Miracles of Food and Drink

Open Your Bible

Matthew 14:14-21, Luke 5:4-11, John 21:1-11, John 2:1-11

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:14-21, Luke 5:4-11, John 21:1-11, John 2:1-11

Food is an unmistakable theme in the miracles of Jesus. There is no aspect of humanity that Jesus ignored, including our need for food.

Jesus ate. He drank. He attended dinner parties—lots of them. The beginning of His earthly ministry included the miracle of turning water into wine at a wedding reception (John 2:1-11). And before He ascended back into heaven, He cooked His disciples breakfast with fish He’d miraculously jammed into their nets (John 21:1-14). In today’s reading, we see that He also supernaturally fed tens of thousands of followers.

This helps me to see the practical side of Jesus more clearly. Sure, His supernatural nature is awesome, and we’re keenly aware of our need to see His hand in the “big stuff.” But we tend to whizz right past the fact that He sees and responds to both our extraordinary and our ordinary needs.

In Matthew 14, we find one of Christ’s most famous miracles, what’s known as the “Feeding of the Five Thousand.” But this was actually a miracle on a much grander scale. Scripture says five thousand men were present “besides women and children” (v.21), meaning there were likely closer to 15,000 people gathered around Jesus—and He fed every single one of them until they were full (v.20).

These were people shot through with grief and sorrow. John the Baptist, one of their spiritual heroes, had just been brutally beheaded (Matthew 14:1-12). At the news of His dear cousin’s murder, Jesus retreated to a desolate place to mourn, but the grieving crowds followed Him, desperate for hope in the midst of hurt, for light in the darkness.

As their Maker, Jesus knew the crowd’s deepest needs were spiritual, yet He did not race past their immediate physical needs. In verse 14 we catch a glimpse of a thread that weaves throughout the miracles of Jesus: “When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them.”

Compassion motivated Jesus to feed the crowds. He satisfied their physical hunger so they could see that He alone is capable of satisfying their spiritual hunger.

In Mark 8:1-10 we see that another crowd tracked Jesus down and remained with Him to hear Him teach for three days—without food. If He sent them home, some would faint on the way (v.3). Again, He responded with compassion, meeting their physical needs so they could digest the spiritual truths He desired to teach them. He gave them bread and fish so that they could “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8).

Perhaps food is just a tether keeping us close to the truth that we are not our own sustainers. Is it possible that God hard-wired our physical needs into our DNA to teach us of our bigger, constant need for Him? What if every meal were a parable teaching us that Jesus is the Bread of Life (John 6:35), the True Bread from Heaven (John 6:32), the Grain of Wheat (John 12:24), and the Living Water (John 4:10-11).

Jesus’ miracles are never about the miracle itself. They’re about Jesus. He doesn’t intervene in our lives primarily for our comfort, but for His glory, that we would turn to Him. Every last one of our needs points to and is met in Him.


Erin Davis is an author, blogger, and speaker who loves to see women of all ages run to the deep well of God’s Word. When she’s not writing, you can find Erin chasing chickens and children on her small farm in the Midwest.

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85 thoughts on "Miracles of Food and Drink"

  1. Heather Lopez-Renteria says:

    I loved todays reading and I loved the stories used. It always blows my mind how jesus fed thousands with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. It’s always had me wish I could of seen this miracle. I love the perspective these reflections give of what this says about our saviour. He is so dynamic and full of mystery yet shows us at every turn who he is! I love learning more about him through his miracles. He is a miracle worker. Amazing. Amen

  2. Jenni Jex says:

    I’m so thankful he meets the daily needs, as well as the big life needs. He’s so kind.

  3. Stephanie says:

    I love the perspective these reflection give of what this says about our Jesus! He is so dynamic and full of mystery yet shows us at every turn who he is! I love learning more about him through his miracles!

  4. Shea Burrell says:

    Amazing!!! Amen!!!

  5. Atalie Jones says:

    Oh, Jesus-Lamb of God, thank You for who You are. I am unable to sustain myself. I need You. You are a mighty, loving, and righteous Savior. Through You, all things are possible. Whatever God’s will is for my life, I pray that it be done. Make Your presence evident to me today.

