I’ve lived in 17 different homes during my 32 years of life, counting every dorm room and short-term apartment. From a young age, I’ve attempted to nest in each one. In eighth grade, I painted my room lime green. In college, I carefully picked out every accessory for my dorm room. In my adult life I’ve nested hard, spending weeks and months picking out furniture, arranging and rearranging gallery walls until everything was just right. It’s not that I’m a brilliant interior decorator (lime green, remember?); I just want each place I live in to feel like a home.
We may express it differently, but we all long for home. We have an innate desire to be where we belong—or to belong where we are. I wonder if this longing can be traced back to Adam and Eve when they lost their home, banished from the Garden of Eden for good.
For their entire existence, Adam and Eve had operated one way within in the garden. Naked and free, they had no shame or fear. They were at one with God. Then in a moment, everything changed, and “the eyes of both of them were opened” (Genesis 3:7). Suddenly, Adam and Eve were aware of their nakedness. They were afraid of God and ashamed to be seen by Him. When they left the garden that day, they lost more than their home; they lost themselves too.
I wonder if at the root of our desire to know where we belong is the desire to know who we are. Not only do we crave a return to Eden, but a return to who we were within Eden: unashamed, free, in communion with our God. Now we are as David laments, “guilty when I was born… sinful when my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51:5).
We have an opportunity during this Easter season to grieve the loss of Eden and the loss of innocence. We can sit and contemplate our desire for home and belonging, place and identity. We do so with pain and sadness, but also with expectancy and hope.
In our quests for home, we need look no further than what we celebrate during Easter—an empty tomb. That is where our identities changed from sinful to righteous, from banished to welcome. When I know who I am in Christ, I always know where I belong. I always know where home is—in Him.
So this season we grieve and we celebrate. We are banished no more, guilty no more. We are ashamed no more because of Christ, the cross, and a tomb that lay empty. Let’s rejoice in Christ, the joy of our salvation. And let us give thanks to God who has revealed “the path of life to me,” the path leading home (Psalm 16:11).

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227 thoughts on "Our Need for Home"
Thank you loving Father for the cross, empty tomb, joy of your salvation, and revealing the path
Hey Ladies! Some friends of mine just started a podcast and I was wondering if some of you could check it out? Its called “So I was thinking…” its a Christian podcast and talks about the Christian struggles.
Oddly enough, I’m in the process of looking for a new home for my family to grow. I have been feeling so much pressure about finding the “right” home. What I have kind of realized today is that I am finding a house, and truly, any house can be made into a home. Also, no physical house can meet my desire for home. Only God can.
“When I know who I am in Christ, I always know where I belong. I always know where home is -in Him”
This is SO GOOD! Such a reminder of God being our home. He restoring us from the inside out no matter the season, trial and obstacle we face. He renews our hearts and mind. Resting that will feel like home. Resting on his comfort and promise during this pandemic season.
At 66 you would think i would know where home is by now. My roots have never grown. Ery deep in anyplace that i have lived. The life of a “PK” took me through many adjustments to new school, but also blessed me with many beautiful friendships. Ive always had trouble identifying a certain place with home and always searching for my “Eden”. But just the first day of this study….im reminded that HOME IS-IN HIM❣️
Reading about Adam and even really opened my eyes to how the world, even myself still acts the way they did. Even knowing Christ I still sin, everyday. It just really opens my eyes to how gracious God it. Over and over again I fail. And he sits and waits for me to come back and try again. Come back to Him. Come back Home where I feel fully loved by Him. Because of Jesus my sin is washed away and I love Him so much for that. I am so thankful for Jesus and that I get to have a relationship with Him.
As a military child and now Salvation Army officer I understand the desire for home. Now with children I teach them home is where pur heart lies and our kids devotions are to help their heart lie with God.
I agree that the people I surround myself with are home, including Jesus as I surround myself with him.
I just purchased the “Because He Lives” reading plan for $1.99. Is that a one-time charge?
If you pay 1.99/ month you get all the reading plans
Is the plan $1.99 each day, or does that pay for the entire reading plan?
If you download the app you pay $1.99 a month and get all readings.
It’s $1.99 for the entire reading plan. They also have the monthly option.
I’ve heard it explained that a wife will desire to control her husband when the husband should be the one in charge. I see that in my own marriage when I catch myself trying to undermine my husband sometimes. :(
God spoke into my heart last night, He filled my mouth with words of affirmation. No situation, diagnosis, shame, guilt, and sin, is too much for God. His mercies are new every morning. He will wipe our slates clean and lead us into a life everlasting. For the women here who need a confident strength right now, I pray over your heart that you would trust and open up to hear from God. Take some time to read over these verses and listen to Him. You are never too far from him sister. Be blessed. “If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your hearts that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Rom. 10:9
As I read this I couldn’t help but think about how perfect God’s plans are – even when we mess up. If it weren’t for Adam and Eve “messing up” we would all live in beauty, safety and innocence. It’s possible we wouldn’t know how good we had it until we witnessed sin or imperfection. I’m sure that’s the case with Adam and Eve, too. That they didn’t understand how perfect everything was because they knew nothing else. Knowing pain and shame now, gives us a longing for something better – for that perfect place. And there’s no way to access that but through our Savior.
We have been in a new town/home/job for a year. I have struggled to find home here. I long for our former home and the comfort of the familiarity and our church family. This resonates with me. I can only imagine the hurt, sorrow and lostness that Adam and Eve felt. This was a good reminder for me that I cannot find the feeling of home in a place, but only in Christ Jesus. My current home and this Earth is not forever, thank God my eternal home is with him!
Lauren – You ask a very good question! Here is my understanding: When God banished Adam and Eve, sin had entered the world through their disobedience. This act of keeping them from eating of the tree of life shows how merciful God is. He was protecting them from living forever in their sin and separation from God. He wants us all to choose eternal life with Him and that is now possible because through the blood of Jesus we can be cleansed from our sins! Hallelujah!!
That all makes sense, thank you! I think what I mean is – why didn’t God let them have access to the tree before sin even happened? While they were still living in harmony with God, why didn’t he just give them the tree of eternal life then? Rather, he waited until sin happened and then sent Jesus to save us. That’s why I don’t understand. Does that make sense?
I understand that they did have access to the tree of life. God told them that they could eat the fruit of any tree in the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This gave them free will to choose God. Just as we still have free will to choose Him today. Once they disobeyed by choosing to eat the forbidden fruit, He closed off access to the tree of life so they would not remain in their sin, separated from God for eternity. Hence, why He sent Jesus our savior, the “new Adam” to reverse the affect of sin and death and redeem us and restore our communion with God.
I think apart of why he allowed the tree is because he is a God that allows our free will. We can choose to be with God forever or we can choose to be without God forever.
This was so good! I have a question that maybe someone with more Bible knowledge can help me with: God banished Adam and Eve so that they wouldn’t eat from the tree of life, “lest they live forever.” I don’t understand this. If God didn’t want us to live forever, why did He then send Jesus later to let us have eternal life with him? Wouldn’t it have been a lot less trouble to just give them access to the tree of life at the beginning?
As I understand it, this was a gift. Since Adam and Eve sinned, if they had eternal life granted at this point it would have been eternal life without Jesus, without God. They would have been condemned to eternity apart from God. God loved them – and all mankind- so sent a redeemer so we could have eternal life with him. But that came in the fullness of time.
If we enter eternal life without Jesus, we enter condemned as sinners and are apart from God. Out of mercy God protected Adam and Eve from eternal life at that point.
That all makes a sense! But I think my question is – why not give them access to the tree of life BEFORE the sin even happened? Before they did anything wrong, while they were in communion with God, they were told not to take from the tree of life. So it seems like God didn’t want them to live forever at that point. But then later, after sin, he sends Jesus to give us eternal life. Does that make sense?
