and so-and-so and so-and-so and YOU

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 3, John 9, Acts 3, Ephesians 4:16

Text: Nehemiah 3, John 9, Acts 3, Ephesians 4:16

This, is the good part. Don’t glaze over it. If you’ve spent any length of the Old Testament, you know that sometimes there are just chunks of names and names and names and names. You can skip today, you can skim for baby names for your pregnant friend, or you can read between the lines and do a little life application.

Every great and powerful move of God, from the rebuilding of walls to the planting of churches to the leading of a children’s Bible study comes down to a section like this. The people have to get up, stop talking and vision casting, and start putting beams down. They have to walk over to their neighbor’s house. They have to move to that city where they know God is calling them. Download the adoptive parent packet. Write the email. Buy the snacks. Do the work.

And it isn’t always beautiful or glamorous or filled with spiritual fervor and fluffy feelings, but it is so very, very good and necessary to get the wall built. Ephesians four sixteen reminds us that every joint in this body of Christ is equipped for the work IT must do, and doing it properly makes the body grow.

Can I tell you a little secret about one of these builders that may shed some light for us? Did you notice Shallum? In verse 15? He’s just one of the dozens listed, but he repaired the wall of the Pool of Shelah. No biggie, right? Well, it is actually a huge deal. It’s one man, sacrificing his time and effort and days to rebuild his community, because of the larger vision at stake. But there’s more to the story there.

In John 9, they’re calling this pool “Siloam”, but don’t be confused – it’s the very same one. This time, we’re there hundreds of years later with Jesus – as He heals a blind man, declaring His divinity in miracle form. Then in Acts three, in the very same place, Peter heals a man who has never walked. THIS is an important place, right?

Could it be that the section of the wall God has given you is important for your sanctification and His Glory today, but that He might have an eternal plan for the work you’re doing today as well? What if your simple job is the setting for miraculous Kingdom-size work for generations to come? I’m willing to bet, in one way or another, it absolutely is.

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77 thoughts on "and so-and-so and so-and-so and YOU"

  1. mazmagi54 says:

    OK researching ALL these individuals "and so and so and so and U" could be an enormous project except loving all of U part and getting to know U, my sisters in Christ. However, to make this short, let me just add to all my comment above that these 12 principal names represent the 12 tribes of Judah, which has a rather significant impact. I only recognized some of them … so that's why I was intrigued and curious enough to check'em out.

    I really must be truthful though that when I see a list of all these 'difficult to pronounce names' that I have no idea who they are and usually could care less but after this and how Jessi made this connection from OT to NT, I will now try (especially for the rest of Nehemiah, cuz he documents the names of these people as a record and their return to this rebuilt city) as the 12 tribes will be gathering when Jesus Christ returns. Once again thanks! From now on, I'll look for the importance in these lists of names … and pray that we and our loved ones will be written in the Book of the Lamb on that day when He returns for us… and the Bride says, "Come" … that we will be ready and plenty of oil and not just a so and so… much more significant than my own mind would have imagined.

  2. kim says:

    Just a quick thought ~ my Bible says that the word S i l o a m means " S e n t ". (Someone may have mentioned this already). I love the way the Lord uses names and meanings in His story of redemption.

  3. adelineoh says:

    That's so good!

  4. This really puts things in perspective. There are no insignificant members or jobs in the Body of Christ; we all have an important part to play in the Kingdom of God. Furthermore, if we don’t do our part it hinders the growth of us all!

    Lord, help us! Give us more grace, that we would grow in unity and love. Give us revelation to see the importance each of us has to and for each other. Forgive us for having a “me me me” attitude. Forgive ME, Father, for that attitude. Keep us lifting each other up in prayer, that this community would grow and the blessing to the whole Body would be seen, as You receive all the glory in and through us, Father God. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen and so very, very, very AMEN!

  5. Aaron says:

    Today's devotional spoke to me so personally as I end the school year as a teacher. I am struggling with my own health issues and it has been hard to focus on the work that must be done for others. There are so many small, unpleasant things I must do for my students, but that need to be completed to prepare them as young men and women of God for the future. I am blessed to work in a Catholic school and can build His kingdom out loud and proud every day.