  6. Jennifer says:

    I had an amazing thought after reading about the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. Jesus knew exactly how much food would feed the huge crowd, but there were leftovers anyway! Just because? Just to prove a point? Or just to say Yes, God did that! interesting thought to ponder…

  7. Julie says:

    My sister just found some masses in her neck. Test results to come back tomorrow. Please pray for her!! This series has come timely as I need to learn more about Jesus’ miracles. My sister has had a rough go of life lately so I’m praying for a miracle for her to be heathy, faithful and not fearful, and always leaning on God’s strength!

  8. All those times God answered my prayers whether it was for wisdom and knowledge on a test, for new job, or for food in my stomach, I would always just say thank you God and move on, not really considering that this was God’s way of allowing me to see more of who He is and His love for me and all my needs. What a beautiful reminder.

  9. Michelle says:

    I love all these responses about feeding as a ministry! I’ve always loved to cook and bake for others. Ive felt that was a real tangible way I could nurture and provide for them, but this really clarified my perspective. Thankful for such a sweet gift and opportunity to love and provide for our neighbors.

  10. Christina says:

    Food as a tether to the truth that we cannot sustain ourselves. Wow! What if I turned to Jesus in those moments that it is so much easier to turn to food? And how sadly interesting is it that we have so vilified bread in our carb-conscious culture? Are we vilifying the Bread of Life unawares? Thankfully, the Bread of Life sustains and nourishes unlike any man-manufactured bread ever could! Thanks for this “food for thought”!

  11. Elsa says:

    We are farmers and every seeding and harvest I make my husband’s lunches. I HATE making lunches, but I always do it knowing that it makes him feel loved to be cared for in that way. I loved the references in the study today to preparing food as a way of ministering to others. I agree that it is a very cultural thing, and I love the perspective that it’s not just a thing we do because we don’t know what else to do, but that it can be a conscious way to minister. And I will be looking at my hubby’s lunches with a different perspective as well!

  12. Lindsey says:

    There are times throughout my day that I will turn to food for comfort or as a stress reliever. I was reminded of the verse, ‘Man does not live on bread alone’ several weeks ago. When I felt the urge to relieve stress with food, I read God’s word. It is the true comforter and satisfies my soul in a much greater way than food can. ‘Jesus is the bread of life’. Our physical body’s need for food is a reflection of hearts’ need for Jesus. Not just one meal a day, but throughout the day, we need his bread to renew our strength. Lord, help me to run to you for comforter and relief instead of food or other things. You sustain me.

    1. Jamie says:

      I just wanted to let you know that this is the 2nd or 3rd comment I’ve seen from you in this set of devotion. I’m new at all of this and reading your comments sometimes makes me think in a deeper way and really speaks to me. Thank you for using your thoughts and life experiences as a helping hand for some of us others. God bless!

    2. Tricia Bertrand says:

      Love this idea!

  13. Terri says:

    The third question in today’s lesson, Why did Jesus turn water into wine? Why was He reluctant to perform this miracle? I’m having a hard time answering this and would appreciate some help with it. I grew up with an alcoholic step-father and I’m sure this influences my muddled answer.

    1. Efe says:

      Hi Erin
      I’m hoping I can add a comment about the first question- Why did Jesus turn water into wine?
      From a practical point, wedding ceremonies (ceremonies in general) in the ancient world were marked by feasts that included wine. Even the Passover meal was marked with wine, which for us the church is now our holy communion observance.
      Mary knew that the feast would come to an abrupt end if the wine ran out so in her mom voice, she tells Jesus: “Son the wine is out”.
      Jesus in his mercy meets the need of the hosts to have enough wine for the guests present.

      1. Efe says:

        Sorry Terry, I typed the wrong name.

    2. Beth L says:

      In the Bible wine is a generic word for both wine and grape juice before it is fermented. Grape juice was a common drink then, fresh or fermented. Many people say Christ used wine in the last supper, but every time drink is mentioned in the last supper it is always called fruit of the vine or the cup (Mat. 26:27, 29; Mark 14:23, 25; Luke 22:17, 18, 20; 1 Corinthians 11:25-28). Sometimes it becomes more specific in the Bible when it calls wine, strong drink. It is condemned in several pasages (Prov. 31:4-5; Judges 13:4; Prov. 23:29-35) Hope this helps you a little. Knowing background, customs and such of Bible times can make things much clearer.

    3. Monica says:


      This miracle also shows Christ’s power as Creator. Consider what all is involved in making good wine: temperature, climate, care, and time.

