Our Savior Is Handed Over

Open Your Bible

John 18:28-38, Luke 23:5-16, Matthew 27:15-23, John 19:1-16, Isaiah 50:6-7

I know the events of Holy Week unfolded more than two thousand years ago. I wasn’t there, and yet, as I prepare my heart for Easter morning, I keep bumping into reflections of myself in the text.

Here I am in John 18:

I am the Jews who escorted Jesus to Pilate. They thought they were righteous because they stayed in the front yard, yet convinced themselves their hands weren’t dirty as they handed over an innocent man for the slaughter. How often do I rely on all manner of rules to make me “clean” while willfully rebelling against a holy God? How often is my heart soiled by sin that I ignore because I’ve stuck to some arbitrary list of dos and don’ts?

I am Pilate. I want to wash my hands of the matter of sin and suffering. Don’t you? Don’t we all? How often do I utter, “What is truth?” when the truth is inconvenient to me? The answer, I’m afraid, is all too often.

Look, there I am in Luke 23:

I am the crowds, offended by the ways Jesus interrupts the status quo and upends my paradigms. As He strips me of my comfort and convicts me of my obsession with self, my heart becomes indignant. I want to yell, scream, and stomp my feet.

I am Herod. I am willing to use Jesus to suit my purposes, to elevate my own power.

I see myself most clearly in Matthew 27:

I am Barabbas. There’s no use in trying to deny it. I am a sinner, guilty of violating the holy law of God. Barabbas was a “notorious prisoner” of the Roman government. Without Christ, I am a prisoner to my sin. I deserve whatever punishment God could hurl at me, but He takes my place instead. Because of Him, I walk in undeserved freedom.

Friend, I know you are these things too. We all are.

We are prone to value rules over righteousness. We are capable of distancing ourselves from inconvenient truth. We are irritated by the ways that following Christ can stir up trouble for us in this world, yet more than okay with using Him to elevate ourselves in the eyes of other believers. We are guilty of sin—undeniably so—and are so often imprisoned because of it. And we are as responsible for sending Jesus to the cross as the crowds who yelled, “Crucify him!”

But there is none like Him. Amen? His grace and mercy transcend time and geography. His actions on Holy Week have the power to save us just as much as they have the power to save the ones who lined the streets to see Him punished. Go on, see yourself in the story. Feel the sting of your sin. But let your eyes move quickly to Jesus, who willingly took our place so that we might be a people who walk in undeserved freedom.

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41 thoughts on "Our Savior Is Handed Over"

  1. Karen Bailey says:

    Thank you Erin! I continuously need to be reminded that I no different than the people you mentioned. I can only depend upon the great mercy of God that covers my sin and took the wrath of God for me. Humility is knowing that I am like the rest and by mercy and grace I have been forgiven.

  2. Leslie Warnick says:

    Open my eyes that I may see….
    I am Barabbas…yes I am. Jesus took my place that day.
    I am also Peter. Denying my Lord out of fear.
    But most of all
    Thank you Jesus for taking my sin, my fear, my punishment….
    My place.
    I am grateful for this study and blessed by its teachings,
    He is Risen. ❤️

  3. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday. I can’t imagine the weight that Jesus must have felt as He was having the Last Supper with His disciples. He knew what was to come. As we read today, He suffered greatly, and more to come.
    Often times it is really hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that Jesus went through all of this for me, for us. And, at the same time, I am afraid to know that I would have been one of the crowd, or someone like pilate.

    Oh Lord, that you gave Your Son for me
    That You watched Him suffer for me
    I didn’t deserve Your Mercy
    But you gave Your Son to suffer and die for me

    As this Holy Thursday runs its course, may I continue to reflect on the sacrifice He made for me. How Jesus must have agonized over what was to come, knowing what He must do so that I could live. And, as I participate in Communion at church tonight, may I come before Him swathed in His mercy and forgiveness, remembering His body that was broken for me.

    Sunday is coming.

    Peace to you all Sisters, from Pennsylvania.

  4. Churchmouse says:

    How often do I prefer a comfortable Christ rather than a crucified Christ? I want all that He will provide as long as it doesn’t cost me too much. Forgive me, Lord! Let me look upon Your bloodied face. How dare I long for comfort and convenience over commitment and character. May I desire nothing more than to be fully committed to Jesus and may my character reflect Who He is.

  5. Victoria Rae says:

    We are all all of those people. Stunned and in tears. Praying for all of us women this Holy Week!!

  6. Lucy Goodwin says:

    “I was born for this” thank you Jesus! Again and again, thank you

  7. Aimee D says:

    Jesus thank you for your sacrifice that washed me clean.

  8. Summer Chavez says:

    Never thought of these verses in this way. Very insightful!