:

    perspective, a very clear perspective on what matters and what does not.

    1. Amy Bartels says:

      Yes! That is my word for 2024.

  118. Shyann Maddox says:


  119. Morgan ball says:


  120. Alicia Boyd says:


  121. Sonja Brown says:

    My hope is for eternal salvation. I do struggle with sin. When I’m feeling unworthy and lonely.This year I’m trying to focus on my relationship with God . So that it becomes a reflection for my children to copy. I want eternal life for them. So earthly sin isn’t worth my children’s lives nor mine.

  122. Winnie Ojo says:

    The hope for eternity shapes my everyday life by making me uncomfortable in sun before I commit it. It makes me want more than just worldly things but to see the kingdom of God and aline my daily activities to reflect the life of a Christian

  123. Kelly Crum says:

    That hope reminds us that while we are faced with struggles and sin day in and day out, our desire and promise for eternity helps us push through our earthly battles, big or small.

  124. whitney hiltpold says:

    I just recently recommitted my life to Jesus Christ and I have been facing a lot of personal challenges in my new walk with the Lord and when things get hard (because they do very often) I just pause and remind myself how the story ends, and I ask God to please guide me and remind me to live the way he intended for me to live.

  125. Sarah Garibay says:

    Having the end in mind gives perspective to the daily chaos. It makes it so small and insignificant knowing that our lives are but a vapor. The seeds we sew in this life of Gods goodness matters more than little stumbling blocks. Praying for strength to move the blocks and focus on seed planting for now and generations to come. In Jesus name. Amen.

  126. Alexa Dumas says:

    Lord, lead me & direct my steps so that I may not sin against thee. Amen

  127. Evie Hamilton says:

    ❤️AMEN ❤️

  128. Tahjae Powell says:

    Every time now when my old sin pops back up in my head…i realize that it is not worth it to indulge in anymore, especially when i have the chance of spending eternity with our heavenly father. no sin is worth it and I didn’t realize how much thought eternity could carry until recently.

  129. H Gib says:

    I know I can trust God and hold onto that through life’s hardest times

  130. Hideko Szymanski says:


  131. Cnaiya Dozier says:

    I want to do better this year . Push myself to the limits and take control of my story ! Thank you god

  132. Lilia Valentin says:


  133. Michaela Hawkins says:

    Lord, help me follow your plan for who you made me to be so that I be the best version of myself for you and your kingdom. Amen

  134. Rosine Iribagiza says:


  135. Carrie Ross says:

    Titus 2:14 Oh my heart! What all He did for me!

  136. Carollynn Redondo says:

    ❤️ there has to be more then this world I long to live in eternity I long to do better in this world so I can have my future ahead living with the Lord and all my loved ones who have made it to him already I been struggling with the Bible trying to get it right my whole life it’s TIME NOW and I’m ready no more negativity only peace and love and blessings

  137. Oluwapelumi Olamide says:


  138. Priscilla Antoinette Amoah says:


  139. Katelyn Cozart says:

    Lord, Keep us in tune with who you made us to be. Allow your words to be encouragement and strength to us in this dark world. God, help us to stay kingdom minded and stay true to being your people. Thank you for who you are.

  140. Shanna Clements says:


  141. Niobel Rodriguez says:


  142. Alisabeth Jordan says:


  143. Kylah Hammack says:


  144. Amaya Campbell says:


  145. Shane Johnston says:

    ❤️just what I needed

  146. Becky Pederson says:

    This is just what I needed to recenter my life and year on. Eternity needs to be on my mind more than the petty problems of my day. Thankful for the hope we have in Jesus and his sacrifice for us.

  147. Stephaney Lacayo says:

    We know how this story ends. What hope this passage brings.

  148. Cindy Bruemmer says:


  149. Laryssa Hiller says:


  150. Cherise Henry says:

    Eternity is actually hard for me to focus on or yearn for. I want the good here and now, even though I believe eternity is there.

    1. Tiffany Kaufman says:

      I resonate with this the most. I am sitting here writing out and thinking what moments in life make me long for eternity but it’s difficult to say

  151. Jennifer Akers says:

    As a teacher, we are constantly reminded to plan lessons with the end-in this case what students will learn-in mind. Until know, I had never phrased my Christian walk in that way. But that is how we live. We know the end, we love and live for the Lord who has established that end and new beginning. What a joy to live with His plan and eternity in mind. I know living in this world is hard. It hurts; it wears us down. It’s frustrating and sometimes awful. But that’s only when we let our eyes and hearts focus here. We know the end and our Lord and Father is the Victor! We just have to lift our eyes and hearts and focus on Him.

  152. Ruth Long says:

    I Long for eternity with Jesus. This world is so tiring, demands so much of our energy and heart, and it’s really heavy. I think of people walking around with trauma or chaos in their lives, and I want to scream “It wasn’t meant to be this way! And it won’t be like this forever!” Seeing Jesus one day is such a tangible hope!

  153. Sarah Phillips says:

    When there’s so much pain, suffering and war in the world, we need to hold fast to the promise of eternity of the Lord. Clinging to this hope!

  154. Liz LangdonQuinn says:


  155. Susan Purvis says:

    I long for eternity. Both my elderly parents just passed away within 6 weeks of each other. My dad’s memorial service is this Saturday. They are with their Lord Jesus, free from pain and confusion. I rejoice for them, but my heart is breaking. I long for the return of Jesus, when He will wipe away every tear. How glorious it will be!

  156. Amber Brooks says:

    Eternity is hopefully because there will be no more sin or pain, disease and suffering. And we will be in the physical presence of God!

  157. Erica Vinson says:

    When I think of longing for eternity I think of anger and pain and just the struggles of life we have to endure. The hope of eternity reminds me that there is more to life than the struggles of the flesh. There is a God who knows our pain and loves us no matter what. I want to love others that way.

  158. Jill Elfert says:

    Keeping perspective on what is in store instead of consuming my thoughts and actions with the minor daily situations. The reminder of eternity makes me reevaluate and pursue him as priority!

  159. Bailey Pitts says:

    I long for eternity with Jesus. I long for the day when he will wipe every tear from every eye. I long for the day when he brings complete and perfect peace. I also need to focus on my mission here in the world. I need to be content with how God has things and use suffering as way to be pulled closer to him.

  160. Nikki Smith says:

    The hope of eternity puts those silly daily frustrations or problems into perspective of eternity. And usually allows me to take a step back and let the frustration go.

  161. Heathe Mortensen says:


  162. Lauren says:

    Hello Shes !
    I think this was such a strong start to the beginning of 2024. Where hurt, pain, anxiety, hate, and disruption may follow us around. It can be so hard to find peace in the midst of the storm that we call life, but through reading these scriptures we can be filled with hope for what is yet to come. My big takeaway from this reading was found at the end of Daniel 7:10 where it states, “The court was convened, and the books were opened”…these books are our books of our life. My question and take away is…what is my book like?

  163. Natahcia Scott says:


  164. Taley Griffin says:


  165. Lauren says:

    I long for when the chosen people of God never grieve his spirit again by choosing to sin against him because our current flesh is so weak. I long to see the Ancient of Days and the compassionate eyes of our Lord and Savior in a tangible form. I long to have full joy of our salvation and to taste and see that the Lord is good in a way we can’t comprehend now. Oh please, Jesus, come back soon!

    1. Beth Smith says:


  166. Terri Schelkoph says:


  167. Audren Phalen says:

    The idea of eternity helps me remember that the choices I make are important, but definitely not the end of the world. That God is ultimately in control, and I just do the best I can.

    1. Nikki Smith says:


  168. Nichole Lindsay says:

    I long for eternity to see my family and friends who have passed away before me and to also be with our creator. I also long for eternity because there is no hurting, no pain, no disease or death there. We will be whole and complete. Not broken like in this world.

  169. JaNay Cross says:

    I long for eternity, I long for the day where I will be reconnected with family and friends that I loved on earth
    And to see the wonderful creator of this world

  170. Debbie Melson says:

    I long to see the day when the God returns and takes us home to be with him and our family members who have gone home before us. But as of now I know we have a job to do here on earth and to let Gods Light shine through us by helping others get to know God and let them see how good he is and how he works through our lives.

  171. victoria pace says:

    Death also bring my long for eternity the surgeon of the sick people and the cruelty of the world that is happening
    . I pray the god have mercy on us all.

  172. Joan Adams says:

    I long for eternity when i see friends and family and the world suffering. Wishing I could take it away or continued prayers that God would heal, restore, and bless these people.

  173. Ebonia Matthews says:

    To live a Godly Lifestyle is a goal of mine that is present and dear to my heart. I am a woman after GOD’S own heart. For ten years I have been fighting the LORD’S call. I pray he cleans me inside and out . That HE gives me a Christ like mind.

  174. Lysette Green says:

    I long for eternity when I see the sad events of our world – so much loss and hatred

  175. Teriyonah Johnson says:


  176. Alyssa B says:

    I long for eternity when battling my anxiety and perfectionism. The podcast really resonated with me when they discussed how the restoration is happening now and isn’t just a future thing. I am praying that God continues to restore me and my mind in this new year.

    1. Amy Rockwood says:

      It’s wild, before I read these comments I just prayed and told God I long for eternity where my anxiety was lifted and I finally feel good enough. Where I’m not constantly “shoulding” myself because I’m so so tired of it. So just know, you aren’t alone in your fight

  177. Shareka Benjamin says:


  178. kendra altidor says:

    I gave my life to God❤️

    1. Rebecca Woodall says:

      Don’t turn back. Keep ‘pressing toward the mark’ and watching for His soon return!

    2. Joan Adams says:

      May He cover you and bless you!

  179. Jasmine Taylor says:


  180. Kai Otero says:

    I long for eternity when I feel hopeless thinking about the industrial world we live in. Pollution beyond measure, climate change, endless poverty, inflation, the requirement to hustle in order to make ends meet, etc. I long for eternity when I am exhausted from my daily busy schedule. I pray that my heart seeks Him for comfort more often.

    1. Brittany Thornton says:


  181. Anterica McCoy says:


  182. Mary Hannah Popek says:


  183. Chantal Gandar says:


  184. Mackenzie Black says:

    When I feel like my striving and efforts always come up short. I know I don’t have to earn eternity. It’s been freely given to me. When I feel like everywhere I look is evil and dark, I remember this isn’t our home.

  185. Olivia ChristinaBurrell says:

    my children and their blessings

  186. Whitney Goin says:

    God’s beauty and creation all the wonders on this earth keep me longing for eternity, knowing that this is but a glance of what we’ll experience when we are face-to-face!

  187. Stephanie Wilsey says:

    With the difficult times we live in, I think about and long for eternity all the time now. I long for all things to be made new.

