Nothing but the Blood

Open Your Bible

Exodus 24:3-8, Romans 5:6-11, Hebrews 9:15-22

Text:  Exodus 24:3-8, Romans 5:6-11, Hebrews 9:15-22

The hymn “Nothing but the Blood” was composed by Robert Lowry (1826-1899), a university professor and Baptist preacher from New England.

Although an accomplished musician, Lowry wanted most to be known as a preacher. He said, “Music, with me has been a side issue… I would rather preach a gospel sermon to an appreciative audience than write a hymn. I have always looked upon myself as a preacher and felt a sort of depreciation when I began to be known more as a composer” (Butterworth 165).

His preference for preaching comes through in the way his most popular hymn plays like a sermon. The hymn utilizes a call-and-response pattern similar to that of Psalm 136, in which the leader of the assembly makes a statement about God, and the people respond, “His steadfast love endures forever.”

The lines of the hymn alternate—the odd lines asking essential questions about what reconciles us to God, while the even lines respond with the same refrain: “Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” The chorus, then, draws the musical sermon together, reminding us why the blood of Jesus is so necessary: “Precious is the flow that makes me white as snow. No other fount I know. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”

By design, call-and-response hymns lead believers to confess their faith together. May we sing such songs over one another. And may “the message about the Messiah dwell richly among you, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, and singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, with gratitude in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16).

Nothing but the Blood
Robert Lowry

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

O precious is the flow

that makes me white as snow;
no other fount I know;
nothing but the blood of Jesus.

For my pardon this I see:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing this my plea:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]

Nothing can for sin atone:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Naught of good that I have done:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]

This is all my hope and peace:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my righteousness:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]SRT-Hymns6-Instagram10s

Butterworth, Hezekiah. Story of the Tunes. New York, NY: American Tract Society, 1890.

Russ Ramsey and his wife and four children make their home in Nashville, Tennessee. He is a pastor at Christ Presbyterian Church and the author of  Struck: One Christian’s Reflections on Encountering Death (forthcoming, IVP, 2017), Behold the Lamb of God: An Advent Narrative, and Behold the King of Glory: A Narrative of the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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67 thoughts on "Nothing but the Blood"

  1. Donna Wolcott says:

    When at times, I feel the lack of words I want to say as I pray, I turn to song. Turn up the music and let God know this is on my heart. Lifting you all in prayer and giving thanks for each one of you.

  2. Molly R says:

    One of my absolute favorites! It resonated with me, even as a child, that the only thing that could do the trick was the blood of Jesus. And I enjoyed the corporate, question/answer feel it had -like we were all being asked and we were all giving the one and only answer!
    We’ve had a weather shift here in the PNW – the rain is back, which I love! But as a first time gardener I was hoping for one of our more epic Indian Summers we can have – beautiful warm days into October. But now that we have a reason to observe and be intentional about each season, it’s really helped us embrace anew each change we are given. We’re busy preparing our home for the days of being inside more, and together doing inside activities like more reading under cozy blankets, baking, games, puzzles. God is so gracious in His gifts of seasons and change.

  3. Michelle Patire says:

    This is perhaps my favorite hymn. It changed my life when I was deeply questioning the person of Jesus. Those of you who heard my testimony know that this song was sung at my church in New York and it led me to my knees, one day. I confessed to God that I doubted the power of the blood anymore but knew that wasn’t okay. Days later, the Lord used Scripture (Acts 9, Paul’s testimony) with His grace and the scales of deception fell from my eyes. This song is powerful – may we always rejoice in our salvation!

    @Krystle Scott- thank you for sharing that yesterday and thinking of me. I appreciated that a lot. I did respond last night, but wanted to say thank you again. Also glad to see it helped @Searching, too! :)

    @Teresa Donley- praise God for a sooner appointment!! That is an answered prayer!

