This is my third degree. I’ve begun school again, and I often get asked, “Why do you keep going back?” But I’ve got a hunger in me. There are things I have to know, and I need certain authorities I trust to help point me toward reliable information.
Yet truth isn’t just about knowing the facts, it’s also about what the facts mean. What do we do with the facts? Which are more important than others? Truth is the correct interpretation of the data. When Jesus says He is the truth and that His whole life is pointing us toward that truth (John 18:37), it means He has the greatest authority; He is the greatest referential point to know what is reliable.
The passages today wrecked me because the theme that kept emerging is that the kingdom of God usurps all of our structures of authority and power. When Jesus stood before the earthly authorities of His time, whether they were religious, economic or political, His words and the impact of His actions upended ideas about how things were, are, and should be.
The kingdom of God is about bringing back right relationships throughout creation—restoring the wholeness that our bones yearn for. And this kingdom restoration includes having right knowledge of God. Our healing and wholeness, our integrity, are the result of God.
Each day lately has been a battle for my perception. I have to fight hard some days to remember that there is more to reality than what I see, what I hear, and what I can imagine or conceptualize. We always have to add what we know about God to what we can see of our circumstances. It is a relief to me to remember that God’s kingdom grows in ways that are beyond our sole efforts and that often begin small—growing in surprisingly unimaginable ways.
In the incarnation, God came to teach us about who God is. As we learn that, and respond accordingly, the world and our very self begin to be set to rights. Now that’s knowledge worth hungering for.

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47 thoughts on "Now Thy Gracious Kingdom Bring Day 31"
Rhonda J I love that verse thank you for sharing and for praying. Arina, Searching, and everyone else who is praying for both my sister’s salvation and my appointment tomorrow thank you. I have that song stuck in my head today based on the verse from 2nd Corinthians 3:17- “where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. “ Freedom from fear, freedom from whatever enslaves us. Not related to todays reading but thought I would share. Love you all
A reminder that God has so much more for me than what I can even begin to imagine – which is crazy because I already feel I am lucky to say that I have no idea how God could give me more. Praying to remember how much more God has to offer than what my senses or imagination can perceive. Praying to live in that truth with a sense of longing and waiting and that it can motivate me to truly make the most of what he is giving me here and now.
To hunger for the knowledge of God is the Lord’s enabling. Eternal life is to know God (John 17:3). It’s a beautiful hunger that the devotional author described. I experienced phases of insatiable hunger for God and His truth. It surprised me yet strangely refreshed me as to where this newfound hunger was rooted. It took me by storm and suddenly replaced my love for shopping (makeup shopping that was lol) and I constantly found myself with a warm drink and a faith book in hand. It’s the Lord’s doing, both to will and to work in us for His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13), and my pleasures too, as that truly fills my tank. And even if going through an ordeal for someone’s sake, you know the phrase “the pleasure is mine” when someone thanks us, I truly feel that the pleasure is all mine. Even for the longing to come back to SRT every morning, talking to “once stranger” fellow reader shes, and as I see your names popping up month after month, year after year, I feel that I truly know you, that desire may sound strange to belong to a group of strangers, longing to hear what happens in their life, miles apart, vastly different from mine, but with shared hope and shared suffering, we are just a click away. That in itself is a miracle, it is a doing of God. That knowledge of devine desire is too wonderful for me. He shapes me and my desires. Grow in grace, grow in knowledge (2 Peter 3:18). Again, grow in knowledge, which takes time. Knowledge isn’t free. It costs time and focus. Without knowledge, we won’t know that it’s all by His grace, by His mercy, by His enabling. We might go through life as a happy go lucky crediting to chance and coincidence. Knowledge will keep us from such “perishing” (Hosea 4:6). May we always have a burning desire for knowledge, especially the knowledge of Truth. Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). Be blessed dear sisters.
I love that God has an everlasting kingdom. We don’t have to worry about God’s kingdom being defeated. He will reign forever!
As Dorothy said… “In carnation
@Traci Gendron beautifully said!
Jesus is TRUTH. Thank You, Jesus.
@Michelle Patire you’re correct we are all a big family here! How cool that we can all come together and just pray for one another. @Rhonda J. I agree understanding that somebody else has it harder than you makes it a little easier to bare our burdens. When my dad was in the hospital I kept telling that my high was somebody else’s low and my low was somebody else’s high. @Sarah D. I agree much our life is in the middle seasons. I too long for the next period in my life but then what? Learning to be content where I am and enjoying every season of life is hard for me to do. Surrendering control is something I really struggle with. I pray in 2023 I can learn to do that and just enjoy my life as it is.
God is my comforter, counselor, judge, teacher, healer, My Father. Lord I pray that I may be like the mustard seed. That I will grow and produce fruit for you. That I will shine your love through my behavior. That I will keep my eyes up on you. Longing for the day when our Savior will come back for us. This world is just a blip, nothing compared to what heaven will be like.