  188. Yvette MattisonBray says:

    Time is passing so rapidly lately, it’s seems I just celebrated my 63rd birthday last year and now my 64th ! Father fill me with more of YOUR Presence this year! Oh how I desire that one thing more than anything, to sit in and feel Your Precious Presence each day . ♥️

  189. Macy Taylor says:


  190. Doris Namagembe says:


  191. Da`Kaliah Williams says:

    Gods daily blessings even when I don’t deserve them keeps me longing for eternity. It pushed me to do better.

  192. Vera Cobourn says:

    As I interact with people who don’t know the truth, I am spurred on to live a life that will point them to Jesus. Prayerfully, I will make the most of every opportunity by witnessing to them.

  193. Pamela Woodbury says:

    We can have that hope because He promised it. An anchor for the soul!

  194. Meagan Hall says:

    The hope for eternity always brings me back to the bigger picture of what we are to do here on this earth as followers of Christ!

  195. Kelly Close says:

    Investing time and money in things that matter. Remembering some things are temporary and though it is hard to keep focus on the right one!

  196. Kelsey Hughes says:

    The idea of self control and steadfastness strikes me. In a society that worships the idea of living out your every desire and never holding back from your deepest desires, the pursuit of self control is so counter cultural. This year to ask god to give me self control in my emotions, in my reactions, and ultimately in my actions.

  197. Jennifer zoulek says:

    Knowing that God is the safety net for my family keeps me longing for eternity. Wanting to show my children the way also keeps me working towards that eternity.

  198. Tawni Krueger says:

    Hope for eternity and the notion of God’s restoration makes EVERYTHING on this broken world more bearable.

  199. Emily Kinsey says:

    I think about how we were made to praise and that’s what we’ll do in eternity with our God.
    We’ll also be side by side with brothers and sisters so it’s so important to bring heaven down to earth by living that every day!

  200. Liz Beecy says:

    Patience brings virtue

  201. Xi Voon Tan says:

    The eternal perspective makes me reflect on whether I am making the best use of my time here on this earth. Am I dedicating it to what truly matters? I learned a valuable lesson last year – too much work can lead to burnout. But this year, I’m determined to make a change and to spend more time connecting with God and understanding His heart.

  202. desionna singletary says:

    I am letting go all external factors in allowing god to guide me in mold me through 2024 . Because it is so much more out there for me . God knows my heart . I will seek him in everything I do . In as long as I worship him in spread his word to others I will grow closer to him .

  203. rose ney says:

    Thinking of eternity keeps my mind in check about all the minuscule things I worry about from day to day. His love and His promises need to be at the forefront of my mind.

  204. Amy Merritt says:

    Hope for eternity give me a bigger picture and freedom to not set my hopes on things of this world. When I’m disappointed, I can remind myself that my hope is not in this world anyway.

  205. Brittany Chaney says:

    Hope for Eternity gives me something exciting to look forward to. It allows me to understand that what happening now doesn’t matter, all that matters is what’s to come in the end. Knowing that Eternity with God is what we get, is so exciting and worth living for.

  206. Sarah Clark says:

    Compared to eternity and what’s to come, our earthly lives and so so short, meaning that we can’t just turn off the light that we are called to be. We don’t have time to waste away, lives need to be changed for the Gospel. And that’s exhausting. The heartbreak of seeing many deny and refuse to be made new in Him is beyond words; but it’s the joy of the Lord that keeps us going.

  207. Amy Deam says:

    Hope for Eternity gives me peace throughout the day and puts ease to all my worries down on Earth . As a mother , focusing on the end goal rather than all the hiccups each day may bring . Focusing on the light and the lasting impact we will leave to our family . Cannot wait to dive deeper into this study and my faith .

  208. Stephanie Clark says:

    It gives me something positive to look forward to from all the pain and suffering here on earth. The possibility of rest and reassurance.

  209. Jayma Goodman says:

    The long for eternity gives you hope to get through the demons in your life. It gives you motivation & an end goal. Something to look forward to. HOPE in yourself. HOPE in Jesus.

    1. joiada nelson says:

      i love this

  210. Alexis Dabney says:

    Reading my Bible and learning about God makes me long for eternity.

  211. Teresa Serna says:

    The End Is Our Beginning – I’m embracing the end in faith of God’s promise of renewal and restoration

  212. Grace Haynes says:

    It gives me peace. When people tell me they fear the end times or the new year I find peace. Peace in knowing that these things have to happen and that God’s will be done. I am looking forward to eternity with God. Asking questions and living a happy life in eternity with Him.

    1. Ariana Davis says:

      Very well said! I agree ❤️

  213. Natasha Dickenson says:

    This lesson was a good reminder about the patience and faith we have to have to receive the final clarity of what is in store for us in this lifetime. It’s important to remember that trivial quarrels and not living the best version of yourself is not the way to clarity. It muddies the path to the true realization of what our purpose is.
    Be the best version of yourself. Always be patient, respectful and kind. Put your best foot forward and the universe will always reward us 10 fold.
    This is a great start to the new year!

  214. Wanda Woehlert says:

    It shows me that all the pain and suffering that I see and hear will someday be gone and there will only be joy and happiness.

  215. Ada McCloud says:

    Desire for joy. And possibly real rest.

  216. Carson says:

    Living in the world but not being of the world, and keeping my mind on eternity doesn’t come naturally. But when I do take a second to take a step back to remember what truly matters it puts everything into perspective. Things that I would typically get worked up about suddenly don’t matter and my priorities shift in the best way possible.

  217. Courtney Parnell says:

    In 2022-23 I went through breast cancer treatment. 6 weeks before my diagnosis, my mom died unexpectedly and 6 weeks after my diagnosis my grandmother died unexpectedly. My world was flipped on its head but through it all, I’ve seen the hand of God in every little detail of healing and restoration and therefore hope has prevailed because of His unwavering love. Hope of a future with Him. I think before all of that I depended too much on myself, and some days I still struggle with this but seeing His power at work so intimately in my life, I learned that I have no control and He has all control and how beautiful He works it for his good.

  218. Cydney Fletcher says:

    Such a good reminder to refocus on eternity.

  219. Marina Rodriguez says:

    I am a believer of the rapture and I come from a very strict hispanic church, so I am currently in a season of unlearning the fear (being scared) of God and developing the fear (respect) of God. One of the biggest fears was well if you sin, you are staying which is the truth. BUT I am learning to walk through life with the sense of “if I live a life obeying the Father and remain clean of this world, I will be reunited with my Father for eternity.”

    1. Lindsay Sigmon says:

      One thing I know for sure—his GRACE is sufficient! A part from Jesus we are have NO hope. But with him, we have the fullness of hope. Our “good behaviors and right living” don’t merit us a spot in heaven…it’s our surrender to Him, our acceptance that HE alone is the way, and our humble submission to him as father. He longs for us all to see him this way!

  220. danielle lemaire says:

    It’s easy to lose focus and “store up our treasures” on earth. Thinking in light of eternity and being Kingdom focused lessens the weight of trivial, earthly troubles. The evil in the world makes me long for His coming, but He always gives me comfort and strength to persevere.

  221. Alayna P. says:

    I think the belief in eternity provides a broader perspective, influencing choices with a focus on long-term impact rather than immediate gains. It fosters patience, compassion, and a sense of purpose in my daily actions.

  222. Emily Walton says:

    When my gaze shifts from the trivial here and now to an eternal perspective, my desires change. My heart posture changes. I shift from longing for earthly things, to longing for Christ, His presence now and His return to come.

  223. Ellen K. says:

    Life has many challenges that cause me to long for eternity. The thought of being with my LORD in glory, as well as the Hope of being with dear friends and family who have gone before, worshipping God forever with them and all believers is very inviting to me as I am near the end of my 7th decade.
    Reasons to stay here include praying for and seeing all of my grandchildren and other loved ones know, love and walk with Jesus by the power of His Holy Spirit and the grace of Abba Father.

  224. Susie says:

    What joy to look toward 2024 as a place in time, “even now,” to seek Jesus with fresh zeal.
    “Even now,” says the Lord, “Turn and come to Me with all your heart [in genuine repentance], with fasting and weeping and mourning [until every barrier is removed, and the broken fellowship is restored]” (Joel 2:12 AMP). O how those words “even now” speak to this weary heart. What mercy is found in them! What love! No doubt 2024 can be the “even now” year where “every barrier” to the abundant life is broken down and walls built to protect from devastating sin patterns are raised up. It can be the year that this soul’s communion with Christ and His people is restored, this heart’s strength in patience and hope is renewed, and this life’s beauty in love and character is redeemed. No matter what brings me to my “even now,” comfort for me can be found in the truth that the Holy Spirit longs to teach an eternal understanding of mercy in the deepest part of my being so it might be applied to heart and mind, integral with the repentant life that profoundly adorns the resurrection of Jesus. I love that James 5:8 is in my reading today: “You also must be patient. Strengthen your hearts because the Lord’s coming is near” (James 5:8 CSB). May the truth of God’s Word strengthen hearts in 2024, painting believers with the eternal glory of patient waiting. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for revealing Jesus to me through memory and meditation as I seek You on the first day of this brand-new year. You have been present with me since the beginning, You are with me now, and You will be with me through Eternity. Lead me, I pray, in true repentance adorning You as my Savior until barriers are removed and broken fellowship restored.

    brings new
    Life “even now.”
    (NY Times Wordle – 1/1/24)

  225. Jennifer Taylor says:


  226. Kendal Ragland says:

    So excited to start the study!! ❤️

  227. Felicia Connor says:

    The hope of eternity shapes my every day life as it keeps me focused on how I’m living in the present age. It convicts me and allows me to live a self-controlled, upright and godly life, waiting for our blessed hope – Jesus Christ. It also encourages me to be patient and to wait on the Lord. In the waiting, I’m empowered and encouraged to seek after the Lord, read His Word, be in fellowship with other Christians and have an authentic relationship with Him.

  228. maddie moore says:

    I know that I tend to hold on for dear life to the comforts and joys of this world which robs me of the longing and desire for eternity. this year I want to work on having a deeper desire for peace that only God can bring and having a more eternity focused mindset on life

    1. Louise Rice says:

      With you on this Maddie! So many ‘things’ grab at our souls when He is our one desire – or I pray that He will be x

  229. Lynn Redlick says:

    “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm & secure” Heb 6:19. “He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Ps 23:3
    May 2024 bring less of me and more of Him.

    1. breyona Holder says:


  230. Ayannah Ragland says:

    I’m giving god all of me , letting him lead me this year & from now on because I feel like I’m in my own way for greatness, peace. I’m trying to trust that god can take it from here & lead me into the directions, open up many doors for me. My anxiety will no longer take over me.