    @Laura — continuing to pray for your family. I’ve been thinking a lot recently about Jesus’s command to “abide in His love” – and trying to live that. I pray that you would be able to receive that and meditate on His love more, as He draws You near to Him. It is such a sweet thing to meditate on God’s love for us. How great and mysterious it is, but how near and special. I pray you and your husband abide in His love throughout life’s challenges and questions. <3 God bless.

    @Dawn Prenatt- love @Mercy's response to you, yesterday. May God give you peace as you walk this out and process it.

    @Sharon, JG- thankful you are able to walk so soon!! Wow!! That's crazy to me. Praying for continued healing from pain and smooth recovery!

  4. Kristine Loughman says:

    I love when I read familiar words in the Bible but they hit in a fresh way. They are new every morning! Today this is what stopped me: “For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.” – Romans 5:10

    Growing up in a Christian house, I always knew that Jesus had died on the cross for me. My missionary dad has made it his life’s work to share this good news with people all over the world. But it always felt the death on the cross was the most important part of that story. Jesus died to save ME, even “while we were enemies”. But as I get older I realize that it’s Jesus’s LIFE, along with death and resurrection, that is going to save me. Living and loving like Jesus did. It makes Jesus less of my ticket to heaven, and more an example of how to live these precious days.

    TERESA DONELY – praises that your appointment got moved up
    MOLLY R- I sympathize with you in the need to keep a schedule. We teachers (homeschool or not) are ruled by it. May the Lord bless your ability to pivot and be present for your little one. I used to pray that God would “stretch the day” and give me more time so I could get it all done.
    ALEIDA- so much transition in your lives! May God grant you moments of peace and certainty as you continue to journey into the new, with your home and Victor.
    KIMBERLY Z- same! It’s easy to ask, harder to remember to praise. ❤️

  5. Adrienne says:

    A musical sermon… I like that! That’s what hymns are… musical sermons! We need to digest the words more fully when we sing.I am a “visual learner”, and I get so much more out of a hymn sometimes than I do listening to a sermon. Both are important, of course, but a hymn can get stuck in my head, which makes me ruminate on it throughout the day.

    Blessings on you all, sweet she’s!

  6. Searching says:

    Over and over (and over …) sacrifices were made throughout the history revealed in the Old Testament, never enough to cover even the next day’s sins – but Christ’s sacrifice is everlasting, covering our sins as we believe, confess, repent and follow Him. Hallelujah!
    Hebrews 10:11 And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12 But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, 13 from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool. 14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. NKJV
    Reminded of another song today, There is Power in the Blood (Lewis E Jones, 1899).

    LYNNE FROM AL, NANCY S, LINDA FROM NC – praying for each of you and your husbands ❤️

    TERESA DONLEY – wonderful news on your appointment change, almost 2 months sooner!

    DAWN PRENATT – praying for your friendship loss. I think KELLY (NEO) had a really good idea to write a letter, for closure and begin the healing process. Also praying for your friend.

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – praying for continued healing, and for Arian to secure a FT job

    CEE GEE – love the song you shared yesterday, one of my favorites. ❤️

    LAURA – praying for your time spent in praise ❤️

    KRYSTLE SCOTT – the quote you shared to MICHELLE PATIRE from the Deuteronomy devo yesterday, so good. It resonated with me too.

  7. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”

    My blood would never do. A lamb’s blood is only a substitute. Jesus’ blood is holy and absolute!

    SEARCHING-Thanks for the correction yesterday.
    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – thanks for the update on you and your sister
    TERESA DONLEY – glad to hear your appt. was moved up. Praying you rest in Jesus’ peace as you wait
    DAWN PRENATT – keep on praying, friend transitions are so hard. Maybe write a letter (by hand) expressing how much the relationship has ment to you and that you understand seasons change but will miss it? I have often been surprised when a seemingly close, long-term friendship has ended. God has been faithful to bring another, not to replace but to enrich.

  8. Vanessa Lopez says:

    Love this song and I love that there’s so much power in the blood of the Lamb. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice, where would I be if not for you…