This is such a great question!! And I am very much not God so I will not pretend I can read his thoughts (any thoughts that he hasn’t laid out in scripture). I think my response to this is looking at the Bible and the Gospel as a whole. God is perfectly sovereign and perfectly perfect (which is so hard to understand as a very imperfectly imperfect human such as myself lol). In His perfect sovereignty I know this from scripture: the fullness of God was pleased to dwell in Christ Jesus (Col 1:19), we are created for his glory (all throughout scripture), and therefore my response would be that it pleases the creator of the universe to use the entire timeline of the universe to display his splendor and glory and to take every ounce of time that he allows to do so (his glory including his compassion, love, beauty, fierceness, jealousy).
That all makes sense, thank you! I think what I mean is – why didn’t God let them have access to the tree before sin even happened? While they were still living in harmony with God, why didn’t he just give them the tree of eternal life then? Rather, he waited until sin happened and then sent Jesus to save us. That’s why I don’t understand. Does that make sense?
I’m no Bible scholar, but I understand that they could eat from ANY tree in the garden, except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So they did have access to the tree of life before they disobeyed. However, God also placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden because He wanted them to have free will to choose Him. By choosing to eat fruit from any of the other trees, they would be choosing God and would receive the gift of eternal communion with Him. But they instead chose the forbidden fruit. In God’s mercy He would no longer allow them to eat of the fruit from the tree of life and remain in sin for eternity. Hence, the need for Jesus our savior, the “new Adam” who would come to reverse the affect of sin and redeem us and restore our relationship and communion with God.
Hey Lauren, if you read the passages before the one in the devotional you’ll find this verse; “17but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” 16And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, ” so as you can see, before sin they had assess to the tree of life. After the fall God showed his grace by allowing them to eventually die. Just as we as humans at times struggle with regrets, I could only imagine the wiegyht
Thankful that I belong to God❤️
So beautiful. I’m speechless… thank you God for directing us HOME. Home is where YOU are
Today I lost my father and also about to buy a home. This was so crazy to ready the heart of this message. The longing for home. I will think of both fathers as I prepare my new place. Lord be with me forever and always Amen
May God be with you and comfort you with His presence, forever and always.
Thank you Lord for salvation.
Growing up I moved around a lot and I try not to get attached because it hurts so much
Wow the part of the desire of home and who we are really got to me
Beautiful. The longing is one of hope for Redemption and a world we long for but have only see shadows. I want to learn through this Resurrection season not just go through the motions.
Growing up as an Army brat, I realized quickly home was not an establishment, but a people. And while I find comfort in my family, I find peace in the home that only Jesus has for me. Because He is HOME- safe, comfort, familiar.
Being in the middle of yet another move, I find myself searching for a home. This devotion couldn’t have come at a better time for me. What a great reminder that no matter what house I live in, my home is with Jesus. The last verse also reminds me that even when its overwhelming moving from place to place, I find joy in Him. Its so easy to search for things to fill me, when all i really need is to spend time with Jesus. Im so excited for the rest of this study!
This reading was really beautiful. The end of the devotional struck me with the repetition of all the things that no longer plague us because we have the Lord…guilt is so hard and so painful and the fact that we have a God who takes all those feelings away and doesn’t want us to feel that way is the best thing that could ever be in place and could happen to me.
It is so comforting to know that the unrest I feel on this Earth, will one day be satisfied in the presence of God. That the yearning in my heart will one day end when I get to see Him. That is something I am looking forward to!!
First time writing on here, but any advice for parents that lost their parent? I’m usually great with words but I’m at a loss for what to say and numb myself. I have peace and I’m praying currently.
First of all you have all suffered a loss. When my mom lost her mom she was the one to handle all of the belongings. I’m not sure what position your loved one is in those type matters, but for her it was a process she had to walk through. There was nothing I could say to comfort her. We were both grieving. We would cry together. Talk about regrets and process it all together. I was there physically for my mom. If you can be there physically then send her text, flowers or something to let her know she isn’t alone. Praying for you during this difficult time.
Lately I have been living not in the joy that God has called me to. But reading his word has helped me to realize that I am free in Him!! Lord help us never to forget this even on our worst days.
I’m new here. Starting reading the Bible to find answers and peace.. I want to stop struggling for tomorrow problems.. stop being anxious and not enjoying my life. I need to find my way. I need to believe in something bigger. I need a guide and a Father. God give me faith and perseverance in going on, every day more and more. Amen.
You will find everyrhing that you are searching for I’m certain. Over two years ago I felt the same. If you ask Him to show you and reveal Himself He will. It will be emotional and hard at times but o so beautiful. Praying for your journey. ❤
That is a worth cause. My husband and I are missionaries in the central jungles of Peru and are beginning the basics for a boarding school for training young preachers to reach their people and start churches. I know there is need everywhere in the world. May the Lord lead you in your endeavors.
I’ve always had the same home, until I went to school got married and moved, and a loving one, and now have that with my children and husband, but before becoming a true believer, I had a hard time really feeling like I belonged. But now I know who I truly belong to and I know where my home truly is which is extremely comforting.
It has taken me years, and I never felt at home in the home I grew up in. I do feel like I have found a home in church and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Forever praising a God who is so merciful, and who took our sin on that cross so that we could be called home to Him!
As a foster momma, this scripture hits home. I can’t imagine how my little babes feel, desiring their TRUE home. Lord willing, we are teaching them to find their homes in the heart of our one true Father.
What a blessing you must be to them!
I want to know who I am according to Christ. I
“Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. Do not banish me from your presence … Restore to me the joy of your salvation” (Psalm 51:10-12). Because of Christ “we are banished no more, guilty no more. We are ashamed no more because of Christ, the cross, and a tomb that lay empty”. Banished no more. No longer wandering in despair, with no meaning and no purpose. He is our Redeemer. He is my home, my refuge, my safety.
Yes, it’s through Christ that we are found . Through birth and rebirth . Through his love for us and saving of our sins through his death. Through his resurrection. We can once again commune with God
Between birth and age 18, I moved 14 times. I attended six schools between K-12. Home meant nothing to me; it was where we were staying until we couldn’t afford the rent and I had to pack my clothes in garbage bags to move to the next place. I never really considered how this mirrored Adam and Eve and their experience. I appreciate this insight.
Thank you for this. Gave me a better understanding of why I should be thankful on easter. God bless you
❤️ thank God I know where home is and who I belong too
I am in a season where my home and even “home church” don’t feel like home to me. Not in the way I was used to while growing up. I’ve been greatly struggling with those feelings, knowing that even though those feelings are there, God has me where I am for a reason. Thank you for this beautifully written study, reminding me that my home is in the arms of my Savior.
This is so elegantly written! I wrote most of it in the hardcover book to pass through generations in my hope for a multigenerational family.
“And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them.”
Even in Adam and Eve’s disobedience and sin, God was so rich in mercy and He was their provision. I can only imagine the Father’s heartbreak and overwhelming love pouring out simultaneously.
I was stuck by this, too, as I read these verses. How sad and broken the Lord’s heart must ha e been when He heard the words of shame from Adam, knowing what had happened. Knowing of the separation that must happen now. Yet in the same moments of discipline, He lovingly provided for them, and sacrificed another of His beloved creatures for them.
A beautiful foreshadow of the sacrifice of Christ! To cover us and clothe us in his righteousness ❤️
Amanda, lifting you up in prayer. Please go talk to a counselor or psychologist if you haven’t yet. They are so helpful and smart. Your pastor or church may be a good place to start and help refer you. We are not meant to live this life alone. God cares about your struggles and loves that you are seeking him.
Thank you for your prayers, kind words, and advice.
I will thank you for your kind words and prayers.