  231. Macie Mae says:

    The long for eternity is what keeps my perspective in check. And it is the gauge by which every aspect of life falls into place!

  232. CeCe M says:

    A friend of mine said it very beautifully on New Year’s Eve. But this idea was this. When we will with eternity on our mind, it changes how we see death. And when there is no fear in death, it changes how we see life everyday. We can be more thankful, less stressed over life’s hardships and unknowns. God is good and he really will take care of us. He is the author and finisher of our salvation stories ❤️

  233. Courtney Cleek says:

    Hope for eternity shapes my everyday life by recognizing that all things, good or bad, on this earth are temporary. Nothing compares to the greatness awaiting us in heaven. The thought of eternity is also a little intimidating to me. It’s almost incomprehensible so I am excited to learn more about what the Bible teaches on it and sit with it in prayer in this next year.

  234. Emily Pearson says:

    Living intentionally for the Lord. It may not look like the norm amongst my peers though it’s what is going to be long lasting for me in my relationship with Christ.

  235. Abby Alger says:

    The news and the day to day to struggles of so many around me cause me to long for Jesus to return quickly. I struggle with not allowing anxiety to overtake me. My word for 2024 is brave and oddly enough, it causes me to fear why that word kept popping up for me! In this year, I want to set aside things that hinder me and be brave enough, with the Holy Spirit’s help, to live differently and intentionally as if tomorrow might not come. To live for the eternal rather than the temporary. Knowing the Lord fights for me and I need to be still in His presence and worship Him.

  236. Cora Thomas says:

    God is showing me that things of the world can’t fulfill me, because this world is temporary, and that he is the only one who can.

  237. leanne merryman says:

    I want 2024’to be my year of connecting and becoming closer to God. I had my first child this past year and it had brought so many feelings of “not having enough”… not knowing my path in life… feeling lost. I absolutely love being a mother but the anxiety is something I’ve never experienced.

    I know strengthening my relationship go God will bring me comfort. I want to always be able to surrender to His plans and timelines for my life instead of trying to take so much control. I pray to bring a blessed and fulfilled life to my daughter.

    I just purchased a Shereadstruth bible yesterday used, excited for it to arrive! Going to join in on this to feel connected to all of you and guided on what to read. Excited for whats to come.

  238. Sudie Davis says:

    I’m hoping I can find more trust in God so I won’t be so anxious about how things will turn out

  239. Lori Carter says:


  240. Jeannie Cross says:

    I am trying to trust the Lord completely. I worry too much about our finances. I need a job and have not found one yet. I’m tired of being afraid.

  241. Chelsea Cline says:

    I’m eager to surrender my worries. I vergonize that my earthly worries are fleeting. They wont matter when time comes. This year I’m lively working on finding God and trusting him in times of anxiety and worry.

  242. Brenae Carr says:


  243. Dajinai Lasenby says:

    A goal in 2024 is to seek Him at all times, not just during the good times. Being better at seeking Him I feel will give rest or understand the why of different things/situations.

  244. Dani Lin says:

    Prayers and love. That is so hard.

  245. Veronica Cheng says:

    When dealing in the timeline of eternity – how big some things are not to share with the ones we love (forgiveness, hope, grace, reconciliation) & how small some things become even if they are big in my present moment (irritations, frustrations, disappointments, distractions, bitterness).

  246. Samantha Thompson says:

    I’m a small town funeral director, and sometimes the hope of Heaven is the only thing getting me through each day.

  247. Jane Bannor says:

    No longer dealing with the pains of the world and resting in God – that makes me long for eternity.
    Also the sweet sound of worship!!

  248. Julie B. says:

    Mostly in times of worry, sadness, anger Gods promise opens my eyes to realize that this thing called life is only temporary. I want to continue to work on gratitude for the God nudges and positive things, not just the negative. I’ve been feeling a strong pull from God. I feel prayers answered and his presence when life doesn’t feel certain. It’s a calming feeling!

  249. Kelly (NEO) says:

    BETHANY MORA – yes, it is given on Sundays

  250. Bethany Mora says:

    Is there a verse of the week or “key passage” with this study?

  251. Cait Westinghouse says:

    I long for eternity. During worship I can feel my soul urning to be home with our savior. I long for a place of no heartache and no tears but a place where I know I will always be joyful. Family troubles and being disowned and the black sheep i never felt truly loved until I gave my life to the Lord and knew in my heart I was no longer an orphan but a child of God. I long to finally be home and in the arms of our Father away from all this worldly chaos

  252. Destinie Shaw says:

    I struggle with finding my place in the world right now, especially living in a time of uncertainty. I find myself losing passion and consistently living in survival mode. I recently have decided to read the Bible since I’ve never read it and interpreted it for myself. The main thing that has gotten me through this tough time is knowing that God has a plan and I will one day enjoy the fruits of my labor. I’ve decided to stop worrying and trust that he is working in ways that I may not understand initially. My longing for eternity will definitely be a strength I’ve never had before to get me through this year.

  253. Jessica Thomas says:

    My everyday is shaped by my longing for eternity by building God into my everyday not just my Sunday. This year we have immersed ourselves in Church life more throughout the week, this has helped us build a better sense if belonging and community. Social media has helped me link my days with messages God has for me and use accessible scripture when I’m out and about and time limited. Chats with the kids are brought back to Jesus and I have genuinely open my bible everyday now. I am longing for eternity and for when Jesus comes back for me and my family but in the here and now Jesus makes a real difference in my life everyday!

  254. Fredrika Worsham says:

    I struggle with my grief over my fiancé but my faith is growing stronger and stronger. I’m learning to give my worries and troubles to God. I know one day God will fulfill his promises and I will no longer be in pain.

  255. Sarah DeBock says:

    I long for eternity for many reasons but one of the things I’m excited about is to no longer worry. I worry about way too much…the relationship with my husband, about my 3 sons and their relationships with God and other relationships they have with others. I know that worry is the opposite of faith. I will continue to pray and give these things and more to God and I pray that this new year brings a renewed faith within me. That God continues to remind me that my Lord can handle it all and so much more. That He knows the beginning and the end and He is for me and my family!

  256. Tonya Hyche says:

    I’m anticipating great things for this upcoming year. There are so many feelings I can’t express them but I KNOW He is faithful and will restore, renew, and walk with with me through this journey.

  257. jeanette jones says:


  258. Ashley Hoegh says:

    I’ve struggled with being truly faithful in 2023. I feel compelled to dig deeper into ‘being faithful’ and how wrapping myself in His faithfulness impacts my anxiety, depression, and anger.

    1. Jessica Thomas says:

      Hi Ashley. I have managed to dig deeper in 2023 and hope to continue doing so in 2024 but immersing God into my everyday life instead of just a Sunday. Its surprising the opportunities he provides to read his word or use She Reads Truth etc during the day. This gives me such peace and makes me feel grounded when my worries are trying to grow. All the best for 2024 Ashley!

  259. kendra callicott says:

    One of my big goals for 2024 is to bring people closer to god because I feel like not everyone is seeing and being greatful for all of what he’s done for us,he SACRIFICED his life for us. The least we could do is spread his name and show people what they should be doing with their lives instead of ruining them with things they don’t need or that is a bad influence.

  260. Ashlyn Hudak says:

    I am happy God put it on my heart to join this group. We all know the hard times that this world is being tasked with. I must become refocused on what is most important to me, for eternal life.❤️ Let’s all grow together!

  261. Juanita Mills says:

    I am thankful for the blessed hope of Christ’s return. Although, I don’t know the day or hour, I will remain faithful in my relationship with Christ and service unto Him.

  262. Jacelyn Rodriguez says:

    Praying to hold tight to God’s hand as he leads me down a path I never expected. May I trust in his plans and hold on to the promise of his perfect peace.

  263. Audrey Williams says:

    As a new mom, I have often considered the new mothers & their babies involved in Gaza. My heart breaks for them. I find hope in a kingdom that will not fall. I find hope in God that has always been, always is, and always will be a steadfast, just Father.

  264. Cassidy Emerson says:

    My prayer for 2024 is to live everyday for Him, to live so others may see Jesus through me. Looking ahead, I hope to end this year so that He may say “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Prayers for everyone in the year to come. “Be truly glad, there is wonderful joy ahead!” 1 Peter 1:6.

  265. Becki Sweetman says:

    Praying that God will enable me to establish my heart in the hope and knowledge that He is making all things new! And that I can point others to Him for His glory!

  266. Meagan Warlick says:

    A good friend of mine recently went to be with the Lord. She was 24 and pregnant with her first baby. She was married for 2 years. It’s been so hard to grapple with what this new reality looks like for her husband and family and her son that’s currently fighting for his life in the NICU. Her death has really caused me to pause and think about life and what’s waiting after for us. It is so hard because we want her here, but she is reunited with God and what a beautiful eternity that is. I’m glad this study is on eternity, I think I personally need it now more than ever.

    1. Jacelyn Rodriguez says:

      Praying for you, for her family, and for her sweet boy.

  267. Katie B says:

    THIS. You described how I feel perfectly!!!!

  268. Amy Leggitt says:

    In a tough spot in life- it’s good to know my strength and future lord in the hands and arms of the Lord.

  269. Ashlyn Elmore says:

    Going beyond hope, the assurance of eternity allows me to live every day with intentionality and remain anchored throughout life’s journey. Knowing that He is at the helm allows for peace and the ability to trust the process as His ways are guiding me through this era of growth as a wife and as a new mom. I’m facing a lot of unknowns physically but I know that He has not brought me, us as a couple, and now a family, this far without having a greater plan to bring Glory to His Name. This is just the first step. I’m dedicating this year to The Lord. My time is now His Time. I pray for His Direction as I embark on the next phase of this era.

  270. Elizabeth Diaz says:

    Lord reigns

  271. Tara B says:

    Happy New Year She’s! Praying for each of you as your begin this study. My word for the year (I think…) is Anchored. I want to be anchored in God’s Word all year long. I am recently (1 month) separated from my husband of 20 years with 3 kids. And my Aunt was given just weeks to live this weeks. My mom and dad are both with the Lord, so this has been and is a rough time. BUT GOD will walk with me and our family. If you can take a second, please pray for my Aunt and her husband and son. She has been sick a long time, but it is always difficult to lose a loved one.

    1. Emma Rageth says:

      I am so sorry to hear that you are walking through such a tough time, @Tara B! Praying peace, comfort, joy and hope over you this year and praying for your aunt and family!

    2. Jessica Thomas says:

      @tara B – I am praying for you and your Aunt and her family. I pray for peace as she is taken home and that God will meet you in your grief and struggles and that is time you can celebrate a life well lived..

