Text: Luke 23:32-33, 39-43, Mark 15:27-32, Isaiah 53:12
It’s become a standard part of my day now. Every afternoon, around 5:15, I take my place in the slow-moving right hand lane of I-65 North, and I repent.
The She Reads Truth office is a solid 50-minute drive from my house in light traffic, so on the way home it’s a totally different monster. There’s a section of road on 65 North, a mile or so preceding the exits to the 440 bypass, where I am daily and rather begrudgingly reminded I’m a sinner. It’s like God gives me a glimpse, via Nashville’s going-home traffic, of the filthy soot of sin that lines the edges of my heart like a chimney. I’m a new woman in Christ, God’s Word says (2 Cor. 5:17), but there’s still plenty of the “old woman” tendencies sticking around to cause a ruckus.
It’s not a road rage thing; it’s much more subtle for me. I sit in my white minivan, with my satellite radio and calm demeanor, letting the occasional driver from the lane left of mine squeeze in front of me. And in my head, I silently make two lists of people: the Nice Ones, those who get into the far right lane as early as possible to wait their turn for the I-440 East on-ramp, and the Rotten Ones, who take advantage of the lighter traffic in the left lanes to speed by us patient, orderly folk and then dart over in front of us at the last possible minute. I give an annoyed grumble and say condescending things to them in my head, while secretly wondering how much time this strategy shaves off their commute.
And there’s the rub: I sin when I judge the Rotten Ones and think myself better than them. And I sin when I stay in the left lane longer than I ought, playing innocent when I’m the one needing to sneak a notch or two to the right. I sin when I’m convinced my schedule is more important than theirs, that these hundreds of humans traveling the interstate are just characters in my story instead of their own.
I’m a sinner. A sinner who has a LOT of time to think on her drive home from work.
We do this, don’t we? We organize people into lists in our head—who’s kind and who’s not, who’s selfless and who’s selfish, who’s a hard worker and who’s lazy, who we’d like to hang out with and who we’d like to avoid.
When it comes to who among us is entitled to God’s love, we’re all on the Not Worthy list.
The Worthy list is made up of only one name: Jesus.
And it would stay this way forever, were it not for the Cross.
The Cross is the sacred place where Jesus—Son of God, Worthy Lamb, the Sinless One—is “numbered with the transgressors.” He is placed on the list of those deserving God’s holy wrath, taking the death due their sin— our sin. Christ becomes our substitute, exchanging His righteousness for our sinfulness.
Because of Jesus—and only Jesus—we are forgiven, our unworthiness erased. Because of Him, we have have been made worthy, our names permanently placed on the list of those held forever close to our holy, loving God, never again to be separated from Him.
Whether you’ve been in the lane of faith and repentance for miles or you squeezed over at the last minute, God’s grace is effective for you.
You, daughter of God who puts her trust in Jesus—your name is on the Worthy list. And it cannot, will not be erased.
“Who can be afraid of one who is written in the same list with us? Surely we may come boldly to Him, and confess our guilt. He who is numbered with us cannot condemn us. Was He not put down in the transgressor’s list that we might be written in the red roll of the saints? He was holy, and written among the holy; we were guilty, and numbered among the guilty; He transfers His name from yonder list to this black indictment, and our names are taken from the indictment and written in the roll of acceptance, for there is a complete transfer made between Jesus and His people. All our estate of misery and sin Jesus has taken; and all that Jesus has comes to us.”
– C.H. Spurgeon
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80 thoughts on "Numbered With The Transgressors"
You have provided really valuable content here, I would like to appreciate your great work, and thanks for this helpful work.
Awesome post. Thanks for sharing dear.
Jesus made us righteous! We are worthy! All because of Jesus! He has given us the best gift ever! To be in the eternal presence with God forever!!!
I am guilty of being a sinner. Though God wants us to live a guilt free life to wholly serve Christ and His followers, this is the right season to be faced with my guilt for being such a sinner. Like Amanda, I do not trust myself when I am under pressure. A whole lot of dirty, ugly, miserable things run my head even if I am calm on the outside, I know God sees it because He judges me by the heart. God forgive me, for all the bad things I must have thought to other people, God forgive me for the times I lifted my self up above the others, forgive me if I continue to hurt the ones who love me, and forgive me for everything I have done that caused you pain. Take my life and use it for Your Glory, Your Word make it known to me. In Jesus Name. Amen and Amen
So many days my pride is one with me-it’s inseparable from my being that I don’t even realize it as sin. It’s not until I read the Bible or a devo that I can step back and see how much sin can entangle you and drive you from God’s presence. I need to be reminded daily, moment-by-moment of my need for Jesus’ great sacrifice and to daily ask for forgiveness for the sins that have become so much a part of us.