I am going through a hard time right now. I have anxiety, depression, and religious focused OCD which makes me think horrible things. It is torture, and I am so afraid that God has left me because of not only my mental illness, but I haven’t always taken my faith seriously. I had a rude awakening a few months ago, and I am terrified that I have lost my salvation. I am in constant fear, and I just don’t know what to do. All I do is cry out to God constantly, but I feel like He isn’t listening. And when there are times that I think He is listening I second guess it because of my mental illness. I am so scared all the time, and all I long for is home with Jesus, but I feel like maybe it’s too late because of everything that I mentioned above. I am so scared.
The Bible said that no one can pluck us from his hand. So rest easy love, because he’s got you and won’t let go. With my own depression and anxiety I have to battle the lies of not being loved and fitting in. But those are lies. Remember we battle not against flesh and blood. But against the spiritual. He loves listening to us and being around us. He knows how many hairs we have on our head, that’s how interested he is! You are so loved ❤️ and you’re definitely not alone, either my dear sister.
The Bible says that we can not be plucked from his hand, no matter what, so rest easy love, because he’s got you and won’t ever let you go. As for mental illness, I can relate and understand. My anxiety and depression is crippling a lot of the times, but these are also the times where I get to draw closer to God, ask him for help and lean on him heavily. He loves us so much, don’t let the lies take that away. Remember, we don’t battle flesh and blood, but principalities of evil. Take a deep breath in, and trust. ❤️
As someone who struggles with mental illness and trusting Him, and is coming out of a season of rebellion…I feel much of this as well. Feeling as though I have lost my salvation. But He is for me. He still loves me and cares for me. He has shown me and has spoken it through others. We have to combat the lies in our heads by speaking truth, even if we don’t 100% believe them yet. I would reach out to a counselor if you have one or someone at church, if you attend one. And if you ever want someone to talk to, I’m here and would love to connect with you :)
Praying for you Amanda! You are most definitely not alone on this journey and Jesus loves you. He is always there even when it doesn’t feel like it on our end. I have struggled a lot as well over the last few years feeling lost and questioning him. I am just coming out of that season of my life. Definitely keep crying out to Him and praying. Do you have close friends and family who are christians as well? it helped me to have two close friends to help discuss my feelings, and feelings towards God and helped me discern what was Him. Also, definitely seek silence and stillness with Him. I cant even begin to tell you how powerful that time was with Him and how much it grew my trust in Him. I also found it helpful to mentally add the saying “right now” to the end of all the bad situations or depressing thoughts so i could gently remind myself that everything i am going through is just for the right now. It’s a season that will pass and it maybe hard and messy but if i keep seeking God and trusting Him. I will come out on the other side of this season stronger and have grown so much closer to Him. It’s hard, so hard, but keep seeking him. And if you need to talk to I am and I am sure others that are here, will be here for you! Much Love sister! ❤️
It is not to late! Nothing you can ever do will make God run away. It’s actually the opposite, us as humans are the ones that tend to deny Him. It’s super important that you keep that relationship with him and don’t give up. Keep praying, ask others to help pray with you and and surrender it all to him. You can do this!!
As a fellow OCD (not self diagnosed, but serious life changing OCD sufferer) check out Can Christianity Cure Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? By Ian Osborn. The title is terrible and it put me off of reading it for a long time, but once I did, it was the best book on OCD I read, and after therapy it was the one that helped me put my so to speak demons to rest. It gave me so much hope, peace, and perspective. Knowing that many great men of faith may also have suffered, helped me so much. I hope you see this message and find the help that you need!
Amanda, what you write sounds a lot like what I have been going through. The fear of having lost my salvation at a certain point, not hearing Him anymore, all the confused thoughts, anxiety, I did not know what was God, what was not God, me, my illness, lies, truth, etc etc. I want to tell you that I was 200% sure that I had lost my salvation and I had all the arguments for that, still I was wrong. I want to ensure you it is NOT to late. This is your illness telling you it is. It is not God. No, I see now that God was there with me and now I am actually enjoying life with Him! I am so thankful. God is with you. He is SO close and He will NEVER let go of you. Listen to all the truths people here and around you tell you. Things I regret I didnt do earlier was desiding to believe what others told me, instead of holding on to my sick thoughts. It was hard to let go of those thoughts but it was neccessary. And I really wish I had believed what so many people told me – that the torture belonged to my illnesses, not to my relationship with God. Other things that helped me was seeing a doctor to find some medicines that worked out for me. Going to therapists. And doing things that makes me happy, and reject the “bad concious”-fear that tried to pull me down. Surround yourself with newborn christians. People that love you. Dont be ashamed of your illness. God has NOT left you, you have NOT left Him. He knows your illness, your circumstances, He is working fulltime to get you out of that. I know it’s terrible and a torture in all ways having those kind of thoughts and fears you are in. It is. And I am so sorry to here that youre living in that. But I am glad that I can testify that God has not forsaken us. Reach out to people around you. Get help in all kind of ways. And like so many others here also have written: you are NOT alone!
God loves you.
Amanda, I am praying for you after I type this. I know He will be listening to both our prayers. Sending love to you, sister.
Amanda I hope you have day 2 a read. I can only imagine what it feels like to be living in fear but for me it is anger I have a hard time living in anger but the verse and description in day 2 reading seems to reassure one who is feeling that God is far off no matter reason why we can be assured in this, knowing he waiting with open arms.
Hey Amanda! I have actually been in a similar place you are a few years ago. I remember the constant overwhelming fear that lingered with me ALWAYS. I too struggle with depression and anxiety and thought I could never be loved my Jesus. I am here to tell you that is a complete lie. That is a lie you are telling yourself and a lie that Satan desperately wants you to believe. I encourage you to stay strong in His word. Put on the full armpit of God to combat these lies. The Word is our defense- stay in it. Even if it doesn’t feel that you are close to God or that he can hear you, He can and He does. Preach the truth to yourself daily until you believe it- as a believer you are more than a conquerer because of Christ, He intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words, you are His child and nothing can pluck you from his hands. Their is nothing more you need to do to be His. He died for you, He has covered you and there is NOTHING in the world that can take that from you. He has set you free, not to return to the bondage of fear but to live in His peace. (Romans 8). He works in our weakness. He has already won- keep fighting knowing that. He is big and I am praying against Satan and lies in your life ❤️❤️❤️
I was just in that same place, Amanda. I lived my life thinking I was saved, but 12 years later I realized I never knew Jesus. I was always pretty sure I was saved because I was a good girl, but I never felt like I could be enough because perfection is not even possible. This all happened about 7 months ago, so it’s still fresh to me. Anyways, my pastor preached on Ephesians 2:8 which is about grace through faith. In that sermon, I felt so convicted that I nearly had a panic attack after church because I realized my faith was in myself and my own actions- NOT Jesus. So I asked many, many questions because just like you I am a big second-guesser and self-doubter. I thought since I was convinced I was saved all along, is it even possible to turn back to truly get saved now? At 20 years old? After growing up in church my whole life? I thought I was too far gone. That same Sunday night in small group, I accepted Jesus!! Crazy thing about it was that I didn’t even say “the prayer”. I realized salvation does not happen by following the rules, salvation is when you give your heart to Jesus. It’s a relationship- not a checklist. I soon began to feel all the weight of my outrageous expectations (me thinking I had to be good enough for God to love me) and anxieties to be taken away from me- it has been the most freeing feeling ever. I AM A NEW CREATION!! Putting your hope into Jesus and relying on Him alone allows us to LET GO of our chains. I have so much trust in Him that I don’t worry about tomorrow. So some time went by and, sadly, once again I started to get caught up in thinking I might not really be saved, even though I knew I was (weird how anxiety works), but that was 100% the devil trying attack the most important relationship I will ever have. Anyways, the part I want you to see, Amanda, is that you can NEVER be too far gone. The Lord is perfectly patient. He loves you even in your anxieties, and that was something I could never truly understand until I entered His Kingdom. Pray he opens your eyes to see where you need to soften your heart and let God work. I know it’s easier said than done, but I know He will not leave someone who is seeking Him behind.
