Text: Exodus 2:23-25, Exodus 3:1-22, Mark 12:18-27
It’s all about the details, right? It’s the difference between getting to church at 11:00am and 11:10am. Or getting on I-75 South instead of I-75 North—just a small detail that landed me in the wrong state.
But it’s also in the details of a sunset, or a marriage proposal, or the secret ingredient of the best meal you’ve ever eaten. (IT WAS THE SAFFRON!) The details make all the difference.
They say the devil is in the details, but more often than not, I find that God is there, in the tiniest of details, waiting for us to notice Him. It happens ALL the time in the Bible, when a small detail changes everything.
This particular story of Moses has one of those tiny details I’ve overlooked for years. I grew up in the church, and I’ve known the story of the burning bush for as long as I can remember. I can picture it on the flannel graph: the multi-colored flames in the corner, Moses facing it, shepherd stick in hand, and shoes off to the side, because—as it says in Exodus 3:5—he was standing on holy ground.
But go back to Exodus 3:4, just one little phrase before. There’s this one tiny detail that changed the whole story for me.
“When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, ‘Moses! Moses!’” (Exodus 3:4).
It wasn’t until Moses noticed the bush on fire that God spoke out of it.
God wasn’t calling Him like you call the kids in from the playground. The bush wasn’t yelling out Moses’ name like he was the next contestant on a gameshow. It was when Moses noticed—when he went over to look—that God spoke to him.
Look around you. What are the little moments, the details, the things God is waiting for you notice? What’s your burning bush?
A neighbor?
A place of worship?
A sunrise?
A blog post?
A church you’ve wanted to visit?
A restaurant you’ve always wanted to try?
I often go walking at Radnor Lake here in Nashville. I walk the same path every day, the one that starts on the right and loops around the lake. About halfway through, there’s a little sign with an arrow pointing to another path: Ganier Ridge. I’ve seen it lots of times, but I’ve always just kept on walking—even though it caught my eye more and more each time I passed it.
One Saturday, I finally quit ignoring that little nudge and turned up that path. It was hard and steep, and it only got steeper as I climbed. WHY AM I DOING THIS? I thought, as a podcast about loving your city well played in my ears.
At the apex of the climb is a clearing, and when I reached it I paused by a bench to catch my breath. And then I saw it: the entire Nashville skyline, right there in my view. There’s the city I love, I thought, as the podcast reminded me that God places people in their cities on purpose.
He wanted me to hear it while I was seeing it. Once I noticed the “burning bush,” and walked toward it, He spoke to me. It wasn’t a huge deal, but it mattered to my heart.
What is the thing God is using to get your attention? I bet it’s different from the things He uses to grab mine—but that’s okay, because it’s meant for you, not me.That’s where God wants to talk to you. That’s where He has something just for you, if you’ll turn and notice and listen.
THAT’S your burning bush.

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90 thoughts on "Moses and the Burning Bush"
Yes, great application. I used to sell your resources when our Bible bookstore was still open.
I’m teaching the kids on this Sunday from Exodus 3 – 4:17.
I hope to use some of your suggestions. Please, pray for the kids and the teaching time that we keep Jesus central in the great lesson here. God bless you.
Bill at Warren Community Church
I really love that God didn’t call to Moses right away. I had never paid attention to that detail before and I hope to make it a daily thing to keep my eyes open and nice God.
I am a middle school Bible teacher, today my 8th graders and I are meditation on Exodus 3 and the life of Moses. I am so excited to open up class with this blog post and to ask them, what is your burning bush? Where is the Holy Spirit trying to get your attention?
I found that interesting too. I do essential oils and know that if you want the oil to get into your system quickly you rub them into your feet. This made me think about how God could have told Moses to close his eyes and listen or touch something but instead He used the feet on holy ground knowing that soak deep into Moses. Or that’s how I see it.
So good! What is God using to get my attention? I’m going to pay attention to this this week!
I love this reminder ♥️
I caught that god wants us is close contact with Him. When we encounter Holy ground, we are to approach with our feet naked, nothing separating us from the Holiness. Feet are considered our lowliest member, yet, God asks us to expose and contact holiness with them. He is not put off by who we are in any way. His great desire is that we approach, exactly as we are when we are called.
