New Covenant Ministry

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 9:1-28, Leviticus 16:6-19, 1 Timothy 2:5-6

A few doors down from us lives a Muslim family with kids similar in age to our son. They are devout—they practice Ramadan, fasting, and have rhythms of learning the Koran with their kids. 

Their family seems to mirror how our family is devout in our faith—we pray together, attend church, and recite the truths of Scripture with our family.  

We are both sincere in our beliefs and catechizing our kids. Which of us is following a true God? This is not meant to be an apologetic devotional, only to ask the question, and remind ourselves—Why do we follow Jesus? 

Is it because He had principles for how life can go well for us? Is it because culturally we enjoy going to church and being part of a community? Is it because we think obedience will lead to a better life? 

Or is it because He died and rose again as our Great High Priest?

The book of Hebrews is a gold mine of biblical doctrine. The early Church knew that what we believe matters, and we should too. What does the theology of Jesus being our sacrificial lamb and High Priest mean for us practically?

First, we can trust in the purifying blood of Jesus today (Hebrews 9:13–14). The Israelites had the Levite priests as mediators between God and man. The tabernacle and sacrificial system served as a physical representation of the bloody and violent nature of sin and what is required for redemption. Let your senses wander to the sights, smells, and noises of the priests sacrificing an animal. Atoning for sin is not tame. Jesus dying and resurrecting covered our sin once and for all. 

Second, we have obtained eternal redemption (v.15). Jesus’s death and resurrection fulfilled the sacrificial law. If you ever wonder why we don’t sacrifice animals anymore, this is why. As the God-man, His sacrifice atoned for the wages of sin, and forgiveness has been extended to us as believers—forever (v.26).

Finally, we can rest in the promise that He will come back for us (v.28). We are weary, aren’t we? Raising a family is demanding. A full-time desk job feels futile. Our broken bodies groan. We feel as though we can’t take one more devastating news story. 

Our Jesus is coming back for us. Let us keep our hearts ever resting in His finished work on the cross, as the “good things that have come” (v.11) as we also look forward to the good things to come.

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44 thoughts on "New Covenant Ministry"

  1. Lois East says:


  2. Sydney Scott says:

    The images really help me remember the blood Jesus shed for us ❤️

  3. Heather Crawford says:

    Sometimes I really just need to be reminded about how ugly and destructive my sin is. It is so ugly and destructive that Jesus had to come all the way down here to make it right. Dang.

  4. Susan Lincks says:

    Wow it was a bloody mess once upon a time.