the gift of friendship to accomplish God’s work

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 4:15-23, Proverbs 11:14, Hebrews 10:24-25

Text: Nehemiah 4:15-23, Proverbs 11:14, Hebrews 10:24-25

Nehemiah may not strike you as a story that deals with relationships, but at the core of this book is a powerful message about God’s children working together to accomplish a holy purpose. In this case, it was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, all while preparing for a possible attack on the city.

Nehemiah has a gift for asking for help and being specific in his needs. While it was his initial desire to rebuild Jerusalem, we see him gather up the Israelites to become active participants in this, to do whatever job they could do.

It might have been very easy for Nehemiah to take all of this on and then whine about lack of volunteers. Instead, he asked directly for what he needed. He didn’t worry about being a bother, he let God take care of their hearts while he went ahead with his mission.

When we ask for help and work with others for the Lord’s calling, we open doors that might have been impossible to open alone. God rarely has a solo plan for His work, and our lives intertwine with other Christians so that we all can draw from each other’s strengths.

Our Christian friendships allow us to use each other’s God-given gifts to work together for His greater plan.

As women, we often struggle with turning to another in a time of need. We’re told not to be annoying, to go with the flow, to stick it out. Being able to turn to another woman who loves the Lord changes so much in our lives. Whether it’s a commitment to pray for us as mothers, to encourage us on a job hunt, to stand by us during a hard time in our marriages, to help with something tangible; we need each other.

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” (Proverbs 11:14)

Today, think about Godly women in your life who may be blessed if you turn to them with a need. Bind together in your friendships for Christ and see what marvels take place for His glory.

“…and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25) 

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78 thoughts on "the gift of friendship to accomplish God’s work"

  1. I am experiencing an issue with viewing your webpage evidently through the most up-to-date edition of Opera. Appears great in IE and Firefox however.Have a lovely day.

  2. Peggy says:

    "Bind together in your friendships for Christ and see what marvels take place for His glory."

    Though I am far away, many of you may not be… and perhaps the midwest storms are passing through your commUNITY… as an SRT Christian coomUNITY, let's take a moment to PRAY for all the communities affected like MOORE, OKLAHOMA in that F4-5 tornado, pray for God's further protection for the span of this and ALL the rescue workers. We come against scammers and anyone (enemies) out trying to take advantage of the situation. Praising God for lives saved and commUNITY in Moore reaching out to one another. Our God is able to take control and is stronger than any F5! I heard one couple and their dog injured, who lost ALL, waiting for family t come and pick them up at a WalMart, gave glory to their faith in God that is holding them together. Hold on Christians!!! Pray for these communities and yours! Prepare. Be ready. Stay firm and strong in your faith even when the walls come down or are torn down, Our God is Mighty to save! So saddened by the loss of so many horses and devastation!!!

    I'm so thankful that I'm not crossing home to MN through OK as I usually do. The vehicles were tossed and destroyed like toys. Praying for safe travels and families surviving and being reunited! Peace be with you … especially if you are in the path of this horrendous storm as it makes its treacherous way across the state(s). Please stay safe and wise! PRAY, pray, pray and stay strong in God, and your faith (no matter what) He is still God!

    1. Peggy says:

      sorry, for my typos … but I was typing this as I listen and tears welled up in my eyes… now hearing that there may be fatalities and much more… (sigh) PRAYING!

  3. Peggy says:

    "Bind together in your friendships for Christ and see what marvels take place for His glory."

    Awesome to see that happening here at SRT! Many blessings to each of you, new and old faces!

    Welcome to the NEW faces showing up and joining in! This is ONE commUNITY that is furthering God's kingdom for His glory! hallelujah!