  272. Susie Basham says:

    I have been working on a new word for 2024. After prayer and looking at lots of places I settled on Grounded but added my own definition:

    Grounded: Staying connected to my core values and faith, maintaining balance and simplicity

  273. Chani Coady says:

    2024 will be the year I live MY best life – focusing on strengthening my physical body, my finances, my mind, my sobriety, my relationships – but most

  274. Heather Schmudlach says:

    Events from 2023 are carrying over to 2024. Praying that more healing, discipline, obedience and conviction brings us closer to God and to each other.

  275. Tianna Ramos says:

    I have a mix of fear and hope about eternity. 2023 was a uniquely difficult year for me, and I find my soul looking forward to the glory and rest that God promises in His kingdom.

  276. Emilee B says:

    Reflecting on eternity helps me refocus situations and trust God with them.

  277. Carol Kopp says:

    May 2024 be a great year for all believers to grow in strength and build each other up in our faith. My hope is to allow God’s spirit shine more for others

  278. Mallory McAllister says:

    While I am a believer and have been for the vast majority of my life, I have a lot of fear about eternity. It is hard for me to process being somewhere forever and ever and ever…. I think about death often and it’s typically not pleasant. I have faith that God brought me to this plan to heal this anxiety I walk with. I am excited and feeling VERY hopeful that this year will bring me closer to God than ever before.

    1. Tianna Ramos says:

      I agree! I also have a lot of fear about the permanency and resolution of eternity. Looking forward to the growth, too.

  279. Macayla Core says:

    My hope in eternity does not usually impact my early life. I am excited for this study to learn more!

  280. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy new year ladies! Praying you are having a great start to the new year

  281. Destiny Gilbert says:

    As I start my new journey down Christianity and reading the Bible. I have this looming anxiety of the day Jesus comes to collect us. I want to feel joy and excitement for that day but, I am also nervous for what is to come when that day occurs. I know it will be amazing and something we couldn’t even dream of. I just wish this looming anxiety would go away so that I can accept Jesus’ word full force. Any tips?

    1. Amy Nobbe says:

      As a new Christian I also understand and relate to what you are saying. What if my past is too much for Jesus to accept, what if my love for him isn’t great enough. You are not alone in your fears.

      1. Emma Rageth says:

        @Amy Nobbe, you are not alone in your fears either! Those are such real feelings that can feel debilitating. BUT, your past is never too much for God to handle. There is nothing that God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice don’t cover. (I love Romans 8:38-39 for this reason!)
        I also believe that our love for him isn’t what makes us enough, but his love for us. Praying for you as you walk this path!

    2. Emma Rageth says:

      These are totally understandable thoughts and feelings, @Destiny! I have been following Jesus most of my life and honestly still sometimes struggle with this. I don’t have any tips per se, but I have found great comfort and peace from talking with Jesus about these fears. He is big enough to handle our fears and good enough to help us through them.

  282. Addie Stratford says:

    Hebrews 10:23 is what stuck out to me the most! “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering”.. this is a great tempo set for my 2024. Looking forward to establishing my faith and understanding this year.

  283. LeAnn Schmitt says:

    I feel so much anticipation about this study–anticipation for what God is going to do in me and all of us here! So much in the first day’s reading–defining our hope, how we are to live in light of that hope, and a description of the coming glory that is incomprehensible!

  284. Janie Roberson says:

    I’m just getting started ❤️

  285. Claire B says:


  286. Jessica Imergoot says:

    I’m hesitant about holding myself accountable when it comes to setting time aside to spend with God. I always set my alarm for it and when I do it I am beyond thankful and refreshed in God’s Word. As I started the study this morning it was such a blessing and like a warm hug from God as He stretched out His arms and welcomed me in, flaws and all. This year is going to be a glorious year full of blessings and I am determined to not let fleshly tendencies ruin that. I am beyond thankful for this study and for finding this community.

  287. Lauryn Tedrow says:

    These passages all just can be used to remind us of the eternal promises that God has made.
    No matter the bad days, losses, and negative things we face here on Earth; we have an eternal home that is perfect and waiting for us.

  288. Amy Ashcraft says:

    It’s so easy to get caught in the world this is a great way to remember God is where we need set our mind too

  289. Tori Lampton says:

    I have known God all my life, as I given myself back to him at a young age. I now want to grow closer to him and I make my way through life as a someone in my generation.

  290. Brooke Ferguson says:

    I’m excited about this study! I agree with others. My faith could use re-igniting. In this day and age, we need our faith to be as strong as ever! Look forward to growing with each of you ❤️

  291. audrey pacheco says:

    Sometimes I feel scared for the Day and for everything to change, but i know the change will be good, so good, so I give all this to You Jesus, may we all be prepared and may all souls be ready and righteous before You for Your Day. Help us through this study and always to do Your will and create a better world for Your sake. In Your name, amen

  292. Johanne Riva Cambrin says:

    I loved the theme of this study, everything new. I need to re-ignite my faith, my longing for eternity, my longing for my relationship with Christ. I’m excited for what’s ahead and the new energy and passion. May I be open to what He wants to teach and show me!

    1. Tianna Ramos says:

      In this journey with you!

  293. Aja Palmer says:

    I lift up my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. This scripture was drawn to my spirit when doing the study. To remain focused and keep my eyes fixed on Jesus! To be grounded or as Hebrews 6:19 instructed, to be anchored in hope; a hope that withstands under pressure and cannot slip or breakdown! To bring to my mind that God is reliable, trustworthy and faithful to His word, and since we are His spoken word, we can surely count on Him showing up for us in our lives.

  294. Kaleigh Gravatt says:


  295. Amber Weiss says:

    We, a group of ladies at church, have been discussing our word for the year. I have been throwing a few around. Patience and faithful and praise. I think surrender is a good one. Surrendering everything to Him while we wait. Giving everything to Him

    1. Stephanie Harasin says:

      Love this!

  296. maranda allen says:


  297. Adrianne says:

    I know that this is slightly on the morbid side, but I always have anxiety about passing away or family passing away and what happens after they and I am gone. I don’t think about it everyday, but I do think about it every once in a while. Especially when you have to adult and think about life insurance, deal with next of kin questions, or when you’re unfortunately handling a death in the family or of a close friend. I think in knowing that we have a place to call home waiting for us when we leave our physical bodies is extremely comforting especially that we will be taken in to our Lord and Savior’s arms. To know what transformation awaits us and the rest we will receive outside of this life is comforting. It helps the anxiety that pops up now and then when I think of the future.

    1. Ashlyn Hudak says:

      I 100% agree with this. I sometimes struggle falling asleep at night with this thought lingering. I always feel awful when I fear this because I should celebrate eternal life. I feel selfish. However, I pray to gain the trust within him!

  298. Jerica Sprague says:

    I am new here. One of my goals this year is to grow closer to god. I do not come from a religious background, but I know god is real. I find myself questioning things a lot and I want to break that habit. God’s timing is right, mine is not. God knows why and eventually it will all make sense to me. Cheers to 2024 everyone!

    1. Char Hight says:

      Welcome!!! ❤️

    2. Mary Ellen Brence says:

      Thank you for your vulnerability, Jerica! I think it’s beautiful to have a curious mind that questions. After all, His ways are higher than our ways and we cannot fully comprehend or grasp everything. I pray that the questioning leads you deeper into the word to reveal the ultimate truths. Praying that for myself and all of us this year. Happy New Year!!

  299. Diana Johnson says:


  300. Kristine Loughman says:

    It took me until 7:30 pm to remember our new study started today! Shows how quickly I can get out of my routine, and how grateful I am to be back in it. Missed you all, and overjoyed to read through all 200-plus comments from today!

    My small group recently did a study on Heaven, and my new takeaway was that heaven is less of a place “up there” that we will go to once we die. The Bible speaks of the “new earth” and “on earth as it is in heaven” and as Jesus-followers, I think we’re called to do whatever we can to bring heaven (via loving others as Jesus loved us) to earth in the here and now. I don’t want to spend my days just hanging out on earth like I’m waiting for an elevator to Heaven. When I can show Jesus through my actions or words, I’m giving others a glimpse of the heaven we’re all longing for. So that’s my hope for this year. So grateful to be here with you all!

  301. Sissy . says:

    To be patient and know He is working great things in your life!

  302. Wendy Ayers says:

    Hope of eternity makes everyday worth glorifying the Lord Jesus. He is worthy of our praise, adoration and realistically our time, heartbeats and breath. I pray for more focus, thoughtfulness and self control this year to bring Him the Glory for a King, an everlasting King!

  303. Déja D says:

    My goal is to spend time with God, in community. I was so sick and injured last year that I really couldn’t go out and spend time with other Christians or spend time with non-Christians and show them God‘s love. I pray that I can do that in a way that is focused on God and that people see God instead of me.

  304. Christi Turnley says:

    To be in Presence.

  305. Lisa Green says:

    My goal is to surrender more to Him. To listen, to speak, to love to be, to become, to wait on Him, and to move when He speaks.

  306. JUDITH E KELLEY says:

    I am broken not only physically but spiritually. I need restoration and a miracle.

    1. Desiree Harris says:

      You are in the right place. Read on – SRT will offer peace, grace, and Gods mercy! From Holstrength (IG): Pray until your situation changes. Miracles happen every day so never stop believing in God and His timing.

  307. Erin K says:

    I see so much injustice and suffering in the world, often times up close and personal due to the nature of my job. I see us failing each other out of personal weaknesses, and systems failing the weak and vulnerable. And crimes and state-sponsored killing without any justice. When I think of eternity, the longing for justice and all things to be made right is strongest in my heart.

  308. Patti JoKesterCook says:

    My goal for this year is to completely surrender to God. I wait every day for Him to call His bride home. Life is hard here. I always have to remind myself that this world is not my home.

  309. Sara Lindauer says:

    Hebrews 6:19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.
    Dad, may the hope you set before me in Christ and his work on the Cross increase my confidence in prayer to boldly come before you!

  310. Amelia Capilongo says:

    In 2023 I found Jesus. After many years of disobedience, I was broken to a point where he was the only hope in my life. He is so faithful.  I had the busiest year of my life and still was able to find time to be with Jesus. I pray that I continue to follow this path. I pay for those in this group who are also trying to grow a closer relationship with Jesus.