I love this because I feel like I’ve been lookin for home in all the wrong places. But home is Him!
Ahh girl! I’ve used this app forever and have never seen someone I know post in here! Amen to this over and over. I’ve spent so much time searching for “home” when I’ve had it all along. Home is Him!
As my Pastor said in his sermon on Sunday, sin came into the world by eating the fruit. As saved people now, we remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus by eating (and drinking) the elements of the Lords Supper. I loved the way we can connect the salvation found in Jesus even as we read of the fall. God had a rescue plan all along…
I had always missed the home of my growing up days, my christmas with my parents and siblings when I moved to Ireland and when I was able to go back, I realized that it is no longer the same. Sin kings have left home, gotten their own families and
I’ve done the same thing nested over the years in an attempt to feel closer to somewhere I finally belong but to no avail. In fact without the spirit of God in my homes over the years it’s felt cold, harsh and cluttered. It wasn’t until I gave up everything I owned, was stripped of it all, could I hear the voice of God. Slowly as he counseled my soul I started to feel peace and a sense of belonging for the first time. I live this because it honors the sadness of our fall, the disconnect while also giving us Hope in Jesus!
For some of us , we are still searching for our HOME
Belonging has been something I have struggled with.. My dear mum, when in her last month’s here on earth, and dementia had more of her than we did, I was always grateful that she recognised me when I visited.. she would always walk towards me with her hands ready to cup my face in them.. a real blessing to one who could not have coped with the ‘not intentional’ rejection. I would often say.. you know who I am, I belong to You!
Home looks different to us all… but I think the fundamental thing is the safety, the love, the warmth, the joy, the deep sense of everything is okay when I am here…
….and that is this side of heaven…!
PRAISE God for that..
But God …
He gave that we might have and know to whom we belong.. to whom we owe our gratitude… to whom our compasses will always point… in whom we have our identity, our purpose, our hope..
At this Easter time, as we remember, the suffering of Jesus for us, for our salvation and redemption, for our belonging for always, never to be separated from God again, there can and will be rejoicing and HOPE that Home for sure, is where the heart is… Amen..
Blessings to you and yours sisters…xxxx
Tina sending a big hug, what an amazing encouragement & testimony!❤️
Love this reading. ❤️ In Jesus Christ, I am home.
We have been cast out of the home God intended us to live in with Him. David has the Holy Spirit given to him bringing him comfort and wisdom. We receive the Holy Spirit through Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. Until we can return to our heavenly home with God, He gave us the Holy Spirit through Jesus. It’s like the best care package ever.
I never thought of seeing Easter as a way of Home. I always saw it as, Jesus has risen and death has no claim on Him. But he is the reason why we are called to the very true meaning, Home. Home where He is. Risen and above.
I love this! Well said!
I am home, I am whole, in CHRIST
For me I haven’t been in search of a physical home but a place where I belong. A community, friends and peace and joy and comfort feeling at home with who im with bc I’m going through a season of loneliness but this is a reminder that where God is, comfort is too.
This was such a beautiful reminder that I am home in Him and Him alone. As I start my journey, once again, to get closer to God, I can’t help but be absolutely thankful and grateful that He is a loving God who holds my hand and picks me up every time no matter how many times it is that I fall away from
I am struggling lately, this is an amazing reminder that God is faithful even when I am not. God bless you.
I have always felt outcast. My life has been an endless search for belonging. Christ gives me refuge. I am thankful for the safety I find in Him.
Me too ❤
I am a college study and since high school have struggled. I’m a very outgoing person but I struggle keeping up with relationships with friends so I’ve always longed to find a group of friends that I belong with. I long to find where and what I’m suppose to be doing.
Being a military kid, I’ve always longed for a physical home-a permanent one. Nothing ever felt right and some days I still felt like I haven’t found it yet. The reality is: no physical place on earth will ever compare to the home that awaits. So I will wait patiently on you Lord and will rejoice in the gift of our salvation. Thank you God!
Wow. I needed this picture, thank you for sharing <3
In desperate need of feeling “home.” I haven’t felt it in 2 years, and I am currently in a season of suffering. My Christian sisters, please cover me up in prayers. I need them more than ever right now in this moment.
Praying! Jesus is near and HE is your home ❤️
I have had a tough week last week I’m at in college majoring in elementary education and I am having to take 2 common core class. I just can’t get it last Monday I got my third test back and it wasn’t good. I have the lowest D possible that I can have in the class. But reading this, this week gives me hope. Because lately I have just wanted to finish. I just want to be done with college! I want to be able to start my own HOME! Reading this devotion has really opened my eyes that in some ways we do want to go back to Eden! And I catch myself wondering sometime what if Adam and Eve wouldn’t have messed up. We would still be there. In that perfect place. But now we know that the tomb is empty we have hope that one day we will get to see our Lord and walk with him on the streets of gold. And oh what a wonderful day that will be!
I totally long for Eden, for home. Stability and love.
“God was our original habitat and our hearts cannot but feel at home when they enter again that ancient and beautiful abode.” — A. W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God
Read this quote this evening and it reminded me of what we read this morning so I thought I’d share it with the SRT community.
Love that quote so much. It’s true! Thank you for sharing, Angie. ❤️
Thank you for sharing! ❤️
Today’s reading has served as a great reminder to me that the devil’s temptation is constantly surrounding us. This temptation even has the capability to appear in the happiest and most content moments in our lives. God’s shining light is what will always keep us clear to chose the right path.
My mom passed away 9 years ago April 1st. She was my spiritual mentor and my best friend. I could count on her to listen, give me godly advice when asked for and pray for me and my family. Since she died, I have felt lost. Even though I have a loving, godly husband and wonderful girls, I feel a part of me is missing. I know God never intended for this to be my home. One day we will be reunited in glory. Until then, I press on with God’s grace.
We bought our first home 3 years ago and I feel like I have spent the whole time trying to make it home… when our true home is heaven and nothing on Earth will ever compare to it.
❤️ this…I can definitely relate.
Every time I read the story of Adam and Eve, I feel ashamed to be a woman. It was Eve who was tricked by the serpent. It was Eve who convinced her husband to go against God. It was her fault! It makes me question all my big decisions. I don’t want to make an Eve mistake. I know Jesus has washed away my sins, but I can’t help but feel that shame anyway.
I copied this off of a Facebook post. God didn’t give you a spirit of timidity. I hurt that you live in fear of failing God He gave you this life. So the best you can each day. If you mess up, seek forgiveness and learn. God loves you!!
I’ve hated this woman. I’ve not loved her at full capacity. I’ve fed her lies & told her she wasn’t good enough and have allowed others to tell her she wasn’t good enough. I’ve allowed her to be broken. I’ve allowed others to treat her disrespectfully. I’ve allowed her to run through brick walls & battle for others who won’t even stand for her. I couldn’t stop individuals from abandoning her, yet I’ve seen her still get up to be a light to the world & love others despite all. I have stood paralyzed by fear while she fought battles in her mind, heart and soul!
Forgive me for not going to war for you like you do for others.
With Abba Father This Daughter is a WARRIOR. She’s not perfect, but Abba Father calls her WORTHY! She’s UNSTOPPABLE. Gracefully broken but beautifully standing. She is loved. She is life. She is transformation. She is Grace. She is BRAVE! She is a woman of valor. She looks fear in the face and rises in faith! #iAmShe #Sheisme #WeAreWe #ChosenbyGod
#Ladies Please repost with a picture of yourself or just acknowledge. We ARE OVERCOMERS BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND WORDS OF OUR TESTIMONY. Let’s make it a great day!❤️
I took this off a friend’s Facebook page. God loves you. When you read this, “this woman” is you.