This was amazing. I grew up hearing this story and I never noticed this part either. Thank you Jesus
Wow. I love this. Please Lord, help me to notice the details in life and hear your voice every minute of every day.
Please pray that I am able to truly notice these small details in my life. That I can slow down my busy life to listen to His sweet, sweet voice.
A fellow leader and I are using this study for a Junior High Bible Study, and we read the versus before the thing written here. I am preparing for it now and it took a different turn than I thought. However, I think this will be a great way to get discussion going in our group and have them start looking for those small details now while they are young, and not later when maybe its harder to make big decisions because of more responsibilities.
Wow what an eye opener. I love when God takes familiar stories and throws in a lesson to be learned that we don’t learn until we are much older (the burning bush scenario). I love how Moses questions God basically in verse 25 “Who am I” basically saying, ‘God I’m not worthy why would you chose me’ — God loves to use us where he sees that we fit even when we have a hard time swallowing that responsibility and/or calling. We get so caught up in this plan that we have, and God is over our heads saying, ‘Don’t you see my plan?’
I’m unclear about what my burning bush is but this week I’m going to be more intentional and pay attention to the things/people/places that he puts in my everyday path.
Wow what an eye opener. I love when God takes familiar stories and throws in a lesson to be learned that we don’t learn until we are much older (the burning bush scenario). I love how Moses questions God basically in verse 25 “Who am I” basically saying, ‘God I’m not worthy why would you chose me’ — God loves to use us where he sees that we fit even when we have a hard time swallowing that responsibility and/or calling. We get so caught up in this plan that we have, and God is over our heads saying, ‘Don’t you see my plan?’
I unclear about what my burning bush is but this week I’m going to be more intentional and pay attention to the things/people/places that he puts in my everyday path.
God used by shattered heart to get my attention. Lord keep my eyes ALWAYS on you.
Thanks for sharing, this totally grabbed my spirit. May i never be blind to my burning bush.
This was eye opening. I don’t know yet what my burning bush is, but I’m going to be intentional about putting aside my to do list when I get a nudge from God, and be more aware of my current place in life so that I won’t miss it.
I just love the promise God gives in verses 11 and 12 of chapter 3. “But I will be with you”… Reminds me of Matthew 28:20 in the Great Commission when Jesus says, “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Our Good Good Father is ALWAYS with us. Sometimes I don’t feel His presence and that’s not His fault but mine because my eyes aren’t focused upon Him. I can take comfort and great confidence knowing I am never alone but God is with me always with His loving embrace comforting me and encouraging me to continue living out the other part of the Great Commission… Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit… teaching them to obey all the commandments. That is my purpose. Thank you Lord for my burning bush today. As I sit here watching the water go past me on the river and the wind hitting the trees and my skin I am reminded of the simple but profound truth that God is always always always with me.
:) The scripture that stood out most for me was Exodus 2:25 … “–and God knew.” He knows. He knows! All of of my worries, fears, cares, struggles, etc. He knows. I can’t see my deliverance right now, but I’m believing He will deliver me (some days I believe stronger than others… but honestly, what else can I trust in?). He did it for the Israelites, and the bible says His character doesn’t change, so I’m banking on His willingness to deliver me as well. I can’t see it… but it takes time for the baby in the basket to mature into a leader who can save a nation. So just because I can’t see where God is working for me right this moment doesn’t mean He isn’t working! He knows! He hears. I’m trusting him to move in His timing. (Well, I’m trying to trust Him – as patiently as I can!)
This really grabbed my heart too!
My burning bush is something God has instructed me to do so I can process thoughts better. Have a look at my new blog I hope it encourages you – thelittlewhispers. blogspot.com
I love how God calls himself ‘I AM’ And how his name never changes. So often when I get anxious I worry about my identity and feel myself come up short ‘I am not good enough,’ ‘I am a failure,’ ‘I am….’ Or I try to assert my identity in the positive ‘I am a writer, a wife, a mum….’ Really I need to look beyond myself to him for my identity – the only ever lasting ‘I AM’ who comes near, amazingly in Christ, to dwell with us.