    Thanks Lord for SRT, each woman here and those yet to come, those on the FB, Twitter, Intense Debate, etc. the other sites(I don't get to read or add their names, sorry) that share in Your WORD: Patricia, Brandi, Ingrid, Autumn Dawn Leader (aka Songmistress), EmmyBoo, Shan, Becks, Mary, Julia, rocknitat55, scripturesque53, Candacejo (Nanette), Stacy, dnyelmrie, jesusgirl71, monique(forgiven), joanna, Elizabeth, colleen, Charmaine, Nicole, Stacy, ParisSheedoit, JuneBug, EllenMR, Cynthia, Rebecca, SisterSoldier, Jessinia Ruff, SRT team: Raechel, Kacia, Jessi, Amanda, SarahM., Diana and commUNITY leaders: Brittany, Jesyka, Sarah, Skye, Jenna … and any others I may have missed or maybe misspelled or still to come today after their long days…. BLESS EACH and EVERY ONE! and may we step out in faith here and elsewhere, open doors for friendships REAL and VIRTUAL online ones!!! We hear the cry and we are responding, Lord, help us to come out from our comfort zones and reach one another and be reached or touched by another.

    “The work is extensive and spread out, and we are widely separated from each other along the wall. Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!”

    This is the verse that stood out for me today! So thankful that God is Our Defender and will fight for us!

    God is so aMazing!

    Prayers being prayed for this SRT commUNITY (spoken and unspoken)!
    Peace and love in Christ,

  4. Cynthia says:

    Praying for you Mary…Candancejo, thanks for the commUNITY; all these years never noticed! Dnyelmrie and ParisSheedoit, WELCOME! Praying for you Rebecca, God has led you to a great place. Hope you stay and commune with us.

  5. I love this devotional today! I've been blessed with a few supportive Christian women friends. It's encouraging to have their support. In August I'll be leaving to go on an eight month mission trip to the Dominican Republic. It's important to have my friends as supporters and encouragers throughout that time.

  6. Ellen MR says:

    "Our Christian friendships allow us to use each other's God-given talents to work together for His greater plan."
    Boy, how true is that?! And as previously said, we can't accomplish much flying solo, can we? I know that the many, many things I learn here help me to use those ideas or thoughts for the greater good in other situations. Your sharing experiences or your thoughts will help me to know what may work, or what may not. Autumn Dawn sharing her videos is for His greater plan. Cynthia and Rocknitat55 have much wisdom. Candacejo's blog helps many in pain HEAL with her words and quotes of scripture. JuneBug also has a gift with words. Peggy searches for more answers for us. Scripturesque has beautiful graphics she shares. Carolynmimi and Anngoerz have a gift for prayer. Jesusgirl knows technology and keeps it real. Stacy points out things in scripture I'd never figure out. And I seriously could name everyone and some talent they bring to the table EVERYDAY!! And God certainly knew what He was doing when He brought Raechel, Kacia, Sarah and all the many great writers together for SRT to become a fantastic ministry for women around the world online.
    What a way to use everyone's God-given talents for His greater plan!
    Amen and Amen!
    May all of you be blessed for all that you give :)

    1. Peggy says:

      Thanks Ellen! I'm blessed and I think I needed this today! You are such a fresh encouragement! "What a way to use everyone's God-given talents for His greater plan!" Could not have said or written this better! AMEN! and Many blessings Ellen … Peggy

  7. SisterSoldier says:

    Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,
    While reading Nehemiah this morning, verse 20 screamed at me even before I had finished the devotion.
    “Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!”
    Well sisters, I am sounding the trumpet. I am compelled to ask you all to join together in praying for Life. That our culture would respect the life of unborn babies. I am challenging you all that this is our wall! Let us join our prayers together and build a wall of love around all those innocents, including victims of child abuse. If we cant protect and value our children then we are not a “culture”. This is our wall!
    Our God will fight for us.
    I actually feel kind of silly being so pushy about this, it is not my nature. But I cant let it go.
    One prayer everyday, all of us. We are SisterSoldiers in God’s army. All for the glory of God our beloved creator and savior.
    Love you all!