Mistaken for Gods

Open Your Bible

Acts 14:1-28, Colossians 4:2-4, 2 Timothy 3:10-12

Golden calves, Zeus, crystals, wooden statues, and teen pop stars. What do all these have in common? All have been objects of worship. They have been admired, adored, and served. There’s no denying it—the human heart is drawn to worship. We yearn to be part of a bigger story, to pin our hopes on something outside ourselves. We are wired to look for something or someone more powerful that will help us flourish and make sense of life. The question is not, “Do I worship?” The question for each of us is, “What do I worship?” 

This makes sense when we remember that we were created as worshipping beings. Our loving Creator made us to reflect His image and to enjoy Him forever. We were made to be a part of God’s big story and to live in His power and presence. We are wired to flourish when we admire, adore, and serve the Lord above all else. 

But our hearts are darkened by unbelief and we begin to look for love and meaning in other, lesser places. We see this happening to the crowds in Lystra after Barnabas and Paul healed a disabled man. The Lystrans were star-struck. They were so impressed by the powerful miracle that they thought Barnabas and Paul must be the Greek gods Zeus and Hermes gracing them with their presence in human form. They began to worship and prepare sacrifices to them.

This was the opposite of the gospel Paul and Barnabas came to preach. Instead of recognizing and turning to the one true God, the crowds doubled down on their idolatry. Barnabas and Paul tore their clothes in anguish and pleaded with the crowd, “Turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and everything in them” (Acts 14:15).

Unbelief and confusion cloud our thinking as well. We may not worship Zeus or wooden statues, but we look for love, security, and meaning in other, lesser places, too. Let’s be honest and ask ourselves what we are tempted to bow down to today. What do I prioritize before all else? What dominates my calendar and my checking account? What keeps me up at night? What does my mind turn to before my head even lifts off the pillow in the morning? Who or what do I feel like I can’t live without?

The restlessness we feel when we try to pin our hopes on something other than God is actually a gift. It reveals the truth that we were made to be part of God’s story, a beloved child of His eternal family. Anything other than Him leaves us wanting more. As Saint Augustine famously said, “Thou hast made us for Thyself, and our heart is restless till it rests in Thee.” What will we worship today?

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51 thoughts on "Mistaken for Gods"

  1. Beverly Watley says:

    Prayers for Revel, that he will be healed. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  2. Jane K says:

    I spent some time this weekend getting caught up from when I was on vacation. I love this study and I feel like my eyes are opened to what God is teaching me. Thank you to those who post it enriches my life. I am praying for all the requests. Melanie, I also join you in prayer for your husband. Mari, Lexi, BetsyAnn, I am praying for all three of you for situations at work. Victoria and Lindsey, I think and pray for you and your babies often. My daughter Kelsey is also expecting, and there are some concerns. Julia, I am praying for your daughter. Nikki, I’m so happy you are part of this group. I’m praying God gives you a deep desire to know Him and love His Word. Carol, may God continue to strengthen your faith and pour out His blessings over you. Anna, asking God to relieve your anxiety and give you His peace. Continued prayers Dorthy, for your sister and nephew too. I am so thankful for all the teachers on here that love and pray over our children. Bless you!

  3. Candace Smith says:

    Ladies please pray for my church our pastor stepped down Sunday. Our pastor has only been with us 2 years and the one before 3. Our congregation is tired, worn, and weary from COVID and pastor searches. Please pray for stamina, endurance, and for the man God would have lead us. Also that we have faith that God has this. That all we must do is follow where he leads. Have a blessed Monday!

  4. Jane K says:

    I spent some time this weekend getting caught up from when I was on vacation. I love this study and I feel like my eyes are opened to what God is teaching me. Thank you to those who post it enriches my life. I am praying for all the requests. Melanie, I also join you in prayer for your husband. Mari, Lexi, BetsyAnn, I am praying for all three of you for situations at work. Victoria and Lindsey, I think and pray for you o

  5. Maddy Havens says:

    Bless you for your work, Kathy. Some of the most lost and confused people I’ve seen were the art kids in school. They are desperately searching for meaning and belonging and are so susceptible to influence from the darkness. praise the Lord that He put you in their path!

  6. Victoria E says:

    Amen Poppy! Melanie and Mari V I will be praying for you. Sisters if I may ask for prayer for our next ultrasound, it is the 20 week anatomy scan next Monday the first. Please pray for my faith to continue to grow during this waiting period. Thank you.

  7. Cindy Hanna says:


  8. Cindy Hanna says:

    Oh my! This is what leapt from the page to challenge my heart in today’s reading. 22b: “encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.” – Acts 14:22 Why do I fall into the trap that I am only loved by God when I get his blessings when over and over it is plain that’s only half the story? I am not made complete and welcomed into the Kingdom unless I understand the work he is doing in me in suffering.