I’ve hated this woman. I’ve not loved her at full capacity. I’ve fed her lies & told her she wasn’t good enough and have allowed others to tell her she wasn’t good enough. I’ve allowed her to be broken. I’ve allowed others to treat her disrespectfully. I’ve allowed her to run through brick walls & battle for others who won’t even stand for her. I couldn’t stop individuals from abandoning her, yet I’ve seen her still get up to be a light to the world & love others despite all. I have stood paralyzed by fear while she fought battles in her mind, heart and soul!
Forgive me for not going to war for you like you do for others.
With Abba Father This Daughter is a WARRIOR. She’s not perfect, but Abba Father calls her WORTHY! She’s UNSTOPPABLE. Gracefully broken but beautifully standing. She is loved. She is life. She is transformation. She is Grace. She is BRAVE! She is a woman of valor. She looks fear in the face and rises in faith! #iAmShe #Sheisme #WeAreWe #ChosenbyGod
#Ladies Please repost with a picture of yourself or just acknowledge. We ARE OVERCOMERS BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND WORDS OF OUR TESTIMONY. Let’s make it a great day!❤️
Ashley, you (like both Adam and Eve) are created in God’s image! We have all sinned against him, but his triumphant promise in verse 15 is that he would crush the head of Satan through Jesus Christ! Yes, the first sin was committed by a woman, but the man who would destroy the power of sin would be the offspring of that very woman. ❤️
You are
Ashley, I’ve felt a similar shame at times for being a woman. Not specifically because of Eve’s sin, but just the sense that I was inferior to men and inherently more sinful (or weaker) because I’m a woman.
I’ve found freedom and confidence in learning that God does not view his daughters that way. Jesus intentionally broke all kinds of social norms to dignify and elevate women from their position of subjugation to men. He engaged women in theological discussions—a privilege that was reserved only for men! He allowed Mary to sit at his feet alongside the disciples. He had a long, private conversation with a woman who was a social outcast even among the Samaritans! (He broke the Billy Graham rule there, btw. His disciples were shocked (and probably appalled) that he had put himself in such a compromising situation.) Women were never called as witnesses at court because their testimony was not considered reliable, yet Jesus chose women to be the first witnesses of his resurrection. (And if you recall, their testimony was not believed, even by the disciples who had heard Jesus predict his own resurrection.) Read Judges 4-5 and the valiant faithfulness of Deborah and Jael, whom God used to deliver his people from oppression! In the book of Ruth a young widow — penniless, foreign, and sterile — engages in dignified conversation with a respected man who was not legally obligated to provide for her. She basically asks him for everything, AND HE GIVES IT TO HER. Through her bravery the messianic bloodline continued on to the grandfather and father of king David!
This is getting long because I love this topic… Sorry to throw so many words at you. ❤️ Eve sinned, and Adam sinned. Both were redeemed in the same way that we are: through faith in Christ. And now there is no condemnation for any who are in him!
Hi Ashley. I encourage you to pick up Staci Eldridge’s book “Captivating.” God delights in you as his beautiful unique creation!
In Jesus I am home!!!
I,too, spent my formative years moving. I often attended two or three schools in one year. When I married and had children I swore they would have one place to call home. It took my husband over 20 years to talk me into building a new home. I yearn for that heavenly home!
My husband and I are currently in between homes right now. He is military and has moved to Kansas while I finish up the school year with my students in Georgia. This speaks to me so much right now because of the feeling of not having a home. Feeling that where I am now is not my home for long, yet, the future holds a home that is so new and scary as I try to create a new life somewhere else, all over again. Today’s reading really spoke me. Because in HIM I can find everything I need in a home.
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”
John 14:1-3
Our Savior has gone ahead of us into glory with the Father and is preparing an eternal home for us! What hope we have in Jesus!
“Did God really say” <- Satan speaks immediately to our doubt. Even when God speaks so clearly to me, and He does, it’s easy to say “well, did he really say that?” Our human desire forgets that we can trust Him and that we really do know what He told us to do.
Then further in Genesis, Satan says “you will be like God” <- and yep, there we are…wishing we could be all knowing, that we could see the end before we begin.
Eve tells God that the serpent deceived her. I was struck by the knowledge that Satan can only deceive us if we fail to fully trust God. Yet God, in the face of our rebellion still wants to blot out the stain of sin!
How we are redeemed beyond our worth and measure!!
When we pray I feel are most at home. I know personally home has never been a place (Navy kid- domestic abuse survivor). During this devotional I hope to focus on knowing Him – being one with the person of Christ as God is in Christ and Christ is in us. We have an eternal home resting in us. When I get caught up in finding who I am in the Scripture it is easy to forget who we actually are- in Christ.
“During Easter, we grieve the loss of Eden and innocence… With pain and sadness, but also expectancy and hope.”
This just described my current season so accurately. We miscarried a baby (I called her Eden) 2 years ago and I am now pregnant again after a season of infertility. I am so hopeful and thankful for this new miracle but I have this nagging sense of loss of innocence and grief related to my pregnancy. It has not been the joyful experience so far I anticipated. This helped me see I can sit with both feelings and know that Christ is the only one who can restore my spirit and give me a song of joy.
“Satisfy me with your sweetness and my song of joy will return. The places within me you have crushed will rejoice in your healing touch.” Psalm 51:8
Emmie, I understand exactly how you feel since we lost 6 babies. It is not easy to get over it or even find joy when you become pregnant again. I have serious health issues and was told I would never know the joy of being a mother. I lost all the babies in the first trimester except for the last one whom I lost in my 7th month. I never thought it could hurt so bad but every time it happened I felt worse and every time I became pregnant as excited as I was there was no joy at all.
After the last miscarriage I gave up, I “knew” God was punishing me because I was bad and no good. I felt that way because that was what I was told by my parents since I can ever remember for 27 years I lived by those words. My husband (of 42 years on 4/2) was the first man that told me that was not true,that I was good and that I was loved. Yet when we started loosing all those babies I went back to believing God was punishing me for something, no matter what Michael said. So when I became pregnant for the 8th time there was no joy at all because I knew
Oh Maria I can’t imagine that much loss! Your comment cut off after you said you got pregnant an 8th time but I pray it was good news and God has done his healing work in your heart. I would love to hear the rest if you see this comment!
Sorry got cut off!
I knew I would loose that baby too. I was able to carry that pregnancy to term and we were Blessed with the most beautiful baby girl in the whole universe! Approximately 19 months later we found out I was pregnant again only to be told that due to my health history and all the miscarriage I had, that the best thing for me was to have an abortion. We said no we were not having an abortion that only God knew what the future held and that we were not going to commit murder no matter what. Three different sets of OB doctors told us that. We were able to find a set of high risk pregnancy doctors that agreed with the other ones but were not as pushy as they were. On my 5th month I had my first amnio, and two more before my delivery, the results all 3 times were the same, “Down Syndrome and Spina Bífida” after the first one I was asked again if we were sure we didn’t want an abortion to wish I said yes we are sure. Who are we to end the life of a baby just because they were not “normal or a vegetable” like everyone said to include the docs. Once again we were blessed with the most beautiful baby girl in the entire universe and she was “perfect” as humanly perfect as we can be. 38 years later when either she or us tell the story we are told how lucky we were. Y answer to those words has been and will continue to be are “We were not lucky we were Blessed and because of our faithfulness to our Father and all the prayers that were lifted up our daughter was healed in the womb by the real Physician. There is so much more I could tell you but not enough space here. So even if you don’t see joy right now, give it time, in His time you will find joy again and again.
