The alarm clock startled me awake at 6:00 AM. This was an optimistic time. I grasped for my phone on the nightstand and hit the snooze button. I laid there and wondered, “How long do I have until the baby and big kid are awake?” I think to myself; today will be different.
Today will be the day I don’t run out of patience with my seven-year-old. Today will be the day I will have a good attitude. Today will be the day I show extra grace to my husband. Today will be the day I pray more. Read more. Serve more. Exercise more. Do more. Be more.
When my eyes open on a Monday, these thoughts run especially rampant. Do you recognize it? The striving that happens in our minds after being awake mere seconds. I wonder if Moses felt this way. The overwhelm must have mounted on his shoulders each day as he led millions of grumbling people while being a sinner himself.
Moses was asked to go up to the mountain again after the failure of his nation. Did he wonder how God would respond? Did he think this would be the time God finally realized His mistake in choosing him?
No one but Moses was allowed near the mountain. Not even the animals. God is set apart, holy. Untouchable. And yet, He drew Moses near. He relented the disaster that would have been justified to unleash on the Israelites.
He could have, at the least, turned a cold shoulder. Instead, He laid a warm blanket of truth and glory over Moses:
“The LORD—the LORD is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth, maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin.” —Exodus 34:6–7
Moses left that mountain changed. He didn’t realize it, but “the skin of his face shone as a result of his speaking with the LORD” (v.29).
We are beneficiaries of the new covenant and have direct access to Jesus. Which means we have also seen the Father (John 14:9).
When we fail again and again, where does that leave us? When each day feels like a repeat of the day before. When we bore a hole in the Scripture memory index card on the windowsill while washing dishes. When we offer up ragged, short prayers of help and thanksgiving. When we apologize to our kids again after reacting in anger.
What should we, as sinners, expect after an interaction with a holy God? We can expect to be changed. He is transforming us from one degree of glory to another; our sanctification is not a burden to Him. Our slow growth does not disappoint Him.

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46 thoughts on "Moses’s Radiant Face"
Lord what an awesome wonder you are!
Our slow growth does not disappoint Him! Amen! I so needed that today!
Such encouragement for this weary mama ♥️ so grateful for God’s patience and compassion towards me.
Read 2 Corinthians 3 in its entirety! It’s beautifully written, in how it contrasts the old vs. the new covenant.
My husband has always mentioned that he will always notice when I have been watching or paying attention to things that are not healthy spiritually. I never fully understood until I have seen when Moses goes and his facial appearance changes just by spending time with the Lord and that definitely convicted me and made me realize how much time was I spending in Gods word than that of my phone.
Day 31 & 32 have really resonated with me! Todays reading made me think of the way I parent my children. “God could have relented and turned a cold shoulder, but INSTEAD he laid a warm blanket of truth and glory over Moses… YET he drew Moses near.” I pray constantly (it feels like), for changes in my parenting. To parent out of a place of love and not anger, yet I fail and apologize every day like Kasey wrote. But I “can expect to be changed.” My “slow growth does not disappoint Him.” Praise Jesus.
I needed this so much today!
I love this reminder. “We can expect to be changed by God.” I can’t change, but He can change me. That is a comforting and restful thought. ❤️
Great message here. I shared with someone saying it is DAY 30, but actually it is DAY 32 since the real Day 30 was The Golden Calf. I was very confused for a bit. Not complaining, just pointing out a correction when archived. Indeed, I am so very grateful for the whole team who edits, writes, researches, produces, photographs, plan, and prays over SRT. Over many years the plans (and podcasts) have been a great encouragement and challenged me to grow in my faith journey. THANK YOU, SRT
What should we, as sinners, expect after an interaction with a holy God? We can expect to be changed. He is transforming us from one degree of glory to another; our sanctification is not a burden to Him. Our slow growth does not disappoint Him.
I’m so thankful for this! I try and yet fail time and time again. I lose my patience. I become judgmental, I am critical. My growth feels so slow. For 30 years I have been trying to overcome these character flaws and yet I still mess up. I’m thankful for a God that is forgiving and still looks at me with a love we cannot fathom.
This was such an encouragement today!
@Tina I was saddened to read of your father’s passing. Prayers for peace.
KELLY (NEO) Thank you for asking. He is doing great! We are 9 weeks out and he is doing cardiac rehab and pretty much back to normal. Hopeful they will release him to go back to work mid September. We had a bit of a key down in Week 3 as he caught Covid variant Omnicron (?). Rougher fir 3 or 4 days but bounced back quickly. God is so good!