Today's devotion reminds me of the parable of the vineyard in Matthew 20:1-16. The owner went out in the morning and hired workers for a denari to work for the day. Then he goes out several more times that day and offers the same payment to people to work in the vineyard. Those who came and worked all day were paid the same as those who came on at midday, and the same as those who came on an hour before closing time. The ones who had been there all day said that it wasn't fair that they would get the same wages for working all day as those who only put in an hour of work. We are all like this – we want more than our fair share of things sometimes. And we're so quickly to judge ourselves and our efforts as better than that of others, when we're just as awful and just as much a sinner as they are. Why do we think we're so much better than they? who are we to think that. The parable of the vineyard is one of my favorites as I've been studying the Bible the past 1-2 years (I've believe in Christ almost my whole life but REALLY started following him, reading the Word, a couple years ago, so I don't know all the cool stories and make all the connections as quickly as those who KNOW the Word!). The parable of the Vineyard reminds us that the same wages – either the wages of sin being death, or the wages of salvation for those who believe and follow Jesus – are the same offer to every one of us. Doesn't matter if we come into it a mile ahead of time and sit patiently waiting and following, or if we come to Jesus at the last minute – His offer of grace, mercy, forgiveness, salvation, LIFE, is the same for all. How amazing, how wonderful is this example of justice and forgiveness.
Thank you for this devotion today – as I'm reading a day behind this week (which is usually the case) and I rarely comment because I'm usually on my tablet (NOT conducive to commenting posts daily) but I HAD to share my thoughts this morning about this parable. Hoping it blesses someone today who's still reading this through all the comments ;)
Carolyn, I am so glad you decided to comment today! I loved reading your insight and encouragement. Love to you!
Wow! Thank you for commenting Carolyn! This certainly blessed me! I’m so guilty of doing this secretly in my heart, but never understood how sinful it really is. I’m going to read this passage in my Bible and really meditate. Blessings to you!❤
Always a day (or two) late as well! Thank you for sharing! Great insight.
“When it comes to who among us is entitled to God’s love, we’re all on the Not Worthy list. The Worthy list is made up of only one name: Jesus”. Not worthy. So not worthy. So incredibly not worthy. But still trying to cling to hope.
I think all the time about my sin and at the same time I remember I’m free. I have to cling to Jesus and know that grace is extended to me for the times I stumble; however, I cannot stay down. I’ve made my mistakes, but I know God is using it all for my good. I cannot allow Satan to use my sins and negative thinking to hold me down. Jesus bore all my sins: past, present, & future to set me free to live a life flowing with love, mercy, & abounding in grace.
This really spoke to me! Wow. Both literally (with other drivers) and figuratively (in life), I can be so judgy. Like some one mentioned, I’m so blessed I can come here, admit to this among sinners, and not be judged. Just understood by you all and forgiven by Him. Works in progress, we are, thanks to His grace!
Even though I am reminded again and again of God's forgiveness and the power of His death on the Cross for me, I still feel so unworthy most days & sometimes still can't seem to shake feeling that way.
Sinking deep in Gods love today. There is hope because of Jesus!!!
Does anyone know where that Spurgeon quote came from? I love it!!
Hi Sarah! It\’s from \”Morning and Evening.\” I love it too!
Thank you so much Kaitlin! :)
He was numbered with the transgressors…..for my sake and for my sin.
He is deserving of all of our honor and praise.
Said prayers for you Rosemary.
In keeping with the driving theme from the devotional, my Pastor asked us once to go out after church and try to look at everyone through the eyes of Jesus while driving. He said: "If someone is driving slowly in front of you don't automatically get annoyed or assume that they're being inconsiderate. Don't get real close to them to let them know you're annoyed. Rather, ask yourself 'what might be going on in this person's life right now that's causing them to drive slowly? Are they going through a divorce? Just get fired? Got some devastating health news?'" The questions are endless. I've learned to think differently while driving from that day on. I wonder 'Did that person have to cut across 3 lanes of traffic to make their exit because they were in a daze while driving due some hard circumstances their facing?' It's not always easy to do, and I'm sure more often than not, someone is just being inconsiderate. But if makes you feel a lot better thinking they're having a hard day, or week, or whatever, & granting them grace, rather than letting anger seep into your heart.