We are both Army veterans and we know what not having a “real” home is but as cheesy as it may sound home is where your heart is, the physical home no matter where does not matter, we truly feel we could be happy in a cardboard box, LOL. We are in our late 60s and have been Blessed so many millions of times the top ones, finding each other in an Army, our 2 girls and our 5 grandchildren (all belonging to our oldest one) and yes even those 6 miscarriages were a Blessing in disguise, because we learned so much from them. Oh there is so much I wish I could say to reassure you.
Maybe one day we will cross each other’s path I this world, you never know. If not, for sure we will meet in His Glory and then there will be no time to talk about the pass because we’ll be rejoicing too much.
Sister go in peace, in His peace and rejoice!!! I will be praying for you and the baby you have been Blessed with.
Let His light shine!
Love this weeks reading
It’s the first time I put myself into the Adam and Eve’s story and imagine how it must have felt when suddenly after they did what they did everything changed. They felt this something uncomfortable towards God, their attitudes to each other and themselves (their own bodies) have suddenly changed. Then they left a beautiful, warm, fruitful, good place right at the side of God into this fallen world with thorns and thistles, rain and wind, conflicts, childbirth pains, death. I wonder how dissappointed they felt because of the wrong decision they made. One small action for the sake of a minute-long pleasure resulted in a broken life.
I just turned 40 and I’m a stay at home mom of a 3 year old and two 14 year olds. Of those three children, two are adopted. To say it’s been difficult is an understatement, but the blessings and greatness of it out weigh the bad. We just moved to another state and I struggle to feel at home even more at times. When I’m stressed, I want to block out everything and do nothing. This word was so encouraging to put my true home in perspective. Looking forward to learning, being encouraged, and disciplined by God’s Word.
Home can represent so much. Comfort, unconditional love, resources, trust, & a place to rest. I never realized how costly it was for Adam and Eden to disobey God. So when they were sent away they had to leave all of that. They lost their home and all it had to offer. We as followers of Christ need a home and we are on a daily path of finding it. I am really excited about this study!
Having been raised Mormon, I never felt like I had a home above unless I worked for it.
But since coming to Jesus and finding I have a home in Him and with Him, I finally feel peace knowing that this is a temporary home and I’ll live with Him someday. I love learning about my Father!!
I never thought of the casting out of Eden as protection – much like a parent will ban a child from a dangerous area out of love. That makes a lot of sense.
This was exactly how I felt! How am I just now putting that together?!
… woah. W O A H. RIGHT!!!
So right!!
I deeply connect with a desire for “Eden” – a home where one can live unashamed and free. Upon reading this message, I realize that I have been looking for my “Eden” in my husband. Needless to say, as humans, we fall short in providing each other what we truly need, which can only come from God. Has anyone else experienced putting your happiness somewhere other than in God?
I appreciate the reflection and shift in finding my Eden in the Lord rather than a human being.
For years I also sought my Eden in my husband then I realized that Christ is my home. I treasure my husband but that is not why God blesses me with this man to share my life with and raise a family with. He and he alone is my home. My greatest prayer is that He is my husbands home too!
Genesis 3:15 — the first mention of the Gospel in all of Scripture. And get it struck me anew again today — the plan of rescue was in place before the sun was even committed. The Father loved His children enough to let them make their choice and was already ready to rescue them and everyone who would come after them when they chose disaster.
Additionally, it also struck me that God putting them out of the garden was not only a chastisement, but also Divine protection. Had they eaten of the tree of life, their state of sinners would have been confirmed eternally. Putting them out of the garden made protected them from missing the redemption plan that would come in Christ.
I too am in a similar situation. I graduated a few years ago and worked a few wonderful but temporary positions that allowed me to grow in so many ways as each position required me to relocate and explore new friendships and opportunities. However, a few months ago my last position ended and had the intent of finally settling into something more permanent. Of course the “dream” job didn’t come right away like I foolishly expected, but life is funny. I thought I was being called elsewhere, but I’m slowly starting to realize that sticking around closer to my original home and family is probably what I need in this season of my life, even if I am unsure that it will be my forever home. We just have to take it one step at a time. I know the job search is rough, but keep a positive attitude and faith. You’re not alone and this is what being in your twenties is all about. :)
This is so similar to what I’m going through except I live a thousand miles away from my original home (where all my family is). I have an amazing tribe where I am but lately I have been seriously contemplating going home to my family.
I have Borderline Personality Disorder, and so I have a tendency to act out and hurt myself so I’m reassured by others that I’m loved. As in my relationships with my family and friends, I also see this in my faith – I watch myself act out in a way that I know will hurt myself and God. Not because I want to, persay, but so I can feel the reassurance of forgiveness. It’s something I have to work hard on, the belief and understanding of God’s love being there even if I haven’t done something that requires His ‘extra presence’. This reading really spoke to me regarding that and made me realise how that particular symptom affects my relationship with my God not just those around me in my life on Earth.
“I wonder if the root of our desire to know where we belong is the desire to know who we are. Not only do we crave to return to Eden but to return to who we were within Eden: unashamed, free, and in communion with our God.” Woah. Woah. Woah. We cannot begin to know who we are fully before we know our Father fully.
Prayers for comfort and strength to carry on living without your mother. She will always be with you. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18
Today’s devotional is titled, “Our need for Home” and I definitely feel that as I am between homes, selling one and buying another. I need my sanctuary, my quiet. Home is so important.
I was not expecting to be so moved by this study so quickly. I graduated college about a year ago and it took me six months to get my first job. I quickly realized the job was hurting me physically and emotionally and I had to leave last month, and now I feel so lost. I’m still living with my parents, have no idea what I’m doing with my life and searching for my identity and purpose. Now I find myself growing more in my faith every day, knowing that my identity and home is with Him. Perhaps I needed time to be by myself, to know who I am in Christ. Thank you for the wonderful reminder.
There are two parts that spoke to me here 1. That longing for home is a human trait. Our longing is our souls remembering of Eden. A reminder that we are destined to return. God promised he would bring us back. Loneliness is our connection to Eden. If we didn’t miss the Father we would be truly lost. 2. 21And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them.
God clothed his children. After He found them He still takes care of them. I never remembered this part. I thought they had to do everything for themselves. I can imagine God preparing them for life outside Eden. He still took care of them. Like we do for children. Making sure they are prepared everyday. What a loving God.
Reading and loving the book too. I’m in a season of ‘wrestling’ between the gardens and I’m anxious for the coming resurrection. God is good! ❤️
I like this reading I can’t wait to read more of this study !!
Being a preacher’s kid and a college student can get confusing. I’m in a place where I don’t feel like I necessarily belong, but I know that God has me in His hands and that when I’m with Him I’m really home. Hoping to really let God lead me through this study ♥️
He sees you and is with you. I pray you feel his presence through this study. ❤️
It’s been a rough week. My mom passed away last Tuesday after battling cancer for 6 months. She was just 64. It’s the first time in my 39 years that someone so close to me passed away. My grandparents from my mom’s side are still alive and from my dad’s side, the died when I was just 1. The rest of my family still living. So this is so new to me. But as I read today’s devotional I’m reminded what I already knew, this is not home, one day we all going to die and finally be with our father in our real home.
Death is inevitable, but eternal life is. I can make this “home” comfortable to me, but I know that the only way I can make this earth home to work is if I let Jesus guide me every day to look at the cross and his promise.
My mom is in her magnificent new home, she is with her creator, she is dancing and enjoying her brand new life.
Praying for you as you go through this week.
Praying for you!!
❤️ lifting you up in prayer!!
