No Other Gospel

Open Your Bible

Galatians 1:6-10, Isaiah 44:6-23, 2 Corinthians 11:1-4, 2 Corinthians 11:12-15

One of my favorite developmental stages for my daughter was characterized primarily by truly delightful  make-believe. She spun magical tales and recited them with flourish, keeping us entertained and amazed at her creativity and sense of humor. Some of her stories were easy to identify as play—I know empirically that, no matter how awesome it sounds, a seagull did, in fact, not land on her head and take a seashell that she had balanced there.

But some of her stories made it harder to sift out truth from make-believe. Did she really swim without a life jacket at camp? Despite all the assurances that she would always have a Personal Flotation Device, it’s possible the counselor forgot. Maybe? Sussing out fact from fiction in these scenarios was hard, a delicate balance of demanding honesty and encouraging her storytelling, creativity, and play.

When fiction is easy to identity, we delight in the power of story. When the line between truth and embellishment blurs, it is easy to believe first and question later. This is exactly Paul’s point in today’s part of the letter to Galatians. “I am amazed,” he wrote, “that you are so quickly turning away from him who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—not that there is another gospel” (Galatians 1:6–7). Paul pulled no punches, telling them, “If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, a curse be on him!” (v.9).

More often than not, the false gospels I am drawn to are not patently false at first glance. They dance on the line of biblical orthodoxy, skirting around it and often adding to it. “A real Christian should live this way!” they say, along with a pseudo-salvific claim to living out some expectation of modern life. Today’s false gospels bend Scripture, asking it to do or be something it’s not, which is exactly what the false teachers in Galatia were doing: adding a requirement of circumcision and following other Jewish laws to become a Christian.

Furthermore, in 2 Corinthians, Paul admonished, “For if a person comes and preaches another Jesus…you put up with it splendidly!” (2Corinthians 11:4). Like his message to the Galatians, Paul’s warning was two-fold: Stay true to the one true gospel and to Christ, and do not follow or teach a false gospel.

Actively fighting against the temptation of false gospels every day happens by engaging in Scripture, the north star that always points us exclusively to Christ. Filtering out falsehoods and embellishments is the work of the Holy Spirit in my heart through the means of grace that is the Word of God. I am so thankful for it.

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113 thoughts on "No Other Gospel"

  1. Madelyn Hayes says:


  2. Brittanie Dix says:


  3. Donielle Fletcher says:

    I really like how she wrote that actively fighting against the temptation of false gospels. It sometimes is truly a temptation to believe in a gospel that is false and bent in a way that makes it something it’s not. It’s hard to be discerning, and I am so thankful to have the Bible. Our North Star. ⭐️

  4. Peggy Rice says:

    Go Eat Pop Corn
    General Electric Power Company

  5. Lisa L Hill says:

    Making it a habit to stay in God’s word. In this world we have too many distraction. I pray for focus.

  6. justine viola says:

    I needed this reading today. I am still struggling with something that happened yesterday. My MIL is kind and faithful woman and she asked to speak with my husband and I and pretty much said the end of times is coming. That God put this message in her heart and we need to prepare by stockpiling non perishables, however in the Bible it says no one is will know when Jesus is coming not even the angels in heaven. I was so anxious because I have a 3 year old and a 10 month old, but what I read in the scripture is to keep calm and faith in Jesus and no one will know. I am open to any other words of wisdom.

    1. Jessica Wulff says:

      You are exactly right! Fear will lead us to do unnecessary and foolish things. Live each day and only each day. The future will always be there and the future belongs to the Lord.

    2. Jennifer Harrington says:

      My pastor has been telling us the same thing. We don’t know exactly how bad the world is going to get before the return of Christ. No one knows when Jesus is returning but the Bible does tell us that we will know the season (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21). We really don’t know what we will live through before Jesus calls us up to him, we may have to go through really rough times. I know a lot of people who have said the same thing your MIL has said. Pray about it and ask God to lead you in what to do ❤️

    3. Erin Mauk says:

      I’m not an expert on this. But from what I’ve studied and listened to lately – I think you’re both right. This video has been super interesting and helpful for me, it might be for you too. On YouTube, search “seven-year tribulation and The Second Coming dr mark Hitchcock”. He talks about how we’re probably approaching that time just based on the signs the Bible talks about. It’s true, no one knows exactly when. And we should presently be living and seeking God. And enjoying our families. I don’t think it’s wrong to be prepared, but I will say there is also a lot of “prepare or else” talk pre-election. Regardless, having things prepared to help your family isn’t a bad idea (I don’t have a stockpile but I do think about how it’s probably not a bad idea). I think in the end though, God is good and we don’t need to fear. I hope God quells your anxiety with his peace that transcends all understanding. Such a beautiful thing. Praying for you sis.