I try to think like this, too. Do I always? No.
But I’ve never thought of it before as “..granting them grace, rather than letting anger seep into your heart.” I like that!! Thanks for posting!
Whenever I get behind a slow moving vehicle I tend to get frustrated, but that quickly disappears as I remember what my Mom has always told me… Jesus could be keeping me from being involved in an accident up ahead and I need to say “Thank You, Jesus, for slowing me down (for whatever the reasoning) and keeping me safe.” I’m glad she’s always told me that because it makes me stop and think instead of getting angry about it and letting road rage win.
Everyone can surely relate to this. We put people into categories all the time without really even thinking we do. I try so hard not to pre-judge people but it’s just so natural. Praying that God can help me to stop doing that and truly get to know a person, seeing only the good in everyone. Amen!
this was a great read today! I am so grateful for Jesus and what he has done.
Thanks for joining us today, Alexis! We love having you in our community!
Guilty of categories but I know I am the chief sinner. And yet He saved me. Praying to love others extravagantly as He loves me.
I go through the EXACT thought process every day to and from work. I moved to Nashville a year ago and was shocked to see the selfishness that comes out on the roads (I travel on I-40 most of the way). I was convicted in the same way a while ago about how negatively I thought about other drivers. I have since started listening to books on tape so that my focus is not on the poor choices of others, but rather on engaging in what ever I am listening to.…although I still let it get to me sometimes.
ugh! I do this all the time at my job. I feel all snooty when I get to work earlier than most people in the quiet of the morning. But if I’m late (like I was this morning), I want all the grace and understanding in the world and I don’t want anyone to call me out. ugh.
I’m so glad that we can talk about these seemingly subtle sins together. I’m glad that God is allowing us to confess our sins right here so we can be humbled and encouraged by each other. And I’m really glad Jesus counted himself among us and gave us his beauty instead. He’s so good.
Man, those left lane last minute people. I forget often that they are worthy too. And many times I’ve been where they are- putting on my turn signal at the last minute and hoping someone will have mercy on me and let me over. Jesus finds us all worthy. Thank you for helping me remember that. May I see more people with His vision.
How personal this lesson today is for me. We are on a journey w our daughter and grandson through her emotional and very painful divorce. I am humbled and reminded that we are all on the unworthy list. God forgive my mean thoughts, my angry words and selfishness. Make me clean again and set my eyes on Jesus.
Earlier this week I was traveling and felt really convicted for not spending my normal time in prayer and this devotional. When I think about why I feel guilty it’s because I depend on my goodness to make me clean. I have forgotten that the only thing that cleanses me is Jesus’ sacrifice. On the cross He substantiated my sin and gave me His perfect record. Nothing can change that.
“And it would stay this way forever, were it not for the Cross.” Do I believe in this? That my only hope is the cross? Oh Lord help my unbelief.
Anna, thank you for sharing! It’s not my goodness that keeps me clean, it is Jesus’ sacrifice! He made me clean once and for all.
Anna, your words bring such encouragement to my heart tonight. I have the exact same thoughts as you do when I miss or skip my devotion time. I know I just need to trust and believe in the work of the cross and the love of Jesus! Praying he will help my unbelief as well as yours. Thank you so much for sharing!!
I am so thankful God has lead me to this post today. I have been really struggling with feelings of guilt and had trouble accepting God's grace in these past few days of Lent. Thank you, Lord, that you show your love towards us through various channels! Romans 8:38-39
'For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.'
Praying for you Rosemary, and that Gods peace and love would surround you today.
I dont drive I65 very often, but we are currently in Florida for spring break and driving from Kentucky to Destin and having the shortest amount of road in TN and it taking the longest time wise, I completely feel your pain. I’m actually tempted to take a longer route back home. I cant imagine driving that on a daily basis.
Jenn, Destin is one of my favorite places! Praying you have a restful spring break and better traffic on the way home!
I do this all the time and I feel wretched about it. We just moved and I immediately started to categorize people as I met them or saw them. People who I wanted to be friends w and people I didn’t. Thankfully God allowed me to recognize this quickly and I could repent and do my best to not let that take over my mind. It is by far my worst character trait. I want to see people as he does. Especially brothers and sisters in Christ.
pS my husband has terrible road rage. Not outwardly but every time I am in a car w him some other driver isn’t nice and he lashed out in some way. So u am sending him your words today too. Hugs
Caroline, I can relate to this! I just recently relocated as well, and I'm facing the ugliness in my heart as I see myself categorizing people as I meet them. I'm sure I have always done this, but being in new situations where I don't know anyone yet, trying to decide who to pursue friendships with…it just brings that sin front and center. Praying for both of us to see each new person we encounter through the eyes of Jesus–a precious soul that He loves and died for.