  311. Rachel Lynn says:

    Pacing. This year my goal is pacing for Christ, not myself or anything other than His glory

  312. Kimberly U says:

    Have you ever waited for a surprise birthday party and everything becomes hidden with purpose as you wait for the big moment when you reveal to the person of honor “surprise!.” All of a sudden, the seemingly ordinary things you’re doing become so essentially part of the plan as your waiting for the surprise to be revealed and you are the one keeping busy with this person busy with as all the final things come together..the dinner outside the house, the stop to run “errands”…all the “normal ordinary things” filling up the time before the surprise..all of a sudden those “normal acts” become infused with this purpose that is building towards this final reveal of this magical event that is sure to delight this person of honor…that’s what I feel like when I think about these normal, ordinary events that are true of my everyday life. The sandwich I make for my kids, the laundry pile the books to read for bedtimes the dinners the market runs etc. And, the growing anticipation of what is to come. The promise of purpose in all these “seemingly ordinary things” that are now all infused with a hope of the final reveal of this glorious reality that will soon be revealed. When I stop and think about it, it really feels like that..this “normal mundane” life, in light of the promises of God in the end. I want to keep this perspective in front of me this year as I head into a year of normal, that is all preparation to God’s plan in all of this as I wait in this sure hope of what is to come ♥️

  313. Abby Lynn says:

    This past year was distracting, but also a major learning lesson. Going into the new year is to focus on my relationship with God, family and friends. Im hopeful to find happiness and clarity in 2024.

  314. Connie Jones says:

    My goal for 2024 is to be consecrated and transformed

  315. Rhonda J. says:

    @Mari V – I would love to be able to connect on IG! I am under the name FMB_dreamer if you can look me up and friend me!

    I often think of no more pain, everything made new, no sorrow or death and singing praises to God…and meeting Jesus and all the heroes of the bible! And of course giving my mom and grandma a big ole hug! Oh Glorious Day! Those are the many reminders to keep my eyes lifted to my Savior, the gives eternal life of peace and joy!

  316. Mari V says:

    PAUSE. That is my word for 2024. I’ve been praying and thinking of what is my word for this year? I was scrolling through Instagram, and I usually stop at most of the bible based post, when I heard this young lady talking about pausing and reflecting on God’s word, and just taking the time to slow down and pause.

    1. Debby Blake says:

      I love this!

    2. Eleanor Howe says:

      My word this year is Emergence, the act of stepping out of the darkness into the light. Like a flower blooming from beneath a blanket of snow, so our Father knows the beauty that lies beneath before the flower even emerges.

  317. Humaira Dale says:

    January 1
    Hebrews 10:23

    23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

    Father, as I reflect on the coming year, my hope is in you and your faithfulness to me and my family!

    1. Gorgana Hyde says:


  318. Jennifer Lumley says:

    The hope for eternity is as so many have said, a reminder this is not our home and also a reminder of how faithful God is to keep his promises and what he has promised is for us as believers in Christ to dwell with Him forever.

  319. Kelly (NEO) says:

    RACHEL DALLIS – maybe your husband could do He Reads Truth – then you both could be studying the same thing

  320. Kaelah Garban says:

    The hope for eternity reminds me each day that this is not our home. It also reminds me that no matter what happens in this life it’s all only temporary.

  321. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I know that when I long for perfection on this earth, I am reminded that perfection will only happen in heaven. The good things on this earth are just a small taste of what heaven will be like. I want to live in light of eternity even more. I know that I can sometimes focus too much on the things of this world.

  322. Lindsey Carson says:

    Each time a highly anticipated, good thing comes to an end (like Christmas, or the baby phase, or summer) and I feel down, I’m reminded that, one day, the best thing will not end…life eternal seeing our Father clearly ( not dimly as we do now) face-to-face!

  323. Saerica Root says:

    @ RACHEL DALLIS there is also a he reads truth website with the same reading plan

    It is nice to read along together on the same study.

    Happy New year everyone! Praying this year to have a closer walk with my Lord. Reading his Word daily. That is why I’m here to be encouraged from you all.
    We are made new in Christ and want to live each day doing His work to make all things new. We have the light in us to guide us through and the hope of being with Him in all His glory one day. Press on, be patient, strengthen our hearts… the Lord’s coming is near!

  324. Sara Borisov says:

    The hope of eternity reminds me that this place is not my home, and helps begin to quiet the noise of ‘all the things’ that distract from that truth. I loved what was shared in the podcast today, that salvation is not the end goal, but that spending eternity with God, and participating in some small way during my time here on Earth, is my reason for being here now.

  325. McKennah Gow says:

    This world we live in, including the good and the bad, is temporary. We can live knowing that one day we will be rejoined with Christ in new heavens and a new earth.

  326. Dana Bradley says:

    My hope for eternity is to always turn to God when unforeseen events happen. I have to constantly remember that my help comes from the lord. This home on earth is temporary but my relationship with Christ is eternal.

  327. Tiffany Freeman says:

    My hope for eternity is in knowing my family will be there. Both of my kids love and serve God with their spouse and kids, my husband loves and serves God, I love and serve God. God has been so good to me that eternity sounds sweeter everyday.

  328. Rachel Farhat says:

    The hope of eternity changes how we look at the everyday events of our lives, reminding us to put our eyes on Jesus and take the focus off of ourselves. Our everyday lives can often neglect our savior and put a focus on our circumstances instead. The hope of eternity is the hope that the things of this earth will fade, yet the author of our faith will never ever fade in anyway. Praise Jesus for his eternal promises to us.

  329. Rachel Dallis says:

    The hope for eternity is something I am realizing I have lost sight of. My husband and I rarely guide my son spiritually although we attend church “semi regularly”. I want my son to grow up knowing this is not our home and the hope for eternity is what should guide and ground us. Do you guys have any suggestions for a daily devotional for my husband? He is open to starting one as I work through this one.

  330. LindaK says:

    Happy New Year Shes I long for eternity because of my aging body and pain in multiple areas and the condition of our world and various communities. The hope of eternity shapes my everyday life because God is in the business of restoration. He will make ALL things new. A day will come where there will be no pain or sorrow. Thank you to all the Shes in this community who offer commentary, prayers, song suggestions etc. A while back I asked for prayer for my friend Karen who was having lung surgery to remove cancer. She is healing and the doctor said that they removed all the cancer. I also want to thank those of you who mention encouraging songs. I don’t remember who suggested these songs but they have quickly become favorites, Wait On You and More Than Able by Elevation Worship. Lastly I’ve decided to keep a journal of prayer requests as someone suggested and not rely on slips of papers that I may or may not keep up with. Blessings Shes❤️

  331. Carol Crossman says:

    I recognized God working in the present, A family who lost every material thing except the clothes they had on, escaped their burning hour two days before Christmas. While they were treated at the ER for smoke inhalation, the community was busy gathering clothing, money and other basic needs. Unfortunately the family pets were lost, however the love shown overwhelmed them and the community. It became apparent to me that God was at work and I was part of it,

  332. Estefany Dossous says:

    My hope of eternity is to break all the bad habits I picked up over the years and getting closer to GOD 2024. I pray God remove every distraction from my life so I can focus on the life GOD has planned for me.

  333. Jaime Angel says:

    Living in light of eternity, hoping in His good plan and will for not just my life, but for all of creation. What a great perspective to keep as followers of Christ and as we start this new year… the Christmas and holiday blues are a real thing, where the realities of life come back to center stage as the tinsel and wrapping get put away… but we can place our hope in the One who is faithful and true.

  334. Mari V says:

    Happy New Year Sweet She’s!! I had a lot to say, but again having issues with connection on this Chromebook. Short version! This world is not our home, we are just passing through. The troubles of days (and there are many) will be gone and we will NOT remember them! My sweet walking partner and I have had many conversations as such. We were just talking about this 2 days ago. And during our walk on the trail I JUMPED for joy saying “He’s coming soon” (Rev 22:20). She’s part of this community now and its been such a blessing to talk about what we are reading and learning. Even venting and crying together. God is SO good!

  335. Jenelle Kumbier says:

    Last year I tried to focus on abiding in Christ and figuring out what that really means. I want to extend that this year because I have so much more to learn. I want to concentrate on Jesus, asking Him yo guide my steps I take each day, as I work to walk in His Word.

  336. Sophie Fuentes says:

    My hope of eternity is being healed from my illness and being with Jesus.

  337. Kasey Trujillo says:

    2023 was a year full of noise and distractions pulling me away from my relationship with Jesus…. my soul yearns for him more than ever. I can’t wait to see what He has in store for us together.

  338. Kimberly Felton says:

    I hope to direct my life back toward Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. 2023 I allowed myself to be distracted from God’s plan, today all things are again new and my eyes are fixed on Jesus.

  339. Brandi Mahoney says:

    Getting closer to God this year is the only resolution I have for myself this year. Excited to start with this devotion

  340. grace injayiru says:

    This year , i hope to be a better person and trust in the word of God

  341. Peg Warner says:

    God is so good and his timing still amazes me. For the past few years I decided to fore go the traditional resolutions and instead have a word or phase to focus on. For 2024 God has revealed “Intentional” as my focus. The passage out of Titus stood out as it is the perfect way to look at how to approach this year! I’ve been walking through life in more of a reactive state rather than a proactive state. By shifting the lens I look through I can set myself up to be intentional for Christ.

  342. Erin _ says:

    Our time here compared to eternity is such a blip on the radar screen of life. We’re here to make a kingdom difference, and anything else is a distraction. My hope is in Jesus and his promises for my life.

  343. Misty Portland says:

    Praying for a word this year… always loved the idea and never really took it serious. But with my easily distracted ways and my little procrastination ways (must say I’ve gotten better with procrastinating lol) .. sooo, ‘FOcUs’ just might be it. Focusing more on Christ … HE is always the answer.

  344. Lottie Smith says:

    Happy New Year! Perspective is key. God has often changed my perspective with challenges in life. I am thankful he has not given up on me yet.

  345. Janee Allen says:

    A friend of mine spoke this truth into my life yesterday, and I don’t want to forget it! God is greater than every one of our lows. And greater than every one of our highs. And with that, we are going to be ok.

  346. Titilope Peter-Felix says:

    The year is new and it is a continuity of our race to make heaven

  347. Selena Yazmin says:

    New Year but the same mission remains, to continue the good race until the day we meet Him! These scriptures encouraged me to remain focused on the purpose and our assignment as sons and daughter we have here on earth. Just knowing how the story ends gives me hope and reassurance that no matter what storms may weather, God will continue to remain faithful to those who Love Him and draw near to him daily!

  348. Grace Powlus says:

    Eternity reminds us that some of the things that seem big won’t matter someday. Our money our clothes, none of that matters when we meet Jesus.

  349. Laurel Wild says:

    Your prayers are my prayers…peace, love, faith, and health (physical, emotional, spiritual) throughout 2024…

  350. Char Hight says:

    The hope of eternity is something that I just started to think about. Health issues, relational issues, financial issues, all the things are just minor.

    I did a deep dive in the scriptures to fully understand what I was reading. I learned that having faith is like running a marathon rather than a sprint. Well how do you train for a sprint, usually a good stretch, warm up, hydrate and a banana will get you through it. But a marathon. That’s totally different. You have to train almost daily. Make lifestyle changes to even be prepared to start.