    4. Mandi Cavett says:

      I had to get off social media because of this. I was seeing it everywhere and it was giving me so much anxiety :( also so many different people saying different things on what we need to do gave me too much anxiety.

  7. Marisa Carter says:

    Paul was bold!

  8. Jen Craggy says:


  9. Sara Grace says:

    Need to remember to stay steadfast.

  10. Déja D says:

    In a world that is full of TikTok and other short form video, it’s really easy to be pulled in information on any topic. I pray that God would continue to equip us with His wisdom knowledge so that we can discern what is from His word and what is not, as well as what is authentic news, and what is not.

  11. Kristina Finney says:

    Only one true Truth!

  12. Carla Fox says:

    I’m so glad that my most important identity is in Christ!!!

  13. Emilee Cantu says:

    “Engaging in scripture, the North Star that points us to Christ” ⭐️

    1. Kathryn Zell says:

      This part stood out to me also! Excellent analogy

    2. Sam Nauman says:

      This was such an inspiring analogy as I’m beginning a journey of re grounding myself in reading the Word. ❤️

    3. Cait B says:

      I took this to heart! I already feel more on balance after reading scripture today :)

  14. Mercy says:

    Whoever preaches the wrong gospel, let that person be cursed, let that person be cursed. This is not Old Testament curses like Deuteronomy 28, but New Testament curse. I have witnessed two churches closing down because of this, and consequences came onto the pastors house. I was part of both and under great oppression. Great manipulation and Narcississm /Jezebel behind. Prayers were lifted and the Lord acted to release the captives free from such toxic church environment. Judgement starts first with God’s house. In the book of the beloved mama Mary K. Baxter, the Divine revelation of hell, there is a place called Outer Darkness where the Lord Jesus took her to, and He said this is where the servants of the Kingdom that preached the wrong gospel, or turned away from Him to lead people astray are kept. Highly recommend this book dear she’s. Lots of detailed revelations were given which the Bible just simply touched on. I was so grateful to read it. The Lord has blessed us with great revelations through His true prophets. It is just hard to skim through to find who is true and who is false in such information saturated times. Be blessed dear sisters.❤️

    1. Lexi B says:

      Thank you for this Mercy; very applicable to a situation I left. <3

  15. Donna Wolcott says:

    “So to, though the tongue is a small part of the body, it boasts great things. Consider how a small fire sets ablaze a large forest ” James 3:5
    Welcome to all new sisters, have an amazing day!❤️

  16. Sharon Jersey Girl says:

    Galatians 1:6 is a good reminder to us all – how important it is to be in the word each day! It’s also important to always check what you hear or read with scripture. Even in great shows like The Chosen, which is based on the Bible – if something comes up that I’m not familiar with or need to be reminded of – I check it with the scriptures, it’s a good habit to get into. (FYI – I haven’t found anything in The Chosen that contradicts the Bible)

    Have a blessed Tuesday She’s, and welcome all new participants!

    1. Kim B says:

      This is such a good reminder! Now that I’m reading the Bible myself, I realize that a lot of the people citing the Bible online are taking things out of context or making it fit their perspective. I don’t think most are being deceitful but I had always just believed what other Christians have said. Now I find it in the Bible and read it for myself.

  17. Cee Gee says:

    Biblegateway verse of the day:
    Psalm 119:160 (NIV)
    All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.

  18. Cynthia from Alabama says:

    HELP! Our daughter is married to a woman and believes she is a Christian. We confronted her 10 years ago when she was forced to come out to us. We have tried to keep the lines of communication opened and love her and her partner with the love of Christ. This Scripture reveals to me that she is believing a false gospel. Please pray for me and her father as we do not believe she is truly following Jesus Christ. Thank you!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ Praying with you and for you, your husband, and your daughter.