This long look at our sin over the past few weeks has made ready more than ever for Sunday to finally be here! To finally celebrate the victory Christ had over sin and death. I don’t think I have ever appreciated it until this study when I have finally gotten a better grasp of my own sin and need for a Savior! I am just so excited to celebrate!
I’m so excited to celebrate with you!!
Me too, Kati! So ready to celebrate on Sunday! Thanks for joining us today!
I love the analogy you have used here with driving. We do have subtle ways of "comparing" others' sins to our own. Where is the glass house when you need it? I work with a few teachers who I CONSIDER to be the laziest teachers on the planet, and I admit it drives me crazy, and it drives me to sin. Who am I to judge their work ethic, as if mine is better than theirs. I am constantly telling students that they are not responsible for someone else's actions, just their own. I am glad those students cannot see my heart and thoughts during the day. Christ is the only one who is WORTHY, and because of his willingness to take my sins and hang them on the cross, I am his and he is mine. He sees past all my sins and loves me anyway.
I hear you Gayle….oh do I hear you! I pray that God works in my heart and forgives me for those times that I am jealous of my coworkers who get to have lunches, preps and general common time (visiting with one another). My position has changed so much over the years that all of these things have gotten stripped back. I have two choices: be miserable or give it to God. I need to choose day by day (minute by minute some days!) and pray that God helps me and seek His forgiveness for those times that my eyes drop from His path.
The devotions for the last few days have been so convicting – I have been choking back tears throughout the days, thinking of the tremendous sacrifice. I’m 28 and been a Christian since I was wee, but this is the first year that it’s all seemed so real and immediate. I just want to pray and cry out, over and over, Father, forgive me. I didn’t know what I was doing.
I’m the guilty cutter into the right lane to get onto 440 at the last minute!!
Haha, Kristen! Love that :)
"…All that Jesus has comes to us."
Amanda, I feel your pain. I spend so much time in the car these days that it has been quite a mirror for me. And as my 17 years old prepares her brain and heart for driving (she's not terribly excited about it), I notice her quick to comment on drivers who seem to make those decisions you speak of……so in an effort to curb the ongoing judgement in our travels I prayed about a new way to approach it in my heart. Quickly God reminded me it was all about perspective, while there are some drivers that may be making unwise driving decisions, there are others that may feel forced into those decisions because of circumstance. It took my brain to the day I had my middle child. It was an emergent situation and my doctor had to hightail it to the hospital. It was supposed to be a "ride" day for him, so imagine him rolling fast through the streets, weaving in and out of any traffic on his large Harley Motorcycle, only to show up standing over me prior to my sleep in his leather and bandana get up. I am quite sure his actions were judged on the road that day, but boy am I beyond thankful for his speediness to my bedside! Point is, we never know the reasons people do this, there very well may be something that moves them this way, so we've turned it to a prayer. Yes, we have our moments, like when I see a boy from my girly's school driving this way and I quickly deem him unworthy of dating my daughter….but we try and my irritability has been toned down for sure, because ultimately……you're spot on Amanda, ALL of these drivers, like myself, are receivers of all that Christ has. Just as Christ ensured that one by His side would be with Him in paradise, He ensures this of us as well. It's incredibly soothing, so humbling to know that I am on that "worthy" list…….permanently placed. Prayerful that I don't take this for granted and that I seek God in all my actions and thoughts. That as I move through each day God continue to reveal areas He seeks to refine in me, even if in the slow lane! ~ B
Beautiful, Amanda. And convicting. So incredibly glad He took my sin!
I commute I65 north from the southern end of Williamson County. TDOT made all lanes to be used so get in those lighter used lanes and get over at the last second!
Amanda, I travel that same stretch of highway in Nashville all the time. There is something about 1-65 N that can cause anybody to sin! I am guilty of putting people into “good” and “bad” lists too. Thank you for pointing out these sins but also our hope in Christ!