    4. Terri says:

      Thank you all so much for your replies.

    5. lisa says:

      our pastor taught on this recently and said that jesus had a specific timeline in mind as to when to ” go public” with his miracles which would point him out as the messiah. This was earlier than the original date, he says to her “why do you involve me? It is not yet my time” but again, out of compassion he steps in and performs the miracle. but he does so subtly through other people pouring the wine from the jug so that he could stay under the radar. hope that helps!

  14. Micah lee says:

    Reading this tonight a small part of the wedding miracle struck me. In the passage, the master of the house and the newlyweds do not know of the miracle. Instead, who are the front line witnesses? Oh yeah. The servants. They’re the ones who know that that was previously water in those jars. They’re the ones who got to participate in Jesus’s first miracle. Wow. What a way to kick off a ministry that would later included teachings about how the poor would be the ones to inherit the kingdom.

    1. Päivi says:

      Yes, wow!❤

  15. SGW says:

    I often joke that food is my love language. After reading this I feel as if it really is a way of love. We take the time to plan, prepare, and cook meals, sometimes for ourselves, our families, our loved ones, and our pets. This gives them a feeling and a connection to the effort you put into the realationship you have with them.

    (Sorry! I feel as if I am rambaling….) Anyways. This is a miracle that is so easily taken for granted by so many in this day in age. It is a simple task to go to the grocery store and get or replenish the foods you “need”. So many people do not have this luxury and recognize this miracle daily. It’s definitly something to remember and recognize when grocery shopping…

    1. Päivi says:

      Oh you’re not alone – food is TOTALLY a love language!❤

    2. She Reads Truth says:

      Love this! What a great view: “After reading this I feel as if it really is a way of love. We take the time to plan, prepare, and cook meals, sometimes for ourselves, our families, our loved ones, and our pets.” Thank you for sharing!

      – Stormye

  16. Paige Mills says:

    Love today’s readings and connections! Something so simple, food, used to teach and show us how much God cares for us and wants us satisfied in him. I thought of it as such…you feed a child, pet, friend, etc. and they are so thankful, grateful, and satisfied. It is something they always remember and take as such a nice gesture. We are HIS children and in turn God is feeding us, physically and spiritually, to ensure that we are satisfied; just as our children, pets, friends, etc. I must trust, surrender to, thank, and praise God in return for his wonderful gesture; just as our children, pets, friends, etc. would do when we fed them.

    Second thing that this study connects to, for me, is Matthew 25:35 and 40. “When I was hungry, you gave me food; thirsty, you gave me drink…whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do unto Me.” Even food and drink is mentioned when our judgement day comes. Again, such a simple gesture of feeding someone, portraying such an important message.

    “Food is just a tether..teaching us of our bigger, constant need for Him.”

    1. Christine Marie says:

      Great Paige! Also you don’t happen to live in Michigan do you?

  17. Kristi says:

    I am always awestruck and humbled whenever I think about the compassion of our God. Today as I was reflecting on these passages, I remembered two verses from the Isaiah study that I really loved:

    “‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the LORD, who has compassion on you.”
    – Isaiah 54:10

    “Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!”
    – Isaiah 30:18

    So thankful for His compassion. Praying that I would be able to show that same compassion towards others by focusing on meeting their needs instead of my own.

  18. churchmouse says:

    “We are not our own sustainers.” This can be hard to remember when I live in a first world country. The grocery shelves are always full. I can so easily take for granted what is so readily available. Shame on me! Forgive me, Lord.

  19. Veronica says:

    This devotion is so timely for me today. Our family has been going through some difficult circumstances, and our church set up a Meal Train for us. Last time people brought us meals, I had a brand new baby to show for it. This time, there is nothing to ‘show’ for their kindness. It has been a incredibly humbling experience- allowing people to take care of our immediate need for food even when there is nothing I can offer in return.

    “What if every meal were a parable teaching us Jesus is the bread of life?…”

    That was so freeing for me. Even now, through the kindness of others he is proving to my family that he cares about our TODAY and our physical needs, that he is the ultimate and true provider. He is, physically and spiritually the bread of life who provides even when it’s all out of our hands. Thankful today for His promises.

    1. Becca says:

      Beautiful reflection! Thank you for sharing!

