blessed in Christ: adopted, redeemed, forgiven for his glory

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 1:1-14

Are you ready to begin a new plan together, sisters?

We are so excited to jump right into our next plan together: Ephesians!    We couldn’t be more excited to read His truth together in this book.  Will you join us?

Be sure to check out our tutorial on the first day of Galatians, if you’re having a difficult time finding the She Reads Truth: Ephesians plan!

If you’re arriving here from the YouVersion plan, welcome.  We are so happy you are here.  All of us.  Please let us know if you have questions, but please, please, join in the community.  Join the discussion.  Join the prayers.  Join us as we read His Truth.  And remember…

This time? We’re doing it together.

Ready to begin Ephesians?

Ephesians 1:1-14 | “Blessed in Christ: Adopted, Redeemed, Forgiven for His Glory”
Paul attacks some difficult topics in the book of Ephesians: it’s one thing I love about Paul, he doesn’t sugarcoat things.  He begins this book with encouragement that hits right to the core.

You are blessed (Greek, eulogeo: favored of God).  
You are chosen (v. 4).
He has made you holy and blameless.
You are adopted as children through Jesus Christ.  (v. 5)

It is difficult for me to read through this list of His promises to me and feel worthy.  I typically chose to see the ugly and broken parts of me, believing that I need to clean myself up before I bring myself before Him.

Ready for the next part?

Blessed, you were chosen before He created the world.  Before time began, He knew you. (v. 4)

Before the world even began, you were blessed, adopted and forgiven: these are promises that we need to cling to and remember!  We are sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit for the most incredible inheritance.  An inheritance we can’t fully fathom, and one that we are given.

Truly, truly given.

  • Have you received these promises?
  • Do you find yourself working to clean yourself up before coming to Him?
  • Today, bring to Him the yuckiest area of your life.  No prior cleaning necessary: He will do that for you.
  • How can we be praying for you?

[In case you’re having a difficult time finding the plan! Sign up for the reading plan here!]

(181) Comments

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181 thoughts on "blessed in Christ: adopted, redeemed, forgiven for his glory"

  1. Angel says:

    I have grown a lot over the past years. So I have learned to accept his promises.

    We as people could never bear the burden of sins. Follow the law of Old Testament, we need somebody to take our place. That is why I’m so glad JESUS accepted the calling. Now all we have to do is be led by the Holy Spirit and He is in every believer. The key is for me and reason why I started this devotion is I need to feed my spirit man more than my flesh and I know this devotion is a good stepping point.

    Sis Jaci I will be praying for you. Pray that you get even closer to God for his promises are true and He loves you. John 3:16

    God bless. Up for the challenge of reading more. :-)

  2. Jaci H says:

    Well, ladies, I am so glad a friend of mine led me to she reads truth. It’s been seriously encouraging and challenging reading these devos. Thank You for writing them and thank you ladies for reading and commenting- coming together as a community!
    I have to say this one- the truth hit me hard. I regularly have a hard time accepting and believing in God’s promises because of my feelings of unworthiness. I was talking about this with my boyfriend recently and he told me that that is the same as rejecting the gospel. Because if you don’t believe in His promises how could you believe in the truth and promise that is the cross and resurrection? Yeah, let that one sink in. Anyone else struggle to rest in His promises? How do you deal with it?

  3. N Mitch says:

    Awesome writer of the devotional. So blessed by the transparency of the author words. This is what I need to rebuild my spiritual walk

  4. tab says:

    2014 found this plan on youversion

  5. Michelle says:

    I just started this study today. I am not one who thinks I am worthy of God's time, though through this I've been told by God himself has chosen me for his work. I am one who needs to find peace in anxiety. I work on it everyday but have yet to conquer it. I want to conquer it but maybe God is allowing it to grow me. I need prayers to accept that he is allowing this for a good reason.

  6. Sandra says:

    Just downloaded You Version to my phone. Started the Ephesians study. At a difficult point in life. Looking for inspiration.

  7. Emily says:

    My women's class I am in at church we are studying the book of Ephesians I needed to personally start a new device. N found this one. Yay. I could really use prayers for some stressful situations I dealing with at this season of my life. Thank you

  8. Paula Dobbs says:

    I have read the promises made by God and I feel it in my spirit but my mind is trying to reject them. The prayer I am most in need for is love for myself. All of me. Career, weight, mistakes and shortcomings.