trouble and shame

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 1:1-11a

[You can find the new Nehemiah plan on YouVersion by clicking here!]


I know. Another Old Testament prophet. But, if you felt like the text in Hosea was challenging, you’ll be pleased to know that things move a little more smoothly in Nehemiah. Still, thirteen chapters about rebuilding a wall might feel potentially tedious to some.

The good news is that Nehemiah is about so much more than bricks and mortar. It’s actually a remarkable story about God using regular, God-fearing folks – not just the big, important leaders – to accomplish His redemptive purposes.

Nehemiah will teach us about compassion, community, repentance, covenant, and conviction. And it doesn’t end like you might expect. Join us?

Trouble and Shame

Text: Nehemiah 1:1-11a

Think back to when you first moved out of your parents’ house. (And if you can, try to remember a time when you didn’t have access to news and status updates in the palm of your hand.) Your family comes to visit for a long weekend and as you sit down for lunch together, you ask how things are going back home.

Only rather than “same old, same old” or “so-and-so’s having a baby and the Jones’s just put in a new swimming pool”, you hear, “Honestly? Things are really bad. Everyone you knew growing up is either dead or wishes they were dead. Your hometown is falling apart. Our police force has been destroyed and the whole city is absolute lawlessness.”

It absolutely breaks your heart, right?

This is where we meet our man Nehemiah today. He has just received word that the wall of Jerusalem (his hometown) was broken down and the gates destroyed by fire. The people he loves – his fellow Israelites with whom he and his family go way back – are in “great trouble and shame”. Things are low. Really low.

Look at how Nehemiah responds with compassion for his people. Even though he is 800 miles away, safely and comfortably out of harm’s way, testing wine and food for the king’s table; just knowing that his people are hurting lays him low. Really low.

The Bible tells us that when Nehemiah hears this news he weeps and mourns for days. His people and his home may as well be on the other side of the planet, yet knowing that they are without protection has him fasting and praying and confessing on their behalf.

We have a lot to learn in our study of the book of Nehemiah. But even in this first day, even in setting the stage for what is going to need to be accomplished in the hearts and lives of the people of Israel, the sovereign God is showing us something awesome about biblical compassion.

Lord, rend our hearts for the hurting today. Let us not allow our own comforts or safe distance from pain prevent us from seeing and loving others as you see and love them. Move us. Break us. And build us back up for your glory.

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120 thoughts on "trouble and shame"

  1. Teresa says:

    Love Nehemiah!!! Oh the importance of interceding for others! i am a benefactor of intercessors and i strive to be one on a daily basis!

    Just a note to Kellie… Having been on the suicide end of things, it’s not a selfish act actually. A depressed suicudal person feels like they are a burden to the world, a burden to our family and friends. The darkness descends and crushes like a ton weight! You feel like you can’t get out from underneath it. You take your life, not only because you can no longer bear the burden of the weight of your own day, but the burden that you are putting on those around you. Not realizing at all how devastaed they are when you are gone, you truly think in your head you are doing everyone a favor. I truly felt that everyone around me would be so much better off with me gone. My vision was clouded, death seemed to be the only relief not only for me, but those that I dearly loved. Fortunately they found out that my body was dangerously low on Vit B12 and Vit D. Once that was corrected I was able to go off all anti-depressants. I had been in depression for over 20 years! I have a heart for those suffering the same. Life circumstances had depleted my body of those vitamins and held me in bondage for a long time. Stress causes lack of vitamin B, lack of vit B causes stress. Its a vicious circle! Please understand Kellie that whatever overtook your mother in law, chemical imbalance, life circumstances, she did this not only for herself, she thought she was doing this for you.

    1. Candacejo says:

      Oh this is so true! I I too was seriously low on Vitamin D. My doctor discovered it and said my levels were the lowest he had ever seen. It seriously made a difference! And B12! I hope Autumn Dawn Leader reads this, maybe it is something she hasn't considered. We are praying for her today as well as anyone that fights depression. It can't hurt to check! Thank you for sharing Teresa!

      1. Carolynmimi says:

        I also have recently been found very low on Vit D and have started a mega dose every two weeks. Hadn't associated with my tendency to depression…on meds for that. Anxious now to see if my mood improves. Oh the things I learn at SRT!!!

    2. Carolynmimi says:

      So true, Teresa. So dark and so much weight. Often physical deficiencies drag one into a pit.

    3. Peggy says:

      Thank you so much for sharing this Teresa!

      Praise God that they found this out and you were saved!

      You are so right about the way you feel when depressed as a burden and that this is the solution. I had those tormenting thoughts back in the mid 90s! When your vision is clouded, the enemy is right there to lie to you and take advantage of the situation.

      Beautiful message to Kellie on behalf of her MIL.

      Bless you for sharing Teresa!

  2. anngoerz says:

    Good morning ladies,

    How great is our God! Lately, I have noticed that I don't pray like I used to…Then, recently, I was praying for one of the pastors at my church and she told me what a gift I have of prayer. It stunned me. I had not thought of it as a gift before and certainly have not being praying as much as I used to..Now today, I am so challenged to REALLY pray again. Sometimes I get caught in a cycle of 'prayer fatigue' and feel overwhelmed by all the people in my life directly or indirectly who need prayer.. I start to feel overwhelmed by the heartache, of all the hurt and darkness in our world and rather than bring it to Jesus, I get 'prayer paralyzed'. Has that ever happened to you?