Really appreciate this reading.
” our sanctification is not a burden to Him. Our slow growth does not disappoint Him.” wow, how my heart needed that today. I get so wrapped up in my imperfectness that I can lose sight of what really matters–God’s GLORY. it’s so much bigger than you, me, and our sin. Praise Him! I am especially thankful for forgiveness today.
Absolutely love the last paragraph of the devotional. Thank you, Kasey!!!
Amen Gwineth!
Dear Shes. What helps me. In the daily rising & striving akin to the devotional by Miss Moffett. I plant my feet on the floor & say first thing: “Thank you Lord for a new day; and a new chance to begin again”. His tender love is refreshed every morning. Embrace it. Great is His faithfulness. Covering the errors & omissions & failures I am bound to make, unintentionally or willfully, throughout the day ahead. He never lets me down, even as I fall pitifully & painfully short. Taking no pride in my meager accomplishments. Sensing His pleasure when I place His teachings into practice. Then at night, after brushing my teeth, and washing my face, I look in the mirror & say, that which is often hardest of all. “As He has forgiven me this day; I forgive myself”. He is Gracious & Generous & Giving. Access to His love is boundless. His Son is the Author & Perfector of our Faith. Selah.
Thank you so much, I love love love how you broke this down! It shined a new light on the passage and I understand it so much more now.
I love these thoughts…I can totally relate. So encouraging to be reminded that encounters with Him strengthen our feeble hearts.♥️
“Our slow growth does not disappoint Him.” That was a balm to my soul today because I’m very hard on myself. I’m always thinking “that’s not enough!” Or “shouldn’t you be better than this by now?!” But thank God His thoughts are higher than mine. ❤️
This is exactly what I needed to hear today. 
Yes, I’m slowing growing in my knowledge of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. My faith and love for the Lord grows stronger each and every day. There may be days I question God and there are days I rejoice but I WILL NEVER STRAY FROM OR DOUBT my GOD.
My sister got transferred to a rehab facility yesterday. Also, a friend of my niece’s has got her talked into an apartment. So God is working in wonderful ways.
Be blessed and radiate Christ’s love today.
I am relived to hear that our slow growth does not disappoint Him. After I read scripture and pray, I often feel changed and enlightened. My husband has remarked on occasions, that I am different when I go to church and Bible study.
I am relived to hear that our slow growth does not disappoint Him. After I read scripture and pray, I often feel changed and enlightened. My husband has remarked on occasions,
I am relived to hear that our slow growth does not disappoint Him.
ANGIE MILLS, I have just skimmed right past the parts about Moses climbing the Mt Sinai without giving it a single thought. Having just been in Israel where we did a lot of hiking in that rough terrain, I was stopped in my tracks by your comment. Mt. Sinai (in Egypt, not Israel) is almost 7500 feet in elevation. Moses was EIGHTY. The topography is barren and rugged and desolate. It’s HOT. And to do that while carrying the stone tablets? Oh my. That would have been quite the challenge, to be sure. Thanks for helping me remember to slow down and really take in what I’m reading!
Like the author of today’s devotional (& other she’s) I was riveted by the last verse of today’s reading. Being changed by degree from one glory to another glory captured my imagination. I am often so focused (& discouraged) on my failures that I haven’t noted the growth that has slowly occurred. I’ve abandoned the false gods of vanity, anger, status etc. that used to own me and have found the gift of peace, hope and a future not crippled by unfulfilled expectations. God’s ways are truly good.
@Danielle B Yesterday, I looked up a message about Exodus 33 on YouTube. (I tried to post it yesterday, but I don’t see it. Maybe because I put a link.) It is from Leonard Ravenhill and as I was listening, I thought about what you wrote. He talked about spending time in His Presence and that He speaks to us through His Word. He said so much more that I started longing for! @Maria Baer He talks about people showing that radiance in this message! Ladies, this is a message to listen to! Prayers for you all!
I def recommend reading 2 Corinthians 3:7-11 — I think it gives you a fuller picture of what’s happening along with our reading of verses 12-18.
Yesterday, we celebrated my sister Heather’s 27th birthday. She’s closest in age to me. I am just about 3 yrs older. Upon her request, I bought her tickets to an escape room. I had a sense about the game cafe it was located in.. Like it wasn’t a good place to be.