My grandmother passed of cancer on Saturday and your words were perfect they are in their true home with the creator, dancing and enjoying
I’m sosorry for your loss. That must be extremely hard. I love how you are not only grieving your mother but knowing that she is happy in heaven. I’ll keep you in my prayers
I’m sorry for your loss Natalia, but it is so wonderful to know that your mom is in Heaven enjoying her new life with no pain and eternal happiness. At church on Sunday my pastor reminded us that we need to view our life as our journey to Heaven with that being our main goal. God want us to be happy and live the life He gave us here but He made us a part of a plan to glorify Him. There are so many hardships and pain we endure but we are so blessed that we know our Savior and one day we will see Him face to face. We will no longer have to deal with pain and sadness but instead live eternally with our Creator in everlasting joy. Praise Jesus Christ!!
Natalia, I don’t know the hurt of losing a parent. But as I’ve had 5 funerals just this year of friends and one being my very best friend to cancer as well, I know the the feeling of grief all too well. Just as you said. Today’s devotional hit home. One day we will all be in our eternal home with our father, reunited again! My heart goes out to you during this most difficult time!
As a college student, it can be easy to get caught up in life and not leave enough time for Christ. My hope is that I can enter the Easter season feeling close to Him again.
“I wonder if at the root of our desire to know where we belong is the desire to know who we are.”
More than making my home feel like a home is the struggle to know who I am. My youngest graduated from high school last year and I have been a stay home mom this whole time. While I started my own part time business four years ago, I find myself with a similar lost of identity that I found myself almost 24 years ago when I left the work force to be home with my family.
Not that work or not working is who or how we identify our worth, but don’t we cling to it as a label and when the ingredients under that label don’t quite hold true anymore, aren’t we a bit shook? Feeling lost? Feeling fraudulent? Feeling something we can’t quite put our finger on?
But thanks be to God, that in Him we have a true identity as loved ones, as sons and daughters, as children, as redeemed. It is our hope that one day we will receive both our true homes and true identities!
Recently experienced a broken engagement and purchase of a new home within the same week. It has given the Lord a window to my heart and has allowed Him to create a fresh start spiritually and mentally. Looking forward to taking these steps toward “home”.
We were just talking about the difference between not and happiness in our life group at church yesterday.
Happiness- fleeting, depending on circumstances. Joy- only only found in Jesus, lasting for eternity
I am so thankful to be reminded that it’s not about fleeting happiness, but the eternal joy that is found in our Savior
When I read home and as there are places where people have grown up I hope that there are homes in other places also. I need your help friends and family. For a long time I have been hoping that there is a place where we can build something that will be for others. God has given me more than I need and I hope to use it well. Rooms for beds, a room for art, I am an artist. A room for food, I would like to learn how to cook again. A room for teaching I have studied teaching English as s Second language. If there are places where you have gone to where people need help I am hoping to do something for them. If this is not possible I understand but if there is a place where you have been to where it is difficult I would be happy to hear from you.
I grew up as a missionary kid and even after coming stateside 3 years ago, have moved around so often that I strive to make my temporary places and relationships feel more homey. This post is a comfort to me now, as I pray for direction in where I’ll go to college and I lay my insecurities and worries at Jesus’ feet. Thank you for this, Andrea ❤️
Hi! My name is Abby and I felt called to comment on your post. I am a second year Theology student at Seattle Pacific University! I don’t know if you have heard of it or where your college decisions are taking you, but you should look into SPU!
I’ve never thought about how much we correlate our IDENTITY to our home. When you move (home -> college -> new home) you see it as a time to rebuild your identity. But if we are constantly changing who we think we are, we avoiding searching for who God says we truly are to be. So I love that we are reminding today that our homes (our identities) must always rest in the hands of Jesus.
I moved around a lot as a kid, and this message reminds me to find joy in the fact that I am done moving around and I finally feel grounded and at home. I am just starting back to reading the Bible and attempting to calm my anxiousness through gratitude. Thank you SRT!
I wish that one of the things that came with each reading and devotion was a set of questions to think deeply and connect our own lives with the scripture and devotional. Just a thought if any of the creators of this app are reading these posts!
I love that ideas as well, something we can apply to our lives.
Great idea
Would love to see this as well!!
This is great news and thankful that we have this hope in Jesus.
Needed this reminder this morning, Sometimes my joy – it just goes missing and I can’t pinpoint exactly the moment it slipped away but I know I’m not experiencing the fullness of it. When you know joy, you are terribly aware when it is absent. It’s a heaviness draped over you, a darkness and you wonder “what happened to the light?” I try to muster up joy on my own because I want to “fix” it but it just doesn’t work. This verse reminds me the key that unlocks my joy is His presence – all too often the last place I look but it’s always right there waiting.
The longing for direction is a real struggle…a battle even, in certain seasons. Even if we’ve known Jesus for any length of time, our human nature still kicks in (as it did with Eve) and we end of listening to that little lie that makes us doubt all God has told us and showed us who we are in Him. We start looking for ourselves, our identity, our goals and dreams around us and through others…instead of going to the ultimate source of love, grace, wisdom and knowledge. Instead of going to the One who has the direction we long for …and need.
I always find myself seeking for something – assurance, safety, affirmation. But if I search in the world, I always come up empty. I have to search in God and Christ and realize that I don’t have to look very far there. The second I choose to turn to God is the second I find everything I need. I can leave everything else at the door and walk in to the home He has for me.
God today I pray that I can leave everything outside, and step inside to your home and life you’ve created for me knowing full well I don’t need anything else.
Oh the compassion of God. He didn’t want Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of life and live with eternal separation due to sin. It was out of such love that he clothed them and sent them from the garden. The plan of redemption from his heart to restore. Thank you JESUS! Thank you FATHER!
In these days it can be hard to remember what’s right and wrong. Sometimes the answer is not what we want to hear. Praise God for always knowing what’s best for me.
It’s been a rough season for me. But I feel the grace and seek His stillness. Opened my app today looking for guidance after a particularly rough day yesterday and was not disappointed. God is so good! I need to grieve so I can celebrate.
Today’s reading makes me think of the new Hillsong Worship song, Good Grace.
“So don’t let your heart be troubled / Hold your head up high / Don’t fear no evil / Fix your eyes on this one truth / God is madly in love with you / So take courage hold on be strong / Remember where your help comes from / Jesus! Our redemption / Our salvation in His blood / Jesus! Light of Heaven / Friend forever / His Kingdom come”
Even in the mess, God has a plan to bring beauty and it is through Jesus and His finished work of the Cross and His resurrection we are no longer lost and hopeless but we can be found and restored! We have a friend who sticks closer than any brother and His love for us is unmatched.
Just as I try to make our home a safe place, a comfortable place, a haven from the storms for my husband and children, so Jesus wants to be our safe place, our comfort, our haven, our home!
I think it’s very true that we crave a return to who we were in Eden and that they also lost not just their home but themselves when they had to leave. I can see this in my own experiences with God. Thankful that Jesus made a way for us to have this communion with God once again.
This was a great reminder to start the morning.
I’m in the midst of spring cleaning what feels like my whole life – but obsessively cleaning my home. I’ve been away for weeks traveling, living out of a suitcase away from my little family with so much expectation on my shoulders. I haven’t had a desk at work (renovations!) I have been so intense, so unable to give up control or the “ideal” in my mind of what home looks like from hour to hour, and it has taken a toll on my relationship with my husband. But I think what I’m really searching for is the sense of home, comfort, and security of resting in God. I was thinking last night how adulthood feels like this never ending yearning to go back home where all is familiar and there’s a sense of safety…I think I need to reframe that as less of a place or a “destination” for all this crazy cleaning to go, and more of a relaxing into His word mindset. Thankful for this study <3
Great thoughts! I was thinking about our own home cleaning and updating that we’ve been so wrapped up in. The stuff, the material things, are nice, but yes-I want my home covered in the Word and prayer and to be overflowing with the Holy Spirit!!
