Our Eternal Victory

Open Your Bible

1 Corinthians 15:50-58, Revelation 21:1-27, Revelation 22:1-21, Isaiah 25:8-9

Frustrated tears rolled down my face like tiny tributaries. Driving down the highway I recounted all the reasons I was sick to death of myself, of my sin, and the many ways my brokenness injects sorrow into the hearts of the ones I love most. 

“How long, O Lord?” I cried. “How long until you transform me into a woman who doesn’t keep repeating the same sin-soaked mistakes?”

Three words dropped into my heart like a lead balloon, “In. A. Moment.” 

My instinct was to grip the steering wheel and brace for impact because I wasn’t sure what those three words meant. Was I about to have a wreck I couldn’t prevent? While I trust the Lord to keep His promise to make all things new, including me, I also know that sanctification is a slow process—one that will not be completed until I see Jesus face to face. 

Thankfully, I did not have a wreck with another car, but I did collide with God’s truth. Still rattled by my rebellious streak and deeply grieved by the shrapnel I put into the hearts of others, I pulled out my Bible, looking for hope. Reading from 1 Corinthians 15, I found the words the Holy Spirit had brought to mind when I called out to God in my car. “In a moment…” (v.52) In a moment what? The preceding verse holds the answer. “We will all be changed” (v.51)

Clearly, I’m not the first or last to wonder when the work Christ has begun in me will finally be finished. Paul acknowledged that the timeline of our transformation is often hard to understand. 

Listen, I am telling you a mystery: We will not all fall asleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed. For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality. 
—1 Corinthians 15:51–53

Though mysteries can be maddening, we know what we are meant to know for now: Jesus is a promise keeper. He will not leave us in our sin-filled state. A day is coming soon—on the timeline of history it’s nothing more than the twinkling of an eye—when our corrupted bodies will be clothed with robes of righteousness that cannot be contaminated by sin any more (v.53). All that is made of temporary materials will be traded in for our forever selves (v.54). 

The next time you’re sick to death of yourself or worried Jesus has forgotten His promise to make you more like Him, take heart. He always finishes what He starts. He will transform your broken body into a heavenly one and your broken heart one fully healed and devoted to Him. No more frustrated tears. No more sin, pain, or death—for all eternity. It will only take a moment.  

(44) Comments

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44 thoughts on "Our Eternal Victory"

  1. Molly Grace says:

    This is how I’ve been seeing myself- sin soaked and hopeless. While I may not feel that hope is to come, I have to believe it because Jesus cannot lie

  2. Jessica Thomas says:

    In a moment ALL will be changed!

  3. Alayna P. says:

    I really loved this study. Thank you SRT ❤️

  4. Janelle H says:

    Thank you Erin Davis, that really spoke to me and praise Jesus!

  5. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  6. Meme Faye says:

    thank you for sharing this, Heidi!

  7. Lehua K. says:

    I’m not sure if anyone will see this, since I’m a bit behind…

    DOROTHY: I am so sorry for your sister’s passing. Thoughts and prayers lifted up to you and your family ❤️

    LYNNE: Praying for you and your husband ❤️ I know being a caregiver is challenging, and I pray God will continue to strengthen, sustain and comfort you.

    HEIDI: Thank you for organizing the 3-week transition time with the studies. I bookmarked them and hope I can follow along, but if not I will see you all in the Amos study. It might be a challenge for me to keep up since there’s a lot of work transition and training to do… but I plan to continue doing my YouVersion and Abide app devotionals ❤️

    Praying for all of you and the community. Be blessed and allow God’s truth to shine in and through you. ❤️

  8. Lehua K. says:

    Erin Davis… THANK YOU for that devotional. If only I had read that yesterday (the day it was released), your words really resonated with me and what I was going through last night. Even so, I’m grateful to read these words this morning and the scriptures… ❤️

    This past week, my husband has pointed out several instances where I’ve put my safety at risk and didn’t really think much of it. I had to remind myself last night and this morning, after he gave me a really firm talking to when I got home, that “there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1) because my thoughts were spiraling all over the place. I know my husband cares for my well being and safety but I just felt totally stupid for my past choices in hindsight. We’re okay now but I do need to remember not to live in fear, and to just be more situationally aware when I’m out, and how my choices affect others, like my husband. Lord, please help me in these areas – courage, faith, situational awareness, and empathy. Help me to embrace the lessons Your Holy Spirit wants to teach me and to embrace Your Truth. Thank You for the power of forgiveness and grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

  9. Farrah M says:

    Praising God for this hope we have in Jesus. I am so encouraged this morning. Although I’m so ready to shed this life and mortal body, I pray daily that Jesus helps me to fulfill the assignment He has for me on this earth. Raising godly children, being a faithful and loving wife, and being a light in the public school system as a teacher are what He has called me to.

