Our Need for a Mediator

Open Your Bible

Exodus 32:1-14, Exodus 32:30-35, Acts 7:37-43, Jeremiah 31:31-34

Let’s face it, when the Lord called the Israelites “stiff-necked,” He was being kind.

On their best days, they were whiney, rebellious, fearful, and contentious. And this particular day we’re reading about was definitely not one of their best.

With metal they’d pillaged from their enemies (Exodus 12:35), they fashioned a statue of a calf and convinced themselves that the idol was the Lord Himself, the one who had delivered them from slavery in Egypt.

It’s okay to shake your head. Their error was preposterous. In hindsight, I suppose it’s obvious that rebellion against a loving and sovereign God always is. No wonder God declared, “Now leave me alone, so that my anger can burn against them and I can destroy them” (32:10).

This was the nation that had seen God send plagues to torment their oppressors. These were the ones who had walked across the Red Sea on dry ground. These were God’s chosen people, those who had tasted the manna He’d rained from heaven. And still, as soon as their leader was out of earshot, they turned their adoration toward a weaker god—one who could never save them. God’s wrath was surely justified.

God is holy.
His people were unholy.

He is generous.
They were greedy.

He is faithful.
They were faithless.

He showcased His power.
They bowed before a powerless statue instead.

We’ve all bowed before the wrong altars. Who will plead our cause? We cannot shake our sin nature. Who will defend our case? We are the rebellious children of a holy, holy, holy God. Who will stay His hand?

This moment in Israel’s history allows us to peek at the glory of the gospel. In pleading with the Lord to spare the Israelites, Moses was pointing forward to Christ, who right now—right this very minute—is our advocate, standing between our sin and the punishment we rightly deserve (Romans 8:34). We remain God’s beloved, yet rebellious, children—our hearts ever turning toward all that glitters. Even so, God’s wrath is stayed because there is One who pleads for us even now.

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59 thoughts on "Our Need for a Mediator"

  1. Terri says:

    When did Moses speak to an “angel” on Mt Sinai (Acts 7:38). In Exodus 32 Moses spoke to the Lord (verse 7).

    1. Moriah TraweekPotter says:

      My commentary on Acts 7:38 says the idea the law was mediated by angels was well established in Judaism and is found in other parts of the Bible. Angel if the Lord typically being Jesus when used in the Old Testament.

  2. Carol M says:

    Dear SRT writers… How can I express the joy that you bring into my life on a regular basis?? I lead study groups in my church, and I’m constantly encouraging our gals to follow this site! For me, it has become my daily “Not-so-Small”Group, and I look forward, eagerly, to being challenged, understood and encouraged…by the commentary, and also by the precious Sisters who share from their hearts. May you all be abundantly Blessed, as we continue through this approach to Easter…He IS Risen!!!

    P.S. I just received Claire’s book, “Beyond the Point”, and devoured it in two days…Thanks, Claire, a very good read!!

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      We’re so grateful that you’re a part of our community Carol and are here reading with us! -Margot, The SRT Team

  3. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    You ladies always say just the right things. A God thing for sure! I am praising the Lord with you who are seeing the end of a rough season. And for those of you who are going through a difficult season right now, I am praising the Lord that He is there and will see you through it. Just continue to trust in Him and His unchanging Word.
    Love to you Sisters!

  4. Danielle Wildes says:

    Praise God on the Highest!

  5. Kate Wells says:

    Ugh! That golden calf. As ridiculous as it sounds for the Israelites to have bowed down to a cow statue made of gold. I find myself being distracted from the glory of God by the golden calves of this world on a daily basis. Nice things, nice house, nice nails, nice cars, it all equates to a golden calf. Glittery and shiny and covetous distractions from the righteousness and glory of our God. I confess my distracted mind to you Lord and ask for a heart that keeps its priorities straight. Is there anything wrong with nice things? I don’t believe so. But I want to give you the number 1 place in my day. Let the things of this world become tools and resources to help us all bring glory and honor to your name and not our own.

    1. Lori Wat says:

      I hear you! My thoughts were what is my idol? What do I turn to when I feel God has delayed too long in my eyes to deal with whatever my pain I’m feeling or trouble? So thankful for his grace and mercy!

  6. Steph says:

    So thankful this morning that God has promised to write his teaching on my heart. Thankful that I am His and He is mine. Thankful that He forgives my sin and remembers them no more. Thankful for Jesus, who daily advocates on my behalf. Thankful for each one of you beautiful ladies that bare your souls and share your heart. So many times I am comforted in knowing I am not alone in my failures and trials. Thankful for your words of wisdom and encouragement. Thank you Erin for another great devotion. Praying for all of you collectively and as you post your specific requests.

  7. Ingrid Coutinho says:

    Although we are frequently surprised and angered by the attitude of the people of Israelites, I have noticed that sometimes I am not that different. So many times God has provided for me for me to end up forgetting the wonderful things that he has already done. Thankful for the life of Jesus that came to save us. May we never forget what he has already done for us.

  8. Carol M says:

    Dear Churchmouse, God in you has been an inspiration to me. Your faith has not wavered, your courage has been God- inspired, your heart has been breaking, yet, with His help you have pressed on. Thank you for your vulnerability on these pages… My heart has been encouraged by your humanity infused with The Divine… praying as God brings you to my mind…♥️