  20. Deb says:

    I find it interesting that Jesus first tells his disciples to feed the crowd, knowing full well that they don’t have the capability to do so. I think that was another way of showing them that He is the ultimate provider and sustainer.

  21. Alecia says:

    Hunger is a perfect example of relying on Christ. How many times we’ve felt broken and lost when we are starving. And how restored we fill when we finally eat something. This is a great reminder of how much we need Jesus

  22. Keri McCue says:

    I love the practical message here. We so often think that we need “big signs” from Him. Today’s reflection reminds me that Christ shows up in the small things as well. And sometimes we are so focused on looking at the big things that we totally miss the small, seemingly insignificant moments where we can see Him most. This convicts me to be more intentional and to look for Him in every moment, every small thing in my day.


    1. Emily B. says:

      Yes! We know He’s always with us, and then we forget because nothing “big” is going on. Thank you for your reminder today!

  23. Beth says:

    This morning I was thinking about Elijah in the cave. He was exhausted, depressed and ready to give up. God woke him up and fed him. He knew that Elijah needed food and sleep before He could talk to him about his spiritual needs. God created us to need food. I never thought about that as being a tether to God, our sustainer. What a beautiful thought. I love that God is concerned about our physical needs as well as our spiritual ones. To God be the Glory!

    1. Kristi says:

      What a great connection! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)

    2. Beth L says:

      And maybe that is why to fast is to deprive ourselves of things we want and like as a sacrifice to Him. Fasting does not make us more holy or spiritual, but is a way of putting our wants and needs on hold to focus more on Him for a little while, tether us and draw us closer.

  24. Diane Huntsman says:

    I know we are wowed by the “Lazarus come forth” miracles but I like to see my running water and me full fridge as miracles.. it’s kinda crazy to think about how amazing His provision is.. so many miracles occur daily that I think we may miss.. but the reality that He continually provides for our daily needs is just beautiful.. I’m always pricked in the heart when I read how He was moved with compassion.. part of me wonders if we are becoming more desensitized the more we know, we are inundated through the media with the global tragedies.. we’re we meant to know all that we know? Can our brains even assimilate and can our hearts grieve all the calamities we are shown every single day? I don’t think we were wired to be able to carry all that.. in turn I feel like my compassion is a bit quenched and I don’t like that.. Lord for myself and any of my sisters who are seeing a loss of genuine heart felt compassion.. give us hearts like yours, moved to action because of real compassion.. we can’t meet the need of every suffering person, but we can reach out and touch those within our reach.. show us who need our compassion in action today I pray..

    1. Hannah says:

      Wow. What a thoughtful post. I agree with you that our human inventions (mass media via internet) sometimes take us far away from God’s heart. I can also think of times that the internet has raised awareness for issues like human trafficking etc. Just a few weeks ago our church sent 1500 teenagers to Mexico and they built 11 houses! So cool! But, I’m with you that the news can also make us feel paralyzed, frightened and discouraged about showing compassion to others.

      1. Diane Huntsman says:

        So true! Media does have its positive side!! Probably would have never know how nation widespread sex trafficking is without it! And that’s so awesome about the teens in Mexico!! So amazing!!

    2. Naomi says:

      Diane, I was discussing the very same thing with my family on Easter. So, so true!

  25. Ellie says:

    So challenging to think about, especially as I sit here inhaling a bagel. What a mind change: to think about our need for Him every time we try to meet our own needs, even when eating! He is the only one who can meet all my needs, always.

  26. Claire says:

    As a southern woman I certainly see how God has wired us to food. We use it for every occasion: birth, death, weddings, dinners with friends and family. I need to remember the miracles of Jesus with each meal or dish not just the thankfulness of provisions. He obviously tied them together for a reason.

  27. Michele says:

    This reading makes me think of the different responses to being fed. When the people see that Jesus has provided for their need to eat, they look to make Him king by force. Their need has been met, and they look for someone who can continually feed them.
    When Peter sees the miraculous catch of fish, he is led to repentance, and leaves everything behind to walk in Jesus’ footsteps. To follow His character.
    What an important reminder of how God’s provision should lead us to knowledge and faith in who He is, acknowledgement of our sin and His glory, and leading a life of following His footsteps.

    1. Kristi says:

      Yes! I love that! Thank you so much for sharing!

  28. Caroline says:

    Amen. It’s always about HIM!

