Offering Hospitality

Open Your Bible

Romans 15:1-13, 1 Corinthians 11:27-34, 1 Peter 4:7-11, Proverbs 21:10

Before my husband and I embarked on leading our first small group, we consistently prayed that our group would have a mutual affection for one another. We wanted everyone to care for each person despite our many differences and preferences for how community should be. Why did we focus on this so much? Because we knew “the welcome” was just as important as the Bible verse we studied when it came to sharing life with the family of God.

Just like our biological family, the family of God is often made up of people who may not be easy to love and serve. There are always people who will rub you the wrong way or see the world differently than you do. So, we decided to combat these disparities with biblical hospitality.

We sat our group down and asked them to take ownership of “welcom[ing] one another, just as Christ also welcomed you” (Romans 15:7). When a new face walked into our small group, someone would take them under their wing and bring them into the conversation. If someone needed prayer, many would offer to sit with them after formal discussion to pray. When someone was confused about Scripture, others gently helped them interpret the passage. The welcome each person received was a “consideration for his neighbor” (Proverbs 21:10), as each of us learned to build each other up. 

Some may read this and think it’s an ideal, unattainable vision of sharing life together, but that’s the beauty of God’s people being together. It was God’s power working through our hospitality to not only encourage those of us in the group but to be a light to all those who came and went over the years (Matthew 5:14). Things were not always perfect, but our consistent love for one another covered “a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). After five years, it became clear that the family of God was experienced best when we all used our gifts to serve one another. 

Yet often, we assume the family of God is about us. We struggle to love the person in the group whose comments annoy us. We get frustrated when a sister or brother in Christ falls back into sin after discipling them for months. We grow resistant to change when others decide to bring new people into the community. This is why the family of God is dependent on Jesus’s hospitality and not our own. Jesus did not come to serve and rescue those who were like Him. If so, none of us would have found belonging in the family of God. But Jesus came to rescue everyone, which allows us to fully extend ourselves in service to anyone.

Our hospitality—our heart welcome—differentiates us from the welcome of the world; for we find life in giving it away and laying it down for the good of others.

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74 thoughts on "Offering Hospitality"

  1. Tanja Winn says:

    I needed the reminder that sometimes those difficult people that I tend to grumble about, well it is Christ whom I am serving. May I keep that in the forefront and continue with joy.

  2. Victoria E says:

    Ashley B and Rachel from Texas, praying for you and husbands to be able to sleep! Jane K praying for your appointment today, will you be seen in a multidisciplinary pain clinic? Tina- thank you for sharing , your posts are always illuminating. For those who feel like introverts and have a hard time sharing/ being with people for a while I am praying for you and for myself in this. Pre-Covid I was never at home, I was always with people and an extreme extrovert. Covid really changed that and while it brought about the blessing of improved communication and relationship with my husband I am struggling to integrate back into society a little. Maura praying for your girls. Karrie, praying for your teenager. 16 can be so hard. I remember trying to individuate myself from my parents in some not so loving ways. Jen Taylor bless you for the work that you do and may God continue to strengthen you to do it. ERB thanks for your insight on the passage , it is so interesting I never thought of it like that ! AG praying for your cousin’s baby. Thank you for those who have been praying for me and my baby, I have felt a lessening of the anxiety over the weekend ! Praise God. Thank you for continued prayers for peace and a healthy pregnancy.

  3. Ashley B says:

    Good morning sisters! If you could please pray for us this morning. We have been fighting allergies this week and our six month old hasn’t been sleeping very well. We are exhausted. We need sleep and our airways back. My husband and I are also in need of discipleship. We miss it dearly.

  4. Mari V says:

    Aw… Ashley B. I’m going to pray for that right now.

  5. Ashley B says:

    Heidi- that is a great point! Thank you for that reminder.

  6. Lara Castillo says:

    So many comments that spoke directly to me this morning. I love and appreciate this community! Although I don’t comment much I read and pray through all the posts. MARTHA HIX, keeping you in my prayers daily, since my family experienced a similar tragedy years ago. AG praying for your cousin’s baby. Praying for all teachers out there, ministering to your students, families & colleagues. Just a shout out that Bailey Hurley is the guest on this week’s podcast. It’s so good. Have a great day She’s!

  7. Ashley B says:

    Mari- Yes! So important. So glad you found your friend. What a sweet treasure!
    I’m currently in the I need a friend/discipleship. Just someone to share with. It makes life so much sweeter.

  8. Ashley B says:

    Mari- Yes! So important. So glad you found your friend. What a sweet treasure!