    2. Sharon Jersey Girl says:

      Oh Cynthia – how hard that must be for you. Prayers for your daughter & her wife to come to know the true saving gospel of Jesus Christ…although she could be saved, just refusing to acknowledge what she’s doing as sin & refusing to repent of it. Only Hod knows. Prayers for them both!

    3. Karyssa says:

      This podcast came out just recently and you might find it very helpful and encouraging!

    4. Mercy says:

      Praying for your daughter

    5. Truth Seeker says:

      Look into Patti Height Out Of Egypt Ministries as she was in that situation and they both came out of it

  19. Rhonda J. says:

    From HRT
    One of the great weapons of false gospels in the Church is peer pressure (Galatians 1:7). Most of us like being liked; we don’t want to make waves and offend others. But if this goes unchecked, it can lead to adopting all kinds of dangerous teachings. Paul wrote that he wasn’t trying to please people first and foremost (v.10). He was Christ’s servant. He was committed to speaking the truth and guarding the good deposit of grace to the Galatians.

    If you ever sense someone spreading a distorted gospel, remember who it is you live to please, first and foremost. Correct course in love. Correct course because it matters. And when possible, do not let others be led astray.

    Written by J. A. Medders

    1. Cee Gee says:

      That was so good, wasn’t it?!❤

    2. Mercy says:

      Amen. Peer pressure is the big fat fear of man, which is a huge trap. It takes lots of courage for us to be unpopular, to be disliked, to speak truth, to abide in truth.

  20. Cheryl Blow says:

    Sincere and pure devotion to Christ- this just stood out to me. As was said, how do we filter out what is truth and what is deception? Through the Word of God and keeping a pure and sincere devotion to Jesus Christ!

    Praying for the eyes of our heart to be open and devoted to Jesus through the Word and Prayer!

  21. Traci Gendron says:

    Gal 1:10 – If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. Just yesterday I had a conversation with a believer about bad parenting. I see parents being followers not leaders. Not putting their children’s best interests first. She said to me that there is shame from others in not following. Which I responded that I don’t care what those others think of me, only God. We need to be strong, especially in today’s world. To stand up for our beliefs, to protect our children.

    Isaiah 44:9 All who make idols are nothing, and what they treasure benefits no one. How true is this?! I see so many where I live worshipping other things. Crystals, buddah, yoga, etc. My stepdaughter has a shrine of buddah by her tub. She is not a happy person. But as it says in Isaiah 44:18 Such people do not comprehend and cannot understand, for he has shut their eyes so they cannot see, and their minds so they cannot understand. And then in 2 Cor 11: 14 For Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no great surprise if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will be according to their works. We need to keep our eyes and hears open. To plant God’s word in our hearts!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      “We need to keep our eyes and hears open. To plant God’s word in our hearts!” Amen Tracy!! It is hard to hear people’s take, with a genuine heart, yet we know it contradicts God’s word. I am glad you are getting more bold! Bold in love and truth IS hard!! I have to put things through a “God Filter” to listen to what the Spirit wants me to say, rather than Rhonda’s quick, snippy replies. sigh.

    2. Adrienne says:

      That verse popped out to me too, Traci… “If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” How am I trying to please others (or myself)?

    3. Mercy says:

      Amen. Be bold.

  22. Aimee D-R says:


    1. Adrienne says:

      I love seeing your posts each day, Aimee D-R! ❤️

  23. Serenity Jo says:

    Trust in the LORD forever,
    for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26:4

  24. Melissa says:

    Good morning SHES! I think in today’s world I see Christians confusing the gospel with politics. Just because you are XYZ doesn’t mean you are a Christian, and the opposite is true too. Our only king is Jesus, everything in this world is temporary, faith in Christ is eternal.

  25. Rhonda J. says:

    Oh, we all make are silly idols out of wood! I loved that part added in today from Psalm! But, to the main focus, the letter to Galatians, it seems straight forward and easy..yet we have SO many denominations in Christianity! How?Sometimes it makes me bold…but most often it makes me shrink back from these “debates!” The “all roads lead to God” is pretty easy to debunk. But, when people do love Jesus but have practices and different truths…phew..I just can’t, I become confused, and just stay in my lane.