No ramble at all girl!! Please I enjoyed your comment and proclamation this early morning! God bless!!
I love the last paragraph that says This season we grieve and we rejoice. We are ashamed no more because of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
“Henceforth I learn, that to obey is best,
And love with fear the only God; to walk
As in his presence; ever to observe
His providence; and on him sole depend,
Merciful over all his works, with good
Still overcoming evil, and by small
Accomplishing great things, by things deemed weak
Subverting worldly strong, and worldly wise
By simply meek: that suffering for truth’s sake
Is fortitude to highest victory,
And, to the faithful, death the gate of life;
Taught this by his example, whom I now
Acknowledge my Redeemer ever blest.” — Adam speaking from John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” (Book 12, lines 561-573)
Such beautiful lines of poetry I had to learn in high school. They speak to me of the hope that we have in Christ, our Redeemer. Although God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden, He also sacrificed an animal on their behalf and clothed them with that animal’s skin. Then He gave them hope to cling to that He would conquer their enemy by one of their offspring (Gen. 3:15). This soliloquy is Milton’s imagining of Adam’s response to God’s offer of hope in their punishment. Although we sin and look for home in so many ways, we can find redemption and home in God. He has offered the sacrifice for our sin through His Son Jesus and has clothes us in His righteousness. When we place our trust in Him as Savior and Lord, we find our home (our identity and the place we belong) in Him.
I’ve recently been aware of how we are all rushing and in such a hurry. So many say that they need to slow down. I believe that God’s sense of time and ours is vastly different. I am in such a hurry and He literally has all the time in the world!
It feels like He is calling me to just sit with Him. It is hard for me to put into words, but this need for home resonated with me in a powerful way. Home is sitting with God and just being present. Home is not a physical place as much as a warm, safe, inviting space that is drawing me in.
Oh I am always on the go too Bessie!!! And I need to realize and just be…breathe..relax…it’s like that Just Breathe song from I cant recall his name right now…but we hit the floor and the day and the ground running which if I have to be honest with myself..does stress me out…I feel he wants us to not be like that so when and if opportunities were to arise we couldn’t say oh I can’t today…I’m busy 0
This resonates with me so much… in my adult life I moved to several cities and states within a few years, until I met my husband who was deeply rooted in his home town, and a sweet little home with the mortgage he completely paid off. Now we’re working hard to fix it up and make it our forever home, which does not happen in the span of an HGTV special. I am frequently reminded to rest in the Lord in this season of things being “unfinished”…because aren’t we all a bit rusty and unfinished, waiting on the Lord to mold and refine us to His design and greater glory?
Wow! Today was the first time I’ve ever thought about how Adam and Eve must have felt when they were kicked out of Eden. Oh the pain they must have felt knowing they had disobeyed the God of everything. God must have felt pain also knowing that they had to be punished so. Wonderful start to this Easter study!
Adam and Eve knew God,
They walked with Him
They talked with Him
They lived safely under His care.
And yet, they traded that in for a taste of the forbidden fruit.
They were driven from the presence of God
Communication and communion, lost
And while His love provided them the covering of skins,
That same righteous love could no longer allow them to be together.
Adam and Eve could no longer live in and enjoy the presence of God or the ease of Eden.
At that point they knew fully God’s love and righteousness,
We understand so much more after we have lost it.
David speaks of God’s faithful love,
His abundant compassion
David sinned.
And yet David understood that the only hope is God.
“Create in me a clean heart,
Renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not banish me from your presence,
Do not take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me Your joy and salvation”
Like Adam and Eve, sisters, we know God
He is our Father
His Holy Spirit lives within us.
The covering we have been given is Jesus,
our Savior and Lord.
We all have sinned,
We all fall short,
And yet covered in the blood of Christ our hearts are made clean.
In Christ, we have the promise of returning once again
Face to face in the presence of our God.
We will walk with Him
We will talk with Him
For all eternity, safely cared for and loved by our God.
Isn’t it interesting that God’s Word does not record the reaction of Adam and Eve to the sentences he proclaimed over their guilt? Their heartache must have been extreme. The wailing must have been heard throughout the Garden. What regret and despair must have filled their hearts! Did they plead with God to reconsider this harsh punishment? They must have because it says He DROVE them out and stationed cherubim and a flaming sword at the gate so that they could not return. Can we infer that they didn’t leave willingly? At the same time, God, in His great love for them, made them clothes by his own hand to cover them. How his heart must have been broken as he forced them from his presence especially knowing the pain and suffering that awaited them outside of the garden. David expresses the same grief from His sin in Psalm 51 “My sin is ever before me.” Our hearts know where we belong, but that sin, our nature from before we were born, keeps us wailing outside of the garden. But then Jesus—arms spread wide to welcome us home! Now that calls for a Celebration!
I never thought about this before! What heartbreak they (and God) must’ve felt! Thank you for this comment! I just got this app with the study guide and am loving the comments … it is wonderful to hear from other believers, especially when it helps me to dig deeper into the word!
The first question God asks of His creation in the very first book of the Bible is “where are you?” I’m humbled that God searches for us, that He desires to be where we are and for us to be with Him. We did wrong when we had it all. Yet He comes looking for us. He seeks to restore the fellowship that we have broken. We will never feel at home apart from Him. And so He sets in motion the plan of redemption because He longs for restoration. His love for us is that fierce, that determined, that deep, that strong. Our home was always to be with Him and so He leaves the light on. The light is always on. Hear His voice and head home, dear one. He will welcome you.
Amen! It also made me think that who are we to hide from God? We can’t! He knows our hearts. The best attitude to have is one of humility and ask for forgiveness when we are wrong. But yes, amen that he constantly pursues us.
Thank you! God bless!
Tonight I heard the still small voice tell me I needed to open my bible. I felt stressed … where to start? I typed ‘she reads truth’ into my search engine and this brand new study was waiting for me. God is good.
I did the same. He always knows!
I’ve been feeling lost and not myself. I’ve been craving God but not seeking him. This study popped up this morning. Amen!!
Wow! The same thing happened to me!! And exactly what I needed to read!! How comforting is it to know our God is a living God and speaks to us when we listen to him. Have a blessed day and don’t stress, the Lord lives and has got your back. ;)
Welcome Heather! I pray you will find this a place of rest!
That happened to me too!! His timing is perfect ❤
This is similar to what happened to me!
I couldn’t agree more with what you said. I’ve felt down lately, off. I brought my bible to work and knew it was time to open it. (The first time in a long time unfortunately) but right as I did the notification popped up on my phone about the Easter study. God is always there and is always looking for us to spend time with Him. Today that weirdness and offness I have felt became smaller.
Praying for your time with God during this study.
I’m in the processing of finding a new place to live myself, so the illustration of nesting vs. Adam and Eve losing their previous home/lifestyle was so spot on…
I want to GRIEVE well this season, so that I can truly CELEBRATE even better – David said he wanted to be washed “thoroughly.” I too, know my transgressions – plagued by my habitual and willful sins, habits, thoughts, and the shame of it all are ever before me. And I grieve, that I have grieved my precious God with my iniquities and rebellion in my heart.
And as I sit here imagining what I’ll be like when His work in me is finally completed – how beautiful, spotlessly clean, and pure – my heart is so full of wonder and delight.
Who am I, that the mercy of the cross was extended to me?
Thank you for posting the words Grieve and Celebrate in all caps. Thank you for stating that you want to grieve well in this season so you can celebrate well. This is the message God wanted me to hear today. I can’t even explain because the grief I’m dealing with today is so hard.
I love what you wrote here, SC. I love your honest heart and goodness. And the willing belief that your heart is /can be clean and full of wonder again. I love that you are looking frd into that time when God’s work will be complete in you. Thank you. Your wondering, made me wonder.