    So I say all this to say, hold on to the promises in God’s living word. When troubles come and your faith is tested, hold on. It sounds easier than done. But throw the pain and tears “stand firm. Let nothing move you.”

    We serve an almighty God. Look back over your life and what he’s brought you through. He will bring you through what you are facing now. Elevate your faith by staying grounded in His word. His faithful love endures forever.❤️

    Happy New Year ladies.

  351. Paula DavisStitt says:

    The Message translation of Hebrews 10: “Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps His Word!”

    1. Nicole Shepard says:

      Love that, thanks for sharing!

  352. Danielle Haub says:

    To be honest I’ve been a Christian my whole life. Well I’ve worn the mask of a Christian. Only last month did I finally surrender everything to God. Having so much hurt and betrayal I never knew how to trust. Especially God. I knew all the steps and I thought I trusted him when I actually came to realize I had been so angry at him. I didn’t know this until I surrendered everything to him. That anger lead me down a path of total destruction in my mind, my marriage, family, and friendships. But that full surrender has given me a peace I’ve never felt before. I still have hard times almost daily. I’m still struggling but it’s different now. I have God with me.
    Now looking at that peace he’s given me here on earth makes me realize how much peace he has inside store for me. That gives me hope of eternity knowing I won’t have to hurt anymore or struggle with trauma. He is taking it all away from me. And for that I am so thankful. ❤️

  353. Rebecca Denny says:


  354. Katie Herring says:

    The hope of eternity helps to provide perspective – that many of the issues I’m facing are small and will be resolved. It provides the hope of rest and peace one day. And it provides hope in transitions – death is followed by life and who’s to say that the hard liminal phase I’m in now won’t be followed by beauty. It helps me to take a step back, take a breath, think of how I want to live this short life, and make godly choices in word and deed.

  355. Rebecca Denny says:

    I’m grateful for this focus and reminder of living today with the end in mind. It brings me peace, but also instructs my choices and priorities. Praying for a heart to listen and obey this year.

  356. Annika says:

    What a thought-provoking study to start off this new year. As we enter into 2024, my prayer is that I might focus less on my own short-term future & instead turn my attention to eternity, to God’s redemption and return, when He will make all things new. This shift in perspective will provide me with strength & peace.

    I’m praying for all of you ladies on this New Year’s Day! I’ve been a long-time reader, but I hardly ever comment, and my intention this year is to comment often & be more engaged in this community.

  357. Sophia Ayres says:

    The hope of perfection in eternity helps me to let go of putting my hope in getting happiness and accomplishments today.

    1. Amy Yow says:

      Yes! 100% where I am at… although I’m not always so good at it! Hoping to let go faster as I look toward eternity more & quicker which will in turn bring God’s peace to the present time!

  358. Ariam Bekele says:

    This year, I hope to be a person who is honest with myself and has the confidence to go after what I long for. In total transparency, I don’t quite think about eternity that much. The thought of it actually scares me. I want my year to be full of new experiences with God and adventure in life. Happy New Year everyone!

  359. Hanna Joines says:

    As a mom, the hope of eternity helps me through the monotony, sleepless nights & tantrums and reminds me that I’m an example to my kids of God’s grace. I get to show them the hope that I have so that they can have the same kind of hope when life gets difficult. The hope of eternity has also helped me through chronic illness, 3 months in the NICU with my oldest, loss of family, miscarriage, being betrayed by friends, etc. As Paul said, “to live is Christ & to die is gain.” Nothing in this life can keep us from true joy in Jesus!

  360. ShelbyLM says:

    Wow. How encouraging to read Everything New in the 1st day of 2024. This was the spiritual reminder that I needed – that the sickness & loss I experienced in my family in 2023 can be put into perspective when I am reminded of eternity. I want to live this year with an eternal perspective in mind – filled with more love, joy, peace, patience, & forgiveness. Blessings!

  361. Cheryl Karnes says:

    The hope of eternity shapes my everyday life by giving me something to live for and to share with others. I know that the position of my heart as I walk with Christ matters for eternity. I want others to have this hope and so I pray that as I serve Him, others will see Him and know Him.

  362. Cynthia Johnston says:

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13.

  363. Laurel Candelario says:

    As a mom I feel a much deeper calling to share this hope with my children by my words and actions. They are my ministry. My prayer is that I can be self controlled and consistent in my relationship with Christ to be an example for them and love them better. Happy new year!

    1. Tamara Merritt says:


  364. Tamara Merritt says:

    Happy New Year! I have made a practice over the past few years of making resolutions that are spiritually focused instead of focusing on my exterior life. This year I am focusing on the word truth and asking God to root out all falseness in my life and false narratives that I have accepted as true. Praying blessings for everyone in this community over the new year!

  365. Megan Whitaker says:

    I am trying to be more intentional in the word this year and focusing on things that truly matter and be more focused on God. Hoping my children will see what is most important in life through me and through what I choose to prioritize. ❤️

  366. Michele says:

    Life this side of heaven is hard. Maybe not big challenges everyday but little things that can get one down. Knowing there is a place, Heaven, where we will not experience any pain, sadness, suffering, helps to get me through the tougher days.

  367. Rosa Fleming says:

    Our hope is different than the hope easily tossed about in today’s world. Our hope is steadfast, secure, eternal and never failing.

  368. J Bucur says:

    Happy, Blessed New Year!

  369. Danielle Beasley says:

    Setting our mind on eternity brings current life into focus.

  370. Julia Kiefer says:

    Hope for eternity gives security. No matter what happens in this next year I am his and he is mine. And that good news is more than enough forever!!

  371. Kebrina Vinglas says:

    He who promised is FAITHFUL! Just hold on, ladies. Just hold on.

  372. Erica Chiarelli says:

    I know I need Jesus every day, spending time with Him everyday. I need to walk with Him, talk with Him..I need His peace, His joy, every fruit of His Spirit, to live this life. I want to do all I am supposed to, every good work, to bring more people with me. That’s my hope for eternity. I want to get to heaven, but I want heaven here on earth. For others to experience this hope! I want every crown to cast at His feet. I don’t want to get to heaven empty handed! ❤️❤️❤️

  373. Rebekah Carlin says:

    How does the hope of eternity shape my everyday life?

    It gives me momentum to keep pressing into the hard things. This last year I got married, and marriage is HARD. Nobody told me how it was hard, but how could they? Each marriage and each experience is different. I have so many things that have happened to me and our family this last year, and yet the hope of eternity shines brightest to block the darkness, and serve as a guide to the shore of eternity.

  374. Brittany T says:

    The past couple years I’ve developed health problems & it’s the first time I’ve had a hardship that I may not see resolved in this life and wow has that hit hard – I’m 34 so it could be a very long road (Lord willing!). God in 2023 brought eternity into focus for me in ways it never has been, it’s given me a new appreciation that one day all of the brokenness will be washed away.

  375. Sharon Jones says:

    The hope of eternity gives me peace when I face trials or illness. Knowing where I am going helps me to love and enjoy my time here on earth but not try to cling to it. Each day is a blessing but eternity will bring something entirely new.

  376. Heidi Vermeer-Quist says:

    Great comfort for what is to come and knowing my loved ones who have passed are already there.

  377. Adrienne says:

    Did the Daniel passage just give you goosebumps, or what? It did me!

    Happy New Year ❤️ I echo so many sentiments of this world being yucky; others not believing; and our children not walking with the Lord. (Believing is good, but there is so much more. Of course, I am at a different place in my life, and my walk looks different than my children’s, I guess.)

    Anyhoo… wait for Him, sweet She’s…. He is coming!

  378. Cheryl Blow says:

    I believe the hope of eternity helps me to focus on what really matters in life. It’s not status, material things, or even how others see me. It’s about serving God daily and trying to shine the light of Jesus on everyone I come in contact with in my day.

  379. Maria Baer says:

    I think more than anytime before this year, I have started to be more aware of how my every day life— the things I do, say and think— shape that hope (or at times, can put a damper on it). Yesterday, I woke up with one of my favorite songs in my head— FIRM FOUNDATION by Cody Carnes. And then at church it was one of the worship songs. And I think it is so perfect as we start the new year, because it speaks of that hope in Christ, that is unshakeable because in His children, He looks over us. So, as we start the new year, may we continue to grow in that hope for eternity, and full put our faith in Jesus. Happy New Year, Shes! Below I put a few of the lyrics from that song because they move me so much.

    “Christ is my firm foundation
    The rock on which I stand
    When everything around me is shaken
    I’ve never been more glad
    That I put my faith in Jesus
    ‘Cause He’s never let me down
    He’s faithful through generations
    So why would He fail now?
    He won’t, He won’t”

  380. K Noelle Gardner says:

    The hope of eternity shapes my everyday life, because I know how this story ends and I know that I want to be on the winning team. Therefore I stay in ready so I don’t have to get ready because at that point it might be too late. My hope is to be apart of the new heaven and earth. ♥️

  381. Traci Gendron says:

    I long for eternity to sit with our Father. To be reunited with my son, Tanner.

    I pray that I will deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way. Titus 2:12

    Happy New Year!

  382. Danna LaFaye says:

    Living life one day at a time and doing my best to live a life spiritually that pleases Jesus to hear the words, “well done thou good and faithful servant”. With the hope and belief I will reunite with my loved ones and friends in eternity.

  383. Natalie Carroll says:

    How does the hope of eternity shape my everyday life?
    This past year was hard in ways that I could never imagine but I knew that even in all the trials that I was going through that ultimately God was in control and the hope and joy that came from that pushed me to release those anxieties that I felt in those big hard moments but also in the little tough things that happen each day. It also shows that God is always there and is just waiting for us to pursue our relationship with Him all we need to do is reach out to Him and He will always be there.

  384. Jennifer Jasper says:

    ow does the hope of eternity shape your everyday life?

    Hebrews 6:19 “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil”

    I always loved the idea the imagery of the veil separating us and God, but it being torn in Christ’s crucifixion. We are not entirely shut out wondering what eternity and being with God is like. Our God has made a way for imperfect beings to access God. The hope of eternity is that everyday by praying and being in His Word and knowing more of what God is revealing of Himself, that I’ll get to go further than just behind the veil to the …”new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells.” 2 Peter 3:13

  385. Jennifer Olmeda says:

    Happy New Year Shes!

  386. Natalie Poppell says:

    Hope was throughout all scriptures today. It pushed me to reflect on how I am using my hope and trust in God to live in the moment.

  387. Meredith Kirk says:

    A restless feeling ain’t yearning for peace and joy makes me long for eternity. In reflection, I should be living more intentionally, focused on growing closer to Christ but truly repenting of the ways of this world. I pray 2024 will be the year I truly and unwaveringly seek Christ daily and keep in the forefront of my mind; the rest of this world will pass away.