    Lord, help me to be bold and stand and preach the one true gospel. I don’t want to debate, but I want to be your disciple and point people to you. Don’t you want those astray to come to you, Lord, please let the scales fall from their eyes. The believers that want you, but are deceived. Lord, you love everyone, but only those that accept your Son, are your children. We are the chosen. Thank you Lord, that you draw us to you first, it is not by what we do, but what YOU do. We ask you to draw all of our loved ones to You. We know you are going to separate the weeds.give those we love the eyes to see and ears to hear. In Jesus name, Amen.

    1. Traci Gendron says:

      Amen! And all your comments to others today are good. You were not too

      1. Adrienne says:


    2. Cathy McVey says:

      Amen Rhonda!! Such a good prayer for all of us. ❤️

  26. Cee Gee says:

    “Today’s false gospels bend Scripture, asking it to do or be something it’s not, which is exactly what the false teachers in Galatia were doing: adding a requirement of circumcision and following other Jewish laws to become a Christian.” Lots of truth there, Melanie! ❤
    Welcome to all our new ‘sisters’!

    1. Adrienne says:


    2. Kat D says:

      Amen. We should not have to become jewish before we can become Christian. They were wrong to add additional hoops which would prevent people from coming to and following Christ.

      We do not need to be perfect in order to join the church. We do need to be open to learning about God’s love for us and willing to show that love to others as Jesus commands us to do.

  27. Kris says:

    We see it a lot these days – people trying to change the gospel to fit their desires. I wonder how many times I’ve tried to make the Word say what I wanted it to say. Father, convict me when I try to make Your Word something that it isn’t. Help me to conform to Your Word in its purity. Change me so I fit into Your Word.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Yes, Kris! I had just copied and came to comments to paste the quote above when I saw your comment. There us so much distortion of truth and diluting of the truth, I can see how a new Christian could be confused if they haven’t fully understood the work of the Holy Spirit giving discernment.

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, always said so much simpler, than my wordy words like Paul!! I read your’s after I posted, and said..Yeah, that’s what I meant!! lol

    3. Adrienne says:


  28. Karen Y says:

    I watched the book of Galatians overview video from the Bible Project and it’s given me a better understanding of what this letter is really about and why it was written. Sometimes I get lost reading Paul’s arguments based on his writing style. This video has already helped my comprehension.

    1. Kim Buttonberry says:

      Thank you for the mention of The Bible Project, Karen! I was unaware of it, and boy, what a great resource!

  29. Maria Baer says:

    I saw yesterday that we have a few new gals in the group! Welcome everyone! Glad to have you!

  30. Maria Baer says:

    “Scripture, the North Star that always points us exclusively to Christ.” I love this so much. May I always have understanding of what God wants me to see through Scripture, and discernment from the Holy Spirit to realize when I am unknowingly bending my knees in front of idols and when being led astray.

  31. Lanie H says:

    Laura, I was encouraged reading your post yesterday. I shared about my sister in law returning physically home and spiritually home recently and I can see similarities in the warfare that has followed. I was with her this weekend and she is in a dark place, she contributes it to anxiety, saying she feels her identity is being stripped. I don’t know that I have ever seen such an up close picture of spiritual warfare. Some of it is classic Satan deception, “as in you are not completely forgiven”. She says she feels like God is weighing heavy on her to tell the truth to her boyfriend. She perceives this as judgement, and is sure new boyfriend will leave when he finds out. I fear she is right, AND I feel that the weight she feels from God is God needing her to learn that he is enough. Her spiritual awakening is tightly interwoven into this relationship. (They came to Christ together) And I can see God untangling it. And Satan trying to use that to say see God doesn’t want you to be happy. I know, because it took me 10 years to break out of that lie. I have these “feelings” but I have not told her all of this. The only thing I know to do is pray. And ask for prayer here for her and her boyfriend.

    1. Soma D says:

      Praying for your SIL and her boyfriend to be able to put on the full armor of God to battle and defeat the lies in this spiritual warfare.

    2. Sharon Jersey Girl says:

      Prayers for your sister- in-law and her boyfriend. May God open her eyes, and also give her the courage to share the gospel with him.

