Our Eternal Hope: What Will Become of Us?

Open Your Bible

1 Corinthians 15:12-34, 2 Corinthians 4:7-18

Text: 1 Corinthians 15:12-34, 2 Corinthians 4:7-18

One of my favorite songs of all time is Nicole C. Mullins’ “My Redeemer Lives.” I’ll blast that tune from my car speakers, roll my windows down, and scream the lyrics at the top of my lungs. (Okay, I’ll probably have the windows up. I’m the only resident of the greater Nashville area that can’t sing, so yes, I hide behind my windows.) Banging my steering wheel out of conviction, I’m sure I look like I’m singing along to some pop ballad after a bad date. But nope—just praisin’ Jesus!

I sincerely love this song. It is a faithful reminder of the assurance we have in Christ: our Redeemer lives. Our faith isn’t based on some fleeting idea or passing trend, but on the conviction and confidence that our Savior conquered death and is alive today.

Our faith hinges on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If He has not risen from the dead, then He has not conquered death. If He hasn’t conquered death, then death still has power over our lives. Most importantly, if Christ hasn’t been raised, there is no resurrection for usno hope after death and no eternity with Christ. “If we have put our hope in Christ for this life only, we should be pitied more than anyone” (1 Corinthians 15:19).

But the resurrection is real. Jesus did conquer death and rise from the grave. Our Redeemer lives!

Friends, this is the great treasure Paul spoke of in 2 Corinthians 4—the “extraordinary power” which can only be from God Himself and not from us (v. 7). We carry Christ’s death and resurrection in us—the power of His atonement and the glory of His resurrected life (v. 10). No matter what life brings, our hope is secure.

If I’m being honest, I don’t often treat the assurance of Christ’s resurrection like the treasure it truly is. Oh, I live like it’s valuable and worthy and excellent, but the greatest treasure? Sadly, not so much. Instead, I run around, spending my time like this life on earth is the only one I’ve got. I become easily distracted by what I think I need right now.

But this life and the things of this world are temporary. They will fade. Our troubles, our pains, our afflictions—they, too, will fade. But our living Redeemer will never die, and His resurrection power will never fade. As Paul goes on to say, “Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16).

In Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis wrote, “a continual looking forward to the eternal world is not … a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do.”

We’re meant to live like we know where we’ll spend eternity—because we do! We’re meant to live as though our inner life and resurrection through Jesus Christ is real, both now and for eternity, because it is! We live with confidence in this eternal hope because our Redeemer is indeed alive. He alone is our hope.

“So if you have been raised with the Messiah, seek what is above, where the Messiah is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on what is above, not on what is on the earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with the Messiah in God. When the Messiah, who is your life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.”
-Colossians 3:1-4SRT-ResLife-Instagram10s

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59 thoughts on "Our Eternal Hope: What Will Become of Us?"

  1. Jen says:

    Love this post! So thankful for hope through Christ. Wonderful reminder, this world is not our home!

  2. Cami says:

    Thank you so, so much for this post! My mind has been under a lot of attack from the enemy for the last couple of weeks, and it has left me feeling utterly crippled by fear, dread, and hopelessness – feelings that are not of the Lord. Thank you so much for this reminder that Jesus has DEFEATED death and has defeated the enemy; and now we carry his death and resurrection with us! Please pray for the attacks on my mind and thank you for this much-needed reminder.

    1. Cienna says:

      Praying for you cami! Yes he is the resurrection and the life!

  3. churchmouse says:

    Not crushed. Not in despair. Not abandoned. Not destroyed. I am all these things because Jesus is alive. So I don’t give up. I don’t grow weary. I press on. It is not easy but the result is assured : “an absolutely incomparable weight of glory.” Promised by He who is alive, now and forever: Jesus.

  4. Lalo says:

    Thanks for this timely post today. Really needed to hear it. I’ve been struggling for a year to get along with a coworker I work closely with. I really don’t like him and even talking to him annoys me. What a good reminder that the afflictions we suffer in this world are transient. Sisters please pray for me to have more love and grace toward this person who really needs it. It’s hard for me to even ask this because of how much I dislike this person. Needing prayers that the Lord help me to destroy my outer man so my inner man can grow. Love and blessings to you all today!

    1. Sheryl says:

      Praying for you now!

      1. Lalo says:

        Thank you!!

    2. Lizzieb85 says:

      Praying for you.

      And one thing that might help- pray FOR HIM. We are called to pray for our enemies. For real, praying for him will help you see him as God does & it will change your perspective of him. It’s so hard, but just start. Just start by asking God to bless his day & show you more specific ways to pray for him. You may not end up even liking him, but hopefully you will have more grace & patience.

      1. SHarri says:

        Yes! I agree– pray FOR him! I know this is a challenge but it’s beautiful how God will work through this process.

      2. Lalo says:

        Thank you! Feeling blessed by you sisters today.

    3. churchmouse says:

      Praying alongside you, knowing that you are being obedient even though it is very hard

      1. Lalo says:

        Thank you churchmouse!

  5. Sonya says:

    Amen! This is beautiful! This Sunday I am being baptized again to declare that this 2nd chance of life, this healed body, belongs to Christ. And without His sacrifice on the cross and resurrection, I would not be here today!i am alive, because He died and rose again! d

    1. Dara Perreira Balmores says:


  6. Keri Underwood says:

    But this life and the things of this world are temporary. They will fade. Our troubles, our pains, our afflictions—they, too, will fade. But our living Redeemer will never die, and His resurrection power will never fade. As Paul goes on to say, “Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16). In Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis wrote, “a continual looking forward to the eternal world is not … a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do.”

    Wow, wow, wow. This was amazing! Things of this world will be no more when we are reunited with Christ. Pain, treasures, heartache…everything. This is something not many people think about. We are stuck in the here and now. What a great nudge to remember to look towards Heaven :)

  7. Diane Huntsman says:

    18 as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

  8. Michelle says:

    I have a new appreciation for when Paul writes about fixing our eyes on the eternal, instead of what is more easily seen and more readily comprehensible, attainable. This past year I returned to my hometown and have been a part of a team hoping to, by God’s grace, build a church in an area that needs to hear the gospel presented in an honest and relevant way. I have been struggling so much, between missing my old friends and roommates, finding new jobs, and facing pressure from my parents to get my ducks in a row, now that I’m back on home turf. I often have moments where I contemplate moving back to my old roommates, and how easy it would be to fall back into a comfortable, “happy” life- were I to choose to walk away from everything here in pursuit of a trial free life. But I am constantly reminded by God’s word and His spirit in me, that this work we are embarking on is greater than any one of us, and greyer than any momentary comfort or “happiness” that I would otherwise be selfishly seeking. It is better to “suffer” for God’s eternal, kingdom work, that it is to be comfortable in any other circumstance. So we press on, fixing our eyes on what is unseen- “since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” So thankful for this timely reminder today.

    1. Keri Underwood says:

      What a great testimony to following what you God has asked of you! Keep letting Him lead you and being an example of that!

    2. Chrissy says:

      Thank you! I needed to hear your story today.

    3. She Reads Truth says:

      Thanks for sharing encouragement today, Michelle! Grateful to read Truth together!