I have found a place on the ocean in Fairhaven that God speaks to me.I Haven ‘t been there in awhile .. After reading this I think I will have to go there today
I would love to know what the podcast was!? This is great– fresh take on a story heard so many times.
Very well said. God is always with us and all he wants us to do is notice Him. Thanks for the reminder and I am going to let my heart make me aware of His presents.
Quick question, what day did this study start? I was under he impression that it started on the 12th but
there is already day 3 on here… What day should I be on?
We should be on day 3. That way your grace day and memorizing scripture days are always fall on Saturday and Sunday.
I love reading what others pull out of stories we have all heard over and over! I, like most kids that have grown up in church, have heard this passage numerous times! I have never noticed verse 4 like it was noticed by you. So cool when God uses His word to touch people in different ways. I just love it! Thanks for sharing!
“No sound is heard
But everywhere, and every hour,
In love, in wisdom and in power,
The Father speaks His clear eternal Word.” (Fabre)
Hearing God’s voice when we pause to take notice is life changing.
Thank you for pointing out that it was when Moses noticed the bush was on fire is when God spoke to him. I did not pay attention to that detail when I read about the first encounter Moses had with God. I always say God will use whatever it takes to get our attention.
Needed to know God places you in certain cities for his purpose. Thank you for your anointing :)
I love today’s reading. It was just the right message I needed to hear “what is the thing God is using to get your attention”. I feel like God is def using other’s around me (family and friends) to grab my attention. I just now have to be obedient and tune in!
Trouble posting
I wonder if Moses thought he had screwed it up, ruined God’s plan for his life as his peoples’ deliverer?! And wasn’t he just stunned to hear directly from God telling him he had an enormous part to play… let’s not ever listen to the enemies lies that we have messed up too much to be used by God, or that when we make mistakes..and we will… that God is finished with us. Exodus is a direct parallel to the christian life in SO many ways and i am loving this study already!!
Love this Scripture and reminds me of this quote:
Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God: But only those who sees takes off their shoes. The rest sit round and pick blueberries. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Beautiful quote for a beautiful
Love that. Thanks for sharing!
Love this!
I love this quote! Thanks for sharing Melissa!
So, so good! Can you share the podcast that was referenced SRT?
Also, loved your book, Lets All Be Brave, Annie!
Exodus 3:10 – “Therefore GO, I am sending you…”
Yesterday we discovered that God had given Moses a heart for his people back when he was in Egypt. He wanted to set his people free.
However, Moses tried to do this in his own strength and BEFORE God said it was time to go. The result was a sinful act of murder that forced him to run and hide from his home. Moses was a little too eager to set his people free.
In today’s reading, and 40 years later. God finally says “GO”. The timing is now right.
The Israelites needed to have things get SO bad that they finally cried out to God.
A New king (I’m assuming the pharaoh) has come into power, meaning the one Moses ran from is now not a problem.
Moses needed to become a shepherd to learn how to take care of a flock.
Moses was married and became a father, perhaps he needed to learn how to care for a family, develop patience and other life skills.
Perhaps Moses also needed time away from the Egyptian culture that he grew up in. The worldview and mindset of the people. He needed to be transformed by God.
Finally, God says “GO” and we know how the story goes… Moses was hesitant. He asks for someone else to go instead.
What happened over those 40 years? Did Moses’ passion die because he didn’t see the brutality towards his people each day? Did he become comfortable in his new life and job? New city? He had a family now and felt he could’ take a risk?
When I think of my own life.. The times I crave change and want to do something great for God, etc are when I’m doing it in my own strength. I’m confident. BUT lately, when God says “GO”. I’m hesitant.
It’s what I’ve been wanting, what I’ve been asking for, but all of a sudden I’m afraid. I say the timing isn’t right or I’m not ready.
But THAT is when God says go. And it’s all so I must rely on GOD’s strength and not my own. To God be the glory!