    3. Lanie H says:

      Y’all. Thank you so much for your prayers. I felt so strongly to post this morning, and a strong urge to pray for her. She texted me today that she audibly heard God say “you are holding onto me and you need to be holding onto me”. She said she felt so peaceful with telling him the truth and although it was hard and hurt him, she feels free from the darkness that was weighing her down. It still blows me away the power of prayer, so just wanted to share my praise to God and thankfulness to those who prayed!

      1. Lanie H says:

        Onto him*

      2. Rhonda J. says:

        That’s amazing! Prayers for her to grow in her walk!

    4. Laura says:

      Lanie, I am sorry I am only seeing this now. I have told many people as I update them about Taliah that God is on the move! As we know, God is always working, but right now in our family, we can see visible movement, and we are feeling so encouraged, so joyful, so hopeful. BUT, we also know that Satan is not going to be happy about that and will do whatever his sneaky self can do to uproot it. My husband keeps reminding me and my daughter that Satan will try to tear this down, because he does not want to see redemption, he does not want a lost sheep to come back to the Lord. So we must be even more diligent to pray and stay close to our Lord and Savior who is stronger and mightier than Satan. My husband has also been leading our family to show extra mercy to Taliah. She, like your SIL, will carry a lot of shame for her past. She spewed a lot of hatred towards us and her sister and we know she feels shame about that (at least toward her sister at this point, because she acknowledged it). So the best way that we as Christians can show her love right now is to show mercy. This does not mean that we won’t in the future discuss the past, because in order for her to really heal and accept God’s forgiveness, she will need to come to terms with her past, but for now, mercy and love.

      I want to say so much more but I am rushed this morning! Will be praying for you and your situation.

  32. Erica Chiarelli says:

    I wrote in my Bible next to the 2 Corinthians passage “do not be led astray

  33. Lydia Huter says:

    I am very convicted in trying to discern what I may have in my life that is being idolized. I am going to continue to pray on this. Hi everyone! Excited to be here!

  34. Elise Leonard says:

    Hi, Friends! It’s been years since I’ve done a SRT devotional. I’m so glad to be back. Are there any Facebook groups for us that we can join and talk about the reading more or just for encouragement and community?

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Hi Elise!! Glad to have you back!! There is an official SRT fb page, but I never was able to get much conversation going there…so we did start another private group for us She’s!

      Search for SRT SHE’S in groups and you should find it…Answer the question that you are part of SRT so I can admit you!! See you there!! And anyone else that wants to join!!

      1. Elise Leonard says:

        Rhonda, Thank you so much! Just requested.

      2. Amy G says:

        Thank you! Requested

      3. Patricia Patton says:

        Sent a request

    2. Karen Swanson says:

      Yes! Search SRT SHE’S

  35. Tara B says:

    Lord, I pray always for discernment; to know and not be persuaded to anything other than the Truth of Your Word! Good Morning She’s! I hope you have a glorious day ☺️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, Tara, discernment..and God Filter! We must stay diligent!

  36. Michelle P says:

    I was in Barnes and Noble the other day looking for a new book. I was in the section of the store where the Christian books are. As I scanned the shelves, I noticed a book I had a few years ago when I was confused about my faith and involved in “new age” beliefs. I had thrown the book out after God miraculously removed the scales from my eyes. So I was curious, what did that book say again that had me so confused about my faith? I picked it up and started shuffling through the chapters.
    The book is literally called,
    “What is the Bible?” And it’s a guide to what the author believes the Bible is.
    As I scanned through the chapters, there were Scripture references all over and the author answered common questions people have about the Bible.
    As I read, I realized this man is treating God’s word as if it doesn’t have the final say. He is draining out the authority of Scripture and placing it in the hands of man. He is talking about Jesus “saving us from our sins”, yet seemingly denying His authority and deluding the power of Jesus Himself. As if He was just a man. There’s no mention of the blood of Christ and our need for salvation from Him and Him alone. The book suggests otherwise… it felt quite empty and almost hopeless…
    Yet, if I was a new Christian, I’d be fooled to believe this! (And I did!!)
    This book has been out since 2017.
    He and other authors are carefully leading people to a false gospel. What is happening in Paul’s time is quite clearly still happening.
    Lord, please protect this generation and give them a desire to feed on Your Word!! Let them taste and see it is good!

