On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Open Your Bible

Matthew 5:13-16, Colossians 4:5-6, Isaiah 42:5-9

Text: Matthew 5:13-16, Colossians 4:5-6, Isaiah 42:5-9

You know that scene in It’s a Wonderful Life where George and Mary help the Martini family move into their new home? They load up the Martini children (and goat) into their car and drive them to Bailey Park, entourage-style, a truck piled high with the family’s belongings following behind them. As the townspeople gather triumphantly on the stoop of the Martinis’ new home, Mary offers this housewarming blessing:

“Bread, that this house may never know hunger. Salt, that life may always have flavor.” Then George jumps in and takes over because he just can’t help himself: “And wine, that joy and prosperity may reign forever!”

I’ve always loved that scene. It’s so hopeful, so filled with joy and promise. We want to believe that George and Mary’s best wishes can bestow true blessing on the young family, but we know the turmoil that lies ahead for the small, fictional town. Like the folks of Bedford Falls would discover, we know best wishes don’t bring life. Only God can do that.

That’s what we find when we read the Beatitudes: blessings only God can give, promises only Jesus can make. These aren’t just promises for our future—though they are certainly that. They are promises for our right-now life. They are promises of God’s kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven.

This is the gospel. Sinners—ordinary, imperfect people like you and me—are ushered into the kingdom of God by none other than God’s own Son. Jesus came to this pain-ridden planet and lived the holy, sinless life we couldn’t, then paid the debt of our sin in full on the cross. Three days after it was finished, He walked out of the grave, and He sits at the right hand of His Father even now. And there, now, He claims as His own—holy and blameless children of the Father—we who accept the absurd gift of His grace.

We are heirs with Christ to God’s kingdom. We belong there. It is our home.

We mourn the pain and death and injustice of our right-now world, but we rejoice in the One who will dry every tear (Revelation 21:4). We are poor in spirit, in possessions, in esteem, yet we are filled up by the One who created all things and holds all things together (Colossians 1:16-17). We hunger for a holiness that we can’t reach here, while we give thanks to the One who clothes us in His righteousness (Romans 5:17). We ache for mercy and peace in a warring world, and we worship the One who is setting everything right (Revelation 21:5).

We are children of the Kingdom—not just when we leave this world, but right here in it.

The gospel of Jesus is not a secret to be kept. It is the conspicuous, live-changing reality for every single person who calls Christ their Lord. It is the very definition of good news! How can we help but overflow with gratitude and love for the God who has rescued us from despair and secured our hope?

Our God has made us a beacon of hope to the world, “a covenant for the people and a light to the nations, in order to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon, and those sitting in darkness from the prison house” (Isaiah 42:6-7). We are light bearers, sight givers, and freedom bringers—this is our reality in Christ.

Friends, we have so much more to offer the world than our best wishes. We know the Maker of love, the Giver of life. When others look at us, may they see Him. Amen.

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44 thoughts on "On Earth As It Is In Heaven"

  1. Teresa Donley says:

    I hit post before I meant to.
    Just a little word about Jesus; not an entire Bible over the head.
    I remember touring a salt mine when visiting Germany and Austria over 25 years ago. Besides how far under the earth I was, the thing I remember most is the pure whiteness of the salt in the walls of the mine. No impurities had been added to it. It had an awesome shine to it. I think the salt we sprinkle around us should be like that. Pure and sparkling. I love that God even tells us how to season our world.
    I’m praying for all of you, especially those with requests.

  2. Mari V says:

    ONE more thing. My son’s diploma, his degree, from BIOLA University, got here yesterday. I am so proud of him! God is so good! He opted out of walking the stage as he feels it was just an online degree. But a degree, is a degree! I can’t help but my heart aches a little bit, but he FINISHED!

  3. Teresa Donley says:

    “5 Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. 6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” – Colossians 4:5-6

    God is so good! If we pay close attention, He tells us how to live, speak, act in every situation. Gracious speech with a little salt thrown in. When I was in youth group a million years ago (in the 70s), our youth group would canvass homes, asking people if they went to church and if they knew Jesus as their Savior. If they said no, or didn’t know what that meant, we immediately started presenting the Gospel to them. Some people were just waiting for the opportunity to argue, and we would use the Bible to argue right back. Looking back, I first wonder where on earth I got the nerve to do that; and second where we learned that arguing the Bible would lead someone to Christ. I had evidently never these verses from Colossians telling me to speak graciously, and season it with a little salt. Salt is an interesting seasoning. No salt, and the dish is bland with little taste. Too much, and the dish is ruined. Just as in cooking, Paul tells us to season with a little salt.

  4. Cheryl Blow says:

    Wow! What a timely message for us to not just be consumers of all God has for us! We need to be a light in this dark world! We can make a difference where we are! I pray God will use us all today to touch someone’s life. That they will see the light of Christ in us and we will leave them knowing they were touch by God!

  5. Rhonda J. says:

    Fitting that the song by Casting Crowns is playing right now “Right Now!” Basically saying it has to “start with US” …”right here, right now!” WE have to be the ones to set the tone! The lights of the earth, for the Glory of God!!
    Now on is “Trust in God!” by Elevation. This song is our anthem each week in jail! I can tell you, nothing is more heart-inspiring than seeing a couple of the girls singing this song at the top of their lungs, hands high in the air!! They have hope and peace, if only for that time in our little small group! Which, by the way- we had 12 ladies this week…largest thus far, and 3 new re-commitments to our Lord and Savior!!
    On another note though, my back pain is really bad today. And, my situation with my husband is better, yet he refuses to talk and communicate and just always wants to skip on and not “rehash” which keeps the cycle repeating! You may remember I was asking for prayer 2 years ago in this situation. I know God is whispering all these good 2 week daily studies of Beatitudes of how to be kind and the peacemaker to me (or yelling!)! I am trying, Holy Spirit guide me, choose my words, let nothing of no value come out of my mouth..Amen.

    Have a good wkd my friends!

  6. Mari V says:

    “It’s A Wonderful Life” is my favorite Christmas movie and I watch it every year! Every year! Is it silly that I get teared up? Just when George Bailey lost all hope and was broken and then realized that “things” aren’t as important as “family”. I am so grateful for the family of God that he has blessed me with. It’s all, all God. None of it is me! and most of you know that I’ve had had some very rough patches in life, but I hope that those patches in life, and how God, my Jesus, saw me through it, that they would see Jesus! None of it with me. Happy Friday sweet She’s! My favorite day of the week! My last day of my fall break. I am so grateful to have had this break. God is so good!

  7. Cee Gee says:

    What a perfect ending to this study! Praying for each of you!
    HL praying for doors of opportunity to open for you.

    NICOLE, praying for you, the baby, and the doctors. Also for the corn harvest.

    DONNA, praying for Bonnie and family!

    I have enjoyed spending the last 4 weeks with you SHES! I am not a subscriber so I don’t know what’s coming up, but I hope to see you there! Let’s go out and be salty, as ADRIENNE said, and let our lights shine!

  8. HL says:

    I have been loving this study and what a beautiful way to end it-the reminder of our purpose here on earth and how He is here with us.

    I would appreciate prayers as things have been very discouraging on the job search end especially this week. I am feeling overwhelmed and it is making it hard to hear His voice and His direction.

    I have been praying for you all daily.
    Have a beautiful weekend ❤️