Day 16

Parents and Children

from the Proverbs reading plan

Proverbs 1:8-9, Proverbs 10:1, Proverbs 14:26, Proverbs 19:18, Proverbs 23:22-26

BY She Reads Truth

The book of Proverbs is a guide for pursuing godly wisdom in our daily lives. In this four-week study, we will read a selection of topical proverbs covering different aspects of wisdom, from how to interact with our friends, families, and neighbors, to fearing God and keeping His commands. No matter the subject, these proverbs urge us to wrestle with and reflect on our own response to them. To help you better engage with the proverbs in this reading plan, we have provided you with a short introduction and reflection questions for each day.

The last words in the Old Testament tell us the Messiah will “turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers,” healing what is broken between them (Malachi 4:6). Few relationships carry greater room for pain or influence than the parent-child relationship. The book of Proverbs does not assume this relationship is easy or naturally healthy, but it does acknowledge that it has the capacity to shape a young person’s life in beautiful and lasting ways. 

Reflection Questions:

Looking back, how did you see the wisdom in these verses modeled for you or not modeled for you when you were younger? What can you learn from that now? 

Read Proverbs 10:1. Why do the actions of a child have so much impact on the hearts of his or her parents? 

In what ways can the parent-child relationship uniquely cultivate understanding of the gospel in our lives? 

Post Comments (41)

41 thoughts on "Parents and Children"

  1. Leonie says:

    My late father was the truest example of being a good Samaritan Christian, he was always pure with his intentions, helping and did well to show me the faithfulness in following Christ.

  2. Pam Karlberg says:

    I grew up with good parents but it wasn’t a strong Christian home. I did have a believing Grandma who I know prayed for us faithfully. My walk with the Lord began in my 20’s which is now over 40 years ago. It troubled me that my parents weren’t walking with the Lord but through challenging times I did see each of them turn to Him before passing. We have two children and one that has left church as an adult. When he was a teen , and rebelling in small ways , I began to process what the Lord feels like when His children turn from him. The heartache is real as a parent and it made me more grievous of my own sin towards the Lord. We continue to pray for our son who was witnessing on campus in college and now has no time for the Lord. Our relationship with him is good which we are thankful for.

  3. Melissa Mcronney says:


  4. Jessie Pipp says:

    I wasn’t raised in a Christian household, I didn’t come to know the Lord until I was 16, and didn’t actually pursue a relationship with Him until college. I know my parents tried. But there was a lot of brokenness in our home. I think there was some wisdom in “natural consequences”. My dad let us make our mistakes and deal with the consequences of our actions. Because he wasn’t seeing life and parenting through the lens of the Gospel, my dad didn’t realize that it also caused me a lot more hurt, regret and pain by letting me live my life how I wanted to (mostly). But I think a lot of wisdom was lost because it never came from the Lord.

    Children’s actions reflect on parents because we help shape them into who they become as they grow. And if they grow and find hurt and pain we see can see that as an extension of something we did wrong or didn’t do in raising them.

    The parent/child relationship is similar to God’s with us because He is our Father and we His children. We are imperfect and make mistakes and He gently corrects us and leads us to becoming more holy. As parents we try to raise our children to love Jesus and to love others well. They are imperfect too. But we do it because we love them and want what’s best for them. That’s exactly what God wants for us.

  5. Kimme Bartlett says:

    I too was raised as a Christian and walked away from that life in my late teens. I stayed away from GOD for over 20 years. Then my choices wrecked my life to the point of utter humility and GOD’s love became impossible to ignore. JESUS called me back and set me straight. Now my story can help others. Don’t lose hope for your son! GOD is still in control! ❤️

  6. Lili Matias says:

    i too struggled with this for many years, but we see it through our imperfect human eyes. The Lord loves us unconditionally no matter our past

  7. Kenzie says:

    (1) When I was younger, we were never raised to go to church on Sundays and fear the Lord. We were taught God is all around us in nature. Which is true, but being in God’s Word and attending church as an adult has opened my eyes to how much more depth to him there is. We were also taught to ve kind to others including the less fortunate. I didn’t always listen to that instruction though. At times I was mean. I brought heartache to my mom whenever I would date guys who weren’t good to me
    (2) We are an extension of our mom and dad. When we suffer they also feel suffering too.
    (3) The parent child relationship is similar to how God’s relationship is with us. He is our Father and we are his children. When we suffer because of our own folly or others we are causing him pain and suffering. I don’t have children right now so I do not understand this on that kind of level. I do have family though and when they are suffering I hurt too. It empowers me to pray for them though.

  8. Alicia Gilbert says:

    Em, this resonates with me so much. Today was a hard reading day for me too. I used to go to church with my parents growing up (it is a cultural thing where I live), but my dad does not know God. He was and is verbally abusive, cold, and angry. His actions have negatively impacted my sister and I to this day (we’re both well into adulthood.) I’m praying for you. And like you I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father that shows me affection out of a love and care for me that I can’t imagine and never experienced from my earthly father.

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