    This is something I am passionate about, having been led astray by false teaching. Let our eyes be open to the deception in the teaching we listen to… even trusted preachers. Let us weigh every message by the Word of God. ❤️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      And I love that you were a guest on a podcast talking about this, it was really good, we need to share that on our Fb page! I am quite convinced to try to “call out” false religions, but find it hard to do it in a loving way, sigh. Some just have the scales on their eyes, and the angel of light…so they can’t see it, but still, mustn’t we be faithful and try like Paul?!

      1. Michelle P says:

        Thank you, Rhonda – you are welcome to share it! I am taking a break from social media this month. I have a rhythm with the Lord to take time off every summer and winter to still my mind and refocus. ❤️
        It is hard to find the line between love and harshness when it comes to this but that’s what the Holy Spirit is for!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Thanks for alerting us about that book and how it misled you, Michelle. ❤ Your testimony is so powerful!

      1. Michelle P says:

        Thank you ❤️ :)

    3. Adrienne says:


      1. Michelle P says:


    4. Mercy says:

      That was such an ordeal to overcome Michelle. False religion is like cancer to the body of Christ.

      1. Michelle P says:

        It is true, Mercy ❤️

  37. Mary Littlehale says:

    Exactly what I needed to read after being confused by someone’s conversion to Catholicism and all of their posts.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      From HRT
      How often are you tempted to subscribe to a “gospel” that says you only matter to God if you prayed today? Or read your Bible? Do you follow the crushing logic of a belief system that ties your worth to your works, or do you tie it to Jesus’s cross and resurrection? If we aren’t careful, we can take good things—like the spiritual disciplines that guide us toward Jesus—and we can make them into the gospel itself. Bible reading doesn’t level us up in God’s sight, no more than circumcision leveled up the Galatians.

      I don’t like to offend other so called “Christians” but when interpretations completely oppose each other, only one can be right, correct? People can easily call Mormonism false..but others we gracefully bow out of correction in the name of not offending.(By the way my sister and niece are mormons, which believe and preach they too are Christians.) I don’t know the right answer, but I DO KNOW I want to point people in the right direction. (Even writing this…I am thinking…should I write this, I don’t want to offend any She’s…. :(

      1. Adrienne says:

        Like you, I don’t wish to throw people under the bus, but… I have some friends that are Mormons and think they’re Christian. It breaks my heart. The daughter came to VBS once and never again. She showed me a picture once that she had drawn and colored. It was of the “angel” Moroni and the golden plates. I said, “I don’t know that story.” The parents are steeped in Mormonism. It will be interesting to see if the kids come to Christ as we know him. I fear not, though. (Sad emoji)

        1. Mercy says:

          I’m glad you mentioned this. I was in the library borrowing books and for some odd reason a book called Breaking free got in my bag and hubby checked out, he read the covers for me and it was about Mormonism and how a girl tried to break free from this occult in which her dad was the leader/false prophet, which allows polygamy, marrying or preteen girls as his wives, it’s crazy, and their rule is, never ever question the Prophet. Crazy red flags. It’s the latter day saint (Mormon) church that she the author was trying to break free of. Lord have mercy on us.

  38. Laura says:

    I’m amazed at how much Scripture addresses this tendency by man – to look for something other than God. Why? The OT is full of examples of God’s people turning from Him to worship false idols. The passage in Isaiah is so vivid in describing the foolishness of that, yet still it happened (and happens) so frequently. And this new Church in Galatia, not even that long after Jesus was on Earth, already starting to be enticed by false teachings. It is such a temptation to do things OTHER than God’s way. I want to shut off the noise and follow only God. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is nothing better.

  39. Kelly (NEO) says:

    The passage in Isaiah caused me to chuckle. How blinded we can be to the ridiculous-ness of worshipping anything other than the one true God.
    Welcome to the new gals. We hope you are encouraged by the study.
    JULIA C – hope you can join us.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I know! Same! It’s ridiculous…but we see it today so often!

    2. Adrienne says:


    3. Soma D says:

      I know, one pastor at our church talked about going to Disneyland and everyone worshiping false idols by putting expensive ears on their head. It really made me think about how easily we prioritize and “worship” worldly idols, or things other than putting God above all.