  10. Shannon McGuffin says:

    I have loved this study!! Thank you SRT!! ❤️

  11. Terri Baldwin says:

    51 Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. – 1 Corinthians 15:51-52

  12. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I have been frustrated with my sin lately too, wondering why I keep making the same mistakes. I love that God will one day make us perfect and whole, being the people we were always mean to be.

  13. Linda K says:

    I have been behind on my reading but I did want to vote. #2,#5. I don’t think I really understand what’s going on. Prayers for you Dorothy as you deal with your sister Carol’s passing❤️

  14. Heidi says:

    So a professor in one of my classes was recently talking about all of the promises God gave certain people in certain times throughout scripture and how quick we are to pluck them out of context and apply them to situations as we see fit… In this conversation he brought up Philippians 4:13 which many of us know – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. He asked out loud to the class – “Ok – anyone?? What is it you are able to do through Christ that you can’t just do on your own? Laundry? Drive a car? Go to work? Cook a meal? Can’t you do most of what you do on your own?..” Of course, as with any really good discussion, this first feels ruffly under your feathers to question the word of God. But God can take our questions, in fact He encourages them because He has answers to all of it. And we were not questioning the truth of it, but rather questioning do we really understand the truth of it. What came of this discussion was months of my bouncing this idea/question in my head and really thinking through why I believe it to be true. And, especially alongside today’s verses, I get it now. I can do amazing things that without Christ would be impossible –
    -I can grieve WITH HOPE.
    -I can see life beyond materialism for the sake of eternity.
    -I can have actual, literal, joy in the exact same moment of vomit-inducing grief and agony.
    -I can stare death in the face and know that today on this earth, it’ll franky suck. BUT- because MY GOD makes all things new, and MY GOD will raise the dead and MY GOD has already won this war and has the power to turn every agony into good for His great glory, I can willingly, unregrettably walk into it.
    -I have the power (when I choose to live in it) to live life literally with no fear because I know the One who is the Author of all of this and He is in ultimate, complete, peace-giving control of it all.

    I probably can’t shoot endless 3-pointers or hit multiple home runs or score a 92 yard touchdown (and I jokingly use sports analogies bc THAT is where we tend to see Phli. 4:13 plastered all over jerseys and helmets and whatnot ;)) but I can do great and mighty things with an eternal purpose AND THAT is something not one person could do without Christ living in them. :) :) :)

  15. Dorothy says:

    Did any one noticed the day was wrong on the devotional, we have two Day 17s, it threw me for a loop this morning.

  16. Dorothy says:

    Once again God is telling me it will all be fine if I JUST TRUST HIM.
    The last several days as I’ve been reading the Scriptures and devotionals one song keeps popping into my head — Casting Crowns’ “Scars In Heaven”.
    Thank You Lord for being with me and carrying me through all my ups and downs. Amen.
    Be blessed and TRUST God, Christ and the Holy Spirit with your EVERY need.

  17. Annie says:

    Will join you all in the Psalms! Thank you, Heidi for the suggestions and organization! Praying for a wonderful weekend for all fellow She’s! :)

  18. Cindy Hanna says:

    “In the twinkling of an eye “ brought such a bubble of joy to my spirit this morning. It’s been almost 2 years since my father passed. During my visit yesterday with my stepmother she became overwhelmed with her grief & loneliness at his loss. I had skipped yesterday’s reading because the 3 hour drive to see her necessitated any early start. How I wish I hadn’t skipped. Yesterday’s and today’s readings are filled with beauty and hope for us who have endured the loss that comes from death. I’ll be passing on to my stepmom what has encouraged me today and pray that she too will find peace.

  19. Michelle Patire says:

    Psalms of Gratitude!! I thought that one was “for me” too– I’m in!! Thank you, Heidi. Excited to keep in touch with you Shes over break!

