
Open Your Bible

Nahum 1:1-15, 2 Samuel 22:1-4, Luke 1:72-75

This Is the Old Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book or two of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll continue looking at the Minor Prophets.

What Is Nahum? The book of Nahum is the message given to the kingdom of Judah concerning the destruction of Nineveh and Assyria. In delivering this message, the prophet Nahum affirms the certainty of God’s judgement on His people’s enemies, as well as His care for His people. 

How Nahum Fits Into the Story: The book of Nahum provides a view of a powerful and just God who maintains His absolute moral standards, while offering hope to those who are despised and downtrodden. Nahum’s message teaches us to trust in God, even when our situation seems hopeless, and reminds us that God will stand with those who belong to Him.

Reflection Questions: 
1. What temporary and earthly refuges have failed you? How is God superior to them? 
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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57 thoughts on "Nahum"

  1. Kaitlin Schroeder says:

    This reading today truly shows God can surpass all earthly strength, he ALONE is all powerful!! I have truly seen that these past couple of months, he has moved MOUNTAINS for me. Oh how wonderful it is to be so loved and cared for by Him. The verse from Nahum 9-15 “oppression will NOT rise up a second time . . . they will be consumed like entangled thorns, like the drink of a drunkard, and like straw that is fully dry. One has gone out from you who plots evil again the Lord. Celebrate your festivals, celebrate your vows, for the wicked one will never again March through you, he will be entirely wiped out.”
    Although this is regarding the destruction of Nineveh, I still find is SO relevant to my boyfriend’s situation. Now that the demonic spirit of addiction and alcoholism is out into the light where God was able to move mountains and deal with it, it is gone forever!! During such hopeless days I would ask, “God, why did you let it get to this point (basically at point of knocking on death’s door four different times) and he would just so sweetly speak back to me “Kaitlin, this is just the way it has to be. Don’t question why, it has to get to this severity so that he will never drink again and fully commit his life to me” and that’s exactly what needed to happen! God moved in such mighty non-earthly ways to cast this demon within him as far as the east is from the west, and I CLAIM it shall never again come near him. God has huge plans for us to serve him and I cannot wait to see what our future holds. Thank you for continued prayer, he’s off of dialysis and moved into regular room from ICU. I get to see him awake for first time since transplant this Sunday so please pray for strength and positive words from God to share with him.

    FOSTER MAMA—I am praying for peace and rest over your state of mind and heart. All we can do in situations like that is just hand it all over to God. As long as we are actively seeking God and his will, which obviously you have and have found support from others that show alignment with His will, he will handle things! I am SO type A and I have always wanted to control everything in my life. God has really shown me how to just “let go and let God”—and the outcomes are always better than I could imagine. Hope you can find peace in Gods loving embrace and in the joy that he has in you his child for acting according to his will.

    SARAH D—So glad to hear you got a full time job!! How exciting! I had to switch majors in college and remember being so bummed and confused and didn’t know why God would want me to change things up. But I didn’t question his will for my life, and he abundantly blessed me and moved me into situations years later that have been as a direct result of that change. So although change can be scary and new and uncharted waters, God’s got ya! Lean into him and listen for his promptings

    MAURA—I am so sorry you are dealing with that with your father. I am in my twenties and cannot even imagine seeing my strong daddy go through that and not even remember me. My heart goes out to you dear sister. You are so strong in your faith though for not even letting that waver you!—you just tell him he hopes he doesn’t forget Jesus, I love it! Not to make like of the situation, but I can tell you are a very strong woman like myself and can find the good in bad situations even when there’s not much to be found. Praying for peace over your heart and mind and that God gives you a peaceful and enjoyable visit with your family.

    ERB—continuing to pray for your strength and against these seizures! God has you dear sister.

    MUNCHKIN—sending up prayers for God to speak wisdom to your heart and grant peace over your mind and soul

  2. Dorothy says:

    I would have to say certain friends have failed me. But I’m lucky in that my family has not failed me. My family ties are strong for which I am very thankful. My parents and grandparents instilled in my siblings and myself that family is important. I too often in my nursing career have seen where the families are very divided clear to the end of the parents life.
    Lord, thank you for a loving and caring family. Thank you for the friends that I have. But God most of Thank you for being there when I need You. Amen.
    Be blessed this weekend sisters.

  3. Cassidy Yarborough says:

    love this reading today!
    The next question I’ll be asking myself daily is, How will I take refuge in the Lord today!!!

  4. Beth says:

    Sarah D., do not feel your major was a waste. God knows how He leads each of his children. My daughter studied nursing for three years and got all her theory and felt God leading her to change to teaching. But in a short amount of time after she graduated and had her first job she was using so much of all her science classes to have a much deeper grasp teaching chemistry and other such subjects from her nursing in with her high school students. My husband gives the same testimony of things he thought where a waste to study in college and how God has used those things so much in ministry now as a missionary on the foreign field. God knows what He is doing in our lives as His children, if we will allow Him to lead us and use us. Lessing in your new job!

  5. Munchkin says:

    I have been feeling your prayers, ladies. Thank you.

  6. ADB says:

    ERB I loved you post! I so needed to hear those words.

  7. CeeGee says:

    HEIDI, first of all- SO glad to see you today; I have missed you!!! Second, you spoke for my heart today, too. I am in my sixties, not a young mom with littles, so I guess that proves that God doesn’t stop “growing” us until we take our last breath. Thanks for sharing your insights!!!
    Adding my prayers for wisdom, grace, and peace for all requests.

  8. ERB says:

    MAURA, I loved those verses too and actually put them in my scripture journal. I am excited to hear that you are getting to see and be with family this weekend!!! Such an incredible & miraculous blessing!!!! My prayers are with you (& your family!) I pray that God will make Himself known and that any walls, hinderances, or complications that may be there would completely crumble and fall…I’m thinking Jericho…do, say and go exactly & ONLY where/what God wants you to…let Him do the work, just be and abide in our Father!! Dear God, let anything that isn’t directly from You have no room!! Let the seeds You want to be planted be placed in fertile ground..and let them grow!! Take heart dear friend. God goes before you AND behind you!! …fear not for HE is WITH you. …I also feel led to pass on a bit of wisdom from an elder in my life
    “What does an apple tree do to bear fruit? …it does nothing. It just is.”
    Let us both ABIDE and find REST in our awesome God this weekend!!

    ps …I can’t believe we’re in chapter 55 either!!! It seems like we JUST started doing this!!! I am so grateful for this time and this journey!! ❤️