We went in to make our reservation. After some conflict, we end up scheduling it for later in the day. As I am talking to the lady at the front desk, I look down and see the game cafe’s community schedule. “Spellcasting” and “hell” repeat as titles to games that occur throughout the month. I say to the Lord, “Oh no, there is evil here. I knew it.” My sister Heather suddenly is very angry out of nowhere. My brother and dad appear to be in a daze. I feel anxiety rise in my body and sense the demonic fighting to grab hold of my family. There is suddenly a lot of noise in my mind. My sister picks a restaurant to eat and I basically book it after she chooses. My family follows me outside.
My sister screams in the car on the way to the restaurant bc my brother refuses to use a GPS to get to the restaurant and makes a few wrong turns. We get there within minutes and my sister is just at her wits end…
I just know that place messed with Heather’s emotions. She’s very sensitive to the spiritual atmosphere. Like me. When we left it, I said to her, “I’m sorry Heather, that place has weird vibes. I can not go back there.” She groans at me bc she is used to my mother refusing to go to places she has senses the demonic. She believes we are too religious, possibly.
My other brother meets us at the restaurant and I ask him if I can go home with him. We have a great dinner and I go home and tell my mother what happened.
She says to me that my sister has a veiled face. I didn’t consider that. I thought she knew Jesus but was just living in rebellion.
Anyways, I share that to say I deeply related to this today. I ask for prayers for my sister Heather to be saved.
Life is not just a journey, but a time of transformation. As children of God we are being changed and transformed into His likeness – it is a long and sometimes slow process. But praise be to God that He is “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness”! (Exodus 34:6)…and, “our sanctification is not a burden to Him. Our slow growth does not disappoint Him”. It may disappoint us, but not our compassionate heavenly Father. We must keep going forward, no matter how many times we fall – we need to reach up for God’s hand and let Him pull us back up and take His hand as He leads us forward. We won’t let the evil one keep us down, but will trust in the One who loves us with an everlasting love!
Have a blessed Thursday my SRT sisters!
@Kelly (Neo) – As far as I know, both Christy and Christina are still in the hospital, it will be a long road of recovery. The family stopped posting updates because unfortunately the media was getting a hold of them and using them for their benefit. Thank you for asking and for your prayers.
Just let me (us!) live and breathe in the strength of His Spirit within us, believing that He will equip us to handle whatever comes into our day… So often I want the equipment to happen PRIOR so I can know it’s there, verses just relying on Him and trusting He will provide in the moment. Like the manna, for example – I’d prefer to get enough for today and also to meal-prep for the rest of the week ;) But nope. He wants me to trust He will show up as my King in shining armor the second He knows I need Him to.
KELLY (NEO)- thank you :) It went so well. And so far things seem to be better than they were at the end of the year… she still has some hurts and is feeling excluded in some circles, but I’m so grateful for the prayers for her because I believe it’s working… :) Still a road to go! ;)
I love this Scripture about Moses’ face shining. And this is something I’ve noticed with those I know who have a deep and faithful relationship with Christ. They have this inner light that shines in the outside. Immediately they put you at peace when you’re talking to them because of their goodness, and humbleness. I’m not comparing with God. What I am saying is that there is al light that follows those who put their trust 100% in the Lord, that radiates into the world. And it is a beautiful thing to see. Have a beautiful day, SRTs.
Each time Moses was called up to the mountain to listen to God’s voice, he was called by God to come alone. We cannot rely on others to help us grow in intimacy with God. We must listen to His voice ourselves. It is a very personal relationship that God has with us.
During Moses’s first 40 days on the mountain, Moses went up empty handed. God gave Moses the stone tablets that He had made and inscribed. This time when Moses climbed up the mountain, he had to carry the stone tablets with him. I do not have much experience climbing mountains, and I do not know how steep Mt. Sinai is. However, I can imagine that it would not have been easy to carry the extra weight of stone while climbing a mountain. As the representative of his people before God, Moses was carrying their iniquity before him. The people had broken God’s commands as Moses literally showed when he threw down and broke the stone tablets. God is now in the process of restoring the people to Himself.