    I just Googled “She Reads Truth Psalms of Gratitude” for anyone struggling to find the plan! :)

  20. Allison Bentley says:

    Praising God that the New Jerusalem is waiting for me!!! I will need nothing BUT GOD!!! Lord help me make sure everyone I know is with me for eternity!!! Happy Friday sisters!

  21. Cee Gee says:

    Thank you, ERIN DAVIS, for that beautiful testimony!!! You are not alone in the personal assessment department! So glad you followed God’s prompt for those verses and that you shared your heart with us!

    HEIDI, bless you, dear sister, for your diligence in ‘keeping us together’ over the next 3 weeks. Thanks, too, for the bookmarking hint! It will be exciting to see what happens on Monday!!!

    Years ago, I sang in a mixed quartet. One of our favorite songs was “It Could Happen in a Moment.” So upbeat and encouraging!

  22. Jess R says:

    Needed this today!

  23. Mari says:

    Another great devotion (thank you, Erin) and what I needed to “hear” this morning from God‘s word. I beat myself up all the time, and almost every day thinking how I can be better around the people I work with even when I know what they’re doing isn’t right. I’m so tired of myself, and I don’t like myself very much. I am grateful our Jesus finishes what He started.

  24. Rhonda J. says:

    “Show Me Your Glory” by Third Day! I caught a glimpse of His Glory, and I’ll never be the same! Shine down your presence, I want to see your face! Boy do I love catching glimpses of His Glory and His presence! The closer you get with the Lord the more we are able to catch these glimpses throughout the day! He is miraculously working in the humdrum of life or in our intense struggles of dark times. Draw close to him and he will draw close to you. In a moment, it will all come to pass and the old will slip away and all will be made NEW! Hallelujah!! Let’s keep our focus vertical even though daily we have to look horizontal. It gets overwhelming the struggle of goodness vs. evil, and not only that, but even the struggle of getting along with ordinary “good” people- our spouses, families, other Christians. It all seems overwhelming at times or seasons of our lives. Then other times or seasons, we are joyful and bubbly and life seems so ALIVE and good. It is an eternal struggle. Sometimes, most days…with chronic pain, (like this morning) I just want to cry, curl up in my blanket and do nothing or see no one. (except my doggie!) I have read my morning scripture with you all (my SHE”S), reflected, had my first cup of joe… When I have something on the books like Chronic pain group, or jail ministry it makes me GET UP and Go! It fills me, it brings me life amongst my weary soul. The wanting to be done with the hardships, yet knowing God knows me. He hears and sees me.

    One day, oh glorious day, in a moment- we will be caught up in HIS Glory! That is my hope. And I intend to share that hope with others. On my worst days, on my best days. Oh Lord, my heart cries out to you…Show my your glory. The song “Thank God I Do” by Lauren Daigle keeps my head lifted. “I don’t know who I would be if I didn’t know you, Thank God I do!!”

    @Lynn from Alabama- So good to hear an update, you are often in my prayers. You are in the hard. I’m sorry. Not what you intended retirement would look like. I hope you will catch glimpses of God’s glory amidst the struggle. Let him wrap his arms around you.

    @Martha Hix-Glad to see you.

    I was thinking of doing Kingdom of God study, but have bookmarked the Psalms of Gratitude study because I must stay with my core she’s! That’s a good group name, Coreshies. lol.

  25. Rachel says:

    LYNNE – thank you for the update! I have been thinking of and praying for you and Jack often. Will continue to pray that God’s sustaining grace meets you in this hard place and that His mercies will be new every single morning. I will also pray that the characteristics of the man you love so will be restored – that even in dementia sweetness and kindness will return.

    See y’all in the Psalms! (thank you, Heidi for organizing us!)

  26. Donna Wolcott says:

    Thank you Erin for your message this morning. My mind and soul needed to hear it.❤️

  27. Traci Gendron says:

    DONNA WOLCOTT – “Scars in Heaven” got me through the time leading up to Tanner’s death. We played it at his service. It is beautiful beyond words!

  28. Traci Gendron says:

    I have the studies bookmarked HEIDI! Thank you

  29. Traci Gendron says:

    . He will transform your broken body into a heavenly one and your broken heart one fully healed and devoted to Him. No more frustrated tears. No more sin, pain, or death—for all eternity. It will only take a moment.