“In the incarnation, God came to teach us about who God is.” WOW!!! What a powerful sentence Aurora wrote. I don’t know about you, my sisters in Christ, but in enjoy learning about what God has to teach about who He is. I THRIST AND HUNGER for it.
Father God of all KNOWLEDGE continue to teach us more each day, hour, minute, and second about You, Your Son, and the Holy Spirit so we can strive to more like You. We know will never be totally like You until we reach Heaven but help us to put away our ungodly ways and show the world what You are like. Amen.
Sisters be blessed and seek knowledge of the Lord every day.
We have to add God’s perspective into our circumstances. So true and so good.
Amen, Churchmouse, amen!!
I am so grateful for this community.
I feel a hunger & Thurston to learn more about scripture to draw closer to Jesus ❤️
With each new step as I walk away from this year’s Christmas, my life is already filled with great blessings. If you are reading this, you too are blessed beyond measure compared to so many living in other places today. It means you have electricity, internet, sight, and an education to say the least. And, if you are like me as I look up from typing on this tablet, I see my cup full of hot coffee, I feel the heater’s warmth, I see the sun shining through my windows of a very comfortable house, and I am wearing one of many pairs of reading glasses to help me see as I type. I also have memories of a sweet Christmas with my husband, just the two of us. All of the Christmas hymns of praise have been sung, and the silly songs of reindeer, Santa, and Frosty make me smile. All good treasures to hold. So what is next? Hard things are still ahead. But in light of my blessings listed above, the hard things could be so much worse. Yes, cancer sucks. Yes, arguments and conflict can wreck a beautiful day. Loss and grief hurts. Hard things are still hard. But the hope of Christ came as a promise of what is ahead. The beauty of the Christmas story in Luke is eventually followed by the torture and crucifiction of our Savior who was born that day. And this is followed by His Resurrection and Ascension. And, He now sits at the right hand of God waiting to return. So, I am called to wait along with all of you. Until… Maranatha. Yes, come Lord Jesus. Come soon. I am sure this cry echoes in all of our hearts today, and many days, if we are honest. And just as the followers of Jesus were sure of who He was, we can also be sure of who He is today. There was no reign of victory that we would see in the physical realm, or claim as such after Jesus ascended. Disciples were left behind to face martyrdom. They stood strong, shining for their faith in ways I cannot fathom. Persecution is not something I have to face. So everything else I do face? I can do it with Christ who strengthens me, and turning to Him strengthens my faith. I want a Polycarp kind of faith. I want a Stephen kind of faith. I want more of Jesus and less of this world. Refine me Lord, purify my heart. Forgive me for my pride and blindness to my blessings. Forgive me for not using my talents fully for You. Show me how, Lord. Help me to see. Thank you for these creature comforts of coffee, and warmth, and a beautiful home in the country. Thank you for my husband. Thank you for my job. Thank you for my family, even though far away. Thank you for good memories. Thank you for my friends and church community. Thank you for these She Reads Truth studies and all the She’s reading with me. Bless them greatly, bless us Lord. Help me use what you have so abundantly given me to encourage and comfort those who are hurting around me. Help me shine with Your light so we can all see. Help us to wait well. Until… Amen.
“Your Kingdom Come..” Yes Lord, your Kingdom Come! Oh Glorious Day! Sometimes I have such a longing for our King to come. Life can be so hard and challengings at times, then at other times we feel alive and in control, and even giddy! I love the picture God shows us of a woman in labor, but then the beauty of the gift makes us quickly forget the struggle. Usually what helps me get through a struggle is remembering that there are many more that have suffered even greater struggles than myself. Instead, I should put my focus on the Lord, my creator, my comforter…HE will get me through anything IF I lean into Him. He knows my situation better than anyone, and even if I could think of no worse situation, He knows. (which actually makes me think of the Jeremy Camp song by that title! “He Knows!”) And He LOVES us, we are never alone. So whatever struggle you are dealing with remember God knows, God will hold you, and He loves you. My first scripture memorization challenge is this;
Psalm 55:22 “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you. He will never let the righteous be shaken.” (wow, that was nice knowing a scripture by heart without having to look it up!) (I know that is a very short simple verse…but I am challenged with retaining!)This is going to be a great year of memorizing the Lord’s Word!! Store up in my heart! With my word being Hope! Hope of the Heaven to come, the everlasting life!
Have a good day my friends, my She’s! Praying for you
@Victoria for tomorrow.
@Searching- thankful for the same, that God was there when I strayed on my own.
I wrote this down in my prayer journal today Churchmouse. Smoke and mirrors, what a beautiful image. Blessings to you.
I think I will take classes of some sort for as long as I can. I love learning. It may be a fear of getting real too. Loneliness as well. However, God is the only true teacher.