    Today I am reminded not only of the importance of prayer but that ANY amount of prayer is better than none and that God fills in the rest of the 'gaps' where we don't or can't. This whole business of being paralyzed is not of God and is very much a lie from the devil to keep me from praying to the God who can and will make a difference.

    Bless you sisters and SRT authors for this amazing gift! Thanks for sharing, praying, and teaching. Today, I'm gonna PRAY!:)

    1. Ellen MR says:

      anngoerz, i have to say I agree- you do seem to have a gift for praying! I certainly can't claim to know much about it, but i DO know you always say beautiful prayers for all of us here. Thank You! :)

    2. Peggy says:

      AMEN! Ann, what an honest reflection! You probably do have the gift, praying that you don't grow weary but continue to use it properly and frequently! You ache as Jesus must… that's a true servant's heart of compassion.

      And yes, I too get overwhelmed with the many needs, the heartache, the hurt, the darkness in the world (but instead of paralyzed like in shock, I get trapped in the heartache and my prayers go in circles and unending, so I break away. I pray more and praise God and start thanking Him (if nothing else comes) and rely on praying thru the Holy Spirit when my own words fail me.

  3. Monica Kelly says:

    Amen, we need to be ever mindful of the broken and hurting; those who don't know God in the Beauty of Holiness. As we pray with and for others, as we be about the Father's Business; He will be taking care for us what we need Him to; therefore we CANNOT afford to sit in worry about what we are in NEED of when there are people PERISHING daily without a relationship with JESUS. Thanks I needed this simple reminder

  4. Julie V. says:

    I am so looking forward to this study with you all. I love the Old Testament and all the nuggets of wisdom and teaching that is has to offer. As I was studying Nehemiah this morning, I felt like I wasn't alone this time. There are so many that are reading the same chapter as I am today. Thankful to the #SRT team for this great ministry.

    This link may be old news to some, but I found it incredibly helpful in channeling my thoughts during my study this morning. I have an easily distracted and wandering mind. S.O.A.P. notes for Bible Study.

    1. rocknitat55 says:

      Thank julie

      1. darcie says:

        I’ve always used s.o.a.p. even when I don’t realize. It just comes out that way when I journal now. Helps me a lot!

      2. Peggy says:

        Really great link! Thanks Julie! SOAP is a good method to use! and this was a really good explanation!

    2. Lauren says:

      I'm loving the SOAP writing here, had to smile! I'm an OT and we use SOAP notes to document treatments… obviously the letters stand for other things :) Thanks for sharing!!

      1. Julie V. says:

        I am a Registered Nurse and use SOAP notes also! The name of it is what triggered me to look into it. Work . . . it follows us everywhere. :-)

        1. Carolynmimi says:

          i also had another SOAP note from clinical notes in mind. Don't you love acronyms?

  5. Sherry_H says:

    Stand in the gap. Such a huge reminder for me.
    I'm pretty new to the town we live in. I have recently met a few of the women who live here, through our school kids and such. Some of the things they have told me about their lives have been weighing so heavy on my heart. I need to be praying for them!!
    Thank you, Raechel.

  6. Lynda Clarke says:

    I love the tone that's being set. I know I must stand in the gap for other especially my family and not get weary. I have been through so much in my life, yet God has always been there, even when I thought He wasn't. I know this will be just as blessed for me as Hosea was. I love my time I spend with theses studies,
    There are some areas in my life that I want to change and reading Nehemiah and studying it will ell me improve.
    I ask that you would pray for my family my aunts daughter my 1st cousin passed suddenly at age 56. Some type of bug bite her and se died from it. The family is devastated and m aunt is 87 years old her and my uncle both. I have suffered the pain of loosing a child, and there are no words to describe it. Please keep us lifted up I'm prayer.
    Enjoy your Tuesday, and I look forward to our new study of Nehemiah.

    1. anngoerz says:

      Lord God, I pray you fill Lynda and her Aunt and Uncle and family with peace and comfort. I pray they will sense Your presence in a very real and special way while they grieve the sudden loss of their loved one. I pray they not get stuck in asking questions but see this life as a gift and that You would use this time to heal them and bring them even closer to You Jesus.

    2. Candacejo says:

      So sorry to hear this Lynda, how devastating for your family. 56 IS too young! I am praying for you and your family today for comfort and peace in this time of trouble. How blessed we are to have a praying community and how super blessed we are to have a God to bring our needs to and KNOW He hears and answers our prayers. May He wrap you and your family in His arms and give you perfect peace in the coming weeks and months. In Jesus' name. ♥

      1. Peggy says:


    3. Carolynmimi says:

      Praying for you, Sweet Lynda and for your family.

  7. Karen says:

    Jesus identified with sinners and had compassion, though He never sinned. Help us Jesus to be more like you every day. Let us see others with your eyes and respond with compassion and mercy.
    Kellie, prayers for you and your family. We have been touched by suicide and I know the anger. It took me time and a lot of prayer to see our loved one with compassion so forgiveness could fill my heart instead of the anger. Christ loves you. Immerse yourself in him more and more.

  8. monique(forgiven) says:

    I’m so sorry kellie. Praying that the Lord will grant you and your family the peace to get through this. Forgiveness is not easy but we know through Christ He helps us to forgive. He will gve you all the strength to forgive.ask the Lord and he will help you. I wll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.