    As I was picking Tanner up from kindergarten years ago, he looked at me and said,”Mom, when I die, I will no longer be sick. I will have a new heavenly body.” Out of the mouth of babes. I will never forget that. He know has that heavenly body. This study has given me much comfort for my son and myself. Grief is a hard road, but we know where we are going and it will only take a moment.

  30. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Good morning precious SRT sisters! I haven’t updated on Jack and I in several weeks and wanted to do that today. Two weeks ago I retired to take care of Jack 24/7. I am very sad to give up my job because I loved it and work has been my happy place for some time now. I just couldn’t afford the sitter any longer. Caregiving is hard work and around the clock is almost too much. Although Jack has lymphoma and an ostomy bag, his dementia is the major concern. He is not in a happy place and it makes me sad to see the love of my life so miserable. Please continue to pray for Jack to be at peace and strength and comfort for me. I am a very social person and feel very isolated at this time.

    I continue to pray for each of you sweet sisters! ❤️❤️❤️

  31. Tricia Cavanaugh says:


  32. H Armour says:

    Amen! Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!

  33. Candace Smith says:


  34. Searching says:

    Thank you HEIDI for the awesome bookmarking suggestion! See you Monday!

  35. Kyle Hopkins says:

    Thank you, Erin, for sharing your vulnerability in the reflection today❤️

  36. Searching says:

    Feeling surrounded by the words from Revelation. How can I not worship The Alpha and the Omega? How can I let myself get distracted from Him? Oh but I do :( Praying to remember His eternal promise and at the same time, focus on understanding and following through on my purpose here.

    LAUREN GW – continuing to pray for your husband, that the Lord would comfort and strengthen him, that he may see the Lord’s work in his life. Also praying for you, sister ❤️

    Going back to yesterday’s scriptures, Job 19:25. One of my all time favorite songs is by Nicole C Mullen, My Redeemer Lives.
    He does indeed, praise His holy name.

  37. Heidi says:


    Option 2 was overwhelmingly the winner, with #5 in 2nd place (my vote was #5 as well , lol, but ya’ll outnumbered me! :) :) ).

    The winning option was a combination of 2 plans so we would start this Monday (May 1) with DAY 1 of “Psalms of Gratitude”, then when that completes (13 day plan) we will start the next one which is Psalms of Rest (7 days).

    Again – this is all contingent on us continuing to have access to the previous plans come Monday. If you go to read and can’t find the plan, then it’s up to you to pick from the options they chose… the Kingdom of God was great to me and is what I will choose in that case :)

    go to the menu, find the plan (search option didn’t work efficiently, I recommend actually scrolling down through all the plans), then after selecting the plan, save it to your bookmarks so you can find it WAY more easily each day! I went ahead and bookmarked Gratitude and Rest – hopefully they will still be there/available Monday! :) You could also copy/paste the link into an email to yourself for quick reference from any device…

    “See” ya’ll Monday! :)

  38. Maria Baer says:

    Oh— the way this devotional spoke to me today. Thank you God, for bringing me comfort through these words.

  39. MARTHA HIX says:


  40. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh Lord thank you for the hope of change. Lead me Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen

  41. Kristen says:

    Good Morning! How I need to be changed! Thank you, Erin for this devotional. Yesterday we read from Philippians 3, but I thought it was Philippians 2:5-8 or 9. I went over to the Enduring Word commentary online. Wow! You all should check this out! You may become more in awe of Jesus than before! Praying for you all today!

  42. Erica Christian says:

    AMEN!! I’m so thankful for the gift of the glimpse of what eternity in Glory will be like!

  43. Erin says:

    I pray for sanctification and transformation every day. It is good to remember that it is a slow process, but one that will eventually be completed when I see my Redeemer for the first time.

  44. Kelly (NEO) says:

    First, I want to apologize for asserting my asssumption about the Amos study starting on May 1. A more careful reading of the email just said “May.” Thank you, HEIDI for all your work on researching plans.

    Second, thank you, ERIN. “How long before I change?” is often repeated in my cries to God too. Thankful for His long-suffering love and Christ’s completed work.

    TAMI C – you did not say what about the Corinthians passages were not clear, so I would suggest starting with the Enduring Word commentary or Blue Bible website for several older commentaries.