  388. Brittany Morse says:

    The hope of Eternity has not always been at the forefront of my mind but when I get my eyes off of my sickness, the brokenness of the world and fix my eyes on Jesus and Eternity, everything else fades.

  389. Noalani Shelton says:

    Hope and eternity shape my life by I hope I will live long but I know I won’t live to eternity.

  390. Carol Burlew says:

    Good morning! Happy New Year!
    Hope for eternity means for me to keep my focus on the end game and not on smaller things that are out of my control. It means praying a bit more intently for those are around me to see the beauty and hope of living for Jesus. It means I have a job-to be the hands and feet of Jesus and let his light shine through me to others. Amen.

  391. Candace Putnam says:

    What makes me hope for eternity and how it shapes my life is something I need to reflect on. One of my favorite things about these lessons is these questions to reflect on after you’ve read. I have discovered so much about my walk with the Lord by answering them. My walk with him could be so much better, I want people to see Jesus in me, and know there is an eternity if they don’t already, not only am I excited to meet Jesus face to face I am excited to see all those that have gone to Heaven before me. I’ve watched so many people I love suffer with Cancer or Dementia and I know when I see them again that they will be new and have no pain or worry!

  392. Michelle Patire says:

    As I read the comments, I see a lot of common themes. First, the birth pains and groanings (Romans 8:22) of our world echoed in each story… illnesses, frightening change, things out of our control, the fragility of life. Though our struggles are unique, they are not uncommon. We are all facing them. Second, I see how each one of those things creates a longing for Jesus to return and make things whole. We wait patiently… (Romans 8:25)

    Come, Lord Jesus… Though we want those we love saved… Help us, Jesus. It is hard to bear the cross we must carry on this Earth that will soon pass away… It seems far, but Your word continues to say SOON. And we know that this Word (New Testament) was written nearly 2000 years ago… How much sooner the day… ? We wait for the Ancient of Days to judge with fire and righteousness. We long for our peace in the kingdom of Christ when there is no longer war. Lord, give us hope. Give us strength. Give us endurance. Help us run for that crown that will be placed on our heads… When we are reigning with You forever. Thank you, Jesus, for giving us life and life abundantly (John 10:10). Help us to be faithful, as You are, Lord. We thank you. Amen- In your name, Jesus, we pray and believe these things.

    @Dana Martinez & Tenyia Hunsaker – welcome ❤️ and any other new She!

    @Kendra Costner – ❤️ God bless and strengthen you as you continue after Him… May He cover you and your family with grace, peace, hope, and life. May He be your shield and guide. God bless you. ✝️

    @Katie Penfield – The Lord bless you and your family, as well. Let His grace deliver you from all evil. May He give you strength and remind you always of the authority of His word. May you speak it with confidence over your son and trust He sees and hears you. May you grow in the knowledge of His truth and His love. May His word not fail, ever, as you place trust and hope in His salvation. Let His light be known in the darkness and continue to seek it when the enemy tries to convince you there is no hope. Let the Lord be your shield and strength. God bless you ✝️❤️

    God bless you all and Happy New Year. May we walk in the boldness of His word and trust that He will return and we will be crowned in His glorious presence. Thank you Jesus for your eternal life! ❤️

  393. Jaimie Mason says:

    ❤️Happy New Year. I think I need to let the hope of eternity shape my life this year . What a step back I need to take and let go of the little things to set my eyes on the big picture , eternity with our Lord .

  394. imani cones says:

    It reminds me that I will be reunited with those I’ve lost. It reminds me that pain and sorrow is temporary. It encourages me to live for him, here and now.

  395. Jacquelynn DeSimone says:

    Reminder to keep praying for our children who are not walking, that there is hope in seeing them whole when Jesus returns.

  396. Caralee Lilly says:

    Happy New Day! Eternity sure seems far off doesn’t it? I think of the disciples and followers of Christ in every age who must have believed the Lords return was close at hand. It humbles me to think that He is coming for me! He is chasing after that day as He is united with us. The question of what makes us long for heaven on the surface holds so much. I have a daughter and granddaughter in heaven, soon to be joined with my brother. And as much as those make me anxious to go home, the fact that the God of the universe tenderly chases after me to that day, excites me. I can’t wait for heaven…

  397. Corrin Clayton says:

    The hope for eternity…. Wow. It is the only hope we have. Trying to change habits, idols, and behaviors in my own life to be more centered on Jesus- I’ve been trying and praying- putting time with Jesus and in the word at the beginning of each day. The more I talk to the Lord and the more I engage in others who love Jesus, the easier letting go of these barriers become. My prayer is to continue to focus on Him- not myself but Him. 2023 was difficult. My youngest son was diagnosed with epilepsy and our little world changed. My thoughts however, stay on the fact that the Lords world has not changed. He knows my family. He loves us and wants good for us. Whatever that path looks like, I will follow with trust in our Lord.

  398. Farahn Morgan says:

    “Zealous of good works”

    What an impactful way of framing our frame of mind in this season of renewal.

    Happy New Year …

  399. Stephanie Berling says:

    All of my blood grandparents are gone and my husband only has 2 medically fragile grandparents left. I long to see my grandparents, who were very sick at death, fully restored in heaven. I also hope that my husband’s grandparents hearts can be softened to the gospel. They are in their 80s and not doing well.

  400. Lisa Wolfzorn says:

    Happy New Year! Praying that Heb. 10:23 will be my reality – holding tightly to the hope we know in Jesus, for “God can be trusted to keep His promises.” 2023 was a hard year with adult kids making decisions that show they are not walking with the Lord anymore. I’m declaring 2023 completely over and God is doing a new thing! Praying for all you sisters who desire the Lord to do a new thing in your adult kids and your own heart as well! He is our blessed hope!

    1. Lisa Schooley says:


  401. Katie Penfield says:

    I have a medically complex kid. He was born with end stage renal failure and is on dialysis until we can get a kidney transplant. Praying that will be this year! But since the day he was born, about 3 years ago, I’ve longed for eternity more than ever before. When you look at the fragileness of life in the face of your child you feel the closeness of eternity. Lots of temporal things that use to be so important fall to the wayside.

  402. Mari Gomez says:

    Happy new year! I’m looking forward to opening my bible this year with the SRT family. The studies and this group has had a tremendous impact on my relationship with Christ. Can’t wait to see what He has planned for me in 2024!

  403. steph Gutmann says:

    Happy New Year!

    Having a hope for eternity in mind has brought me peace when life hasn’t turned out the way it **should ** have.

  404. Dawn Prenatt says:

    How does the hope for eternity shape my everyday life? I feel God is shaping it up for me. There has been such a shift in my thinking over the past few months as I’ve prayed for God to reveal idols to me and remove them, to use me for His goodness, help me to grow in my faith and understanding of Jesus, and show me how to serve Him.
    Heading into 2024, my thoughts have moved away from “me” and moved to HIM. Only through His grace, this is not my doing! I feel he is asking me to serve more at church and grow my confidence in my faith to help bring people to Jesus. I am working on discipling my young children to grow and get their hearts ready for Jesus’s arrival.
    All these things have been done through Christ who strengthens me! I truly am amazed at how he has transformed my heart! I pray daily for all my ladies here in SRT! You have been a wonderful resource for me, pointing me back to Him! Happy New Year! Xo

  405. Danielle B says:

    As I began my devotions this morning, the thought of being more intentional towards God came to mind & then this asked how to I want to live with eternity in my mindset. The answer is even more clear be more intentional towards God. I’ve been told I’m an intentional friend, so now it is time to be more intentional towards my relationship with God.

    I pray for the many requests spoken & unspoken by the She’s here. Lord be their supply.

  406. Donna Wolcott says:

    Welcome Dana, Temjia and any other new sisters! I will look for new possibilities to serve the Lord, wondering what His plans are for me. Sisters, wishing you and your families a year with peace, joy, love and may you experience His many blessings. Something I read, “Sometimes life is hard BUT GOD is always good.”

  407. Jennifer Sarver says:

    The hope of eternity makes me want to live a life that glorifies God. It makes me want to seek Him first although sometimes I do forget. It makes me want to serve others well.

  408. Tiffany Ayres says:

    The hope of eternity helps me see that things of this world are temporary and fleeting. I don’t have to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life. One day I will be standing before the throne in paradise. A kingdom that is everlasting and indestructible with Jesus obtaining dominion and where righteousness dwells. I can be confident of these things because the One who promises these things is faithful. Glory be to God!

  409. Pam says:

    Happy New Year! What great reading to start the year. The Daniel passage was such a great reminder of God’s power and sovereignty. I can easily be weighed down by the cares of the world and the hard stuff going on. We are going through some church issues that are very painful. Yet as the Advent study wrapped up this past weekend, I was struck by the phrase “ The Wonder of His Love”. I realized quickly that I need to be looking for this in these times, as I read His word and experience life. I am sure that focusing on this , will keep me with an eternal perspective, remembering His promises and the Hope we have.

  410. Shawna Morris says:

    Living with the end in mind stirs up many emotions in me. The longing for Jesus to come now and end all of our human suffering, the sadness and urgency for all of our adult children to return to Christ wholly and completely, heartbreak at the state of this world, but GOD! Mixed emotions.

  411. Alicia says:

    The area of my life that makes me hope for eternity is having to see so many loved ones experience hurt, struggle and pain here on earth. In heaven this will be no more.

    My hope for eternity shapes my everyday life by causing me to really think about my actions daily and judging whether or not they are aligned with Gods desire for my life and His law.

  412. Bree Greene says:

    The hope for eternity makes me want to live in a way that glorifies God and be present with those around me. It reminds me to not focus on the things I have no control over but to rely on God.

  413. Sarah Scheaf says:

    The hope of eternity lets me live in freedom now-all things of earth are temporary and God is sovereign over all of it!

  414. Tenyia Hunsaker says:

    First Study (Hello I’m New Here)

    I am focusing on being spirit lead. Eternity reminds me to be present with my family and let the worldly things be.

  415. Nicole Elizabeth says:

    Living for eternity makes me want to better understand and grasp the true concept of patience. Also, living for eternity makes me want to lean into God more than ever before, so that I may live in his glory on Earth while we await his return.

  416. Kathy says:

    How does the hope of eternity shape my life?
    I pray daily that my life will be “a light so lovely that others will want with all their hearts to know the source of it.” (Madeline L’Engel) I don’t know that I’ve ever thought about the hope of eternity shaping me but it does. My eternity started when I accepted Jesus as my Savior. I must live in that truth. Yes, there has been, there is now, and there will be pain and suffering. Life is hard, but this is not all there is. This is not my home.
    Lord, help me to stay anchored to you, to filter my days through the truth, the hope, and the expectation that You will one day return and make all things new.