My hubby and I are moving across the country to Asheville, NC in just two weeks. God said “GO” and in my hesitation I’m trusting in his plan. We have no friends or family out there so we covet your prayers for transition and that God would reveal his plan in all of this :).
Blessed by SRT every day! Thank you!
Your comment about Moses’ life and about God’s timing were thought provoking, Steph. Thanks for giving me some food for thought — and may God bless your upcoming move!
Asheville NC is one of my favorite places in the whole world (well, my little world) because the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove is there. Wonderful Bible studies and concerts right there. Hope you have an opportunity to soak in some of what they have to offer. I will be there in June, God willing.
Being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, Holy Yoga instructor, and any other hat I try to shove on my head I often try to focus on those around me. How can I help them with something? What can I do to encourage them? All of this while neglecting the reason for my life, God. Encouragement is good and can produce good things but without grounding down and serving the Lord first I’m not listening to Him and His plan for me. Thank you for the reminder.
Lord, let us take a breath and notice the things you have placed in our life or on our path that are from you. Let us seek your voice above all. In your sons name, Amen.
Yes! This is so good! How often have I missed God because I haven’t looked or noticed. So guilty. I just love that He speaks through anything and everything
“Wrap my life in divine love, and keep me ever desiring thee, always humble and resigned to thy will, more fixed on thyself, that I may be more fitted for doing and suffering.” -Longings After God, The Valley of Vision
Continually reminded of the mercies we require for us to snap out of our trances of whatever daily routine we´re in during this season and see these burning bushes. Grace upon grace, mercy upon mercy.
Love this, friend! Thanks for sharing today.
So often I complain about my circumstances to anyone and everyone before I go to the One who can deliver me. In today’s Scriptures I read that God was well aware of the oppression and suffering of His people. It s when they cried out to Him that He was moved to action. Brought to mind that old phrase: “Go to the throne before you go to the phone.” I’ve been guilty of the reverse! And also… Moses and the burning bush. Yes! God daily gives us detailed glimpses of His glory, if we only have eyes to see. I’m not a morning person but watching my granddaughter means being up at 5:30. What a blessing that had turned out to be – I see His sunrises and have time for prayer and worship music as I drive to her home. As a Christian, wherever I go, I try to take it as holy ground. God has placed me wherever I am for His purpose to represent Him in that place. He is already there. He has called me by name. Wow. Gives me a better perspective of my day! Thank you Lord that when I cry out to You, I know You will move on my behalf at just the right time. And thank you Lord that you have given me holy ground on which to serve You every day. May I represent You well. To You alone be the glory. Amen.
So many good take-away’s in your thoughts today! I have never heard the phrase, “Go to the throne before you go to the phone.” Yikes! What a great reminder for us that Jesus is the One to take our troubles to. May we represent Him well. ♥
love the reminder to go to the throne before you go to the phone…..what a powerful phrase!!! THANK YOU!!!
Love your thoughts today…thanks for sharing!
your thoughts were soup for my soul this morning!
Thank you for the reminder that He has placed me where I’m at, to represent Him. Literally took my breath away and caused my tears to flow!
Was reminded about not complaining, recently. The verse God have yesterday was Psalm 55:16-17.
It talks about taking my complaint to God…all through the day!
Enjoy your little phrase to go to the throne before using the phone…very appropriate! Thanks for being a channel!
I am reminded of the power and enduring goodness of God’s word. Every time we look to His word He reveals something new. I read Exodus 2 and there are little notes I wrote from high school scattered across the page reminding me that, “God’s love accommodates to my sin!” God knew Moses was weak. He knew Pharaoh was hard. Yet, God orchestrated His mighty display to the people of Egypt and His children of Israel. OH Lord let us not grow bored and weary of seeking you. Help us to slow down and be quiet enough to see and hear your goodness and might at work in our world. “Open [our] eyes that [we] may see wonderful things in your law (Psalm 119:18)!
The burning bush for me in this post is the phrase “God places people in their cities on purpose.” God has been calling me to pull up stakes and move to another city, leaving my daughters in the city where I raised them for over 25 years. God is calling me to a new purpose, but the transition is not easy — but God never said His work would be easy. If we’re called according to His purpose, we’ll follow when He speaks from the burning bush and gives us a new calling.
I think of the certain numbers I keep seeing. How some think it’s nothing. How with my anxious mind, I feel like it’s God trying to tell me something. Maybe the number I’m no longer here. I wish I knew.
Amanda…not sure what you’re referring to, but praying God will somehow speak to you today and make Himself known. Saying a prayer for you this morning.
Amanda, although I don’t know you face-to-face (I wish I did!) or know your circumstances, I do know you are God’s beloved workmanship (Eph. 2:10) and that He is doing a good work in you (Phil 1:6). He has redeemed you and called you His! (Isaiah 43:1) Friend, I’m praying for you today, asking that God would bring these truths to mind in your anxieties and that the peace of God, that transcends all understanding, would guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:7)
We’re so thankful you’re here, Amanda. Sending all of our love your way!
Amanda, please know that God is not the God of confusion but rather of peace. He only speaks life, not death. For so many years, I battled such anxiety about seeing these “signs” I thought were from God. They caused almost paralyzing fear and took a foothold in my life. But as my spiritual walk has grown and I have known God in a real way, He doesn’t speak to us in this way. He doesn’t come to bring us anxiety so if those signs/numbers you keep seeing are causing you an anxious mind, they are NOT from the Lord. Please take heart in this. The enemy will use our weakness (my easily anxious mind) to convince us our God is not for us. “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
Love this!
I have never thought about the burning bush. I have never thought about how God may have burning bushes in our lives. I will be paying more attention in looking for ways that God might be speaking to me. I have had moments I wondered if he speaks to me at all. Maybe those moments are bc I haven’t noticed the bushes and he is waiting for me to notice so he can speak to my heart. Grateful for this message today.
This past year, my husband and I moved to a new state and started new jobs I had heard that your first year teaching can be the hardest, but I didn’t expect the struggles I have experienced. I know everyone gets stressed about testing but I feel like all I have heard all year long is my kids aren’t doing well enough and I’m a bad teacher. I think I could have handled this better had I felt like there were some guidance as to what to do to fix it. But there isn’t any. I received some pretty awful and hurtful feedback from my principal yesterday that will be shared with the state and I have struggled so much with it. I desperately want to see God’s details in this. I feel so discouraged. For anyone who took time to read this please pray that God would reveal himself.
Oh Ashley hang in there. My daughter is now in her fifth year of teaching (two different districts – she was furloughed after her first year at her first school due to budget cuts) and is in her 3rd classroom. Her job, and yours, is darn hard. So much of it is out of your control and the expectations are so high. And the appreciation often scarce. My daughter was blessed however in each school with finding another Christian teacher with whom she could pray each day. That so helped her attitude to persevere and trust that God placed her there for His reason for those children at that time. I’m praying you trust Him for the same and that you seek out or are found by another Christian to come alongside you for encouragement and prayer. You are doing noble work. That school is your holy ground.
I am a first year teacher and, my oh my, the struggles and hardships we face day in and day out. This is a stressful time of year for everyone, especially teachers with testing coming around the corner. What encourages me in the days where nothing goes as planned is knowing that those kids and the coworkers were put in my life for a reason. You are where you are for a reason and for a purpose that ONLY YOU CAN FULFILL!
Saying you’re a bad teacher is the devil taking over your thoughts and moving God’s purpose out of your mind. I can already tell you that you are doing amazing. Keep pushing through! These trials and hardships are growing your faith and dependence on Him because , as I am sure we have both learned, we can’t do this job on our strength alone. It is going to be a great day and a great week. I’m praying for you Ashley! Fight the good fight with perseverance. :) and remember. You have changed those kids lives for the better by showing love to them each and everyday!
Said a prayer for you. May the I AM be present today in a way you can see.
Hang in there Ashley. My first year, I sat in the parking lot everyday before walking into the building and cried. It was so hard. I clung to the idea that Christ strengthens me, and each day I am a new creation. I found some women who prayed with me each week before class started. This is our Holy Ground. This is our burning bush. I pray that receive some small encouragement today, be it a smile or a kind word or a gift from a student. And I pray for another tangible encouragement tomorrow. And the next day. And these small details, God’s details, will carry you along until you look up one day and you realize you made it! Much love to you today!
Ashley, I am praying for you! I have been a teacher for over 20 years. The first year of teaching is the hardest (and yes, find a prayer partner) but it gets better every year after that. Always remember two things: 1. God puts you where He wants you…you are not at your school by mistake…whatever the outcome. 2. The children are your mission field. Everyday I remind myself to focus on God’s mission (not man’s opinions), and that makes all the difference!
Ashley, I’m not a teacher but I do volunteer a few hours each week in two schools. I see first hand how hard the teachers work and how much they care! I’m so sorry you’ve received such harsh feedback. I don’t really have a lot of advice other than perhaps your burning bush isn’t in the advice or direction of other adults. Maybe it’s in the faces, minds and hearts of each of your students. I pray you continue to strengthen your skill set as a teacher as well as find resources for guidance. You’ve got this!!
Lifting you up this morning Ashley……you are not alone <3
Ashley, you ARE doing God’s work. I only taught for a few years before it became too stressful for me. If I could go back, I’d realize that my hard work was valuable in a million ways that test scores can’t measure. You are learning right along with your students – you’re not a finished product. I am praying that you’ll feel peace in doing the best work you can do with the guidance you have, and leaving the rest for Him.
Praying for you, and standing beside you. I, too, am a teacher. I know the stress and anxiety that comes from doing a seemingly impossible job. For me, I try and let my focus be on my gifting and calling, not on the testing, paperwork, and data. Those things exist, but that’s not why I teach. I teach to love the unloved. I teach to encourage the discouraged. I teach to comfort the lonely and the broken-hearted. I teach to offer hope to the hopeless, and to bring a tiny piece of joy to the everyday. When I keep my focus on the “right” things, I find that the other stuff often falls into place. Hang in there, sister.
Beautiful! Loved your encouraging words to Ashley… and to all of us.
Lifting you up in prayer. May you be encouraged today…
Praying for your perseverance, Ashley! Not everyone can do what you do; there’s a divine reason for that.
Prayers for you, Ashley, for a strong sense and special awareness of God’s presence with you and love for you, for a full measure of His peace, for Christian friends to stand beside you. Be assured that He is with you, aware of everything that is happening, and that He has the situation fully under His control for your good.
Ashley, your heart for your students is so clear, and for that I’m so thankful God placed you where you are! I’m praying today that He would bring His truths to mind in the midst of your struggle and frustration and asking Him to reveal Himself in the big and small ways of the good work He is doing in and through you! Be encouraged, friend!
I will say a prayer for you! Please remember that what God has for you, is for you. No man can take away your divine gift. Sometimes we stress ourselves out more than necessary but when we learn to depend fully on God, we realize that we are already taken care of! May God bless you and send you a peace of mind
Ashley, my prayers are with you. Trust God to direct you. He will place you where you are most needed.
Praying for you right now, Ashley!
Praying for you Ashley! I am a teacher so I know what you are going through!
Wow. So I sit here in my weak flesh after a 3:00 am feeding. You know how you want to get up but you are so sleepy that you are using whatever text you can to wake up your mind? No, Just me? Well this post woke my soul up! Absolutely spoke to my heart. I’ll be looking for my burning bush today. So so grateful for you guys.
Meg, what a joy it is to hear from you! During your early mornings, know that you’re being prayed for!
Thank you for this devotional and making me look closer for the details. I loved your interpretation/explanation of this verses and I pray that I may notice God’s signs, as small as they might be, to hear Him speak to me. It’s so often that I ask myself “why doesn’t God talk to me more?”, but today I have to recognize that it’s not God not talking to me, but me not looking, being too caught up in every day life.
Amen, may we be sensitive to His voice! ♥
You’re so right, Elisabeth! May we be more intentional about looking and less surprised when we find Him right there, all along. Grateful for you!
Yes so true.