Just want to share this Needtobreathe song called Multiplied:
Your love is like radiant diamonds
Bursting inside us we cannot contain
Your love will surely come find us
Like blazing wild fires singing Your name
God of mercy sweet love of mine
I have surrendered to Your design
May this offering stretch across the skies
And these Halleluiahs be multiplied
Oh how I love that song!! Your love will surely come find us, like blazing wildfires singing Your name! May these Hallelujahs be multiplied!! (Hope it's okay to share the link in case some have never heard it) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGF-MGGLpB0
Great song! My favorite right now. So grateful,dear Lord that you do come find us. Xoxo
I needed this song for today, Abby. Bless you! Life-enriching words today, Amanda. Blessing you and all…
“How can I curse those whom God has not cursed? How can I denounce those whom the Lord has not denounced?” (Numbers 23:8)
After reading this I have the Matt Redmon song stuck in my head..
“Who holds the keys that set us free?
He paid it all to bring us peace
Jesus, only Jesus”
Have a blessed first day of April sisters!!
I have a spot on my commute just like that one! I often think the same way with it but hopefully now I will look at it with a different perspective. :) So thankful for His sweet grace and love for us.
Can't stop thinking about the two criminals and the two different responses. So much to think about there.
I wished this devotional wouldn’t end. Such great words & insights, Amanda. Thank you for blessing us with them. Also? How about the criminals, who just had faith and were promised paradise. How about that for justice?! What a challenge to let go of all worldly transgressions and pasts when a brother or sister is welcomed into the Kingdom.
Isn't it an amazing God given position to be in…I mean …we are so so NOT worthy on many, if not on ALL levels of our lives…But God…Ah…But God……"'Because of Jesus—and only Jesus—we are forgiven, our unworthiness erased. Because of Him, we have have been made worthy, our names permanently placed on the list of those held forever close to our holy, loving God, never again to be separated from Him.'"… We have a saying here in England, used for guest list purposes, " If your name ain't down, you are not coming in"….translates to if you were important enough you would be on this list…you may know them, you may work for them, you may be related to them, but if they have not put your name on this list …you are not getting in….Reminded me as I wrote, of Jesus' words…'Not all who say Lord Lord will enter the kingdom'..
.But here, the translation is that although we are so not worthy, whatever we have done, said, been, our life with Christ Jesus..our, 10 paces behind Him walk, our going off on a tangent walk ….because of Jesus…because of this Beautiful, Sinless, Son of God, we are made worthy , to be on that list alongside Him….I don't know about you, but to say I am humbled would not be enough…to be on my knees, as I am now, yes,as I write, in gratitude and thanksgiving for this gift of association, of belonging, of Love, …that still does not cut it….but humbly on my knees is a good start…
Thank you Jesus…humbly, thank you…
Sister's, May God turn His face to shine on you today, wherever you are, whatever you do…be absolutely and truly Blessed..xxx
Yikes, if your name ain't down you aren't coming in!! So glad I don't have to BE somebody to get into the Kingdom…God is so merciful. Blessed day friend!
Tina that was wonderfully put. Instead of being guilty by association we are free because of the gift of association as you put it, love it.
Praying for you Rosemary, for comfort, rest and a very real closeness to your God during this time in your journey. Praying for your marriage.
I cried long and hard after reading this devotional. It struck chords of so many personal sins that I wasn’t readily prepared to face just now. There were raw moments that simply reflected the truly ugliness of my sins and the actual weight of what Jesus freely bore foe ME. I’m ashamed. I’m a sinner. And I’m so very grateful that I’m loved in spite of it all. Please pray for my marriage because I’m separated right now. Thank you, ladies!
Rosemary, I’m praying for you and for your marriage right now.
I am praying for you and your marriage Rosemary!
Rosemary, praying for you right now…with a big hug attached…x
Praying for you today Rosemary. Praying that the presence of Jesus will flood your day blessing you with peace, wisdom, forgiveness, healing. He is faithful – His mercies are new every morning:-)
Prayers for restoration and the beautiful reward of repentance in your marriage and life, Rosemary!
Prayerful Rosemary that God will surround you and you will recognize His prescence. That He will provide a peace over your circumstance, your heart and your hurt. That in this separation, you will rely on Him and see Him as your strong tower, that you will be comforted in that He is your victory and He has great things in mind for you. Having been a wife separated, I know those raw moments you speak of, but I also know the great beauty that came in such darkness. Prayerful that God reveals that beauty to you in this season! ~ B
Praying with all your other SRT sisters for you Rosemary.
Praying for you and your marriage.
Prayers lifted….
Praying for you Rosemary.
Hi Rosemary, I'm praying for you too… for your marriage, for your heart…and that you will always, always turn to Jesus.
Love and hugs to you.
Prayers for you and your marriage.