  417. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Love these types of days where as a community we wrestle therough the passages together ❤️

    Some of the areas of life that make me long for eternity are my slowness to change to be more like Jesus (in eternity that will be complete) and watching how easily Satan’s influence blinds the eyes of people to truth/reality

    The passage in Daniel “As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was removed, but an extension of life was granted to them for a certain period of time…[The Son of Man] was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, so that those of every people, nation, and language should serveaf him. His dominion is an everlastingag dominion.”

    The hope of eternity shape my everyday life by knowing this world will not always be this way, but God WILL make all things right and good.
    Peter says, “But based on his promise, we wait for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.”

    GAYLE CRAIK – praying for Nixon and patience for all.

    SHAMRA HICKS – praying your appointment today helps you sort things out.

    CATHERINE MCVEY – praying for the Lord’s peace fills your heart as you wait for your treatments to begin

  418. Shelby Shivener says:

    Happy new year!

  419. Margaret Benton says:

    The hope for eternity makes me desire to live knowing Christ could come back at any day or moment. It makes me also want to give fully, Dixie (my child), to God, so she too is prepared when he returns. It relieves the worry I have about Spencer’s (my husband) physical pain, knowing it will not be forever, and one day he will have a perfect everlasting body.

  420. Munchkin says:

    Sometimes it seems as if I am scared of my own shadow. But knowing that God is end game gives me a sense of peace. It’s just hard to remember at times with all the chaos going in around me.

  421. Searching says:

    May I live like I have the hope of eternity, in a way that would show Christ to others.

    JANE BLORE – praying for relief of anxiety and related OCD
    SHERYL – praying for relief of chronic pain, and for RHONDA J and others as well

    Welcome to all the new “faces” I’m seeing! May we all stay committed to being in the Word of God everyday.

    CEE GEE – amen!

    1. Jane Blore says:

      Thank you!

  422. Jaid Wehrenberg says:

    My mindset this last year has been survival, trying to keep up with the present moment. My thoughts have been far from eternity. I repent. Lord, transform my mindset so that my heart will be established and my life zealous after good works.

    1. Lisa Wolfzorn says:


  423. Candace Hulsizer says:

    Happy New Year! I pray that the Lord continues to renew our hearts and minds and we study and live by His word this day, this year. Amen!

  424. Amanda Andrews says:

    He who promised is faithful! This year, I plan to stand stronger on my full measure of faith, that all will work for His will and He will carry me through. This past year has been one of the toughest I have faced, but GOD!

  425. Annie says:

    Happy New year fellow Shes!

    I know God will one day make all things new. Thank You, Father! Revelation 21:4

  426. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    I hope to remind myself this new year, every time I get so discouraged in the way the world is going – it’s brokenness and the sinful state it is in, that “in keeping with His promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.” (2 Peter 3:13) This world is not my home – hallelujah!

    @Gayle Craik – praying that your daughter will give birth very soon. It’s so hard to wait when the due date comes and goes.
    @Catherine McVey – praying for you as you await your stem cell treatment. May it be God’s will to completely heal you from this cancer.
    @Jane Blore – praying for you as you struggle with anxiety and OCD. May God strengthen you and help you to overcome.
    @Dana Martinez – Welcome to SRT!!
    @Shamra Hicks – dear sister, prayers for healing of your mind & thoughts. Praying that as you see your counselor today, it will lead the way to find peace and new healing.

    Happy New Year to all my dear SRT sisters. May this new year be filled with new beginnings, hearts renewed — new hope!

  427. Nhlanzeko Khanyile says:

    A happy and blessed new year! ✨

  428. McKenzie Loy says:

    Happy new year!

  429. Tricia C says:

    “…Since He who promised is faithful.” Yes!
    I’m counting on that! And in return I want to/ need to be faithful.
    Eternity for me means restored relationships. I cannot wait!

  430. Jackie Carroll says:


  431. Tan Wallace says:

    Use this year to move with love extend Grace and continuing to be grateful for what God has blessed us with so far.

  432. Carrie Dean says:

    God, help me to let go of my attachment to things that are so that I can grab on to the things that are to come.

  433. Amanda Walloch says:

    If I think “right now”, I long for international conflicts to end. I can’t think of anything else that I would want to be made new more than that.

  434. Cee Gee says:

    These verses remind us that even though we don’t have all the answers, we can trust God and His promises. We are told in His Word to ‘be patient’ and ‘strenghthen your hearts’ (or ‘take courage’), and to hold onto to the Hope we have in Him. It gets harder every year to see how disrespected God is in the world that He created, but He is in control and I should trust His plan. This morning as I grabbed a coffee mug, I chose the one that has Jeremiah 29:11 printed on jt.
    Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR, SHE SISTERS! Praying for strength of heart, patience, and hope for each of us as we step into this new year! ❤

  435. Aimee D-R says:

    Watching loved ones age, the world fighting to steal our children from following Jesus, sickness, hatred towards others resulting in verbal and physical harm….without the hope of Christ I don’t know how any of it would be bearable. Come Lores Jesus, come.

  436. Gayon Lamptey says:

    Happy New year. The hope of eternity reminds me of the impermanence of this life here on earth. When troubles come, the hope of eternity reminds me that “this too shall pass”.

  437. Katelyn Parson says:

    Happy new year! Let’s use this year to get closer to God and get deeper in the word TOGETHER!

  438. Leaha Hicks says:

    Happy New Year! May 2024 be filled with love, laughter and new adventures!

  439. Jennifer Greenwood says:

    I love the truths in Titus reminding us how to live while we wait for the “blessed hope”. What a reminder of our purpose! Happy New Year!

  440. Theresa Storie says:

    Eternity reminds me of the unfailing love of God, Our true Light, Our true Promise-keeper! Happy New Year!❤️

  441. Lisa A says:

    How does the hope of eternity shape my everyday life? I know that ultimately it’s all going to be OK in the end.

  442. Michelle Kiningham says:

    Happy new year ❤️

  443. Stephanie Schwartz says:

    I am grateful that I have hope in eternity. I love Jesus and can’t imagine a life without him. As I enter into a new year I pray for my loved ones and all those who don’t know the love of Christ. Happy New Year!

  444. Jane Blore says:

    I’m struggling today. I have been for the last month. My fears and anxiety have trigged some OCD behaviors that are starting to negatively impact my life. I need this recentering on the promise of God’s restoration. Please pray for healing for me.

    1. Tricia C says:

      JANE BLORE I will be praying for you.

    2. Lynn K says:

      Praying for you, Jane ❤️

    3. Malynda Moore says:

      “But God” exactly!

    4. Gloria Hula says:

      Praying dear Jane for God’s perfect peace and healing.

  445. Kendra Costner says:

    I have lost loved ones to SARS2. I worked with frontline healthcare workers and heard about their traumas, which are still ongoing. I continue to witness the true evilness of the human heart on display in ways that I never imagined. Though it has been a very hard journey, and I would take back every bit of pain, suffering, and death of others, it has stripped me from all ties to this world. I had everything I could ever want and my husband was heading towards fame in his music career. Right before the pandemic he turned down a record deal. We both made career moves and I left my career to find a fully remote job to protect our little family. The cry of my heart the past year has been an ache for Jesus’ return. I can’t get enough of studying the word. The fallness of our world is so palpable. My main focus is learning as much as I can about God and loving others to the best of my ability. Very excited for this timely study.

  446. Bonnie Harper says:

    Even though I accepted Jesus as a teenager, I have not studied His Word like I should. Last year, I started having a deeper relationship with Him. This year, I want it to grow even stronger and understand His Word more.

  447. Catherine Jacobs says:

    Happy New Year! How does the hope of eternity shape my life? As a teacher is is imperative that I stay focused on the end and eternity. Our youth struggle with understanding their place in society inundated with a barrage of social media telling them who and what should influence their lives. My prayer is to continue to be an example of Christ in my daily interactions with them. Remembering that nothing in this world matters only Christ and his return. Prayers for my family and my students that they have this relationship with God. Amen

  448. Liz Bonnett says:

    I have a peace with confidence in His Word that He alone is faithful. And by my testimony I pray others will be saved and broken hearts healed.

  449. Sheryl says:

    I live my life everyday in a way that I pray represents Jesus. I’m careful what I put into my mind via TV and social media. I read my Bible every day and walk with Jesus. I live with chronic pain and sometimes I long for eternity to come quickly. However, I was reminded yesterday to put God first and healing will come. Focus on Jesus and eternity will come quicker than we even realize.

    1. Gayle Craik says:

      Sheryl, thank you for sharing.

  450. Pamela Aileen says:

    I believe the hope I have In eternity has removed a fear of death for myself. I know it’s not the end. But I see that “hope” is not in others and it makes me so sad for them. May 2024 offer hope and salvation for those who don’t know the gifts of our sweet Lord. We love you Jesus. Thank you for your gifts.

  451. Krystal Lorenzo says:

    I long for perfection and suffering and sadness to cease. I feel such anger that evil abounds and that so many donmt see there is a better way. They don’t have to fall into the trap of temporary pleasure or harming others for their own gain.

  452. Christina Grant says:

    Happy New Year! Blessed for this community!

  453. Sally B. says:

    In the New Year, we must remember He who promised (a new kingdom free from sin and rebellion) is faithful and hold fast to our hope.

  454. Katherine Morgan says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever really thought about eternity being a motivation to shape my actions. Every time I watch the news, I long for Jesus to return for my children to not have to experience

  455. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Thank you Lord for another year. Let the hearts and minds of our unsaved loved ones be opened to you and your love. Amen

    1. Tricia C says:


  456. Sandra Yoong-Chia says:

    Blessed New Year to everyone. As we begin this study and as New Year messages from family and friends coming in, I am reminded from today’s reading that we have Hope Eternal, no matter what circumstances we might face. We can be assured that 1) our Heavenly Father is with us, 2) our present situation is not for forever, 3) our future is with Jesus Christ in eternity where all will be right. With this in mind, I pray that the Holy Spirit would remind me daily that everyday is an opportunity to know Jesus more, to follow Our Father’s Will and to show God’s love to the people around us. Amen.

    1. Tricia C says:

      Yes, Sandra! Thank you for sharing!

  457. Donna Scheiman says:

    Happy New Year , may the Lord Bless this study as we begin anew.

  458. Dana Martinez says:

    Happy New Years ! I’m new to here and looking forward to this year ❤️

    1. Tricia C says:

      Welcome Dana!

      1. Dana Martinez says:

        Thank you. Can’t wait to learn so much year .

  459. Jennifer Agahyande says:

    Happy new Year

  460. Carolina R says:

    Happy New Year!

  461. Pem Osaren says:

    Happy New Year everyone!

  462. Anna Faith says: