Day 31

Now Thy Gracious Kingdom Bring Day 31

Daniel 2:44-45, Isaiah 11:1-9, Mark 4:26-32, John 18:36-37, Ephesians 1:20-21, Revelation 11:15-17

BY Aurora Eagen

This is my third degree. I’ve begun school again, and I often get asked, “Why do you keep going back?” But I’ve got a hunger in me. There are things I have to know, and I need certain authorities I trust to help point me toward reliable information.  

Yet truth isn’t just about knowing the facts, it’s also about what the facts mean. What do we do with the facts? Which are more important than others? Truth is the correct interpretation of the data. When Jesus says He is the truth and that His whole life is pointing us toward that truth (John 18:37), it means He has the greatest authority; He is the greatest referential point to know what is reliable.  

The passages today wrecked me because the theme that kept emerging is that the kingdom of God usurps all of our structures of authority and power. When Jesus stood before the earthly authorities of His time, whether they were religious, economic or political, His words and the impact of His actions upended ideas about how things were, are, and should be.  

The kingdom of God is about bringing back right relationships throughout creation—restoring the wholeness that our bones yearn for. And this kingdom restoration includes having right knowledge of God. Our healing and wholeness, our integrity, are the result of God.  

Each day lately has been a battle for my perception. I have to fight hard some days to remember that there is more to reality than what I see, what I hear, and what I can imagine or conceptualize. We always have to add what we know about God to what we can see of our circumstances. It is a relief to me to remember that God’s kingdom grows in ways that are beyond our sole efforts and that often begin small—growing in surprisingly unimaginable ways. 

In the incarnation, God came to teach us about who God is. As we learn that, and respond accordingly, the world and our very self begin to be set to rights. Now that’s knowledge worth hungering for.

Post Comments (47)

47 thoughts on "Now Thy Gracious Kingdom Bring Day 31"

  1. Krista Branch says:


  2. Andrea Anderson says:


  3. Victoria E says:

    Rhonda J I love that verse thank you for sharing and for praying. Arina, Searching, and everyone else who is praying for both my sister’s salvation and my appointment tomorrow thank you. I have that song stuck in my head today based on the verse from 2nd Corinthians 3:17- “where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. “ Freedom from fear, freedom from whatever enslaves us. Not related to todays reading but thought I would share. Love you all

  4. Kenya Rafferty says:

    A reminder that God has so much more for me than what I can even begin to imagine – which is crazy because I already feel I am lucky to say that I have no idea how God could give me more. Praying to remember how much more God has to offer than what my senses or imagination can perceive. Praying to live in that truth with a sense of longing and waiting and that it can motivate me to truly make the most of what he is giving me here and now.

  5. Claire B says:


  6. Mercy says:

    To hunger for the knowledge of God is the Lord’s enabling. Eternal life is to know God (John 17:3). It’s a beautiful hunger that the devotional author described. I experienced phases of insatiable hunger for God and His truth. It surprised me yet strangely refreshed me as to where this newfound hunger was rooted. It took me by storm and suddenly replaced my love for shopping (makeup shopping that was lol) and I constantly found myself with a warm drink and a faith book in hand. It’s the Lord’s doing, both to will and to work in us for His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13), and my pleasures too, as that truly fills my tank. And even if going through an ordeal for someone’s sake, you know the phrase “the pleasure is mine” when someone thanks us, I truly feel that the pleasure is all mine. Even for the longing to come back to SRT every morning, talking to “once stranger” fellow reader shes, and as I see your names popping up month after month, year after year, I feel that I truly know you, that desire may sound strange to belong to a group of strangers, longing to hear what happens in their life, miles apart, vastly different from mine, but with shared hope and shared suffering, we are just a click away. That in itself is a miracle, it is a doing of God. That knowledge of devine desire is too wonderful for me. He shapes me and my desires. Grow in grace, grow in knowledge (2 Peter 3:18). Again, grow in knowledge, which takes time. Knowledge isn’t free. It costs time and focus. Without knowledge, we won’t know that it’s all by His grace, by His mercy, by His enabling. We might go through life as a happy go lucky crediting to chance and coincidence. Knowledge will keep us from such “perishing” (Hosea 4:6). May we always have a burning desire for knowledge, especially the knowledge of Truth. Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). Be blessed dear sisters.

  7. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that God has an everlasting kingdom. We don’t have to worry about God’s kingdom being defeated. He will reign forever!

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