    This , this right here is convicting —> What if every meal were a parable teaching us that Jesus is the Bread of Life (John 6:35), the True Bread from Heaven (John 6:32), the Grain of Wheat (John 12:24), and the Living Water (John 4:10-11).


  29. xo says:

    can anyone help me break down the third question in the study book? i’m having a hard time digging into this piece of scripture.

    1. Amber says:

      I had a hard time with this as well. My Study Bible explained it beautifully “The miracle showed His power over nature and revealed the way He would go about ministry- helping others, speaking with authority, and being in personal touch with people.”

    2. Lana says:

      I wrote it was because of his mother’s faith that he turned water into wine. “Do whatever he tells you…” such a Mom thing to say, but it’s also an example of perfect faith. She needed help and went straight to Jesus undoubtedly. As for why he was reluctant, I wrote that it was not part of God’s plan (my hour has not yet come…), but God still used it to glorify Him for the purpose of this retelling. Hope this helps!

    3. PeggyR says:

      I wrote: 1) to bless the wedding; Jesus is always so practical too. He never has this attitude that hey, I am above these…cuz I am all about the spiritual. 2) to reveal his glory and power of Nature; this is the beginning of his ministry; kind of “set the tone,” for more to come, 3) to perform this miracle so his disciples can believe in him(v.11) 4) to set limits with Mary, his mother, at the very beginning of his ministry. Jesus is obedient to the Father’s will/plan (my hour has not yet come), which is the big picture, and he kindly reminds his mother of that too. Moms sometimes want to meet the immediate needs, but forget the “big picture” is “may Your will be done.” Mary, being always the pondering sweet and obedient Mary, submits herself, again.

    4. Terri says:

      I also needed help with these questions. Thank you for these answers, it cleared things up for me. I appreciate it!

  30. sheila says:

    I am probably coming at this from the wrong main point so forgive me. I have never really figured out my ministry that God created me for. Today it struck me that I have maybe overlooked the ministry of feeding people well. I can’t say I love to cook but it is better than going out to eat in my opinion. I never know what is in that food. I figure it is something negative most of the time though because my diabetic son’s blood sugar goes crazy after restaurant food–even Carb free food. There is the verse a out our body being the Temple of God. I hear people say often they don’t have time or don’t like to cook or something else for reasons they don’t cook. So I may have allowed myself to miss the importance of healthy eating and cooking and blessing others in that way as a ministry that is important to God. Feed my sheep may include physical and spiritual food. He did provide us with some pretty healthy food for nourishing our bodies and there is a counterfeit option of food too. Satan loves to tempt us with a counterfeit version of life. But like I said this may not be the direction this lesson was going.

    1. Katie says:

      Thanks for this Sheila. God has recently put on my heart an interest in studying nutrition and health, and for someone like me who accepted the call to mission work many years ago, I’m struggling to reconcile what many see as a ‘secular’ or ‘alternative’ interest with something I can do for God’s glory. Your words helped me see that yes, Jesus did place value and importance on the nourishing of our physical bodies, and this in turn can lead to true nourishment – of our souls!

    2. Amy C says:

      Yes! I think sometimes the holiest thing we can do is to bring a meal to someone who needs it.

    3. Naomi says:

      I agree! 1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. I believe that we should nourish our bodies to the best of our abilities for spiritual reasons as well as physical. In my experience it’s harder to serve when your health is compromised.

    4. PeggyR says:

      “feeding people well” your said, is such a beautiful thing to do. I take great pleasure in the kitchen preparing food for my family and feel the most energized doing that. I am so glad for you, Sheila, that today’s reading led you to discover this “calling” God has for you. The smallest things we do, to the least of our brothers and sisters…(besides, who says feeding people well is small matter! this is a lost art for our generation) Jesus says, is love for Him.

    5. Erin Davis says:


      It may be a good thing there is a screen between us, because I’d like to grab you by the shoulders and shake you I’m so excited by what you wrote. (A happy, excited shake!). I have a message that’s been simmering in my heart for years about the ministry of pancakes. . . or veggies, or spaghetti. It doesn’t matter what’s on the plate. What matters is that Jesus modeled for us ministering to others with food. I love when He served His disciples breakfast after the resurrection (John 21). What a profound and tender moment. I think the ministry of food is under promoted in the Church. What if hot cinnamon rolls are just what someone needs to find hope for the day? What if we care for the fatherless and the widow by inviting them to eat dinner with us. The possibilities are endless. So, friend…start whipping up some ministry. Maybe call your church office and see who needs some TLC this week, or make a meal for some unchurched neighbors nearby. I am going to take a moment to ask the Lord to give you a clear vision and many opportunities to build His Kingdom with the gift of food.

