the waiting in the work

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 1:11b-2:8, Matthew 7:9-11, Ephesians 3:20-21

Text: Nehemiah 1:11b-2:8, Matthew 7:9-11, Ephesians 3:20-21

“All our fret and worry is caused by calculating without God.”
– Oswald Chambers

Just one chapter in, we can already see that Nehemiah is a man of prayer and compassion, a man whose heart follows after God. Today we will see Nehemiah’s courage and, most importantly, his radical trust in the Lord.

Nehemiah’s reliance on God is first displayed in this chapter by his willingness to wait. Nearly four months pass after he learns of the devastation in Jerusalem before he encounters the king in Chapter 2. As cupbearer, it was imperative that Nehemiah not show his feelings, that he put on a good face before the king. But the king sees the sorrow in Nehemiah’s eyes and asks, “Why are you sad?”

This is the moment Nehemiah has waited and prayed for, and this is where we see radical trust in his willingness to act. He knew he was entering unchartered waters, a mere courtier being boldly honest with the king. Scripture tells us he was terrified, but he dives in anyway because he knows he is not alone. And when the king further prompts Nehemiah to state his specific request, Nehemiah pauses, prays and makes the ask. And it is a big, big ask.

In an unprecedented manner, the king grants Nehemiah’s requests. Why? Because the good hand of Nehemiah’s God – our God – was upon him. Because Nehemiah was asking to do a good work that God had prepared in advance for him to do (Eph. 2:10). Because it pleased God to give Nehemiah more than he could ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20).

Sisters, there is so much work to do. We see need, pain and injustice all around us and our knees quickly buckle under the weight. We long to make our lists and check them twice and fix it all right this second. But we dare not make a move without God. As Ian Hamilton said it, “Beloved, our great and pressing need today is to give ourselves to waiting upon God, because waiting time is never wasted time.”

Nehemiah was an ordinary servant who would do extraordinary things, but he did them by moving with God. Not running ahead but walking beside.

God can use us today. He can use even us. He can do it because it is not about our resources, our resumé or our strength, but it is all about His power, His goodness, His grace.

It is all about Him.

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68 thoughts on "the waiting in the work"

  1. Delaney says:

    wow this is amazing! Very powerful. Honestly I am still trying to get it but I kind of understand the over all plot. I feel bad for always doing stuff by myself thinking I will get it all done but I guess I have to wait on God. I have to wait till he says go and not rely on what I feel is right to move. I can so relate to this in my life and I feel so blessed to have found this website. I am new to this and I am still learning but God has perfect timing for all of us!

  2. Sheila says:

    "Then I prayed to God in heaven" Nehemiah 2:4. Seek God first….a tough mindset to change, but I am putting it into practice more (notecards help). "…waiting time is never wasted", thank you for those words. I want to be that ordinary person with no special résumé, degree or resources. Please God, make me what you want me to be. In the fleshly world it's all about who you know, where you went to school and what you can do for someone else to make them look good.
    In God's world, it is about our honest dedication to Him, our love for him, our belief that He sent His only son to live and die for us so that we may have eternal life. Dear God, help me to be patient, remind me to go to You first so that I may worthy of your love. Amen.

  3. Nerissa says:

    Wait on God. Don’t run ahead. What a challenge.

  4. hooleywithaz says:

    (hi to all those who i've met on prior studies…i'm back and as i said a couple days ago here, i'm finally jumping in and making this part of my life a priority. so excited to be back with you all!)

    waiting used to be one of my biggest weaknesses. i was always waiting impatiently and unfaithfully, trying to change where i was without praying about it. and even still, God made sure He put me in the right place at the right time, even with how ungrateful and untrusting i was with Him. i think i have an easier time now because of my husband. he encourages me to be calm and wait for the right time and season for things, and prays with me that we will have the wisdom to listen for when God wants us to take action (much like it sounds many of you ladies do for others in your lives!). he has helped me learn to place my trust in God, and wait with Him (not for Him) to do something. this reading came on the perfect day.

  5. Cynthia says:

    Today I will stand upon two scriptures brought to mind by today’s devotional.

    Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord. (Psalms 27:14 NASB)
    All of Psalm 27 REALLY!
    So you will find favor and good repute In the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:4-6 NASB)

    Almost a week ago today I was ready to make a business decision that would not have resulted in the way it did today. Everyone’s hearts were not prepared and God still had some work to do in the lives of all individuals involved. Waiting on God these few days to do what He does best was well worth it.

    It sure is good to have God’s hand on the people and the situation. There is still a long journey ahead but like the Israelites we will rebuild.

  6. LaurenC_ says:

    Waiting and I have a real love-hate relationship. Mostly hate. It’s always been one of those head vs heart matters for me – my head can recite all the lovely scriptures & prayers that tell us to be still & know, The Lord will fight for you & you need only be still. God’s timing is perfect & all that. But then there are those days where my heart says – “Don’t give me any of that crap! Give me what I want, now!” I’m in one of those frustrated heart phases, unfortunately. Just trying to ride it out because it always passes, eventually. It’s so comforting to read so many comments that express the same feelings. So grateful for this community!

  7. Deborah says:

    May God strengthen us and help us not to miss his kingdom. I love Jesus Christ.

  8. monique(forgiven) says:

    Praise Him peggy:) thank you for the prayers its greatly appreciated:) I can use all the prayers..yes truly we need to trust God because there are moments when its only him we can trust even when things are impossble but with God all things are possible

    1. Peggy says:
