a renewed obedience

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 9:30-10:39, Ephesians 2:8-10

Text: Nehemiah 9:30-10:39, Ephesians 2:8-10

Yesterday we looked at the many ways the Israelites violated their covenant with God and the many ways He remained faithful in return. Today we see the people of Israel, having repented of their sins, renew their specific obligations under the Mosaic Covenant. In other words, they vow to get it right this time around.

Their repentance leads to a renewed obedience. Isn’t that the way it should be? Is repentance without renewed obedience really repentance at all?

I would like to say no. I would like to pause for a drumroll and unveil some easy-to-remember formula that enables us to obey every. single. time. But the truth is, the gospel is not about formulas; it is simply about putting our trust in Jesus. It is about turning to Him again and again. And again.

The people of Israel are renewing their covenant with the Lord. They are doing so publicly and as a community. They are putting it in writing, they are signing on the dotted line. They are making specific, practical promises to God and his Church. Even though their history is full of disobedience and disappointment, they dare to name their offenses aloud before the Lord and pledge a new obedience to Him.

I want to be so daring. I want to receive the freedom of Christ so freshly with each prayer that I declare aloud and anew my allegiance to Him. Even though I will never get it exactly right, I want the guts to try.

God’s law asks more than our human brokenness can give. It did then and it does now. And so there is Christ.

There is the One who fulfills the law on our behalf.

Let us renew our covenant with Him today and believe that He will meet us. As a community, let us pray earnestly and with new fervor with the Psalmist:

Create in us a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within us.
Cast us not away from your presence
and take not your Holy Spirit from us.
Restore to us the joy of your salvation,
and uphold us with a willing spirit. Amen.
(adapted from Psalm 51:10-12, ESV)


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42 thoughts on "a renewed obedience"

  1. Tina says:


    1. Carolynmimi says:

      Hello Back to you Tina. It is 7 am where I am. God's blessings on you today!

  2. rocknitat55 says:

    My dearest Lucy I feel the pain echoing from your being. First God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more for you, to you and thru you than you can imagine right now. I have read each and every post in response to yours. God is leading me to take another aproach. I pray that you read again because it is so late.
    God says at once you must stop comparing yourself to others! Because u do you will never measure up. You are special,peculiar, God has something unique for you to do in this life. Breathe. You are someone your cry for help, your vulnerability spoke volumes in this community today. It caused women to band together in one common cause. To uplift our sister, hey and for some of us our daughter. Little one you caused a shake up in satan’s kingdom today. You are victourious! You ar a winner, but you have to know that all roads to victory are not the same, but the destination is.
    It must stop Lucy at the reading of this word. No more are you to be tossed to and fro in your emotions. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit. From this day forward you are on the road to recovery. Your walk and experience is yours. As the others sisters have advised surround yourself with the word. Battlefield of the Mind, by Joyce Myers is a good read. Read Isaiah 61:3, seach for the version that you can understand. God does give Beauty for Ashes.

    My dearest God, I come lifting up my sister Lucy, you see her, you said that the tears that she cried you have counted and are in a bottle. God I ask that you would touch her, heal her now today like never before. Honor her as she was also like the woman with the issue of blood, touching the hem of your garmet via her transparancy with this community. Kingdom connections and divine intervention. In jesus name. Amen

  3. monique(forgiven) says:

    Amen LaurenC our God is a Good God=)

  4. LaurenC_ says:

    Create in me a clean heart, Lord Jesus. Fill me with your very right spirit, no matter what my life looks like, no matter what happens or doesn’t happen, no matter how I feel on any given day, no matter what others say or do. You and You alone define me, Lord. You are my Savior. Be The Lord of my life. Make me teachable, show me the way.

    I’m thinking of you tonight Lucy. Our Lord has a wonderful plan for you. Believe it.