      Rooting for You!

      Erin Davis

    6. Beth L says:

      Compassion motivated Jesus to feed the crowds. He satisfied their physical hunger so they could see that He alone is capable of satisfying their spiritual hunger. Yes, feeding is a ministry. Showing God’s love through preparing good food for someone can be an encouragement or even a door to that hard heart (neighbor, friend, family) to soften them with our outpouring of love through meals, so that they will then listen to our Gospel. And see our Gospel of love through unselfishly sharing good food and the time it took to prepare it. Sitting around a table and sharing food promotes fellowship and relationship, especially with our family, something that is quickly being lost in the average American family.

  31. What struck me in today’s reading was the first miracle that was performed shortly after John the Baptist’s beheading. Jesus was grieving still, yet He had compassion on the multitude. Jesus showed up even in His darkest hours. As painful as it must have been, His eyes were not turned inwards but instead outwards. How many times do we turn away others needs and deny love and compassion because we are in a dark valley? The beauty isn’t in our suffering, it’s in our turning outwards and allowing our grief to be a bridge that leads us to others despite our suffering. The true beauty happens when we choose to give life despite the valley of despair and death we may walk through.

    1. funkybodunky says:

      Yes, indeed! A beautiful reminder to keep our face turned out, instead of easily turning it in on ourselves.

      1. Heathe says:

        Wow! So needed to read that this morning. So many times I walk around thinking life is too tough, I think more about myself and the struggles I’m dealing with. When we look at Christ we see that he has compassion and gave no matter what. Lord, thank you for showing me that it’s not about me, it’s not about my current problems, help me to focus on showing your love to others even in my darkest moments. Let me shine your light on others!

    2. Kat says:

      Today’s reading struck me, there was so much in this my heart needed. Not only the SRT teaching today, but your words opened up something in me and were just what I needed to hear, as I’ve had 3 big surgeries in the past 6 weeks and am facing 2 more in the next few months. I’ve felt so deeply down and closed off this past week and I prayed that God would help me with this, help open my eyes, my heart, my soul. I’ve been pushing people away, sulking in my pain and suffering and that is so far from who I am, it’s even shocking me. “My Morning Song”, your words were inspired and were exactly what I needed! Thank you for this Spirit inspired comment. I added your words to my notes! *Hugs!

      1. She Reads Truth says:

        Praying for you in this time, Kat. Thank you for stopping by this morning!

        – Stormye

    3. PeggyR says:


  32. Amy C says:

    Jesus’s miracles around food is one of the parts of the Bible that my kids struggle with the most. Before we adopted them, they starved for years, living in shelters in towns near us. They were surrounded by riches but were so impoverished. They wanted food so badly but it rarely came. They have such a hard time believing in Jesus because he says he will provide for all our needs, but yet they were left hungry and with no help for so long. It breaks my heart, and leaves me wishing I had an explanation. They are so happy to be with us now and joyful that they have all their needs provided for, but their past haunts them. I just keep praying that Jesus will comfort them and bring them peace, and will ease their troubled hearts.

    1. Heather says:

      I’m so sorry. I’m praying for wisdom for you in this. It is a struggle for me to understand poverty in light of Jesus teachings as well. I recently read the Story of God commentary on the Sermon on the Mount and found it helpful– the author looked at Jesus saying God would meet all of the peoples’ need and explained that this was a crowd of his followers in normal economic situations and Jesus was calling them to let go of anxiety. They were not living in an extreme situation like poverty and they weren’t children with out resources. The author emphasized that this promise from Jesus wasn’t a blanket statement but a specific instruction to a specific group of people at a specific time. Not sure if that helps you. I’ve also been listening to NT Wright and he talks about Jesus bring the kingdom to earth and how as Christians we should join in with him, working to eliminate poverty and food scarcity in our own communities. This is our way of participating in God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven.
      I’m still sorting through all of this into mind but I found it helpful, maybe you will too.