      1. Mercy says:

        In Disneyland, one of the rides for the little mermaid, there were some dark sayings on the walls too, like dark spiritual truth of the underworld, spirit of Leviathan and such. And I feel that if these people don’t worship the dark world, how would they know to write these things on the walls for kids amusement know? And it’s aimed at kids for crying out loud. I loved Cinderella growing up, but seeing the new production of Disney lately and how their leadership are people convicted of crimes against children, may our eyes be open and stay clear of such witchcraft being cast through the so called family entertainment.

    4. Mercy says:

      Julia C- missing you, praying you are doing well and will join us.

  40. Tricia C says:

    Paul doesn’t spare any punches, does he? Neither does Isaiah. Then in Jeremiah, he doesn’t either. Jeremiah 10:8,14 basically says the same thing as Isaiah. Wow. Jeremiah 10:10 reminds us though- “But the Lord is the only True God. He is the living and everlasting King!”
    It is so easy for us to surround ourselves with idols. I know I am guilty. Even our jobs can be an idol, if we are trusting in the job to give us what the Lord actually provides through that job.
    I need to check myself. Lord, please remind me that You are the One True God. There is no one or no thing that can ever take your place.
    The song that came to mind this morning is “I speak Jesus.”
    “I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
    Over every heart and every mind
    ‘Cause I know there is peace within Your presence
    I speak Jesus
    ‘Cause Your name is power
    Your name is healing
    Your name is life
    Break every stronghold
    Shine through the shadows
    Burn like a fire”

    If I am speaking Jesus, those idols will stay away. I am speaking Jesus right now, over each of us. Amen.
    Blessed Tuesday from Northeastern, PA, USA.

    1. Brenda DiCicco says:

      I love that song! We sing it in our church.

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      One of my favorite songs! There is the fabulous version by Charity, but also the version I can sing along with (lol) Front porch. We sing it at jail ministry too!

      1. Tricia C says:

        That is wonderful!

  41. Sally B. says:

    Father, keep us so close to You that all the false teachings and temptations will stand out immediately! Help us guard our hearts to know and love You and Your Word alone.

    1. Brooke P says:


    2. Cathy McVey says:

      Amen!! ❤️

  42. Tricia C says:

    Welcome to all our new people! May you be blessed here!

  43. Tina says:

    My youngest granddaughter LOVES to play make believe! Oh boy does she. Last week she told me off for not playing the ‘game’!
    Her words.. ” Nana, ( I do love the way she says that. A whole new heap of love, fills my heart at the mention of the name).. ‘tend you are my Nana and we’re going to the shops..” My words..” but I AM your Nana, so I don’t have to ‘tend..” Well, I may as well have rewritten the lines! “It’s a game NANA, you are not playing it right” OOPS! She was not happy with me! So I pretended to be her Nana!❤️
    BUT GOD..
    My wonderful, Tina loving to a fault God, His Word is true and truth, no ‘tending’ involved.
    Thankful for the reminder from 2 Corinthians 11, to be on our guard for false ‘apostles’ who speak the speak, but twist the Word of God, just enough to suit, and for us to not notice the deceit!
    Lord, I pray I am always ready to hear YOUR TRUTH, but also prepared in recognising the false and ‘other so calleds’ out there. Keep me alert, and ready to fight against such temptations of others.. and Lord, may Your Word be ever on my heart and lips. AMEN.
    Happy Tuesday!
    Much, much, much love to all, covered in and with prayer-filled hugs..❤️

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Love your granddaughter story

    2. Laura says:

      I can’t wait until my granddaughter is old enough to “tend. Her mamma sure was good at it. Love your stories, Tina. They make me smile first thing in the morning!

      And yes, ALERT is an excellent word. We must stay alert because Satan is crafty and sly and he uses false teachers and false thinking to draw us away from the One True God.

    3. Michelle P says:

      So adorable ❤️ I love that for you, Tina!

    4. Cee Gee says:

      What a precious and perfect lead-in to your message! Smiling here, too! ❤

    5. GramsieSue says:

      Truly, being a Nana (Gramsie, Mimi, Grandma…) is the Best!!