all of this is worship

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 7:73-8:18, Leviticus 23:42-43, Psalm 30:11-12

Text: Nehemiah 7:73-8:18, Leviticus 23:42-43, Psalm 30:11-12

From “early morning until midday” the people stood, all of them together, and listened to the Word of God. Ezra had brought the Book down and for hours on end the sea of people stood inside the wall they had built, brick by brick, and they listened.

They listened and remembered, once again, who God is. They listened and blessed the name of the Lord. They shouted “Amen, Amen” and lifted their hands. They fell to the ground and wept, and they sought to understand what they heard. And then they rejoiced. They rose to eat and drink, to give and to obey. And all of this was worship.

Remembering who God is.
Realizing who we are in Him.
Recognizing our sin.
Repenting and receiving grace.
Rejoicing in His goodness.
Returning to our lives, ready to speak the Gospel with our words and deeds.
Repeat. Do it all again and again.

All of this is worship.

As Ezra read the Word of the Lord, the people wept for their sin. But as the leaders helped them understand what they heard, their weeping led to rejoicing. It led to generosity. It led to discernment and strength to further obey and honor the Lord. As Matthew Henry says in his commentary, “Even sorrow for sin must not hinder our joy in God, but rather lead us to it… When they understood, they rejoiced.” (emphasis mine)

The day after Ezra read the law aloud, the people of Jerusalem built tents. On their roofs and in the courts, each built a “booth”, or temporary shelter, reminiscent of those they dwelt in in the wilderness.

Like the Israelites, we are just traveling through. This world is not our Home. But while we are here, we are a tabernacle on earth; we are the very home of God. Are we inviting others into the freedom we have found? (Or, rather, the freedom that has found us?)

Sisters, let us seek to understand the fullness of the Gospel today. Let us remember our great God, recognize our sin and take hold of His complete forgiveness. And let us rejoice.

Father, may we point to You in all we do this day. May we rejoice gladly and give freely and invite others in to receive the freedom of the Gospel. And may we do it all as worship. Amen.

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40 thoughts on "all of this is worship"

  1. Carolynmimi says:

    Remembering who God is. Realizingwho we are in Him. Recognizing our sin. Repenting and receiving grace.Rejoicing in His goodness. Returningto our lives, ready to speak the Gospel with our words and deeds. Repeat.Do it all again and again.

    All of this is worship.

    Touched me so much. Included it with the thoughts that flowed from me on my new and struggling Blog. Cannot thank God or Amanda and all the SRT community for the worship this morning.

  2. stacy says:

    Beautiful words this morning. This devotional has come at an important time for me. God is showing me in many areas of my life where this is happening. I must practice forgiveness and love. I know God has been working on so many things in my heart but there are one (or two) relationships in which the enemy is working hard to destroy. I must choose grace, love, and mercy today. In choosing to model His love for me in these areas, I am telling His story of redemption. I will seek to understand the fullness of the Gospel. I will walk in truth, mercy and love today.

  3. Leenda324 says:

    So true. So timely. I met with a female deacon from my church yesterday and the all this is worship was the thread throughout our conversation … That the feverish “doing” will stop when we pursue relationship with Jesus. And that some tragic painful experience — or experiences — is usually what brings us to that point.

    I, too, lost my son way back in 1986 when he was an infant. As tough as that was I can only imagine how much worse to lose a child who has lived life for a number of years. So blessings to you ladies in this sisterhood of tragic loss.

    Thank you for yet another Spirit-filled devo.

  4. monique(forgiven) says:

    Hallelujah!!!I’m thankful this morning for the blessings of arising this morning. I too know what it feels like to walk in defeat and torment due to past sins. But thanks be to God for washing me in his blood. As my srt sisters know I have been struggling with forgiveness from the Lord but He has forgiven me even when it seems like He’s not there. I’m giving Glory to God for having mercy on me. And for the many chances he gives me. My heart cries silent tears of joy because of my merciful Jesus. Sisters let’s walk in His mercy and truth today.:)

    1. Diana V says:


  5. EmilyC says:

    Sometimes I stop in the shame spiral and make it all about me, instead of making it about God and how great and good He is to forgive all of us. How much better and more fulfilling life is when God turns our mourning into dancing! I don't need to dwell on sin because it's been washed away.

    My prayer today is to rejoice and be glad because the JOY of the Lord is my strength! He fulfills me and lifts me up.

  6. Candacejo says:

    My heart goes out to both of you Linda and Tina in your great losses! Praying that you will be strength to many Tina with your words and that the Lord will continue to help BOTH of you and give you comfort. And Linda that God will take away your fears.

    Melinda and Del God will give you strength today! If He has forgiven, then you can let it go!

    Whew! What a lesson! Amanda, that was awesome! I would never have gotten all of that out of it! As Ezra read the Word the people wept but then as the leaders helped them understand, they started rejoicing…which led to generosity, which led to discernment, which led to strength to further obey and honor the Lord! I love the order!

    And then I loved the Matthew Henry commentary, ……."When they understood, they rejoiced.”

    Remember, Realize, Recognize, Repent, Rejoice, Return, Repeat! All of this is Worship! Let me be about my Father's business!

  7. jesusgirl71 says:

    Father, may we point to You in all we do this day. May we rejoice gladly and give freely and invite others in to receive the freedom of the Gospel. And
    may we do it all as worship. Amen. Oh this is my prayer! And I love that quote from Matthew Henry! Yes, Lord! may my recognition of my sin lead me to joy! wow! what power! May all I do be an act of worship to you today.

  8. scripturesquegraphics says:

    This morning I hear several of us grabbing on to forgiveness and turning from sorrow.

    "…for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." Neh 8:10b

    You are strong, we are strong, and we need to remember that this day. Hold the joy and you will be strong.

    Much Grace Ladies