      1. Amy C says:

        I love all those thoughts. I have been thinking a lot about NT Wright, too, and one of my prayers for my girls is that out of their experience, they might be compelled to work for others who are going through what they went through, and thereby find meaning and a “working together for good”.

    2. Erin says:

      Praying for your sweet ones, Amy.

    3. Emily B. says:

      Wow. That has to be so hard for your mama’s heart. I pray you can find the words to say to comfort your kiddos and point out how much Jesus loves them.

      1. Amy C says:

        Thank you! It can be so hard to find the words in the moments when the kids ask such hard questions. Sometimes I feel like the right thing to do is just to weep with them. Other times I want to guide them, but these questions are so…existential. It makes my heart hurt that children have to ask questions like that at all.

    4. Emily says:

      You touched on it a little bit, but I would remind your girls of 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. Sometimes we go through trials and afflictions for the sole purpose of helping others who are suffering in the same way. Jesus came to Earth as fully God and fully man to be tested and tried and suffer, as we would suffer, so as to comfort us in our troubles. Your girls have been through something that few people reading this can understand, but their unique experience is a daily trial for many in impoverished countries. They have a story to tell and the ability to comfort those (in a way most of us never could) who are living the life that they once lived. I would encourage them to use their testimony to reach others who find themselves in the same circumstances. Hope this helps☺️

    5. Rebecca says:

      Perhaps you can help them come to peace with the question, rather than trying to give them the answer. What I mean is, perhaps they can put this on a list of questions that they would like to ask Jesus when they are someday sitting at his feet, being taught by him. For now, maybe you can simply tell them “I don’t know the answer, so for today, let’s pray that God will someday show us why. And let’s also thank God for bringing us together. I love you so very much.” May He grant you his peace.

    6. She Reads Truth says:

      Praying for your sweet little one and for you, Amy. Asking the Lord to give you the words to say and to open their minds to His ways, even when they seem incomprehensible to us. So grateful for you and thankful that the Lord has placed you as mama in their lives to love and minister to them well.

      – Stormye

  33. Caitie says:

    I love the idea that maybe we are built to need food as a reminder that we always need him. Although the huge miracles we read about today are so amazing, I am also led to think about the daily miracles of plants popping up each spring that will feed and sustain us. I love reading about superfoods and whole food being better than processed food. It’s because God created that food specifically for our human bodies! How awesome! It can’t get better than that. I eat my fair share of processed foods, and I don’t think that will really ever change completely. But I would love to eat all natural, not just for health benefits, but as a reminder that I should be wholly reliant on what he gives me, rather than the convenient filler that the world provides. Thank you, Lord, for meeting out physical and spiritual needs!

    1. Ann says:

      Love this thought!

    2. Allison Mooibroek says:

      “But I would love to eat all natural, not just for health benefits, but as a reminder that I should be wholly reliant on what he gives me, rather than the convenient filler that the world provides. ” Thanks for a great reminder, Caitie! I love that.

    3. Lana says:

      Convenient filler. That phrase just blessed my life in a mega way. Thanks Caitie. Convenient fillers can be people too.

    4. Valerie says:

      Wonderfully put! My husband and I are constantly thanking Jesus for our meals and asking him to sustain us to promote his glory!

      How funny you say a convenient filler; this is exactly what fast food, bagged food and boxed food is!

    5. Kay says:

      Caitie, thank you so much for this! What a beautiful way of phrasing this, that all we need to sustain us has already been provided by God. You have blessed me this morning with your words.

  34. Tasha says:

    I love that I am learning more about Jesus’ character. He is loving, kind and compassionate. One thing that has stuck with me after going through Isaiah and the readings during Holy Week is the verse right after Judas betrays Jesus with the kiss. He asked Judas “Friend, why have you come?” Knowing what is about to happen to Him, and the fact that Judas just betrayed Him, He still calls him friend.
    I would have been so angry. I would have been screaming at him if that had happened to me. But Jesus, out of love for us, willingly accepted everything that happened to Him. It just blows my mind. He is amazing.

    1. Dana says:


    2. Cynthia says:

      Me,too! That was the biggest take away for me this Easter! Jesus loved Judas to the very end! Judas rejected Christ’s forgiveness but, Jesus still offered and died for him. We are to love like Jesus and let the Holy Spirit convict us in our sin. May God bless us to live as loved and share His love with others!