When Moses came down from the first 40 days on the mountain, God was angry at His people. During this second period of 40 days, God reminds Moses that He is compassionate & gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in faithful love & truth. He reminded Moses that He maintains faithful love to a thousand generations (if you take it literally, that would be 22,000-33,000 years). He forgives iniquity (a specific sin against the morally right thing to do), rebellion (open resistance to lawful authority), and sin (any thought, word, or action that does not please God). But He is holy, just, and fair. He will not leave the guilty unpunished.
I love how God reminds Moses of His character. God had become angry at His people. They deserved His wrath and anger because they had committed iniquities, rebellion, and sins. Although God had become angry, He reminded Moses that He is slow to anger. The people had done several things before the golden calf incident that showed their hearts were not fully devoted to the Lord. They were not trusting of God or the way He was leading them (Red Sea incident). They were fearful that the Egyptians would slaughter them (Red Sea incident). They grumbled & complained when they weren’t given what they needed (water at Elim & water from rock incidents). They were envious of what the Egyptians had to eat and the way they lived (manna incident). These things all occurred within three months from leaving Egypt. At this point in our reading, it has only been about six months since Israel left Egypt. They are proving their unfaithfulness to God time and time again, but God continues to show His faithful love to His people.
I am unfaithful in my thoughts, words, or actions. I do not always honor God and please Him in the way I think, speak, or act. However, He is always faithful to me. His thoughts are always FOR me, not against me. He always speaks truth into my life. He always acts on my behalf. His ways are righteous, just, and fair. The foundation of His throne (His authority) is righteousness and justice. His standard (His established rule or model that goes before Him) is steadfast love & faithfulness.
The amazing grace of Jesus has brought such radiance to my life. His light lifted the veil from my face and removed the barrier between me and God. My Father’s love has redeemed me. The veil that darkened my heart was lifted as I turned to the Lord. He takes me from glory to glory, and I shine for Him as a lamp on a stand. My hope is in God and He frees me from the heavy burdens of the world. Where there is darkness, Christ is my light. When there is rain I will sing in it because of Him. When in a drought I will sing there too. “…Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation” (Habakkuk 3:18). Even as my body grows older, my spirit is renewed day by day in the transforming work of Jesus. My sweetest days are ahead of me because I have found my freedom in Him. I pray that my face will shine with the glory of God and my words would speak with His light for life. Let the hope that is in me be an inspiration to others. There is such freedom in You God, thank You for Your faithful love. My courage and strength is found only in You. Maranatha. Amen.
My slow growth doesn’t disappoint him, but it disappoints me, to be honest. I’m grateful for this truth today but I’m honesty I’m struggling with my impatience for God to intervene and change me, for me to see the fruits of some of my suffering, and see me changing through it. It feels so long as so much stays the same. I’m praying for the moment not the journey
Amen. May God continue to transform me and all of us.
“Our slow growth does not disappoint Him.” Some days it seems indiscernible and on those days …. the disappointment is real. But thanks be to God! He doesn’t quit, He never gives up on us! If there’s breath, there’s HOPE!
One of my favorite verses: “We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at, the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is the Spirit” 2Cor3:18.
From HRT:”As we look to Jesus with eyes of faith, and spend time with Him in the Word of God, we are transformed. As we experience the grace given to us through the power of His righteous life, substitutionary suffering, and glorious resurrection, we are transformed and reflect His glory!”
HEIDI – how was your daughter’s first days of school?
SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – is Christy Siau still in the hospital?
CLAIRE B – how is your brother doing after open-heart surgery?
May my face shine, my life reflect the glory of God. This is my prayer as a will be leaving Saturday for a one-week kind of mission trip. We will be doing VBS at a camp site and organizing all kinds of activities to give people a nice holiday but also to tell them about Jesus. I want them to get to see something of the glory of God during this week. That the parents and teens may realise that being a Christian is not some old fashioned thing, but something that enriches your life. That the children may feel our love and through it that God loves them. It can feel like such a high calling to reflect God to the world. But it isn’t the mirror that is doing the work. It’s just being there and reflecting whatever is put in front of it. As long as we are looking to God and putting the right things before us, we will start reflecting that, even when we might not immediately notice it ourselves.
I may not in my lifetime reach the ‘mountain top’ but Lord God, may I always shine as I draw nearer, hold fast, trust, obey and interact with you…
Thank you Lord God that you never give up on me. Always there to guide, lead and bring me home when I stray, the I you Lord God, thank you Father God… ❤
BLESSINGS for you all dear sisters wrapped in love, hugs and prayers from across the pond..❤