“for the land will be as full
of the knowledge of the Lord
as the sea is filled with water”
One day Lord, all will acknowledge You! Help me to be faithful in showing who You are to others until that day.
This line stuck with me too! ♥️
“We always have to add what we know about God to what we can see of our circumstances.” Needed to hear this reminder today. ❤️
“I was born for this…” praise God!!!! This part of verse 37 just stuck out to me!!! How lucky are we that we have Jesus !!!
I also loved the devotional on He Reads Truth today!! The theme of waiting has been very prevalent this Advent season…we are waiting for Christ’s second coming. But we do not wait without hope, because our hope is in heaven. I also apply this to other parts of my life as well…waiting if God wants me to stay in my current job, waiting to be in a relationship. I have learned that a lot of our lives are in the “middle” phase. We long for what is next. But I am convicted that I should be cherishing the present, because that is where God has me right now. He is teaching me something today, and I need to trust that he holds my future. I can actively wait for what is next by living in my purpose now, which is to love Christ and make him known. He defines me. My future is secure, in heaven. Nothing can snatch me from his hand. This past year was really hard, but I am praying that I learn and grow from it. I know God has a plan. Have a great day everyone!
Oh and precious Arina, too! :)
Thank you: Peggy, Pam, Lehua, Rhonda, Anna, Annie, Searching, Kim Z, Victoria E, Rebecca W, Mercy, and everyone else I know who didn’t write but is still praying for me. Thank you for your advice, as well. It helped. This transition season has been so hard for me emotionally past two years… I am so glad my friend Vanessa introduced me to you all. We are family. God bless your prayerful and compassionate hearts. Love you all. <33
And He was saying, “The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; – Mark 4:26 ❤️ So hard to imagine, but I love this imagery.
There is only one Truth. There is only one source. This world is smoke and mirrors. Every time I open my Bible I am immersing myself in the Light of Truth. Light always extinguishes darkness. Smoke, mirrors and darkness will all pass away but the Word of the Lord stands firm forever.
Father Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus name, Amen
Where would I be without Jesus and the true promise of my place in heaven? As I read through the promises and prophecies that were fulfilled, I wonder how someone could not believe? Then I remember when I was running away from Jesus as far as I could, living a life of lies and shame and being convinced that I had no need of God or salvation, or almost convinced. I was blessed that I had been brought up in church and deep down in my heart, the Truth was there and Christ was waiting for me, praise the Lord!
VICTORIA E – praying for your sister’s salvation. I too have a sibling that is not saved and now the kids have not been brought up to know Him. Praying for our lost loved ones, it’s heartbreaking.
MICHELLE PATIRE – praying for your siblings, your mom and you as you navigate the struggles and drama in your home and as you show Jesus to them with the life that you live – and that they will find the peace and guidance they seek in Him.
TRACI GENDRON – loved your reminder to live our lives in the manner designed by God and to not try to change people. That is God’s job, and our job is to live for Him so that those around us see Him in our lives. I cringe when I act in a way that does not reflect Him – it’s difficult to repair that impression on people.
KENYA RAFFERTY – I’m also glad the plan continues past Christmas, pulling everything together.
CHRISTY D – praying for you
DOROTHY – praise for the repaired pipes!
REBECCA W – thank you for your testimony of family and answered prayers
ALLISON M – praising the Lord for reconciliation with your husband, praying for continued healing of that relationship and with bil and sil, and healing from all that you’ve been through.
RHONDA J – proud of you, and praying for your husband
God’s kingdom grows like a crop does. It started as something small. Just as a seed has to die in order to grow, so we have to die to ourselves in order to grow to be like Christ. It takes time for a seed to grow. Sometimes it seems like nothing is happening. Other times significant growth occurs and you can see promising glimpses of what is to come. You must watch over and tend to the crop so that it can be fruitful, but you must also let God do His work in it. If you give too much care to the crop by overwatering it or taking the plant out to check on its growth, the crop will not survive. However, if you watch carefully, tend faithfully, and trust God to do His work, the crop will grow and it will be fruitful.
God’s kingdom started as a very small group of common people in Israel. It is now a kingdom that extends across our globe and includes people from all nationalities, peoples, tribes, and languages. Jesus is the Ruler of God’s kingdom and He is exalted far above every ruler and authority, power and dominion, and every title given. He rules over a kingdom of peace and truth. The kingdom of this world will one day be the kingdom of Jesus Christ. He will reign forever and ever over this world and every person will bow to Him and confess Him as the Lord He is. This world will one day be filled with truth and peace and the knowledge of the Lord. Come, Lord Jesus!
Yes Lord, set things right… and soon!
His knowledge will fill the whole earth. Maybe it will be already today. May that shape how I live this day. Come, Lord Jesus.
Michelle Patire, Victoria E – praying for you and your family